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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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You kiddin'? TOR is much better than FFXIV, you're looking for new MMOs in the wrong direction.

Right now, since you have NOTHING to progress towards, why wouldnt ANY other game be better?


Im not the typical qq'er, i usually defend bw from the random biaised qq, but what the hell are we supposed to be aiming for right now? The most i can get from this is try to win the whos got more friends award after every wz (aka mvp)

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Ah, so following that logic, then the political polls they take for any sort of election are meaningless right?


How I see it, yes you are correct, only a minority of the player base actually post on the boards (although a greater amount are lurkers). However, I'd imagine that the sentiments espoused here are somewhat reflective of the general population at large, +/- a hefty margin of error, but "good enough" imo.


not really. as an older gent, and one that has been waiting to be luke skywalker since i saw the movie in 1977, i could care less about the pvp problems. lol. and i am most assuredly not alone

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I support BW in this decision. I wasn't keen on rateds without cross-server queues anyway. At the very least, that gets delayed while they continue to work on things.



Like you have a choice to support or not support their decision... Obviously the player base has no say in whats important and what isn't.



These issues were raised during the Beta test... Not ness the Rated PvP; but the 8man queing options were.




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i'd like to know how many of ya'll are gonna NerdRage/Quit

That way the rest of us can be ready for a good laugh



I just wonder what you think you'll be laughing at? I mean seriously the reason I am unsubscribing is four fold.


1. They never completely addressed FPS Issues in WZ and Fleet. (wifes comp has horrid fps still even after all our fixes)


2. I have 2 level 50's that have nothing to do really since there are only 3 WZ's 4 with 1.2 to play, and I don't care to raid 4 nights a week. I prefer pvp. So with no open world pvp and no reward for playing repetitive WZ's while not being able to que with friends, why stay?


3. The game has a nice storyline, but after you have gone through it the uniqueness is gone for 90% of the pve experience. Only class lines are different stories. In essence this is a single player game beat it and be done.


4. Most importantly BioWare/EA has repeatedly misrepresented their product from the box recommended computer requirements, to patches/fixes/content adds and so forth that this is really the FINAL STRAW for me. As I read the posts here it appears I am not alone in this thought process.


So while you are laughing at people that are unsubscribing, remember this. Most servers I have been on and I only go to the decently populated pvp servers have less then 75 people on either side of fleet. Each planet is lucky to have 10 people on it during normal US play hours. All of those numbers come from none total dead servers IE Shaodowtown, to name one and you think the game will be fun when you lose more Subs?


You think it is something to laugh at? I really was hoping they would fix the stuff in the game. My wife stopped playing a couple of months ago, I have been trying to get her re interested in game, but now this just put the nail in the coffin.


I don't know how many more people are out there like this, but I am thinking Shadow Town server may have to be renamed Ghost Town after this debacle..


I have 27 more days on sub maybe something can change my mind, but I am highly doubtful.

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See the thing is that I think the actual code for the Rated Warzones is still in the patch. If you read the first few comments by him he states that we wont be able to queue for the rated warzones, but no where does he mention that that part of the code was pulled.


Me thinks the code is already on the server, they just toggled off the ability to queue for a rated WZ.


Yes, they just removed the ability to use the system, they didn't remove it. The likely scenario is that the PvP team has been working 24/7 for a long time now and they wanted to give the team until the very last minute to see if they could release it even half-assed, they couldn't. The best way would have been to give a heads up a few days ago that it might not make it but, what's done is done. Regardless, no one did this to "grab your moneis" or to spite you. Everyone did their very best, and failed, it happens.


The point that annoys me is the crucifying. If the new operation was delayed, I honestly would just shrug and focus on something else instead of spewing vitriol at the devs. Do they deserve it? Debatable. Does it accomplish anything? No, nothing besides helping you vent. I assure you, everyone at BW feels like **** for letting people down like this but, if it makes you feel better, it's your choice.

Edited by Jandi
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Oh and btw... how about those millions invested in voice acting? I could have lived with a "sorry its not gonna be launched". Content is what matters. The game could be 2 dimensional and be successful with content.
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Unfortunately, this is the case. You will be able to queue in an eight-man team when Ranked Warzones are implemented.


Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.


I actually laughed out loud at that statement. The entire game was rushed to launch and just recently got to where it should've been at launch. The amount of bugs that the community put up with especially with end game content. The RNG pvp gear grinding. The endless EV bugs the plagued every operation group that had the determination to even try it. The bugs on release are endless and NOW you decide to have some respect for the quality of your product!?!?!?! Disgusting

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I just don't understand what Bioware and EA were thinking. All this talk is correct, you obviously knew that ranked warzones would not be implemented today, strung a lot of your hardcore subbers along, and also brought back a few that have been waiting in anticipation. So, that said, those people who have continued to wait and be sub'd are now going to likely unsub, and those who re-subbed to check out 1.2 and ranked pvp are now going to probably leave for good. What's worse is the total lack of respect you've shown for your players, you guys need us to continue to make your money, and while not all will quit playing, a fairly high percentage will.


So congradulations on poor business management and losing out on several sources of revenue with all the subs you're going to lose.


-- Morrigu

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Like you have a choice to support or not support their decision... Obviously the player base has no say in whats important and what isn't.



These issues were raised during the Beta test... Not ness the Rated PvP; but the 8man queing options were.





Wow. May I recommend Meriam-Webster to discern what support means.


While you're there: check out *necessarily* & *queuing*.

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you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?


196 pages of pissed off seems more than a dozen. You're also assuming that only forum posters are angry, and everybody else is perfectly fine with this. I think you're confusing yourself with the majority. Go start a convo in general chat and see how many happy people are chatting it up. Then be humbled.

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can't roll it out when people were using hacks on PTS in WZ "PEOPLE".


I say Bravo, get these hackers under control so they don't RUIN ranked wz's for us all. Also i want to thank those Imps that played over the weekend using their Hacks to show that this wasn't ready for launch :rolleyes: . Thank you.


Warping was still there and some people were perma immune to stuns/ cc. Saw the recording of it that my friend made this weekend. Now he is not known for being a editing genius so i would have to say that the video he showed me was real.

Edited by Diewoe
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I just wonder what you think you'll be laughing at? I mean seriously the reason I am unsubscribing is four fold.


1. They never completely addressed FPS Issues in WZ and Fleet. (wifes comp has horrid fps still even after all our fixes)


2. I have 2 level 50's that have nothing to do really since there are only 3 WZ's 4 with 1.2 to play, and I don't care to raid 4 nights a week. I prefer pvp. So with no open world pvp and no reward for playing repetitive WZ's while not being able to que with friends, why stay?


3. The game has a nice storyline, but after you have gone through it the uniqueness is gone for 90% of the pve experience. Only class lines are different stories. In essence this is a single player game beat it and be done.


4. Most importantly BioWare/EA has repeatedly misrepresented their product from the box recommended computer requirements, to patches/fixes/content adds and so forth that this is really the FINAL STRAW for me. As I read the posts here it appears I am not alone in this thought process.


So while you are laughing at people that are unsubscribing, remember this. Most servers I have been on and I only go to the decently populated pvp servers have less then 75 people on either side of fleet. Each planet is lucky to have 10 people on it during normal US play hours. All of those numbers come from none total dead servers IE Shaodowtown, to name one and you think the game will be fun when you lose more Subs?


You think it is something to laugh at? I really was hoping they would fix the stuff in the game. My wife stopped playing a couple of months ago, I have been trying to get her re interested in game, but now this just put the nail in the coffin.


I don't know how many more people are out there like this, but I am thinking Shadow Town server may have to be renamed Ghost Town after this debacle..


I have 27 more days on sub maybe something can change my mind, but I am highly doubtful.


Yeah numbers 2 and 3 pretty much say it for me.... The most people I've ever seen on my fleet is 25.. I just wanted to have something to do besides raid 2-3 days a week for only a few hours... valor rank 76 and all I need is the Rakata gear and there will be absolutely nothing for me to do... I play on Thendys Noori...More people will be quitting after this and my server will seriously empty..

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196 pages of pissed off seems more than a dozen. You're also assuming that only forum posters are angry, and everybody else is perfectly fine with this. I think you're confusing yourself with the majority. Go start a convo in general chat and see how many happy people are chatting it up. Then be humbled.


Those 196 pages are mainly the same people, there is a command or something to show who has posted the most and how many have posted but i cant remember it.


PS good luck on logging in to be humbled, the servers have been offline for an hour.

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can't roll it out when people were using hacks on PTS in WZ "PEOPLE".


I say Bravo, get these hackers under control so they don't RUIN ranked wz's for us all. Also i want to thank those Imps that played over the weekend using their Hacks to show that this wasn't ready for launch :rolleyes: . Thank you.


What hacks are these ?

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Right now, since you have NOTHING to progress towards, why wouldnt ANY other game be better?


Im not the typical qq'er, i usually defend bw from the random biaised qq, but what the hell are we supposed to be aiming for right now? The most i can get from this is try to win the whos got more friends award after every wz (aka mvp)


But isn't FF14 in the same state as TOR? I haven't heard ANYTHING from it.

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However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch.


Says the company that released a game with bugs that existed in beta and bugs that STILL exist from beta AND launch and even made some of them worse(Soa anyone!?) Give me a break. Just give us the damn rated warzones so we can at least have 8 people to queue with. At this point no one gives a damn about the actual rating since it will be "lol preseason."

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196 pages of pissed off seems more than a dozen. You're also assuming that only forum posters are angry, and everybody else is perfectly fine with this. I think you're confusing yourself with the majority. Go start a convo in general chat and see how many happy people are chatting it up. Then be humbled.



LMAO Exactly, but forget the 196 pages of hate posts here, my wife went back to WoW a week ago to have something to do and she was in town and saw a ridiculous amount of gen chat there bashing SWTOR's patch, so while fanboi's support this game people are unsubscribing and going back to WoW.(shudder the thought) I can't do that but I can and have pre ordered GW2 their WvWvW pvp looks sweet. This catastrophe is spreading and servers are down now so no one is playing.. more will be reading tonight.

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