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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Hey BW...


Can you see all this feedback your getting?


Yeah, you guys are doing great.


Only the mods are seeing it, before hitting the delete button. :p


(please don't delete! IT'S RELEVANT! FOR REALS!)

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So... apparently not enough people logged on test to provide good numbers (in the end) for ranked warzones


I'm not surprised at that, the guild I am in was tardy in putting application for the PvE content, and while I have a level 26 left over from beta (was surprised to find it there) I have no desire to do warzones on a 26 operative when my main is a 50 operative.


Even now if I were copied over, because 1.2 is out, I don't know how much time I would be able to put in... (but feel free to do :D )




I might also suggest maybe figuring out how to have test server up while regular servers are undergoing maintenance/patching. I expect you would have to put a cap on population, but you'd get a lot of action on it, as opposed to now.

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I understand if it isn't working and has to be delayed. I would rather it work properly BUT it's still EVERY SINGLE BIT Bioware's fault and extremely lacking of what is supposed to be a very good gaming company.


What did they think was going to happen when they have such small numbers of testers to test it? They should have allowed anyone that wanted to copy characters to test center. I know I would have tested it.


Also the declining player population needs to be addressed and I can see how this would have an effect on 2 separate wz Q's with less populated servers. Again though this is something that a major company should have been smart enough to anticipate better and have a plan of action in case of.


I mean you all are working on stuff right? Yes I will be unsubbing to show how I am not satisfied with the way they are handling situations.

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Why don't you just admit that you fail at pvp. It's ok though you have story!!!


You really disappoint. You guys are all hype man seriously. How do you even launch a game with out even being able to group with 8 people and now you hype us about a actually being able to compete with some meaning rather than just grind your ridiculous commendation system.


And what about Ilum?


Oh wait.... Player vs container


FUN stuff bioware fun stuff

Edited by Sinphonic
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For a lot of us, it wasn't about the rating... it was being able to queue up as a guild with 8-man teams and actually being able to play pvp with our guildmates.


And i think that is exactly what the problem is, rating everyone individualy in an 8 man pvp pre made and trying to match against another 8 man or mixed.

Edited by Shingara
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My between-the-lines read (probably mostly wrong but not entirely):


The only way to make ranked warzones work on most servers would be to implement cross server queues.


To implement cross server queues they need hardware that they don't have.


The need for cross-server wzs (and instances) is obvious considering the population of most servers. I'm not sure how BW can think otherwise at this point; they can barely keep two brackets popping during prime/night-time and I seriously doubt that there's enough players to keep any particular (non-fotm) flashpoint popping or possibly even occupied.

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Has anyone considered that maybe the rwz team was working up unitl the annoucement today trying to get the content into a releaseable state, and put off the final decision until the last minute?


Honestly that's not how major companies are operated. They knew this was highly probable if not 100% way before today. I promise you.

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This was the only reason many of us still had hope to play. Many of us dont care about all the other changes. You could have gotten rid of the legacy system if you ask me. This was the reason SWTOR had a chance to get people back......its so sad as I want this game to survive but Im having SWG night mares already.......
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No you will not be alble to queue 8 mans. And that is how it should be unless you get cross server pvp. 8 mans rolling the same pugs over and over is only fun for half the people.


And dealing with 4 idiotic pugs is fun too I heard.

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The way people are talking about it you would think that they had deleted force users and made them play gungans and ewoks.


Well the promise of ranked WZs with 1.2 kept people in the game for a good 2 months +


Ranked WZs were a huge deal for PvPers and I think its ok to blow off some steam / express our dissapointment


We were really looking forward to them with 1.2


I actually think it is important to let BW know how we feel about the way they handled the situation.

Edited by vulup
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Has anyone considered that maybe the rwz team was working up unitl the annoucement today trying to get the content into a releaseable state, and put off the final decision until the last minute?


That would imply that it was not confirmed to be in a releasable state, in which case they should never have indicated it would make it in to begin with.

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It's amazing how many of you guys all of a sudden become expert prorammers, project managers, staticians. Quite amazing. "HURR DURR NO RATED WZ IN 1.2, DATS IT UNSUBBED". Children, children, calm down and be patient. It will be here soon enough.


You forgot the lawyers who are gonna sue BW, on monday.

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It's amazing how many of you guys all of a sudden become expert prorammers, project managers, staticians. Quite amazing. "HURR DURR NO RATED WZ IN 1.2, DATS IT UNSUBBED". Children, children, calm down and be patient. It will be here soon enough.


Its amazing how many Bioware emplyees arent expert programmers, project managers and staticians. Other wise Ranked Warzones would be here with 1.2.

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Also the declining player population needs to be addressed and I can see how this would have an effect on 2 separate wz Q's with less populated servers.


What if this is the reason they had to pull it? If it is this is a terrible sign. This would me the game is folding.

Edited by BCBull
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inb4 rage.


I'm glad it's getting more time. As it was it didn't really encourage group play. Was just a second way to Q which was breaking up the pvp population.


That's very very false, there where a few rage posts in before you got yours. The first post was a rage post in my opinion, plus a couple more down the line including a wordy one that said "unsubbed" wow that one took me hours to read, and another that claimed Bioware is failing.


Personally I think they made the right call in not releasing Ranked Warzones in an unfinished state. It would have reeked of SOE style releases and we Star Wars fans have had too many of those. However I further think that they should have pushed the patch back to Tuesday and worked to try and fix it, making the call by Sunday as to if it would be in or not. This would have given us all the rest of the week to finish off BM rank if we didn't already have it and turn in or weeklies.


Now some people are going to be stuck holding bags that might not work anymore and we don't even know what the state of our weeklies will be after we log in to 1.2.

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My between-the-lines read (probably mostly wrong but not entirely):


The only way to make ranked warzones work on most servers would be to implement cross server queues.


To implement cross server queues they need hardware that they don't have.


The need for cross-server wzs (and instances) is obvious considering the population of most servers. I'm not sure how BW can think otherwise at this point; they can barely keep two brackets popping during prime/night-time and I seriously doubt that there's enough players to keep any particular (non-fotm) flashpoint popping or possibly even occupied.


I agree with this. Having rated WZ is like having the cart before the horse...

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Maybe they confused April 11 and thought it was April 1st still and decided to do another April fools lol...


Seriously, this is pathetic BW. Again I'd like to state that rated warzones was the only thing I was looking forward to in 1.2. Thanks for advertising and pushing this content and then taking it away. Why did you even announce 1.2 this week if all the features advertised wouldn't even make it in? I'd gladly wait another few weeks for 1.2. But no, you want to push yet another update before its ready and screw over part of your fan base.

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Extremely disappointing. Let's be honest, ranked PvP should have been a feature since launch. There isn't even a proper group sign-up procedure at present - why should a party have to cancel their autoqueue and reform before signing up for WZs - daft, daft, daft schoolboy error.


Time for some joined-up thinking from Bioware.


However, with the massive fail of open PvP and with now still only 3 random WZs to chose from (I do not count ball games as a war zone thanks very much) with a maximum of 4 in a team, serious balance issues, the stupidity of allowing chain CCing without decent dispels and no inter-server warzones (even Rift had those!), this news may just be the final straw for some PvPers.


On my server there is only one decent PvP guild on Republic side - and this on a PvP server. I can see a lot of my guildies going back to other games after this.


As someone who is absolutely not interested in PvE, I'm certainly considering it - it is only the Star Wars theme that has kept me here this long!

Edited by rediconoclast
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