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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I said "In this case". This is not, in fact, false advertizement nor bait and switching. "This" being them pulling out the RWZ. I'm not responsible for your reading comprehension.


Everything is subject to change, including your ability to play the game at all. You acknowledge that when you hit the "I have read and understood the EULA and ToS". The company explicitly declares that every single thing about the product is subject to change at their leisure, which you agree to.


All of this depends if a court would take the inclusion of RWZ in the 1.2 trailer, and on this website as advertisement or not.


Remember no matter what they put in an EULA, they don't get to break the law.

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It seems like an enormous waste of your time to be on these forums, my friend. If you're truly playing those games and having a ball, why would you spend a second of free time grousing to BW?


I already answered that question. Stop reaching for the "waste of your time argument". You already tried once with the first post, stop stabbing at it.


Whether you reply to my comments or I reply to yours does not make my posts any more or less a waste of time than yours. I could easily turn around and ask why you bother commenting or replying to me if you are content and happy with the way things are.


But I won't because it is a ridiculous straw man argument. Stay on topic and don't worry about what I do in my free time and I won't worry about what you do with yours.

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You wouldn't tell a WoW player to roll 3 of the same class and spec them differently as a way to "see all the content" and that's why it doesn't fly here


At least WoW lets you pick what zone you want to level in, SWTOR is linear 100%, Empire ALWAYS goes home planet->Drummand Kaas->Balmorra->Nar Shadda and so on

It's a joke


Well, considering Repubs have their own faction specific planet and faction specific zones/storylines on every other planet, I'd say you're missing out on quite a lot of content by only playing Imperial. And vicey-versey.

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Pretty sure D3 announced they cut PVP and will launch without it.

Well, Diablo isn't really a game you would expect pvp to be included in the first place. MMORPGs it's expected nowadays to have some sort of competitive pvp system.

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I already answered that question. Stop reaching for the "waste of your time argument". You already tried once with the first post, stop stabbing at it.


Whether you reply to my comments or I reply to yours does not make my posts any more or less a waste of time than yours. I could easily turn around and ask why you bother commenting or replying to me if you are content and happy with the way things are.


But I won't because it is a ridiculous straw man argument. Stay on topic and don't worry about what I do in my free time and I won't worry about what you do with yours.


It's not really a straw man. I'm using your behavior to underline my belief that you aren't really quitting the game. Which is what I believe for a large percentage of the QQers in this thread.

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I always have a laugh when the posts related to lawsuits and the commerce laws come into play when a video game company delays a feature. It is like a right of passage for an MMO company and their community. Happy Armchair Lawyer Day Bioware!!
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All of this depends if a court would take the inclusion of RWZ in the 1.2 trailer, and on this website as advertisement or not.


Remember no matter what they put in an EULA, they don't get to break the law.




Ignoring the fact you're talking about suing a game company for not releasing something off a Test Server for their game when you want it, Lets discuss the fact you think you're entitled to everything that's put on the PTS period..


Cause you're not..


You're not even entitled to them actually patching the game. All the monthly fee in an MMO is nothing more then payment for your storing your characters on their server. They can refuse business with you at anytime and say f*ck off and there isn't squat you can do about it.

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I always have a laugh when the posts related to lawsuits and the commerce laws come into play when a video game company delays a feature. It is like a right of passage for an MMO company and their community. Happy Armchair Lawyer Day Bioware!!


It's the best part of these kinds of threads!

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All of this depends if a court would take the inclusion of RWZ in the 1.2 trailer, and on this website as advertisement or not.


Remember no matter what they put in an EULA, they don't get to break the law.


Yeah because there was a huge media-circus and Blizzard had to pay millions in settlements about dance studies in WoTLK and Path of the Titans feature, right?

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wow i hope all you QQers dont get this pissy when your kids dont do a good job at a spelling bee or some kind of event that would make you proud of them. I think it was good for BW to spot the problem let us know and make the decision to wait and fix it. But really wow quit the game LOL ok hey its your money you do what you want.
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I resubbed yesterday for 1.2.... And now you just remove basically why I resubbed? Honestly like you coulda at least told us earlier in the week. I don't mind it getting pushed back to be fixed but like I didn't need to pay 15.00$ if you were just gonna push it back... Honestly this is kind of ****ed. Talk about money hoarding. No wonder EA was voted the worst American company this year.


Seriously I hope this makes you guys feel great about yourself. http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-electronic-arts-worst-company-consumerist-20120404,0,6290021.story

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True, but your evidence is also anecdotal.


Also, the fact that they are failing to improve their closed pvp system by implementing Rateds docks against that half of the system. So like I said -- less than half decent :cool:


Yes it is anecdotal. That is my point. That is why we differ on the health of PVP in SWTOR.

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Generally speaking, hospitals have existed for a long time and are somewhat uniform in operations. You can anticipate problems. BW couldn't have anticipated what would happen with TOR post launch because you're putting life into a closed system. You're generating a culture from scratch which is difficult to project for, especially when they marketed so heavily toward non-MMO gamers.


Fair point, but this isn't some nuance that they didn't expect because of a lack of information prior to launch. This is a major feature (proven by the amount of people "raging" these threads) that has failed to live up to expectations hours before launch. I am not willing to just say "it is what it is." Is that really what you get for $200 mil these days?

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