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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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i think you missed a paragraph explaining what is wrong and what is to be done to the game.


...for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time people took to file bugs and voice their concerns.




After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for...

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you forgot to mention how you would actually respond to no legacy just a silly comment about brats......... your power company says yes you will have electricity this winter then in winter you have none.....same basic premise what you SAY and ADVERTISE should be accountable


No, I think I answered you completely, but if you need me to enunciate it for you:


I would feel just the same as I do now if legacy had been delayed at the last moment.


...and yes, comparing ranking in warzones to having your family freeze to death in the winter is exactly the same.



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Well, for current PVP system ranking - it's sad.

I am playing this game for it's story creations which they did perfectly.

PvP - well in my opinion you should reach level 45+ then start PvPing and pissing players off.

So the ranked warzones - I don't really care.

If you live for PvP only - go play your loved WoW which is already a dead game, only wankers left there.


I like SWTOR because they made a good MMO which focuses on raids and story gameplay, which no other MMO ever did.


I know that one day I'll be caring for PVP - but that day to come.


Learn one thing fellas - patience is the key. In everything that you do in your life.

So, give them a god damn chance to polish the feature and bring it fully operational.


I wouldn't enjoy a feature which has bugs which can be abused in personal gain.

I believe they have found a serious bug , which made them to cut it out of the 1.2 patch.


If you don't enjoy the game why do you play it?

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Ok. So you dropped the ball here. Not by releasing content that would have been faulty and bugged, but by choosing NOT to inform us about the progress of the patch, and then springing the news at the last possible moment. That's not up to debate, but a FACT. You can see that clearly in the way people are reacting.


So what can be done to prevent that in the future?


A couple of my guildies and me we discussing this, and we came up with this:


How about you make a public check list for you next patches?

When you release a statement to us that "This is what we plan for patch 1.x", you the keep us up to date with the progress. Good AND bad (or lets call it "not as expected")


It could be something like this: (all made up contents!!!)


Patch 1.dreamstuff




Ranked WZ cross server: Ready for implementation

Ninja Ewok companion: Still in development.




Dantooine planet:

Quest lines: Ready for implementation.

Worldboss: Issues with loot drop. Likely to be moved to later release.

Daily missions: Still in development, but on track.


Space missions


PvP free flight warzone: Ready for implementation.


Something along the line with that, so that we as a community will be able to see what is coming and ready, and what MIGHT be causing issues.

It will make it easier for us to understand and accept when you have to cancel a promised, and MUCH anticipated content, rather than having you drop a bomb on us literally at the last moment.

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Why are you here then? Just asking, why not just go? Go back to WoW? If you won't please tell me why? If you stay, Please tell me why? The only thing I see from your comment is that you do not like this game and would rather play wow, so why waste more time on the SWTOR forums?... Unless you do not like pandas, then I can understand you staying here.


Because I play with friends. We, like everybody else, grow bored sometimes. We will try a different product to see if we like it and fits our needs. SWTOR received much hype, with a strong franchise name backing it. Nearly all of us started off patiently waiting and hoping that the game would take off. Unfortunately, poor decisions upon poor decision made by EA has slowly turned everyone away.


Instead of choosing to fix Ilum, they basically completely negate it. Strike 1.

Instead of addressing graphics problems experienced by some, they blamed the users. Strike 2.

Instead of having a plan about server populations, they open MORE servers, then tell us to reroll. Strike 3.

With years/months of time to develop Rated Warzones, they hype it up and tell everyone how awesome it will be, only to pull it out from under them hours before the patch. That is the final strike.


If your default attitude is to tell people who were once hopeful about this game to just up and leave, you're not going to be playing an MMO for very much longer. Populations will continue to dwindle, and this is not good for anybody playing.


We use the forums to voice our concerns and address the problems.

You sit in the corner praying and swinging your lightsaber, just hoping that BioWare and EA will change their business and gaming philosophy. Have fun paying 7 years of subscription costs waiting for BioWare to catch up.

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lol bioware should have been working on server mergers cuz with this theres gonna be even more dead servers
NOW this is something i am sure everyone can agree with!!! IF I ever quit it will be because the populations suck on all planets except fleet, and even fleet is like a ghost ttown most of the time ;/ :(
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Because I play with friends. We, like everybody else, grow bored sometimes. We will try a different product to see if we like it and fits our needs. SWTOR received much hype, with a strong franchise name backing it. Nearly all of us started off patiently waiting and hoping that the game would take off. Unfortunately, poor decisions upon poor decision made by EA has slowly turned everyone away.


Instead of choosing to fix Ilum, they basically completely negate it. Strike 1.

Instead of addressing graphics problems experienced by some, they blamed the users. Strike 2.

Instead of having a plan about server populations, they open MORE servers, then tell us to reroll. Strike 3.

With years/months of time to develop Rated Warzones, they hype it up and tell everyone how awesome it will be, only to pull it out from under them hours before the patch. That is the final strike.


If your default attitude is to tell people who were once hopeful about this game to just up and leave, you're not going to be playing an MMO for very much longer. Populations will continue to dwindle, and this is not good for anybody playing.


We use the forums to voice our concerns and address the problems.

You sit in the corner praying and swinging your lightsaber, just hoping that BioWare and EA will change their business and gaming philosophy. Have fun paying 7 years of subscription costs waiting for BioWare to catch up.


much hugz love the post

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It is actually finally a move of common sense from Bioware.


There is simply no point in having ranked warzones for SWTOR at the moment. The main reason is faction imbalance makes the results meaningless. On most servers their are simply too few Republic players to make it viable, since half the warzones are cross faction only.


Plus, let's face it folks. With all the hackers and exploiters in SWTOR, still, we need Bioware to close em down too before ranked could ever work.

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bioware, you really dont get it, dont you. you just dont care about your players and what they want. if i had to take ranked wz or legacy. OFC I WOULD TAKE RANKED PVP!!!!! this is really a big failure!!!! you have to make the MMO endless and if you dont have that, well then people just get bored and stop


QQ and QQ and QQ, it is endless, like 70% of the game population doesn't even read the forums, so there will be more pissed off players tomorrow than on here. In all reality though if you want to point blame at someone, should direct it the correct direction (us). We logged on to the PTS, we tested it and we said that it was broken. They didn't have enough time to fix it so they pulled it....smart move imho. So if people want to unsub b/c of it...bye bye.

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I am a ranked 82 player on main and 70 on alt and to be honest i am happy ranked WZ are not out yet. Why?

Because classes are not yet balanced out there and those ranked WZ will make those unbalanced classes even more visible. So, it is beter that first of all Bioware and Devz balance classes beter (dont wana see healers killing dpsers and doin 400k dmg and 500k healing-see Operatives lately).

If they ofer the posibilities for all clases to keep their specific and gain honor/medals in apropiate maners then the game will be balanced somehow.

Also hybrid specs must be nerfed drasticaly. In old WOW they did same mistake but they also corected short after. We have that sad experience alrdy (see holy paladins killing dpsers/tanks with exorcism instant cast or 1 sec cast, or disc priest doing the same)

Many things must be corected like stuns Operatives put on players. It is a 4 sec stun but u need 6 sec in reality to recover from the ground where u are after the stun to stand up again on y feet. Dont count here they open with 5k+ backstab and another 3k and 2k short after wondering how u died.

They have to make tanks hold most dmg ( see sentinels/marauders who have beter survivability then tanks with lower CD also-1 minute for guarded by the force, while tanks have 3 minutes for their abilities wich absorb less, alot less dmg).

Healers must be healers not dpsers and dpsers must be dpsers and not tanks.

After all this short fixes they can implement ranked WZ.


The Force is my ally.




They do need to review all the new class changes on Live as the PTS testing didn't suffice or so it would seem. And definitely hybrid tanks in particular are way too common, they need to make dps trees suffer more if they are using tank forms perhaps by restricting abilities to the corresponding dps form.

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Uh, you can save that money and get a decent game... Truth is, servers are light and the game and players on those servers are suffering. Now with this patch, the patch that was suppose to change things, is now going to be one more reason to leave. I'll be honest if the population on my server drops any more I'll be out of here too. Sorry, I really enjoyed playing but I'll take this as a sign of things to come.(Or not come, however you wanna take it)


Swtor = Another irrelevant star wars game.


NOW this is something i am sure everyone can agree with!!! IF I ever quit it will be because the populations suck on all planets except fleet, and even fleet is like a ghost ttown most of the time ;/

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Ok. So you dropped the ball here. Not by releasing content that would have been faulty and bugged, but by choosing NOT to inform us about the progress of the patch, and then springing the news at the last possible moment. That's not up to debate, but a FACT. You can see that clearly in the way people are reacting.


So what can be done to prevent that in the future?


A couple of my guildies and me we discussing this, and we came up with this:


How about you make a public check list for you next patches?

When you release a statement to us that "This is what we plan for patch 1.x", you the keep us up to date with the progress. Good AND bad (or lets call it "not as expected")


It could be something like this: (all made up contents!!!)


Patch 1.dreamstuff




Ranked WZ cross server: Ready for implementation

Ninja Ewok companion: Still in development.




Dantooine planet:

Quest lines: Ready for implementation.

Worldboss: Issues with loot drop. Likely to be moved to later release.

Daily missions: Still in development, but on track.


Space missions


PvP free flight warzone: Ready for implementation.


Something along the line with that, so that we as a community will be able to see what is coming and ready, and what MIGHT be causing issues.

It will make it easier for us to understand and accept when you have to cancel a promised, and MUCH anticipated content, rather than having you drop a bomb on us literally at the last moment.


Exactly what I posted earlier, most people are just upset about the bombshell.

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QQ and QQ and QQ, it is endless, like 70% of the game population doesn't even read the forums, so there will be more pissed off players tomorrow than on here. In all reality though if you want to point blame at someone, should direct it the correct direction (us). We logged on to the PTS, we tested it and we said that it was broken. They didn't have enough time to fix it so they pulled it....smart move imho. So if people want to unsub b/c of it...bye bye.




This, This, This!


He came in, knocked off your tin foil hats and stomped on em.

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QQ and QQ and QQ, it is endless, like 70% of the game population doesn't even read the forums, so there will be more pissed off players tomorrow than on here. In all reality though if you want to point blame at someone, should direct it the correct direction (us). We logged on to the PTS, we tested it and we said that it was broken. They didn't have enough time to fix it so they pulled it....smart move imho. So if people want to unsub b/c of it...bye bye.


The Smart move would have been to not advertise the system to the community until they knew they had cross server queueing!

Because anyone with common sense can see that is why it was pulled - the server populations are very low over the past 6 weeks, and splitting pvp queues into 2 on 1 server will cause long queues! Like Duh ! Couldnt they see that?


BIOWARE - Please bite the bullet and merge servers - do it ! Every mmo does - you loose a few hundered thousand accounts after the mad rush of launch. There is no shame in it.


Plug the holes on the sinking ship please !

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Just my 2 cents


I pre-ordered the game and have been playing it since. I take my time playing the game, taking it all in - the story, the graphical beauty and all of it - and I enjoy the game. Thus, I've only managed to get one character to 50 - a sith inquisitor played dark side. Now I have only 15 more stories to play through (every character on both sides light and dark).


Now, don't take this the wrong way, but arguing about PVP in a game where PVP doesn't mean anything seems quite pointless. For real PVP with real consequence, I'd suggest EVE Online. As for SWTOR, I intend to try the PVP at some point but for now the stories of each class is going to take me a lot of more time :)

Edited by Wathagan
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They do need to review all the new class changes on Live as the PTS testing didn't suffice or so it would seem. And definitely hybrid tanks in particular are way too common, they need to make dps trees suffer more if they are using tank forms perhaps by restricting abilities to the corresponding dps form.


Since you are SO knowledgeable in regards to bioware WHY then did they string along the ENTIRE pvp community with ranked and then pull it in the last 12hrs? Our MAIN gripe is this short timing on announcements, once again HONESTY WINS. waiting to the absolute last second to cancel a MAJOR change is pure moneygrubbing douchebaggery!

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Because I play with friends. We, like everybody else, grow bored sometimes. We will try a different product to see if we like it and fits our needs. SWTOR received much hype, with a strong franchise name backing it. Nearly all of us started off patiently waiting and hoping that the game would take off. Unfortunately, poor decisions upon poor decision made by EA has slowly turned everyone away.


Instead of choosing to fix Ilum, they basically completely negate it. Strike 1.

Instead of addressing graphics problems experienced by some, they blamed the users. Strike 2.

Instead of having a plan about server populations, they open MORE servers, then tell us to reroll. Strike 3.

With years/months of time to develop Rated Warzones, they hype it up and tell everyone how awesome it will be, only to pull it out from under them hours before the patch. That is the final strike.


If your default attitude is to tell people who were once hopeful about this game to just up and leave, you're not going to be playing an MMO for very much longer. Populations will continue to dwindle, and this is not good for anybody playing.


We use the forums to voice our concerns and address the problems.

You sit in the corner praying and swinging your lightsaber, just hoping that BioWare and EA will change their business and gaming philosophy. Have fun paying 7 years of subscription costs waiting for BioWare to catch up.


> You are not addressing your issues, you are filing your complaints in a winge-orientated manor. There is a difference. One is constructive one isn't.


> And yes I will have fun playing 7 Years of this game, as it is far more likely to exceed most MMO out there.


> I do not swing my light-saber around in the corner, I might accidentally burn the wall doing that, you crazy?


> You did not answer my question, my question was "Why are you STILL here", not "Why have you been here". If you are upset with the game in ways you have lost hope for it, why do you still linger on the forums? I respect you for trying something new and fresh, it did not work out for you sadly but why continue to jabber about your disappointing experience when you could be playing your beloved panda-infested WoW right now?


>Just a thought.

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This, This, This!


He came in, knocked off your tin foil hats and stomped on em.


No, not this, BW. They could have let more people in the pts a long time ago, it would have meant they would have known way sooner the problems. They didn't, the only company I know that took as long as it did to release a pts, then not to have any at 50 testing it, but making changes to lvl 50 content.


Sorry, this is BW

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