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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Most everyone just wanted to have an 8 man team which should have been available from the start unfortunately even the carrots are rotten and in 15 days my sub is up and I wont be in any hurry to re sub. horrible considering this is just about the only mmo i wanted to play and had been waiting for since kotr as for dev being just as dissapointed? to that i say atleast the dev's are getting paid unlike all the sheep being completely fleeced
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Think of it like this... Bioware sold you a car. They told you all about the amazing things that this car would have. Air conditioning, traction control, and a state of the art sound system. They even let you test drive it, showing you how great it is. They get your money, and lock you in. Then they give you the car, and take the amazing sound system out.


If they want to make up for it, by refunding this month, I'll be happy to try this game again when they complete the ranked warzones.




It kind of is like that. What I really don't understand is this: like many other features, I believe the ranked warzones was slated to be in-game at launch, and then a "marketing" decision was made to remove it and add in later. Specifically to milk players. It's safe to say some things in the patch are the result of them seeing how the game has worked out live, but it really does feel like we're waiting to get the game up to the beta standard before it was launched, let alone to it's original condition before features were deliberately removed. This has taken milking players to a whole new level and it's really bewildering. It makes no sense for MMO devs to include as little content and as few features as possible in patches whatsoever. That's what's getting to me more than anything. I'm still not sure I believe that you can't copy over level 50 characters to PTS's, but after playing this game for a while I'm actually ready to believe almost anything, including that. :confused:

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The same people that raised a ruckus over the game being released before it was ready, are now complaining that Ranked Matches wont be released yet cause they're not ready.


Really? Let's paraphrase.....


"You shouldnt have released the game before it was ready, these bugs are gonna make me unsub! And by that I mean you had better release all content quickly and on the day you say, regardless if it is in a broken, bug-ridden, unready state."


Makes sense.

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Roflmao, just over 12hrs since the announcement and its riding at just about 300 pages deep. Its hard to keep up with reading everyones response.



On a side note, Aion 3.0 is awesome. I rolled a new toon on the new server thats worldwide and i believe ill be putting in a bulk of my time there. Not only is it f2p, but it has all of the features id like in the game. Ive got 10 days left here, so may play for a bit. After that ill be back when BW gets their act together.

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I feel sorry for those who renewed before they mentioned this lol a last ditch effort at a money grab? I highly doubt they announced this to us when they made their decision to effectively dissapoint every single pvper playing this game... I never thought panda bear characters would be so appealing
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The same people that raised a ruckus over the game being released before it was ready, are now complaining that Ranked Matches wont be released yet cause they're not ready.


Really? Let's paraphrase.....


"You shouldnt have released the game before it was ready, these bugs are gonna make me unsub! And by that I mean you had better release all content quickly and on the day you say, regardless if it is in a broken, bug-ridden, unready state."


Makes sense.


If ranked warzones weren't ready, then the 1.2 patch wasn't ready.


For PVP'ers, 1.2 is all downside with nothing POSITIVE to show for it. We get our Champion gear nerfed (as well as battlemaster), Ilum gets deleted from the system, and we still have to group with random idiots to grind for the new gear.


For what reason? To do slightly better the next time you group with random idiots in a warzone?


Not to mention we get all the class nerfs too.

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Jesus Christ, you are riding Bioware's dick HARD. The only people playing this game from now on will be fanboys like you. Bioware lies and cheats and slaps their customers in the face, and people like you come back for more and like it. It's pathetic.


This is what I'm afraid of... My server was already low on population, but had a healthy pvp core; now with this, I'm thinking a lot of them will just give up and go on to other games. I know there are several guilds that have quit just today, because the ONLY thing they were looking for was rated warzones and 8-man queues.

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I feel sorry for those who renewed before they mentioned this lol a last ditch effort at a money grab? I highly doubt they announced this to us when they made their decision to effectively dissapoint every single pvper playing this game... I never thought panda bear characters would be so appealing


A very SOE like move wasn't it?


The difference between MMO developers and Steve Jobs is their "Oh, and one more thing..." moment is always a disappointment.


Like I said, if ranked warzones weren't ready, the whole 1.2 patch wasn't ready. This is a SHOWSTOPPER for PVP'ers.

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If ranked warzones weren't ready, then the 1.2 patch wasn't ready.


For PVP'ers, 1.2 is all downside with nothing POSITIVE to show for it. We get our Champion gear nerfed (as well as battlemaster), Ilum gets deleted from the system, and we still have to group with random idiots to grind for the new gear.


For what reason? To do slightly better the next time you group with random idiots in a warzone?


Not to mention we get all the class nerfs too.


Very well put sir. You failed to mention the ~250 hour grind to get + full WH AND the fact that a lot of the stats on WH gear dont make sense for the classes they are gear for (i.e. force power or accuracy on a TANK set)


I was a 4 hour a day guy from Dec-feb. 2 hour a day guy through feb. 1 hr a day guy last weeks. and about a 15 minutes a day guy now, and thats only b/c i have a guild. I'm just losing a lot of interest, as are the other 40-60 ppl that are in my pvp guild. I already know of atleast 10 friends that have unsubbed. Its really suprising and depressing at the same time.

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The best part is the censorship on these forums. Any post that wants to discuss an aspect of this fiasco is closed. Any post that wants to blew sunshine up BW's ***, though, they let go instead of locking it and making them all post in one thread.
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I feel sorry for those who renewed before they mentioned this lol a last ditch effort at a money grab? I highly doubt they announced this to us when they made their decision to effectively dissapoint every single pvper playing this game... I never thought panda bear characters would be so appealing


I know right? I spent the past 4 months telling my friends that I'd never go back to WoW, after they quit this game. What have I been doing all morning? Installing the 12GB patch... for WoW. I wanted to like this game, but Bioware's incompetence absolutely destroyed it.

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I know right? I spent the past 4 months telling my friends that I'd never go back to WoW, after they quit this game. What have I been doing all morning? Installing the 12GB patch... for WoW. I wanted to like this game, but Bioware's incompetence absolutely destroyed it.


I'm in the same boat as you. Swore I'd never go back two years ago, but I reinstalled this morning.

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This is what I'm afraid of... My server was already low on population, but had a healthy pvp core; now with this, I'm thinking a lot of them will just give up and go on to other games. I know there are several guilds that have quit just today, because the ONLY thing they were looking for was rated warzones and 8-man queues.


PVP is dead now in this game. Bioware had better bring cots in for people to work around the clock on this or they are going to lose every PVP subscriber they have.

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A very SOE like move wasn't it?


The difference between MMO developers and Steve Jobs is their "Oh, and one more thing..." moment is always a disappointment.


Like I said, if ranked warzones weren't ready, the whole 1.2 patch wasn't ready. This is a SHOWSTOPPER for PVP'ers.


Having problems with ranked and not choosing to release it is one thing... having an 8v8 wz without the ability to que 8v8 is just bush league... as for steve jobs he at least had a product in demand =/ Im one of the leaders in a guild on the deadweight. our peek hour server pop is not even twice the pop of my guild at peak hours... we have been doing our best to keep ques going on the server in hopes that 8 man ques would be available and breath some life in not just our failing server but the many other failing servers out there.


It's been close to a full time job trying to keep the server from dieing completely which I suppose WE should get paid for since bioware clearly can't come up with any solutions.


As of today I realize that The Deadweight was the perfect name not just for this server but the company who created it. enjoy all the reoccuring monthly profits bioware! E-mail me when you have a game worth playing again

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All of the negative comments were enough to make me bother to post.


I am personally glad that you were willing to pull a major feature, that you felt was not ready, from the patch on short notice.


I have Battlemaster, I have my valor 65 Korrelian speeder... and I'm still eager to play what's being added in 1.2, even without the Ranked Warzones. There's still a lot of new PvP content being added (same-faction warzones for Voidstar, totally new warzone that allows same-faction, new tier of PvP gear, etc.)


Being willing to pull a feature that felt incomplete, rather than rushing it into a patch and fixing it later, makes me think you guys are on the right track. Releasing polished, complete content is always better than half-assed "we'll fix it someday in the future" content.


Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks; despite all of the haters out there, I, for one, think you made the right call.

Edited by Rogirek
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All of the negative comments were enough to make me bother to post.


I am personally glad that you were willing to pull a major feature, that you felt was not ready, from the patch on short notice.


I have Battlemaster, I have my valor 65 Korrelian speeder... and I'm still eager to play what's being added in 1.2, even without the Ranked Warzones.


Being willing to pull a feature that felt incomplete, rather than rushing it into a patch and fixing it later, makes me think you guys are on the right track. Releasing polished, complete content is always better than half-assed "we'll fix it someday in the future" content.


Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks; despite all of the haters out there, I, for one, think you made the right call.


You clearly play on The Fatman

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So you think it was a good call to take out 8 man ques? pvp was the only thing holding half the servers they created up. like I said before if ranked was not ready yes hold off but to leave all the loyal players (and yes everyone was loyal or they wouldnt have stuck this out) having to que with 4 randoms who wouldnt know how to win a wz if it was 8v2 is just the swift kick in the ***** that many of us needed to realize this is going nowhere... yes lets wait for 1.3 in 6 months or more because we know there will be many people paying to play in anticipation!
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They didn't say anything like "We promise ranked warzones will be in 1.2" they just say it will be in patch 1.2, and now they canceled it big deal. They said in the patch notes in biiiig red letters that the patch notes could be subjected to change until the official release too.


A way to cover your ***. Indeed. But people are a big, angry, ignorant animal... and I'm part of that animal. I'd rather be an ear instead of a genital, but I belong to the "people-animal".

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No; Port Nowhere, Empire


So a server that wasn't involved in a bunch of prelaunch stuff where BW assigned huge guilds that are now pretty much defunct...


Go look @ Terentatek... We started with a 4:1 Emp:Rep ratio, with a bunch of HUGE (and I mean HUGE) Empire Guilds and small number of not so huge Republic ones being assigned there prelaunch. Empire always has 2x the population on, if not more still, but the guilds on both sides are pretty much gone, especially the HUGE ones. Most nights, there may be 1 or 2 level 50 healers... that's it

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All of the negative comments were enough to make me bother to post.


I am personally glad that you were willing to pull a major feature, that you felt was not ready, from the patch on short notice.


I have Battlemaster, I have my valor 65 Korrelian speeder... and I'm still eager to play what's being added in 1.2, even without the Ranked Warzones. There's still a lot of new PvP content being added (same-faction warzones for Voidstar, totally new warzone that allows same-faction, new tier of PvP gear, etc.)


Being willing to pull a feature that felt incomplete, rather than rushing it into a patch and fixing it later, makes me think you guys are on the right track. Releasing polished, complete content is always better than half-assed "we'll fix it someday in the future" content.


Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks; despite all of the haters out there, I, for one, think you made the right call.


It's one thing to take a feature out a week or two before a large patch is released. It's another thing ENTIRELY to take it out less than 12 hours before said patch hits. It's blatantly obvious that Bioware knew Rated WZ's would never make it in 1.2 long before they announced it. They had to. There is absolutely no way that all the sudden they realized Rated WZ's weren't ready at the time that they did. There are some very good posts about it further back in this beast of a thread.


The point is this. People are mad about Rated WZ's not being in 1.2, but they could get over it. People are livid about the fact that Bioware delayed the announcement of this information in order to garnish more subs and retain those that they already had. This is UNACCEPTABLE.

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Very well put sir. You failed to mention the ~250 hour grind to get + full WH AND the fact that a lot of the stats on WH gear dont make sense for the classes they are gear for (i.e. force power or accuracy on a TANK set)


I was a 4 hour a day guy from Dec-feb. 2 hour a day guy through feb. 1 hr a day guy last weeks. and about a 15 minutes a day guy now, and thats only b/c i have a guild. I'm just losing a lot of interest, as are the other 40-60 ppl that are in my pvp guild. I already know of atleast 10 friends that have unsubbed. Its really suprising and depressing at the same time.


And since their "band aid" is to allow buying the war hero gear with regular warzone commendations, how much you wanna bet they NERF war hero gear when (if) they actually ever release ranked war zones so that we have to grind it again?


1.2 DOES NOT WORK without ranked warzones. If they aren't ready, 1.2 isn't ready.

Edited by Wildcat
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