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10 Good
  1. That feeling has been eating at me for weeks. Thanks for the quick reply. I will give it a shot when I get off work this evening. You'll be my hero for at least 5 to 7 minutes should this prove true.
  2. OP- Question regarding your statement that you felt squishier once you had equipped ship parts, despite the added bolster stats and 2018 exp rating. If you removed your ship parts, was the bolster removed and the squishy feeling removed as well? Or, is it persistent, IE once you've equipped parts the bolster is there for good. I ask because as a marauder main, I would gladly give up 3k health and a marginal power gain to not feel like such a porcelain doll. Thanks
  3. You should have titled this thread "Radio Edit"
  4. This thread was great until people had to start explaining what sarcasm is. Now it's just sad.
  5. Couple of DCs in rated games. But then again, I am getting into considerably more rated matches. So I will take the good with the bad. Have to agree with Pistols though, it really would be nice if you could reconnect into the match.
  6. I only ran against one of your teams, so I cant speak for the others. Fatherhood tends to pull me away from rateds before our group stops running.
  7. Enjoyed the Voidstar match against yall last night. Think you had a few pugs though. Looking forward to going up against your full team.
  8. Apologies if what I said seemed directed. Just meant to show that just because something says it will work on someones piece of paper, doesnt mean it will.
  9. Just wanted to chime in. Higher wattage doesnt guarantee it will work better. PSU's also some with rail ratings. There are a great deal of 750w+ PSUs that will not perform better than say a 600w PSU, and in a shocking high number of cases will perform worse. This is where ratings coming in. Wattage alone only tells you that they can provide x amount of juice to any particular component. It doesnt tell you if they are going to do so consistently, even when all components are under load. Many PSU manufacturers include either a percentage or bronze, silver, gold, platinum style rating indicating that their PSU with X wattage will deliver that wattage with Y consistency. 9/10 times your prebuilt namebrand PC has the absolute cheapest components in it the company can find. Especially when it comes to PSUs. Its how they increase their bottom line. The result is that those specs they sold you on are beyond deceptive and often wont be delivering 1/3 of the performance you would expect.
  10. Playable in VMware as well. Just make sure the vm configuration has the necessary hardware set as passthrough so its not using vm's virtual hardware to try and render and such.
  11. Comic Factor: Force Choke - Because without Force Choke, there would be no real use in the Star Wars universe for Jawas, and hopefully someday Ewoks. This combination has the stress relief equivalent of smoking a cigarette. Honest Answer: Marauder's Massacre - Watching players s*&^ the bed when you build up rage, pop beserk and spam it......to be a bit cliche, is priceless.
  12. Irony. The same people that raised a ruckus over the game being released before it was ready, are now complaining that Ranked Matches wont be released yet cause they're not ready. Really? Let's paraphrase..... "You shouldnt have released the game before it was ready, these bugs are gonna make me unsub! And by that I mean you had better release all content quickly and on the day you say, regardless if it is in a broken, bug-ridden, unready state." Makes sense.
  13. I have played Shadow Tank since day 1, with the goal of using the 31/0/10 build. I like tanking. Now that I pvp heavily, I have maintained that mentality. I like tanking in PvP even more than PvE. I have a smattering of Battle Master tank spec gear, with the full Champion gear tank set, as well as a full Champion DPS set. My 2 cents: Even in the full DPS set, my burst capability is nowhere near what pure DPS classes can generate. Yes, I can occasionally obtain some moderate flashy numbers when ALL my cooldowns are in available, but, short of those who recently hit 50, I'm not burning anyone down the way DPS specs can. In my full tank set, my DPS is drastically lower, and my survivability is drastically higher. Shocking how that trade off works. I think that there are a couple factors leading to this particular debate. First. People are prone to deal in extremes, and ignoring the middle ground. Translated to SWTOR, one might be all about maximizing damage. Or, all about healing. Or, all about mitigation. What those who are using out of spec gear(regardless of class, shadows and assassins aren't unique in this) are doing is taking others outside the norm. They are masters of the middle ground. Players anticipate responding to class A with skill rotation B resulting in fight scenario C. The problem is that this formula can become static in peoples minds, where all these variable are just that(or should be), variable and always changing. After so many fights its difficult not to have a conclusion already drawn at the start of a fight. Innovation on the part of a few has thrown people outside their comfort zone, and they are left thinking, "Wait, that wasn't supposed to go that way." Second. Society has become accustomed to immediate gratification. Again, relating this to SWTOR, MMO battles tend to be quick and furious. Boom, boom, boom and the fight should be over and the winner and loser quickly defined. Many of the posts in this thread are even indicative of this trend. They are little more than outbursts providing the emotional release a frustrated person wanted and contain little to no actual thought. A fight with someone using this build is anything but quick and the outcome will never be immediate. With middle of the road mitagation and middle of the road damage, their strength lies in drawing things out. Its not going to be over fast, and its going to require more strategy and less automated response on the part of their opponent. Bottom line, it will require a little more thinking; which is a requirement many players are not willing to meet. As for the damage/protection/healing shown at the end of a match. What a misleading statistic to base any argument on. All that information is relative to the individual player, the scenarios the warzone presented, and whether they were able to capitalize on their strengths, or had their weaknesses exploited. Sure, I can spam mediocre AOEs on groups all match, and throw my guard/taunt around when Im not being attacked, and my little 450ish heal is popping every once in a while I draw out any combat I'm in. That doesnt make me OP, it makes me a commendation whore. And my team should hate me for it. The AOE spam was unfocused and with any competent healer amounts to little more than an annoyance. My protection was wasted because I had to avoid confrontation to keep from depleting my hit point pool too quickly and I really didnt care who I put it on. And my heals were nowhere near frequent or large enough to have kept me alive had I actually gone after objectives. But at the end of the match..... goddamn if my numbers didnt look good.
  14. Thank you for the chuckle. As a fellow player who is advancing in age and realizing things dont work as well as they used to, this made me laugh.
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