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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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lol...someone earlier accused me of making bad analogies. I wonder if they're still around reading yours.


Nobody attacked you because you were reasonable and so was Mcdonalds. You didn't swear off eating there again, tell them what terrible customer service they have, or cry that this was the only chance your friend was ever going to have to ever eat at McDonalds and now their experience is forever ruined!


Bioware made a mistake. The first step was controlling it, which they've done. They also happen to have a distribution tonight to still handle. They have a few things going on. I'm sure they'll take care of those affected.


As far as the fanboy comment, I just work in support for a large scale software distribution, so I understand how things don't always go as planned.


ok, i can say with 100% certainty that if i yelled at a manger right in front of you.... you would sit there with your trap shut, you wouldnt try and flame me for handing that manager his ***, so the manner in which he spoke to the mcdonalds people is irrelevant, you trolls online defend them because you are online and not right in front of us, just like bioware isnt giving us answers quickly and acceptably because they are online as well, rest assured if we were in the face of any of these gold names, we would be given white crystals, unique mounts, a year free play time, and anything else because that is how face to face works in customer service

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If BW PR say "less than 15 minutes", they mean probably around 14.5 minutes. Otherwise they would have given a much smaller number, guaranteed. Besides, it's pretty obvious someone screwed up the AM/PM time, and I logged on at 10:12 my time (I sent a 1 word email right after DL started, so I know the time is accurate), and I still got screwed. This would put it at least at 12 minutes minimum.


Also, peak server queues mean people are trying to log in faster than they actually can. This would actually make 400 in 20 minutes a lower limit, and the actual attempted log-ins would be even higher. Furthermore, I already cut the rate in half for the EU, despite it being near their peak hours, which I think is not unreasonable. Even if you want me to cut it by another factor 2 (which is probably the most I would consider reasonable) you're still at about 5000 people screwed, much more than a couple hundreds.




Let me rephrase


when servers are full. you have a LOT more people logging in then you do right now.


If you have 100 people logging in a minute now, and 1000 logging in a minute at 7 PM (these are just random figures for an explanation, not intended to be factual or an estimation)


and a server went down for 5 minutes two times that day then right now you'd have 500 people messed up versus 5000 later tonight. The log in rate is MUCH lower right now, its not even close to 10k people.

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That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.


u are hero


but since im so bad, i run to a friend, copied his directory and copied it to my computer

problem solved :)

i only have to download a small 50 mb patch now

but the speed is still very bad => 10kb / 15kb even after restarting

Edited by jersyiii
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You are calling the complainers insufferable??? With that wall of text, you may want to look at yourself before casting stones.


i'm a graduate student of literature and teacher of creative writing, so i often forget that the attention span of the average internet-goer is diminished beyond worth. more to the point, i'd rather be coherently insufferable than to allow a pointlessly venomous attitude pollute my worldview. i'm finding its the danger of MMO's for those who invest much of their time in them. people can get so insulated by their simulated experiences online that they forget how bumpy most roads are in the real world. most things don't go off without a hitch. when i was much younger, i complained that pirates of the caribbean was shut down for maintenance the last time my family and i went to disneyland. my father used to live in southern california, and had gone to disneyland often as a child. he described how nothing at the park worked right when it first opened, and that it was largely a disappointment. it can be helpful to recognize that sometimes a red carpet rollout is neither smooth nor ideal, despite the fanfare. but it ain't like disneyland didn't figure out their **** over time...

Edited by mzellmer
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No, as a precaution to ensure that we did not get any more players into a state where they had to re-patch, we removed the patch data from the CDN.


If we'd allowed it to stay there, there was a possibility more people would have been affected.


While this did mean that those downloading would temporarily be slowed down, it prevented the issue from affecting more players.



Please contact Customer Service if this issue continues.


I am giving up that i will not be able to play tonight, but how about some compensation of the people that couldn't play before 1.2 today. I wanted to buy a speeder and a crystal. That's impossible now. I hope you guys can look at this and indeed have the community feeling and give us an option that we can buy those things tomorrow when 1.2 is live.

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Let me rephrase


when servers are full. you have a LOT more people logging in then you do right now.


If you have 100 people logging in a minute now, and 1000 logging in a minute at 7 PM (these are just random figures for an explanation, not intended to be factual or an estimation)


and a server went down for 5 minutes two times that day then right now you'd have 500 people messed up versus 5000 later tonight. The log in rate is MUCH lower right now, its not even close to 10k people.


I'm aware of this. Hence, I only used the peak rates as a starting point, and reducing from there. If I had used the peak rates the number would be much, much higher than 10,000. Nothing you have said is convincing me to think that my original 10,000 people estimate is invalid.

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I weep for our youth.






I love the people who are asking for TWO credited days!


Personally, I was submitted to this thread. I was COMEPELLED to read it even though I wasn't even going to launch the game! I had to read the angst of those who allowed a patch to come down early for an update we were told wouldn't be happening later until 10pm this evening. Hmmm... what could go wrong?


Now I have been exposed to all of the QQ and I even saw another customer /ragequit as a result, or at least they just bragged about it.


I feel that I should be credited two full weeks of playing time, along with a free copy of every speeder and special crystal type, even for the special Razr mice and keyboards crystals which I never purchased. I'd also like a free PAX black and white tauntaun (no, I didn't go to the PAX booth) due to this mind-shattering betrayal of my core being.


Prttyplz? No? Betrayed again! ARGH!!

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ok, i can say with 100% certainty that if i yelled at a manger right in front of you.... you would sit there with your trap shut, you wouldnt try and flame me for handing that manager his ***, so the manner in which he spoke to the mcdonalds people is irrelevant, you trolls online defend them because you are online and not right in front of us, just like bioware isnt giving us answers quickly and acceptably because they are online as well, rest assured if we were in the face of any of these gold names, we would be given white crystals, unique mounts, a year free play time, and anything else because that is how face to face works in customer service


If you have an issue at mcdonalds, Chances are the mcdonalds manager knows what the problem is. (i.e.; your food order was incorrect.) And chances are the mcdonalds manager knows how to fix it (make you a new cheese burger with the correct order)




In this case customer support is NOT a manager. Sometimes they DONT KNOW. they have to wait for their tech guys to say "ok, this is the problem, and this is how we fix it."


It's better to not give you any information then incorrect information. The series of things that happen at mcdonalds are small and easy to correct. It takes 60 seconds to complete your order there. it can take hours or days to handle software issues.

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ok, i can say with 100% certainty that if i yelled at a manger right in front of you.... you would sit there with your trap shut, you wouldnt try and flame me for handing that manager his ***, so the manner in which he spoke to the mcdonalds people is irrelevant, you trolls online defend them because you are online and not right in front of us, just like bioware isnt giving us answers quickly and acceptably because they are online as well, rest assured if we were in the face of any of these gold names, we would be given white crystals, unique mounts, a year free play time, and anything else because that is how face to face works in customer service


Now you're changing the analogy. The original guy was being reasonable, and commending the McDonald's manager for being reasonable.


So essentially you're trying to win the argument by changing it. Internet argument foul!


In all seriousness, that's why it was a bad analogy to begin with. McDonalds and an MMO developer/service provider have zero similarity.

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While I always appreciate apologies it would be nice to at least get credited a day or two on our accounts for those who were affected. Your main competitor has made this standard practice for years when they goofed up and the gesture went a long way towards making amends for the people who got screwed for no particular reason other than bad luck.


Well since we are only a "few" of this people who downloaded this bullcrap... i dont think so.


And this "mistake" ooops i uploaded the patch 1 day before patchday is not professional.

If i had not already terminated my suscription i would do it now.

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battlemaster items are changed in 1.2


Battlemaster sets will no longer have a valor requirement or require Battlemaster commendations to purchase. They can now all be brought via Warzone Commendations! Here is a table of the exchange prices.


Piece Warzone Commendations

Ear 625

Implant 625

Relic 550

Head 1075

Chest 1000

Bracers 550

Belts 625

Legs 1000

Boots 900

Offhand 1150

Weapon 1750



Hope this helps!!


Thanks, I haven't had the chance to sit down and read all the patch notes yet. I guess I could of answered my own question on this one heh

Edited by Kareve
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i'm a graduate student of literature and teacher of creative writing, so i often forget that the attention span of the average internet-goer is diminished beyond worth. more to the point, i'd rather be coherently insufferable than to allow a pointlessly venomous attitude pollute my worldview. i'm finding its the danger of MMO's for those who invest much of their time in them. people can get so insulated by their simulated experiences online that they forget how bumpy most roads are in the real world. most things don't go off without a hitch. when i was much younger, i complained that pirates of the caribbean was shut down for maintenance the last time my family and i went to disneyland. my father used to live in southern california, and had gone to disneyland often as a child. he described how nothing at the park worked right when it first opened, and that it was largely a disappointment. it can be helpful to recognize that sometimes a red carpet rollout is neither smooth nor ideal, despite the fanfare. but it ain't like disneyland didn't figure out their **** over time...


Oh man, I'd edit the post with some capitalizing and punctuation, before your first sentence becomes aim for some trolling. :D


Sorry, just had to. Hehe

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I'm over 50 and I've read War and Peace already.


Hammer, I'm over 50 also. Try von Clausewitz "On War". Very interesting, and a better read than Tolstoy :D


Keep smiling, the download speed has picked up to oh .... 500 KB/sec now lol

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Excuse me, all u "bright" boys complaining?


You were LUCKY to get 1.2 a day early.


All you had to do was rename the file,


and then install your weekly back-up copy of the game from your back-up files.


OR are you living in a dream-world where nothing goes wrong with your computer EVER.

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ok, I'm confused.


I had the 900 MB download thing earlier, so I let it run and took a nap, thinking it was the 1.2 patch content pre-loading.


But then I got up and restarted the client and now it's downloading 11 GB.


Is this 11GB the 1.2 patch?

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We've seen a couple yellow posts from BW over this issue now but what I have yet to see in a single one of them is how BW is going to make this right with the players who were affected by this incident. I know when I played WoW and Blizzard did something like I got free game time to compensate for the hours that I was not able to play. Same thing with Planetside and Everquest and Sony, same thing with EVE and CCP, catch the hint there? EVERY competitor of yours would simply give the players affected some free game time to cover the hours that the players lost and guess what? Everybody was happy and said thank you and went on playing the game and giving more money to the company that put out the game. Instead what we have here is BW saying basically "We screwed up and we're sorry" and that's it. It's almost like the episodes of South Park where BP is screwing everything up and only offers their apologies, no corrective action. Well until you actually DO something to compensate your CUSTOMERS (people who give you money for goods/services) you will continue to have pissed off players that are going to cancel accounts and then your servers will have EVEN LOWER populations than they currently do. Just my $0.02 Edited by closetodeath
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ok, I'm confused.


I had the 900 MB download thing earlier, so I let it run and took a nap, thinking it was the 1.2 patch content pre-loading.


But then I got up and restarted the client and now it's downloading 11 GB.


Is this 11GB the 1.2 patch?


Nope, it's 1.1 full client. You can let that finish, and play today. Or you can stop it, wait til tomorrow, and play 1.2 without further download.

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As an old hand gamer we old timers have a long held philosophy titled "Never Play on Patch Day". All too often there would be a roll back of several hours because of some bug or exploit or some other issue. Most of the time it's because they don't have any real Q&A. This time it was just human error.


Bioware said just yesterday about when the patch will be released so I was waiting to get 3 Battlemaster commendation!

Don't try to turn the problem to me, they tell us one day before about patch release date!


Next time tell us about the release date more than ONE DAY BEFORE!


No fix for this, just a "YELLOW-SORRY" as always, also the community manager comes here to write apologise..

We don't need "apologise" we need a reason to not buy Diablo 3, GW2 or anything else.

The game is good but the service is the worst ever.



I believe there is a boss and a boss should check team work before it is released.


Release a patch one day before is not a human error...is a stupid thing that I can't believe could happens on a big SH...I'm a programmer for a small company and if I do a mistake like this I lose a lot of business...


But we are talking about 1% of the entire community so the point is, Bioware is just telling "sorry" because even if ALL PLAYER who gots this error will never subscribe again, it will not be a problem because there's only about cash, right?

So if the problem happened to 1 milion player it will be fixed in a different way but only 1% of player will be only a "YELLOW-SORRY" on a forum.



There're error that a big SH like Bioware can't do!

It's like missing ';' in C!


AGAIN: We are asking that vendor stay in-game for 2 more days! Nothing more!


Bioware can't hide behind these facts:

- First mmorpg

- Released only 4 months ago



Sorry for english, as always I hope the content is clear

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so should i reinstall from cd? shouldn't i? will it make it worse? will i be able to play tonight if i reinstall? Will i be able to patch?


you can play tonight if you reinstall from cd, however you will need to patch it up to 1.1.5 but that shouldn't take too long

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Bioware said just yesterday about when the patch will be released so I was waiting to get 3 Battlemaster commendation!

Don't try to turn the problem to me, they tell us one day before about patch release date!


Next time tell us about the release date more than ONE DAY BEFORE!


No fix for this, just a "YELLOW-SORRY" as always, also the community manager comes here to write apologise..

We don't need "apologise" we need a reason to not buy Diablo 3, GW2 or anything else.

The game is good but the service is the worst ever.



I believe there is a boss and a boss should check team work before it is released.


Release a patch one day before is not a human error...is a stupid thing that I can't believe could happens on a big SH...I'm a programmer for a small company and if I do a mistake like this I lose a lot of business...


But we are talking about 1% of the entire community so the point is, Bioware is just telling "sorry" because even if ALL PLAYER who gots this error will never subscribe again, it will not be a problem because there's only about cash, right?

So if the problem happened to 1 milion player it will be fixed in a different way but only 1% of player will be only a "YELLOW-SORRY" on a forum.



There're error that a big SH like Bioware can't do!

It's like missing ';' in C!


AGAIN: We are asking that vendor stay in-game for 2 more days! Nothing more!


Bioware can't hide behind these facts:

- First mmorpg

- Released only 4 months ago



Sorry for english, as always I hope the content is clear


For one thing I didn't try to turn it to a "It's your own fault." kind of thing. But if it makes you feel better to snap at me, go ahead.

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