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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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No, I did not. I got my meal and my refund and walked out.


But there also wasn't someone sitting at a table with the right meal that got up and attacked me for wanting to get the problem corrected.


I guess Mcdonald's doesn't have as devoted of fanboys.






Good answer!

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If you are going to write a novel you should get a good editor. All I see is a wall of text and just scrolled past it. Nice troll though.


Someone has absolutely no idea what a wall of text is.


A long post broken up into paragraphs does not equal a wall of text.


You should have just said I'm too lazy to read what you had to say so I'll just call you a troll.

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I think I've had my patience with you Bioware since the start of SWTOR - everyone deserves to get a bit of understanding and patience when it comes to a new game- until recently.The countless times when people on the forums have enraged about your odd priorities or rather disregards of your European Customers. Pathcing over and over in prime times - and never really informing about your actions or giving people extra playing time. Taking more care of applying more content than maintaining the existing bugged content.

What are you goin' to do? Loosing your existing customers or goin' for new ones? Tough choice huh?! Do the words "customer satisfaction" ring a bell? Anywhere?


I'm sorry to say, but you're a shining example in poor customer management.


The rude disregards of your customers - those who actually make your living possible - will speak for itself, when you loose more subs.


Either you will start listening and make ammends for all the lost hours you've cost your subscribers, change your attitude and socalled customer strategy OR SWTOR will be out of the market in a very short time.


A "Sorry" doesn't cut it.

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so...basically, I have a patch that was meant for tomorrow and the servers aren't currently running it so I have to wait. Correct?

That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.

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Should we expect a FAIL for each patch you will release in the future?


Are you planning to do something about noob ppl in your development team?

Let us know if you think this is an error that normal happens..


Because I've never heard about a patch that stuck players from playing and the day after prevent them to buy unique items available only till the day when they were stucked!

And I playied lots of games before from differe SH.



So the real question is:




If yes, I think you should write this and you'll see that player WILL STOP POST about how much you are incompetent releasing patch..



As an old hand gamer we old timers have a long held philosophy titled "Never Play on Patch Day". All too often there would be a roll back of several hours because of some bug or exploit or some other issue. Most of the time it's because they don't have any real Q&A. This time it was just human error.

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I love it when you see the word "incompetent" in a sentence with 10 grammar errors.


Lol, I despaired of correcting this a long time ago. Education is what you make of it and it seems a lot of people don't make much of it.

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I'm not saying it's a large fraction, just trying to give people an idea of the number of people affected. I think 10,000 is a reasonable estimate, BW (and you) are obviously free to form an oppinion on how important it is to appease those affected.


Bioware doesn't care, it's easy to apologize. But those that where affected and want to buy/do things before 1.2 are screwed. The ones that installed from disc are only a fracture. It's 3 hours now and counting when do we get a response that people that are screwed aren't affected by the fact that they couldn't get the item / commendations or put there mods back.


If you life in the USA your "lucky" and could try to download the whole thing again. For people living in Europe or Australia they are more screwed and the fact is that Bioware doesn't care about those players we won't see a thing about compensation or vendors that will stay active for 1 more day.

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So I like many other people I'm sure got the patch bug today, where now it is asking me to download the 11 GB's... I read and understand that I can close it and play 1.2 tomorrow and that's great however I am not going to be able to download 11 GB's and find time to play today that download would not finish till late late tonight and I have things I need to take care of... So here's my question will I get compensated for my two battlemaster bag's that I am not going to be able to receive today. I planned on doing my dailies today getting my three wins and my 30 armaments/kills/wzs played. I am trying to get full battlemaster gear and missing two bags means possibly missing two battlemaster tokens. Please let me know what can be done about this or if I am going to have to send an in game message tomorrow to possibly fix this. Thanks.


battlemaster items are changed in 1.2


Battlemaster sets will no longer have a valor requirement or require Battlemaster commendations to purchase. They can now all be brought via Warzone Commendations! Here is a table of the exchange prices.


Piece Warzone Commendations

Ear 625

Implant 625

Relic 550

Head 1075

Chest 1000

Bracers 550

Belts 625

Legs 1000

Boots 900

Offhand 1150

Weapon 1750



Hope this helps!!

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That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.


so how will we be compensated?

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I don't understand how you could have already lost the entire day when this problem began less than two hours ago.


If you PM me your address, I will send you send you the 4.16 cents you have lost so far.




And in your three years, you have never made a mistake?


As for my address I will be sending it to you shortly for my compensation. As for have I made any mistakes in my work for the past 3 years? Yes I have and I owned them and corrected them immediately. However, I have NEVER made a mistake on this level where thousands of paying customers no longer have access to the software and system that they are paying cash money for access to. That sort of mkistake is inexcusable and any professional would be lucky to keep their job after making such a mistake.

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That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.


So you give as a solution to download the patch and at the same time you shutdown all the servers but one? :D


Sorry but it is like a bad joke lol.

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No, I did not. I got my meal and my refund and walked out.


But there also wasn't someone sitting at a table with the right meal that got up and attacked me for wanting to get the problem corrected.


I guess Mcdonald's doesn't have as devoted of fanboys.


lol...someone earlier accused me of making bad analogies. I wonder if they're still around reading yours.


Nobody attacked you because you were reasonable and so was Mcdonalds. You didn't swear off eating there again, tell them what terrible customer service they have, or cry that this was the only chance your friend was ever going to have to ever eat at McDonalds and now their experience is forever ruined!


Bioware made a mistake. The first step was controlling it, which they've done. They also happen to have a distribution tonight to still handle. They have a few things going on. I'm sure they'll take care of those affected.


As far as the fanboy comment, I just work in support for a large scale software distribution, so I understand how things don't always go as planned.

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thanks to the reply to my thread, but my actual question wasn't addressed.


i've already reinstalled, as i stated, and it's the 1.1 patch that is having install issues.


i can only assume that it's because the servers are crammed with everyone else trying to do the same thing.


i understand you guys are busy, but if you're not going to actually answer people's questions, then don't even bother with the reply. just delete my thread and move on.

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That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.



Awesome. Thanks for the update!



I was able to completely reinstall the game but im still having an issue connecting for a patch. I close and reopened the client again after readint his post but im still having troubles downloading it.

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And this math is highly incorrect. Server queues occur when their is a high amount of players/logs in happening and the server is at capacity. In other words, people are logging in faster then they are logging out.


If the server isn't full (which none of them are at this hour) much less logins per minute ar occurring.




Secondly, it was *less* then 15 minutes. It could have been 10 minutes or even 5. You're assuming absolute worst case scenario here.


third - This would only be correct if ALL the servers were at capacity. as far as i'm aware there is only 2-3 servers all together that go to a queue time (and this is at US prime time)




Odds are this affected somewhere around 200 people. Not 10,000.


If BW PR say "less than 15 minutes", they mean probably around 14.5 minutes. Otherwise they would have given a much smaller number, guaranteed. Besides, it's pretty obvious someone screwed up the AM/PM time, and I logged on at 10:12 my time (I sent a 1 word email right after DL started, so I know the time is accurate), and I still got screwed. This would put it at least at 12 minutes minimum.


Also, peak server queues mean people are trying to log in faster than they actually can. This would actually make 400 in 20 minutes a lower limit, and the actual attempted log-ins would be even higher. Furthermore, I already cut the rate in half for the EU, despite it being near their peak hours, which I think is not unreasonable. Even if you want me to cut it by another factor 2 (which is probably the most I would consider reasonable) you're still at about 5000 people screwed, much more than a couple hundreds.

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Someone has absolutely no idea what a wall of text is.


A long post broken up into paragraphs does not equal a wall of text.


You should have just said I'm too lazy to read what you had to say so I'll just call you a troll.


Not only am I too lazy to read said wall of text, I also don't care enough to. It is a wall of text, perspective is everything. Especially since it, essentially, begins with "Jane, you ignorant ****!".

Edited by Hammar
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That's correct, and we're very sorry that this occurred. Again, we apologize to everyone affected.


As the window of time for this issue was brief, the number of players affected was small, in relative terms. This was a simple human mistake, but we're taking steps to ensure an error like this does not occur again.


Regarding download speeds, to ensure that no-one was given the wrong patch data via our content delivery network by accident (something that's out of our control), we decided to remove all patch data temporarily. This meant for a period of time anyone who was patching was downloading from a single server. This was not a deliberate 'throttling' of download speeds, but it would have affected you. Our content delivery network is now back up to full capacity and download speeds should improve. This issue was only explained to me recently, so I apologize for the delay in detailing this.


If you choose to continue to patch the game client today and have any further issues in downloading, please contact Customer Service.


Again, our sincere apologies for the issue.


While I always appreciate apologies it would be nice to at least get credited a day or two on our accounts for those who were affected. Your main competitor has made this standard practice for years when they goofed up and the gesture went a long way towards making amends for the people who got screwed for no particular reason other than bad luck.

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So you give as a solution to download the patch and at the same time you shutdown all the servers but one? :D

No, as a precaution to ensure that we did not get any more players into a state where they had to re-patch, we removed the patch data from the CDN.


If we'd allowed it to stay there, there was a possibility more people would have been affected.


While this did mean that those downloading would temporarily be slowed down, it prevented the issue from affecting more players.


I was able to completely reinstall the game but im still having an issue connecting for a patch. I close and reopened the client again after readint his post but im still having troubles downloading it.

Please contact Customer Service if this issue continues.

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