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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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Nope, I've given up on playing today. Today my game is communityboardposting.


What I want is compensation and they can keep their free day ;).


Hell, even when Time Warner Cable (better known as THE worse customer service company of all time) messes up they provide some sort of compensation, usually something pretty good.


50 cents is your compensation. 1 days credit. Enjoy!


What if the server just crashed and you couldn't play today? Things happen. They aren't just giving you 2 options because they're being jerks. It's because there's only 2 ways to fix it. What other options do you want? You want them to go back in time and create a backup program? Good luck with that.

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You people are aware that:

1: The game has only been out for 4 months now, this is not a huge issue. It is the equivalent of losing you money in a coke machine.

2: This is the first MMO from BioWare

3: It's not the end of the world


1.) yup, but its still a mistake that people are completely justified to be annoyed about.

2.) irrelevant, thats not an excuse.

3.) duh...still people are completely valid in their complaints about this situation.


bioware is a company, the provide a paid service of the game. if that service is interrupted due to the company screwing up, then people SHOULD be mad about it. they paid to play, they should get to play.


people saying they're canceling their subs or going to play another MMO, while extremely overdramatic i'll agree, its still how the world works. its how captialism works. competition is good.


bioware isn't your friend. you don't have to defend them. they are a company trying to make money. this is a mistake, if it makes them lose money and customers, then GOOD. they'll make less mistakes in the future cus they don't want to lose more money.

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I was so close to downloading the patch... The login service failed just as they took it down.


I'm ok now, but man that was close. I don't know what happened but I think they were trying to release a preparation patch for tomorrow and somehow got messed up.


Sorry to those affected...

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RAGE!!!!:mad:!!! But some freaking download servers online this is stupid, "THE SMALL AMMOUNT" of people can't DOWNLOAD you're game efficiently after YOUR error.....


I try so hard to get everyone to play this game and talk it up and then BAM slapped in the face by reality =/

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What do you all expect to be done about 2 hours after the mess anyway? 50 cent deposits in your bank account for a day lost playing? Oooo... half a day actually. 25 cents. Maybe they should call you personally and tell you they'll take you out for ice cream to make up for it. Its done... move on and play tomorrow.




People don't understand that it's NOT about how much it costs. It's about a service that is not accessible due to their own fault.


Also, some people have bandwidth limits, and passing those they will get slow connection or pay a hell lot more for every Mb downloaded.


It's about people scheduling Raids and other gaming things (thus arranging RL schedules), and get screwed over it.


They screwed it. If you did something like this in your own job, you'd be lucky to keep it.

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I've been at a relatively average download speed of 700 kb/s, and it hasn't dropped below 500 for the patches. I just reinstalled the game using my discs.


Nice, im digital so SOL.... bummer for the majority im sure

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I've been at a relatively average download speed of 700 kb/s, and it hasn't dropped below 500 for the patches. I just reinstalled the game using my discs.


Wish I had a disc...


been relaunching the installer every 5min because of "Network error..."


been 2hours, and it's 10.18gb remaining.... /sigh

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I've been at a relatively average download speed of 700 kb/s, and it hasn't dropped below 500 for the patches. I just reinstalled the game using my discs.


Not everyone has the disk, especially early access people. And I'm not going to go out and buy it just to play, shouldn't have to.

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Rainier, due to your prior responses and general lack of knowledge of anything technical (a restore? really?) I suspect you're just a troll.


Furthermore, given your statement below wrt to "server optimization" it further reinforces the fact that yer nothing but a cheap troll.


Kids, dont feed the troll.


You keep implying that "small" amount of people isn't the case. If they optimized their servers in preparation for tomorrow it would be for everyone to download a smaller file. Yes a small amount of users all downloading a huge file on that configuration could cause the problems we are seeing. In addition, the fact that you think putting servers online is similar to calling an extra checkout guy up to the front of the store when their is a long line speaks volumes.


Even if the window of error was 2 hours (it wasn't even close to this), how much of the total population could possibly have actually gone through the attempt to log in? The vast, vast majority of people would already be logged in and wouldn't be affected or doing something else entirely and wouldn't be affected. This would actually apply to any given short time span.

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Everyone is just on the "Hate BioWare bandwagon" right now cause of Mass Effect 3 and its carrying over to here I think.

And for the record, I was affected by this but life goes on.


No. I think it's safe to say they earned the anger from this fan base.

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you are a very forgiving person, the perfect lemming consumer, im sure you are perfectly ok with this problem, either because you arent experiencing it since you are forum trolling at work, or because you have no backbone. either way, this is poor customer service end of story, compensation is required out of sheer etiquette.


Am I a forgiving person? Yes. Why? Because I don't believe jumping down someone's throat and demanding compensation for a simple error is proper social etiquette, regardless of the context in which it happens.


Does that make me the perfect lemming consumer? Possibly... Or it makes me a level-headed, rational and reasonable human being.


And yep, I'm at work and trolling the forums out of boredom. Does that mean I'm perfectly okay with this problem? No, it does not. I have friends who I was hoping to play with later today that I may not be able to now, and that sucks. Are they acting like 2 year old children and demanding they somehow be compensated? No, they are not, because they are adults and they understand that sometimes things like this happen.


Just relax buddy. I'm sure BW will come up with some way of pandering to your childish demands for compensation. Right now, I bet they have bigger issues at hand then how many free Tauntauns they are going to give out.

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I assume there are 10's of thousands of people attempting DL the game client and or patchs to play.


Why would tens of thousands of people be logging in during the same 15-minute window? The people who got affected were those who happened to log in at that time and did not cancel in time.

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Once, I when I was a kid, I was reallllly looking forward to this tv show. It was gonna be great. I planned my week around it. And it thunderstormed and my power went out. And I didn't get to see the show. I was really mad. But the problem was fixed as quick as possible, and I eventually got to see the show re-aired.


Also, life went on and it turned out the tv show wasn't really all that important in the grand scheme of things.


The end.

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At this point, BW can't (or will not) provide 'UNDO' patch for 'small' number of users affected.


Best thing they can do is providing seamless downloading experience for ppl willing to download a full client + patches.

Edited by daebal
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