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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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Sorry, abnormally slow/capped connections are outside of Bioware's span of control. Get a better ISP or pay for a higher tier of service. If gaming is important to you as a hobby, fund it--don't skimp then throw blame at developers.


And seriously, who would go with a digital download instead of box copy knowing they are so abnormally bandwidth capped?




Lol really its beyond biowars control? I had no idea!... First off again not EVERYONE in the same.... That IS the fastest connection in the area and there is only 1 ISP. I just built a $2,000 system myself, I'm not skimping in any way.. Nor did I blame the devs for any of that. I was offering suggestions for others that had this issue if you would have read alittle more.

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Everyone, we do apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this issue.


I wanted to update to emphasize that, if you want to cancel a re-download of of the client, you must do so in the first downloading phase (the 11GB phase). If the patcher reaches an "installing" phase, you will need to complete the redownload and patch tomorrow. If you stop the download during this downloading phase, you will be able to play 1.2 tomorrow when it is deployed.

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As a software developer, I'm shocked that bioware doesn't have more control over it's patch processes. No way to revert/roll back a patch? That's a standard in almost every software deployment I've seen throughout multiple companies. And now your download servers can't even keep up with the mess that you made. You better compensate your customers for this error.
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Everyone, we do apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this issue.


I wanted to update to emphasize that, if you want to cancel a re-download of of the client, you must do so in the first downloading phase (the 11GB phase). If the patcher reaches an "installing" phase, you will need to complete the redownload and patch tomorrow. If you stop the download during this downloading phase, you will be able to play 1.2 tomorrow when it is deployed.


Alison i'm beyond that point now

i'm trying to download "English Assets 1" but there my download stops

just does nothing anymore ...

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1)I downloaded the little patch and started the game.


2)The game didn't started(black screen).


3)i restarted the game and now is downloading the 11gb patch.


4)I followed the tip to stop and play and it doesn't work,it always start to donwloand the 11gb patch and i can't play.


Now the question:


1)is the patch 1.2 of 12gb?


2) How i can play?Should i reinstall the game from discs??Or tomorrow i will need to download again 12gb of patch..???

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Hi Allison. Well, I am one of the affected here, and I am not happy about the error. Now, why when I try to re-download the client (the famous 11GB) I can only do so at crawling speeds. I have a 40mb connection and can only download the client at an average of 150-350kb? I donwloaded the mistaken patch at 3.9MB, so I dont see the difference. You made a mistake. I get that, I am not happy about it, but I get that. If one of the resolutions ot the problem is to re-dowload tge whole client, then why are you throttling the download?

Thank you for your time.

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lol I had 2GB left of the 11GB, and BAM "Network error", even though my internet was still up and I was speedtesting at 25mbps.


Close patcher (because it stopped responding), re-open patcher...


Downloading 11GB from scratch! Wooo, gg.

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Try employing people who can tell the difference between AM and PM when setting the time at which the patch files for 1.2 become downloadable.


I'm pretty sure the reason people patched to 1.2 is because the launcher contacted the servers and was told that 1.2 was live (because the patch was set for 12:01PM when it should've been set for 12:01AM), so it went ahead and merged 1.2 content into the asset files.


10 minutes later suddenly we're back in 1.1.5 and we can't unmerge 1.2 out of the asset files and have to redownload the entire game client.

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am i understanding this right.... if you complete the patch and want to play tonight you have to reinstall from your disc.....???????????


Yes as you'll have the wrong version of the game.


Client (player) version has to match Server version otherwise, no worky. :(

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Try employing people who can tell the difference between AM and PM when setting the time at which the patch files for 1.2 become downloadable.


I'm pretty sure the reason people patched to 1.2 is because the launcher contacted the servers and was told that 1.2 was live (because the patch was set for 12:01PM when it should've been set for 12:01AM), so it went ahead and merged 1.2 content into the asset files.


10 minutes later suddenly we're back in 1.1.5 and we can't unmerge 1.2 out of the asset files and have to redownload the entire game client.


i would imagine the guy who screwed up is in alot of trouble.

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Everyone, we do apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this issue.


I wanted to update to emphasize that, if you want to cancel a re-download of of the client, you must do so in the first downloading phase (the 11GB phase). If the patcher reaches an "installing" phase, you will need to complete the redownload and patch tomorrow. If you stop the download during this downloading phase, you will be able to play 1.2 tomorrow when it is deployed.


so your saying "we ****ed up, but you can just wait and play tomorrow"



tell us where the 900mb we downloaded is and we can delete it without having to reinstall or redownload the client. unless of course it was a write over then you should be thinking how are you going to compensate us

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You are missing the point. It is completely idiotic for someone that knows their connection is absurdly slow to have to re-download the entire game because..... wait for it.....they were idiotic enough to only buy the digital copy. Make sense now? Future reference, bad connection means you gotta buy the box. Every MMO needs to be repaired/installed again from time to time. Your rage should be directed at yourself and your shortsightedness. This thread is just your vehicle to add to the angst of people that have legitimate concerns. Righteous indignation-not yours.


Lol I think I smell troll.. People have every darn right to do whatever they want regardless of your own agenda, situation, thoughts, or feelings on the matter. The OP you were referring to wasn't even in regard to HAVING the login problem.. Although, it was referring to people that MAY have that problem. I think you need to try to be abit more open minded.

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But it was just a small minority of the player base right? Surely their patchers should be able to keep up with such a small amount.


As a software developer, I'm shocked that bioware doesn't have more control over it's patch processes. No way to revert/roll back a patch? That's a standard in almost every software deployment I've seen throughout multiple companies. And now your download servers can't even keep up with the mess that you made. You better compensate your customers for this error.
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Somehow I sense a yet unknown looming overhead about being able to just log in and play 1.2 tomorrow. But we'll see when the time comes, I hope to be wrong. Hopefully it's as minimal of a loss as they claim (although unfortunate nonetheless, a lot of people wanted to achieve some more things before 1.2; including myself).

And at least AllisonBerryman (as well as a few people behind the scenes probably) is trying hard to get the information & how to deal with the mishap out there. Hopefully BW in its entirety takes this serious enough to provide playtime compensation to those affected.

It happened, no changing that; now it's time to see how it is going to be dealt with.

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You are missing the point. It is completely idiotic for someone that knows their connection is absurdly slow to have to re-download the entire game because..... wait for it.....they were idiotic enough to only buy the digital copy. Make sense now? Future reference, bad connection means you gotta buy the box. Every MMO needs to be repaired/installed again from time to time. Your rage should be directed at yourself and your shortsightedness. This thread is just your vehicle to add to the angst of people that have legitimate concerns. Righteous indignation-not yours.


So, this patch screw up somehow doesn't affect me, and I somehow don't have legitimate concerns because I can't play the game on my day off due to BioWare's mistake?


You can defend BioWare; that's fine. But please refrain from ad hominem statements and assumptions.


I pay for a good connection, but it will still take a good chunk of my day to download and re-patch, and then patch it again tomorrow. This is a problem, at its very root, caused by BioWare.

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1)I downloaded the little patch and started the game.


2)The game didn't started(black screen).


3)i restarted the game and now is downloading the 11gb patch.


4)I followed the tip to stop and play and it doesn't work,it always start to donwloand the 11gb patch and i can't play.


Now the question:


1)is the patch 1.2 of 12gb?


2) How i can play?Should i reinstall the game from discs??Or tomorrow i will need to download again 12gb of patch..???


Basically we are being told that if you want to play today your best bet is to install from discs then update to the latest patch (before 1.2) but if you can wait til tomorrow just quit the 12gig download and log in after the 1.2 patch is live and it should work fine.

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Yes as you'll have the wrong version of the game.


Client (player) version has to match Server version otherwise, no worky. :(


Im not that stupid, but tbh since the other download people keep going on about doesnt seem to be moving for me im a bit unsure exactly *** i need to do

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