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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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It's also a part of balancing server population. You can't just open lots of servers only to find out a few months later that you have to close 10 servers again etc.


Bioware did warn that queues would happen and they only happen at prime time of course. This is just part of starting a new MMO. This will take a little time to settle but so far, I think it's not been that bad for a new game release at all.


Of course, when you're in a queue waiting to get in....let's see, what can I do in the mean time? Oh yeah qq on the forum. It's natural. I still think that for the massive amount of pre orders they've done quite well. Not perfect, but still they managed quite well so far.


I'll be interested to see what happens when the 20th hits or the 25th. I wonder if there will be a couple more big waves of new players.

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Have been waiting on Switfsure for 1h exactly, queue was 1585 when I joined. It is now 997. By that rate it will be very close to a 3 or 3+ hour queue.




I joined the queue at 8:30 pm (California time) and still am not in. Hooray 4 hours. That was all of the time I could play today. So, just want to say thank you to Bioware for a quality product. Just wish I could use it after I paid for it (credit card was billed today so yes I did pay for it.)


Edit: Server - The Swiftsure

Edited by Ordained
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Free server xfers might be a good idea, at least then me and my friends can actually play together.

Blizzard did this when silvermoon(eu) got overpopulated on launch.


...thing is I'm going to be really wound up after a "stress test" weekend. (so you blatently know how much pop a server can handle) we're seeing queues.

When retail goes live, I fear i'm going to be paying £8.99 to sit in a queue which is unacceptable.


My job is to sell games, THIS game is one of them. I won't be recomending it if this keeps up :(

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UGH, Did they move ALL the PVP Guilds to Swiftsure or are all the Credit sellers on this server. (Gold, Credit..... you know what I mean). This 2 hour que is awful and the game is not out to the public yet. /facepalm Edited by MF-Boom
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UGH, Did they move ALL the PVP Guilds to Swiftsure or are all the Credit sellers on this server. (Gold, Credit..... you know what I mean). This 2 hour que is awful and the game is not out to the public yet. /facepalm


Unofficial Oceanic Server.

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I was there at the WoW launch, which was a complete disaster. Server instability was the problem, so nobody was playing, period. BioWare has at least made the servers stable enough so people can play, for those who can get in.


Now this is my soapbox moment: I didn't choose which server to play on, BioWare did. They chose The Swiftsure for me, being part of the guild placement. It's a US-based guild, nearly all of us are West Coast, wanted PvP, so this made sense. Tuesday was great with early access, and then everything fell apart. I've played 30 minutes on my toon since Tuesday due to queue times and the server maintenance last night. And the queue times are getting worse.


I am expected to pay a subscription to play this game. I don't recall anything in the EULA that states that it's fine for me to sit in a queue for hours waiting to use the product I paid money for. If it's there, please cite it and correct me. Now I know I'm not paying yet, but I will be, and if this isn't fixed by the time I start paying (in a month's time), I know I won't be playing period. The guild pre-placement was a huge risk on BioWare's part, and I have to say it must be commended for trying something different and new for an MMO. But for The Swiftsure and The Harbinger, it's been a giant mess.


Please BioWare, just acknowledge this is a big mess and problem, and that you're doing something to come up with a solution. I don't care to know what the solution is right now, but that you do hear us and are working to resolve it. My guild is the second-largest Republic guild on the server, and it would not be pretty to try and move it now, especially since not all of us are in-game yet with early access. Remember, we are customers paying you, and there are nearly countless people complaining about the same thing. Any communication would be prudent, and could calm the mobs down until a solution can be implemented.

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Were all you people in Rift on 1st day? this is all the same forum bickering and impatience I saw dureing that launch...............all the posts mustve been copy and pasted from that launch and 100 others......no ones reacting or learning anything about the difficulties of a huge mmo release, they just want what they want and want it now.


Its like a mass of the same old same old same old stuff , everyones an expert , they think its unacceptable, it shouldnt be this way, its bad customer service, no one cares about us.


In the mean time there are people working day in and day out to try and balance all this out, if you think they arent working hard to remedy everything so you can enjoy your game your wrong, The developers put years of their lives into this, of course they want to try and make you happy, why would you think otherwise?

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And this one is going incredibly well, Just calm down, the ques will clear up as people level and move out of start zones...



You guys have waited since what.... 2008-09? few hours going to kill you? :3


Mate you are just plain dumb. Starter zones have jack squat to do with server ques. It's the population limit that dictates them. This is a bad bad thing. People will have thier toons in a busy server and will not want to move due to level/guild. So unless server change is offered this is not a problem that will simply disappear.

IMO If its still like this in January my sub will be terminated. I want to play games, if I wanted to que for hours I would go to a theme park on a national holiday.

Edited by BobbaGum
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What really annoys me is the almost offensive communication telling me to play at off peak times (could a bioware rep tell my daughter why I cannot play with her today because bioware advised not to play when she was asleep) and also to join another server (bioware all the servers were full and my guild was pre-assigned).


I know it's an MMO launch and I would expect to Q for 1/2 hour but not 2+ hours. Seriously, you should have learned from other MMO's on how to deal with this. You don't Q on other games now after an expansion, it's an MMO launch is not an excuse.

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Been in "The Swiftsure" que for over 2 hours now.


Wish Bioware would just designate some oceanic servers or something, the que length is pretty silly, and I don't want to roll on a non oceanic server...


The last two nights I've been in a queue over an hour on Hyperspace Cannon. The really crappy thing is that several people in game were discussing the fact that they were Canadians, Aussies, and British on a US-West server. I can somewhat understand Canadians, but freaking British and Aussies? At the time I first started the queue yesterday almost all of the US servers were either full with queues or very heavy, and I looked down and see the majority of the European servers are light or normal (during peak times for UK). It sucks having non-US people clogging up US servers instead of using their own - Aussies are the exception and they need their own servers so they won't clog up all of ours.


I really hope BW will start cutting server access to new players on these new servers on the first few days. There's no excuse for having so many servers over max cap during early access and having queues that are an hour or two long. New servers need to be brought up and free transfers need to be made or required to people who weren't first implemented onto the servers through initial guild transfer, at least until the server cap levels out.

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......no ones reacting or learning anything about the difficulties of a huge mmo release, they just want what they want and want it now.?


^ This line seems to apply to both sides. Several people are bringing up WoW's release and how bad it was (thank you for choosing a more resent game btw) while ignoring the fact that that was several years ago and especially after having THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE in beta and seeing the number of preorders they should have been better prepared.

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Were all you people in Rift on 1st day? this is all the same forum bickering and impatience I saw dureing that launch...............all the posts mustve been copy and pasted from that launch and 100 others......no ones reacting or learning anything about the difficulties of a huge mmo release, they just want what they want and want it now.


Its like a mass of the same old same old same old stuff , everyones an expert , they think its unacceptable, it shouldnt be this way, its bad customer service, no one cares about us.


In the mean time there are people working day in and day out to try and balance all this out, if you think they arent working hard to remedy everything so you can enjoy your game your wrong, The developers put years of their lives into this, of course they want to try and make you happy, why would you think otherwise?


RIFT was NOWHERE near as bad as this. 3-4 hours queues on Switftsure.

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The last two nights I've been in a queue over an hour on Hyperspace Cannon. The really crappy thing is that several people in game were discussing the fact that they were Canadians, Aussies, and British on a US-West server. I can somewhat understand Canadians, but freaking British and Aussies? At the time I first started the queue yesterday almost all of the US servers were either full with queues or very heavy, and I looked down and see the majority of the European servers are light or normal (during peak times for UK). It sucks having non-US people clogging up US servers instead of using their own - Aussies are the exception and they need their own servers so they won't clog up all of ours.


I really hope BW will start cutting server access to new players on these new servers on the first few days. There's no excuse for having so many servers over max cap during early access and having queues that are an hour or two long. New servers need to be brought up and free transfers need to be made or required to people who weren't first implemented onto the servers through initial guild transfer, at least until the server cap levels out.


What do you mean "somewhat"? Canadians do NOT have their own servers.

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^ This line seems to apply to both sides. Several people are bringing up WoW's release and how bad it was (thank you for choosing a more resent game btw) while ignoring the fact that that was several years ago and especially after having THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE in beta and seeing the number of preorders they should have been better prepared.


EA was not PREPARED!!!



Sorry, had to beat everyone to the punch.

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I waited patiently and quietly for 3.5 hours to get into game, I finally got in only to be booted back out into queue for another 3 hours. Making my waiting time so far 6.5 hours . I am still not in game as I write this, I am presently still queued at 400. Its a bit excessive.
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haha you need to go out side more bro, like 80% of EUR know near perfect English. LOL
thanks for your insite


thanks for replying *******

90% of Idiots can post on forums

cause you post here i guess you in that group


Australia is way over 2000miles from where you live .. yes the world is not flat

and no that does not mean we are in EUR


If you have not already been sent to bed i would love to hear a coherent or constructive reply


If your not sure what that is then NVM

May the force be u* you

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