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post your pvp record numbers


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well you said:




and i do have better gear than that. i do have a slotted rakata relic with +65 power (more dmg than +51 expertise), my bm gear is also full with the hard mode operation drops adept and deft mod 25, my belts and bracers are orange aswell, r140 wep with 41white,25adept,25deft, and my implants are expert nano-optic might packages mastercraft with 28 power augments. oh and the champion earpiece. since you dont seem to have a crit slotted rakata relic and the implants, your gear does considerable less dmg in pvp than mine. and alot better than what i got isnt really possible anyway.


edit: also, you didnt even bother to post your gear (mine is visible in my last vid) so for all we know you could have just shopped those screenshots. but have a nice day anyway!




All my BM is fully slotted with adept and deft 25 mods.Even those i dont use. Im using Heart of Ragnos for my mainhand with both the same. Also orange sith champion belt and bracers with the deft 25 and might armoring 25.


and yes, BiS relic/implants/ear with augments


You seem a bit rattled that there is a even Jug out there who is hitting bigger numbers than you.


Im heavily dependant on focus'd targets being debuff'd with my accuracy and dps raised through others. But we are a pvp guilld and we communicate well. The stats do help, but the teamplay is the biggest part behind my dps output tbh.

Edited by -Ashton-
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well you said:




edit: so for all we know you could have just shopped those screenshots. but have a nice day anyway!




Not at all, our website http://www.kyramprudii.com/ there are several screenshots of the 1mill warzone from others. The 8.6k crit, no as i was solo queing.



and stop back peddling in your vids, it gives you a self snare. Have a nice day!

Edited by -Ashton-
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yes. please post a screenshot. i believe you. but i'm more interested in how you do that. i play sage too, the best i can do is around 4.8k. my surge is around 76% damage, but i'm never able to do that. how do you mod your gear? that's a crazy number you got there.


sure m8, ill upload it as soon as i get home.


All my Mods slots are modded after maxium power (ill get back to you on name of mods) and all my Enhancement slots are modded with the crit and surge mods, some are rakata some are just 56 (the crit and surge which only is available on champ gear).


Furthermore, I am using Stalker implants and off hand because it gets me 32 willpower more from that move. Trust me, ive done alot of work to find how i could maximize everything to hit big, i even have all the datacrons incl. the 10+ stats to all just to get that more willpower. I believe the hit is possible with a combination of maximum expertise as i have, all the boosts from biochem and well, just plain luck. My second best hit have only been 5k so i can understand its a matter of everything aligning moment. I do not hit for this on average.



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sure m8, ill upload it as soon as i get home.


All my Mods slots are modded after maxium power (ill get back to you on name of mods) and all my Enhancement slots are modded with the crit and surge mods, some are rakata some are just 56 (the crit and surge which only is available on champ gear).


Furthermore, I am using Stalker implants and off hand because it gets me 32 willpower more from that move. Trust me, ive done alot of work to find how i could maximize everything to hit big, i even have all the datacrons incl. the 10+ stats to all just to get that more willpower. I believe the hit is possible with a combination of maximum expertise as i have, all the boosts from biochem and well, just plain luck. My second best hit have only been 5k so i can understand its a matter of everything aligning moment. I do not hit for this on average.




thanks steele looking forward to it. also please let me know your numbers (bonus force damage/crit/surge)

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All my BM is fully slotted with adept and deft 25 mods.Even those i dont use. Im using Heart of Ragnos for my mainhand with both the same. Also orange sith champion belt and bracers with the deft 25 and might armoring 25.


and yes, BiS relic/implants/ear with augments


You seem a bit rattled that there is a even Jug out there who is hitting bigger numbers than you.


Im heavily dependant on focus'd targets being debuff'd with my accuracy and dps raised through others. But we are a pvp guilld and we communicate well. The stats do help, but the teamplay is the biggest part behind my dps output tbh.


oh so you only have might armorring 25 in your belt and bracers? well i guess that settled it, my belt and bracers have a rage armorring, which is considerable better than a might 25 one. (you can confirm this in my video, where i posted all my gear)


im not really rattled that you have bigger numbers altough my gear is better, as i said you probably had some marauders regularily buffing you with +dmg and stuff like that, and you probably hit someone who had 0 expertise and very low armor so this 8k++ hit isnt impossible at all.


i was just pointing out that my gear is better, i hope this doesnt disturb you too much. judging from your comments you believe yourself to be the superior pvper anyway.

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