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post your pvp record numbers


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i have even better gear and my biggest hit was only slightly below 8k (in 1.1.5) i think, but i never bothered to have a marauder give me the dmg buff or get a tank guard me so your hit might be legit. could also have been on a naked player or something.




No you do not have better gear than me, and i cant be arsed to go into detail.




If you do not believe me, just go to Kyr'am Prudii.com and check out the date that our GM posted it on the main page. I dont care what people assume, the people whos opinions i care about, are on TS and in warzones with me. i Regularly hit 7.5k-8k crits every warzone on BattleMaster geared sorcs/ops and marauders on the LoL server.

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No you do not have better gear than me, and i cant be arsed to go into detail.




If you do not believe me, just go to Kyr'am Prudii.com and check out the date that our GM posted it on the main page. I dont care what people assume, the people whos opinions i care about, are on TS and in warzones with me. i Regularly hit 7.5k-8k crits every warzone on BattleMaster geared sorcs/ops and marauders on the LoL server.


take a screenshot of your screen with your stats open so I can do the math and see whats up. Because really if this is possible, i'd like to do it as well.

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want to keep a record, attach a screenshot please (use postimage.org) for the following:




1. Ashton 1044k http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/193/1mill.png




biggest single hit


1. Ashton 8613 http://imageshack.us/f/831/bigdawg.png/

2. Steele 7201 http://imageshack.us/f/100/crithit2.png/









biggest single heal







1. Fluffyfireball 587k http://i42.tinypic.com/6ohkt4.jpg




most kills


you know those numbers at the end of the warzone dont realy mean jack right ? other than pointing out what needs nerfing and balancing out.


on my sin i usualy get around 75k damage done with 30 kills and 0 deaths so the damage numbers mean didly squat :p

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Most damage ive ever done was 549k and 79 kills. 1 Mil damage is impossible on my class I think. Im always around 400k and the match I had the 549k I didnt die and was constantly dps'ing. Highest hit was 5991 with a Demo round and heal I have no idea. I also use stims and adrenals.
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No you do not have better gear than me, and i cant be arsed to go into detail.




If you do not believe me, just go to Kyr'am Prudii.com and check out the date that our GM posted it on the main page. I dont care what people assume, the people whos opinions i care about, are on TS and in warzones with me. i Regularly hit 7.5k-8k crits every warzone on BattleMaster geared sorcs/ops and marauders on the LoL server.


well you said:


yes my BM is completely remodded


the only rakata gear i use is the mainhand weapon, remodded. orange bracers and belt, remodded 58's


and i do have better gear than that. i do have a slotted rakata relic with +65 power (more dmg than +51 expertise), my bm gear is also full with the hard mode operation drops adept and deft mod 25, my belts and bracers are orange aswell, r140 wep with 41white,25adept,25deft, and my implants are expert nano-optic might packages mastercraft with 28 power augments. oh and the champion earpiece. since you dont seem to have a crit slotted rakata relic and the implants, your gear does considerable less dmg in pvp than mine. and alot better than what i got isnt really possible anyway.


edit: also, you didnt even bother to post your gear (mine is visible in my last vid) so for all we know you could have just shopped those screenshots. but have a nice day anyway!

Edited by swooshien
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you know those numbers at the end of the warzone dont realy mean jack right ? other than pointing out what needs nerfing and balancing out.


on my sin i usualy get around 75k damage done with 30 kills and 0 deaths so the damage numbers mean didly squat :p


Sounds like you hit someone and someone else kills them so you get credit. 75k damage is the reason teams lose. You mean to say Ashton, who is doing 1M+ damage, is not having an affect on the the amount of time the other team has to cap objectives? Get real man.

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OMG how can you do 1M damage!!!


4 healers on opposite side, 1 guy that didnt do anything and 1 dps wasnt that spectacular so he's been standing there bounding a healer for 15mins while hes been healed by the 3 others and never got killed himself.


Even with his epic dps they still barely win 70-0 so that tells how much the scoreboard really tells about how "good" players were.


Nice damage anyways, well done.

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want to keep a record, attach a screenshot please (use postimage.org) for the following:




1. Ashton 1044k http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/193/1mill.png




awesome totally amazing


oh wait sorry I meant what is the point of this they had in this game 3 DPS 4 healers and a dude that did nothing all game


I am sure any one with a decent aoe going to get amazing numbers when theres so much healing going on you never die cause they have no damage due to the high number of healers


everything is situational

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awesome totally amazing


oh wait sorry I meant what is the point of this they had in this game 3 DPS 4 healers and a dude that did nothing all game


I am sure any one with a decent aoe going to get amazing numbers when theres so much healing going on you never die cause they have no damage due to the high number of healers


everything is situational


My guess is they didn't go for a 3 cap because they were having so much fun pummeling the other team. I would do the same. The other team probably didn't care as 40% of their team were healers and it is fun to heal through all that damage in a win or loss.


It's easy to lose hindsight in this game and stop having fun. Kudos to Ashton and his team!

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Don't think I screen-shotted any of the most healing or most damage ones I've had-- biggest I found saved were just a 370k damage 360k healing (the latter though was fairly proud of as I was hybrid heal/dps specced at the time).


do have http://tinypic.com/r/35ml20m/5


For my highest single hit just a tick over 7000

Edited by paul_preib
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Yea the crit seem a bit crazy for a sorc but none the less it hit :o


I got the hit with Death Field using Willpower Stimpack, Relic power, Recklessness (Inq almost garanteed crit hit ability) and Adrenal power at the same time.


My gear is completely modded into Surge enhancement and power in mods.


I did not register the amount of damage i had at the hit time but i do have around 78% Critical multiplier


I have a full screenshot at home to prove that my hit was in madness spec if you need.


yes. please post a screenshot. i believe you. but i'm more interested in how you do that. i play sage too, the best i can do is around 4.8k. my surge is around 76% damage, but i'm never able to do that. how do you mod your gear? that's a crazy number you got there.

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yes. please post a screenshot. i believe you. but i'm more interested in how you do that. i play sage too, the best i can do is around 4.8k. my surge is around 76% damage, but i'm never able to do that. how do you mod your gear? that's a crazy number you got there.


If you're looking for a screenie for proof of such a high damage number from a sorc/sage mine's two posts above yours of about 7k on a sorc with the cliche 13/28 and relic but no adrenal.

Edited by paul_preib
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do you use rakata level mods?


Mod slots are the default, enhancement slots were mostly the champ Operative Dps glove enhancements (power surge if I recall) ripped out. I also don't go full pvp on my gear, at about 500 expertise (or just over 10%) with one columni implant (with augment), a purple 49 crafted bracer (with augment), red X3 matrix cube, and rakata crafted belt.

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