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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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So... where's them server merges?


They are not going to merge servers.


They are going to offer character transfers.


I expect they will follow a Rift like model where they give you character transfer ability and then close vacant servers over time.

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They are not going to merge servers.


They are going to offer character transfers.


I expect they will follow a Rift like model where they give you character transfer ability and then close vacant servers over time.


Ya wow did this quite a bit, for select servers, free xfers to there choosing etc, good idea and hope they lose like 15 servers atm lol

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The whiners whined at launch when lots of servers had queues. Bioware responded by raising server caps and adding servers. But, as always, the whining doesn't stop, it just finds a new direction.


Now, whiners whine about NOT having a server queue.


The silent majority on your *ALERT: sarcasm* "ghost server" */sarcasm* doesn't want a server merge, they're too busy NOT sitting around on the fleet twiddling their thumbs and spamming.


I have 3 Republic 50s on a decidedly Imp-heavy server that hovers between Light/Standard, and I have a Sith on The Fatman I've toyed with off and on for 3 months (he's on Voss). I've seen both "sides" of the coin.


Why isn't the Sith 50 after 3 months?

Because I'm not sitting in an "effing" queue, for one thing.

The fleet lags there.

General chat there is an abomination, and I'm not talking about just the fleet.

He's Sith, after all, they're the bad guys.

I'm too busy playing on my "ghost server" Republic characters.


Server merge? NO. Not needed. Quit crying.


Paid server transfers? I don't have a problem with this at all! I'll not begrudge someone from joining the "winning team" if they so desire, plus it generates a little extra revenue for Bioware. However, until they're available, a wise man in another thread offered these two options:

1) Reroll

2) Unsub


I, along with most of the "silent majority", don't give a rat's rectum which option you choose; as long as it means one less whiner whining about one less thing on the forums, we win.


Well put.

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It has been stated in many interviews this week that character transfers are a very high priority for BW, they are currently working on transfers for the oceanic/Asia peeps which I think has a deadline of next week sometime, I would assume that as soon as that is done and everything is running smooth they will offer transfers to the rest of us, idk how they are going to structure it but my guess is it will be much like what rift offered but that's just a guess. As for "server merges" it's not going to happen.
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It has been stated in many interviews this week that character transfers are a very high priority for BW, they are currently working on transfers for the oceanic/Asia peeps which I think has a deadline of next week sometime, I would assume that as soon as that is done and everything is running smooth they will offer transfers to the rest of us, idk how they are going to structure it but my guess is it will be much like what rift offered but that's just a guess. As for "server merges" it's not going to happen.



SWTOR has around 170 something servers..thats just WAY too many for this playerbase EVEN at launch.


While *some* servers may not need to be touched in terms of server population changes ,however some of the servers where populations only peak at 10 people per planet and/or fleet...those servers need to be removed...and those playerbases moved to more populated servers.

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For me its not a population thing, its a joining my friends thing. I have rerolled and started over on a lower populated server and its been great. I just flat out enjoy playing the game. I you can find a good guild, who help each other, and lvl together you population means nothing, unless you want to sell stuff. But I do agree there are way to many servers, but thats do to all the complaining at launch. I just started toon's I haven't started on other server and wait for the transfers to come later.
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Server Transfers could NOT come soon enough. Plain and simple, if I can't transfer to a more highly populated server by the end my subscription, I WILL NOT be renewing it. I did NOT pay 15/month just to go grind a bunch of dailies, then only sit on the fleet for the rest of the day. This is seriously pathetic. There is virtually NO PvP on our server (had a total of 2 Full Warzones all week, yes, even during prime time hours, and one 30 second WZ) This is completely ridiculous. You can pretty much never get anything done, almost no PUGS for Ops or Fps. It is extremely horrible.


Plain and simple...No transfers or merges, no subscription. I will give my 15/month to something else.

Edited by LifeOfMessiah
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Server Transfers could NOT come soon enough. Plain and simple, if I can't transfer to a more highly populated server by the end my subscription, I WILL NOT be renewing it. I did NOT pay 15/month just to go grind a bunch of dailies, then only sit on the fleet for the rest of the day. This is seriously pathetic. There is virtually NO PvP on our server (had a total of 2 Full Warzones all week, yes, even during prime time hours, and one 30 second WZ) This is completely ridiculous. You can pretty much never get anything done, almost no PUGS for Ops or Fps. It is extremely horrible.


Plain and simple...No transfers or merges, no subscription. I will give my 15/month to something else.


Just about everyone i know on my server is the same way. We are paying 15$ a month for a single player game?

Screw that then. My sub ends today in a few hours and i am not renewing because my dead server. If Bioware can at least give us a ETA rather than soon i might resub but with D3 coming next month followed by GW2 i doubt i would come back now. Bioware is to blame only, how can they not have prepared for this?


The only people who are defending this game are the people that play on one of the 5 high pop servers they dont know whats it like to have a empty GTN, 30mins to a hour long queues, 2 hours to find a HM FP party, able to level up with out doing any Heroic or FP.

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I do agree with u some what. They need to hurry up and implement sever transfers or merge servers or this game will ultimately die before they can even get 1.3 out probably. I mean i was on a pretty decent server where there was a standard population that wasn't bad but in the past 2 weeks about half left to go do something else or play on a different server and i do not want to reroll again.
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They have time to make all these updates that i don't even really notice a difference with but they can't just simply add transfers i mean they where able to allow asia pacific players to transfer to those servers so that means they can do it and basically have it set up they are just being ignorant and not putting it in for the rest of us.
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IMO they should open up server transfers to the lowest pop servers (Lowest 25%) while also locking out the top 25% servers from being transferred to... you could do this by faction in fact aka if a server is light on PUBS they're open for PUB transfer but if heay on IMP it's not eligible etc. (Guys in the middle.. you stick it out because you ain't got it so bad and it'll get better after this!)


That way you control the flow a bit... then at the end of the day just merge the servers that get ghosted minimizing impact to the player base for better & worse while also not creating que times that aren't needed.

Edited by Chesty_Jake
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And how does a transfer help? If I pay to transfer to a more populated server, how does that help the people left behind? They get even less people to play with. If you think for some odd reason you'll get to transfer for free, then what do you think BioWare would do with all the completely dead servers once most have transferred off?


Yea, they'll merge or close servers eventually. But only after they milk a paid transfer system for all they can get.


Didn't say it did, dear. People come to these threads for information as well as discussion and debate. Those who do not frequently read Stephen Reid's Twitter account may not have known that it was being discussed. I am simply providing info.

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Time is against Bioware in this one, I invested months of my life and money in my characters I will not create new characters for a long time, so if Bioware doesn´t allow server transfers fast I will definitely unsubscribe.


Thing is that is a threat that really doesn't hold much weight; there has been a lot of: "OMG mass exodus!!" misinformation but the reality is most people are sticking with TOR at least for now, so you will be in the minority.

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What these people keep missing is that server capacity was freaking doubled so what was reading as a full server back then would be reading as a light server now. The only mistake BioWare made was making the status visible in the first place.

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IMO they should open up server transfers to the lowest pop servers (Lowest 25%) while also locking out the top 25% servers from being transferred to... you could do this by faction in fact aka if a server is light on PUBS they're open for PUB transfer but if heay on IMP it's not eligible etc. (Guys in the middle.. you stick it out because you ain't got it so bad and it'll get better after this!)


That way you control the flow a bit... then at the end of the day just merge the servers that get ghosted minimizing impact to the player base for better & worse while also not creating que times that aren't needed.


Why would people on the high population servers transfer to a low server when queue times on even the highest pop servers are rare, and short when they do occur?


All what you suggest would do is consolidate the bulk of low pop server players onto just a few of those servers, leaving the rest far worse off than they are currently.


In my opinion there are issues with the game as it is currently which makes even the most populated servers FEEL empty, server transfers will do nothing to fix them.

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Visit this site its been tracking population via Light / Heavy etc etc. btw, James the Game Director seems to be living in denial thinking that the population on all servers is A OKAY, I think there is a way we can get a message to him. Stage an ingame protest where we all make chars on one server at the same time haha.

Edited by Overlord-
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