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The definitive word on end game itemization in 1.2


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What is the reasoning for not upgrading the current Rakata gear to better (more appropriate) stats in the patch? I was rather excited for the change, but aside from that I thought they really helped fix some of the problems the gear had in the first place.


No new set bonuses is a bit disappointing as well, the sage dps bonuses being rather useless right now for one thing (The 4 piece set bonus only gives me about .15 seconds faster cast on TK throw), but not as important as those stat changes were.

Edited by devtek
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I'm still confused about social gear. Specifically, the armor.

The Republic Officer social gear, for example, is "light armor."

Is it viable for me, a Gunslinger, to put my end game mods in that?

Or will it stay light armor?


I'll continue to wear my social Imperial Spacesuit on my BH tank whether it stays light armor or not. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. U hear me healers? I'm talkin to u. ;)

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There is no ranking requirment on the "normal" WH gear - the gear with the stats. The ranking requirment is only for the special look ranked war hero gear which has no stats and is just a "shell"


again - no penalty for afking in normal WZs thats only for rated ( its debatable how a few min can be called a penalty but meh another topic)


And with all the new medals if you cant get 4 before you go afk you have to be rly rly bad. You get like 7 just from your team finishing a game fast.....(its obviously not every game but still 4 medals are nothing)


p.s. just dbl checked the WH gear on the PTS so unless they are addind that without announcing it on live - there is no ranking requirment.




Normal conversion to Rated is fail. Plz fix BW.



Your PVP Playerbase

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Any more questions? I'll be monitoring this thread for a while and try to clarify what I can.



-- Georg


As far as i can see the only orange schematics for gloves/boots will be the battlemaster/war hero ones. Will there be other schematics for these slots when 1.2 goes live, or will the pvp items be the only way to get augments in your gloves/boots?

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Hey Georg, can you let us know whether or not tanking mods will be added to the cybertech trainer? These are the mods I'm talking about:


Resilient/Robust/Weighted (main stat + absorb)


Deflecting/Elusive/Reinforced (main stat + defense)


They've been missing the whole time and are still missing as of April 10. Also, will cybertechs be able to RE the level 61's coming out so they can do piece work for others? Artificers for the enhancements? This would end some of the complaining about itemization, if anyone can just design their own for their own gear.





Edited by VulcanLogic
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Made another thread then saw this.


Did you remove the access of Black Hole Comms from current Nightmare Content? (I believe it was originally stated you'd be able to get comms from that content)


I haven't not seen anything since.

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Are Nightmare KP bosses still dropping BH Comms?




Black Hole gear, unlike Campaign items, is acquired from trading in Black Hole Commendations found through weekly quests in the new Corellia area as well as the weekly quest for the Rise of the Rakghoul flashpoints (Kaon/Lost Island). It also drops on bosses in Operation: Explosive Conflict on all difficulties.


-- Georg


It doesn't mention it there. Also, what about EV? Still just Columi comms on NiM?

Edited by Denchet
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Havent seen anything on this myself so I apologize if it's already been asked: With the removal of the valor ranking from BM gear does that mean that a sub 50 can buy the armor ahead of hitting 50 (not to wear obviously but to get ready before level 50 )?
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"The definitive word on end game itemization in 1.2"


Looks to me like we all have more questions here than you answered in your post. Im afraid i didnt see any new info at all.


Please guys, im losing faith ... get it together ....

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That isn't what I mean though. And people can basically do what you're saying already.

I want to be able to do ops in social gear. All of it is light armor. That means only consulars and inquisitors can do ops in social gear, which seems really unfair.

I thought I read something about the armor state as light/heavy/medium changing depending on your class for social gear.



I want to be able to use the collector's edition gear without having to roll a consular...


It was stated at the guild summit (iirc) that at some not-too-distant point social gear will 'upgrade' to the appropriate armor type for a specific character. Don't have time right now to search through the vids but that is the plan.

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Previous dev response:


Along the lines of: Use em or lose em


Well, that's unfortunate, since I have basically no control over whether additional BM tokens drop for me or not before Thursday (gear generally takes 2-3 tokens).


I guess I could grind 4000 warzone commendations. Not a very good solution.


If I hang on to 1k comms, do those go away too? Can I convert 1000 merc to 330 warzone afterwards?

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Havent seen anything on this myself so I apologize if it's already been asked: With the removal of the valor ranking from BM gear does that mean that a sub 50 can buy the armor ahead of hitting 50 (not to wear obviously but to get ready before level 50 )?


Would also like to know this, it would seem this way, as long as there isn't a requirement to be level 50 upon purchasing the gear (which would be odd).

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So which pieces were changed? Where are the stats? I assume these changes were on test for a couple of weeks and you wouldn't dream of testing them on live instead of the test server. More proof of paid beta incoming, thanks for sucking.
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So which pieces were changed? Where are the stats? I assume these changes were on test for a couple of weeks and you wouldn't dream of testing them on live instead of the test server. More proof of paid beta incoming, thanks for sucking.


uh... what?

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Well, that's unfortunate, since I have basically no control over whether additional BM tokens drop for me or not before Thursday (gear generally takes 2-3 tokens).


I guess I could grind 4000 warzone commendations. Not a very good solution.


If I hang on to 1k comms, do those go away too? Can I convert 1000 merc to 330 warzone afterwards?


You'll be able to convert your 1000 merc into 1000 wz comms in the next patch. As opposed to the 330 you would get if you converted today. :D

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All Campaign gear can also be reverse engineered for a chance to learn the associated schematic. For armor, this means a chance to learn the custom (orange) appearance of item, for implants, earpieces, mods, etc. This means learning to craft the item itself. All of these may be crafted critical for an additional augment slot or, in case of a mods, additional resulting items.



So is pre-existing flashpoint gear able to be reverse engineered for orange shells or just the Campaign gear you're adding with this patch? I really can't see anyone ever wanting one of the Campaign sets as an orange aside from maybe the Trooper chest.


Also seriously upset that the new Investigation/Treasure Hunting Armstech/Artifice orange shell recipes are just identical models at 20 and 50 instead of quest reward copies like Underworld Trading recipes. A lot of gunslingers are still stuck with no way to clone the A-300 Heavy Sonic Needler.

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It was stated at the guild summit (iirc) that at some not-too-distant point social gear will 'upgrade' to the appropriate armor type for a specific character. Don't have time right now to search through the vids but that is the plan.


Yes, for some reason Bioware would rather iceskate uphill than just add Gladiator, Crimson Mandalorian, and the other Medium/Heavy social sets from beta back into the game.

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Tionese / Columi / Rakata Gear


These sets are not changing. Their stats have not changed from their pre 1.2 state and they are acquired in the same way as they were before 1.2, except for the following changes:



Real quick, but on the PTS as of right now, April 10, there is defense rating on the boots and chest pieces of all Tionese sets, regardless of role. The DPS gear has it, the Healing gear has it. Seeing defense rating on medium Cunning armor is puzzling. Is this intended?

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Why are crafters making BiS gear once the schematic is obtained?


I don’t like the fact orange gear will be required from a min / max perspective.


Any word on being able to add augment slots to purple ops obtained items without the need to RE / go through a crafter.

The word is that yes, we are aiming to provide the ability to add augment slots to any orange gear (including social gear) with a future Game Update (we're hoping for 1.3). More on this later.

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Thanks for the reply, awesome news!

Guess you didnt get my edited question, so just a quick one more.


New orange gear:

Will there be new designs besides the pvp and fp gear?

Where will they be? Dropped on marked or available for crafters to buy at the synthweaver vendor?

And finally, will there PLEASE be more male like cloth for light armor? :(

I dont want my shadow to run around looking like a drag-queen :rolleyes:

I have found ONE pair of pants for him, muse-leggings.

And that took me ages to find, on Quesh.


Keep up the great work.

Yes, we've added additional orange gear to the game. Schematics for it is distributed mostly through mission discoveries.

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