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Everything posted by bwortbutch

  1. Sorry, i can't figure out how going from 12 to 9 million players means losing over 4 million. Can you please help me? EVERY progress guild that strives for server/region/world firsts would love to have the convenience of a 1 button respec, instead of wasting time on a 30+ clicks talent point reset and action-bar reconfiguration. Please don't try to sound like an "elitist raider" who is too good for all the "casuals" who want dual spec, because you're clearly not. I would be surprised if you cleared EC HM within a month after it was released, so cut back on your condescending attitude. That you consider respeccing to be a "difficult" mechanic that has to be preserved tells me everything about your "mad skillz" that i need to know. We don't NEED dual spec, but it would be a great feature.
  2. Before you blame Bioware I would suggest your tanks fix their positioning ASAP, as this is an intended mechanic. It happens when your tanks(or whoever has aggro) stand in the camp while waiting for the Gift of the Masters(the big purple circle) cast to end. Kephess charges them and cleaves your raid in half.
  3. I can confirm that the bug has been fixed on 16m hardmode. It's now ridiculously easy to move out of the circle. Killed him on our second attempt with a lot of new players (including one main tank) who had never seen the fight on hardmode before.
  4. Ist recht wurscht wem du worauf geantwortet hast, deine Aussage bleibt trotzdem falsch. Du hast geschrieben das kein Mensch Präzision braucht, und Macht-/Tech-Anwender eh 100% Präzision haben. Stimmt auch so. Bedeutet aber trotzdem das ein Ziel mit 10% Defense(in diesem Fall "Resistance") auch 10% der Macht-/Tech-Attacken resisten wird, wenn du meinst die 100% Präzision sind genug. Bei den meisten PvE-Encountern gibt es zwar keine Resistance, trotzdem ist der Hexer der einzige reine Macht-Anwender (reine Tech-Anwender gibt es nicht). Alle anderen haben entweder Melee- oder Ranged-Attacken, und können es sich deshalb nicht leisten auf Accuracy zu verzichten. Wenn du mit "kein Mensch" also nur Hexer meintest, dann hast du natürlich recht.
  5. Sorry, aber das ist schlicht falsch. 100% Accuracy bedeuten, dass du ein Ziel mit 0% Defense zu 100% triffst. Hat dein Ziel jedoch 10% Defense, triffst du nur noch mit 90% deiner Attacken, trotz deiner 100% Accuracy. Accuracy über 100% erniedrigt die Defense(Dodge für Melee- und Rangedangriffe, Resist für Tech und Force) deines Gegners. Steht auch so im Tooltip btw. Ranged Accuracy: Chance that ranged attacks will successfully hit the target. Accuracy over 100% reduces the target's defense. Tech Accuracy: Chance that your technological attacks will affect the target. Accuracy over 100% reduves the target's resistance.
  6. I read two things from your post: 1. You want to clear stuff in less than an hour. 2. If it takes you more than an hour, you blame the game. Now the facts: It's possible to clear EM HM in less than 1 1/2 - 2 hours if your group knows the fights in and out, and has successfully defeated them multiple times in the past. EV and KP maybe even in less than an hour. Of course you won't clear it that fast when you are still learning the encounters, which can take multiple hours/days/weeks, depending on your guild. That's why it is called HARDMODE and NIGHTMARE. The solution: 1.If you want to clear stuff in less than an hour on your first run, do (HM) Flashpoins, and normal-/storymode operations. 2.If you want to clear hardmode and nightmare, accept that these are supposed to be ... you know: HARD! Put in the time to learn the encounters. For a casual guild this might mean that you won't be able to clear the operations for the first few weeks after their release. Maybe not until the next Ops is released. Maybe never. If you want a challenge, accept it. HM/NiM are not long. But they're hard. Double entendre intended.
  7. Multiple guilds tried/killed him on PTS(including us, CKN and Millenium as far as i can remember, if not a few more). To my knowledge not one of them encountered this bug. So i'd say it wasn't THAT easy to catch. Concerning live servers: At least on the Darth Traya server we were able to kill him every week since the release of 1.2 without any issues, so it really seems to be server specific as some of you already guessed.
  8. I thought you were talking about LoSing the pull(avoiding it completely), and not about stacking on the boss(reducing pull distance). Never mind then.
  9. I know this wasn't directed at me, but I already said we didn't abuse line of sight and still managed to kill him. LoSing the pull is possible, but we decided against it, as it is obviously not intended and might get fixed soon. We got pulled in.
  10. I've seen it tick for 7 times total. That was without leaving the circle, and not on the kill try: [XX:31:16.098] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:17.001] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:18.015] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:19.025] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:19.985] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:20.995] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage [XX:31:21.006] [Warlord Kephess {2876588706234368}] [@Butch] [Gift of the Masters {2877310260740096}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage Again, that was not on our kill try. We adjusted our strat and killed him soon after. But that will be the last bit of info, sorry. We had fun figuring out something "new", and i'm sure you will too.
  11. I think my guildmates would lynch me if i told you how exactly we did it, sorry. :-/ But just go ahead and try it, it should be pretty obvious whether it works or not. Took us 4-5 pulls till we figured out the final strat and killed him.
  12. We killed him tonight on 16m Hardmode. Gift of the Masters is definitely bugged, but manageable. And no, we didn't use line of sight or any other "exploit".
  13. What he said. If someone states "I got killed by a 17k hit", my first question would be "Who hit you for 17k with what?". Just look into your combat logs.
  14. As far as i can see the only orange schematics for gloves/boots will be the battlemaster/war hero ones. Will there be other schematics for these slots when 1.2 goes live, or will the pvp items be the only way to get augments in your gloves/boots?
  15. Nope, it didn't say "20% chance to ..." or "no research available". I could just RE it for the mats. I have those tooltips for the augments that i can craft/RE, but so far haven't seen it on random orange/purple mod-gear besides Black Hole/Campaign items.
  16. So far i did not get a single schematic from REing dozens of orange and purple(modifiable) items on my level 50 (400 skill) armormech on the PTS. From what i could gather, it only works with T2(Black Hole and Campaign) items at the moment, and not with "almost any modifiable outfit" as Georg Zoeller stated in the "Crew Skills in Game Update 1.2" blog post.
  17. Yes, PLEASE include Heavy and Medium versions of social gear. I would love to use that Imperial Armor set on my Bounty Hunter.
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