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1.2 going live on Thursday 4/12


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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


And you even had to start a new thread to whine more about your lost accomplishment, and you got owned in that thread in two sentences.


Just because someone else can get the same gear as you in shorter time, even though you have had much more practice and can own them easily anyway.


BW should just introduce a cosmetic sticker for the armors bought before the patch so you guys can show everyone how hard you worked for it, like a "best in show" ribbon ya know.

Edited by Morticoccus
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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


Have you looked at the recruit gear? It's total and utter garbage, someone in BM gear will destroy someone wearing it. The gear changes to PvP change nothing tbh. I guess you can get BM gear easier now, but the gap between BM and Champion "wasn't" that significant until they boosted the expertise on Battlemaster which is already better gear.


Whole thing seems rather borked to me, but then 1.2 seems pretty borked to me. I like the game the way it is now, drastic and sweeping changes scare me.

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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.




About sums up my thoughts of your whining.

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I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


So people gearing up easier for pvp ruins your "SWTOR experience" ? *** man, just ***.


PVP is about competition, not grinding gear. You shouldn't have to grind gear for a month to get full battlemaster just to not be a liability to your team. And no, I can guarantee you're not one of those all stars in centurion gear owning BM's. I'd love to see a video of you doing that though.


A week to grind a full set of BM gear? I'd like to see that bro, There is a lot of rank 75 players on my server that dont have full BM. Also, it's still going to take a while to grind a full set of battlemaster, especially for the casual players that you want to grind into the dirt.


You HAVE to upgrade gear and make the previous tier easy to get so that new characters aren't a liability to the team.


Grinding in games is something of the past. Either get over it, or stop playing games.

Edited by Sireene
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Well more like complaining. The problem with 1.2 is the lack of Republic numbers on most servers means that ranked PvP won't really mean very much. As a result, it will just be a new level of gear and one new warzone (that allows for same faction). Really, for ranked warzones to start to mean anything you need more players and that means cross server, which won't hit until season one in a distant future patch. So, PvPers will likely be a bit bored as unranked will likely be the main thing still for PvP gear, and it will be how most grind to the next gear level. Edited by Ewgal
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Ranked pvp is useless anyway.


As a side note, we will allow trading of Warzone commendations into ranked Warzone commendations at a ratio of 3:1.


From dev tracker message. Why do ranked when you can farm normal for ranked gear? lol.

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Why do ranked when you can farm normal for ranked gear? lol.



Well in theory if there sufficiently high numbers of both factions it would add zest to the 4 war zones and promote more competitive PvP.


However, the numbers of Republic on most servers means this isn't going to happen. So most will stick to unranked for gear rather than risking being "*****" by the Empire "pros" in ranked.


On a lot of servers republic faction tends to be organised mainly around PvE goals, with the PvP being done casually and by new fresh faced 50s. The fresh faced 50s of both factions will mean that the unranked queue will pop as before, but ranked, likely will be a rare bird on most servers.

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Awesome! I have waited a long time for this patch. It will be so funny to see those helpless sorc's running around. >.<


If you are excited that a patch is on the way to Nerf a class that didn't particularly need nerfing in the first place then u might be shocked to learn little will change in your perception. sage/scale terribly with gear, and are far from overpowered. If you think this patch will stop the sorc qq it won't though. A good sorc or sage will still kill people, and bad players will still get pwned by sorc/sage. They will still moan to.

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Well in theory if there sufficiently high numbers of both factions it would add zest to the 4 war zones and promote more competitive PvP.


However, the numbers of Republic on most servers means this isn't going to happen. So most will stick to unranked for gear rather than risking being "*****" by the Empire "pros" in ranked.


On a lot of servers republic faction tends to be organised mainly around PvE goals, with the PvP being done casually and by new fresh faced 50s. The fresh faced 50s of both factions will mean that the unranked queue will pop as before, but ranked, likely will be a rare bird on most servers.


Alot of the geared pubs are waiting for 1.2 or levelling alts for legacy. There are plenty of hardcore pubs, they just waiting for the new gear.

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I don't think EA realizes how important this patch is, it will define whether the game lives or dies.


It's make or break time.


If spamming one ability is still the best option in PVP then I'm quitting this game, as will a lot of other people.

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Alot of the geared pubs are waiting for 1.2 or levelling alts for legacy. There are plenty of hardcore pubs, they just waiting for the new gear.


On most servers if you were to look at the PvP population then most would be new 50s or very casual players. The hardcore on the Republic a small fraction. That's where the problem lies, in order to get the ranked PvP you need a sizable population just to keep the queues popping. Reality is most PvP will be for gear and unranked post-1.2. There will be more same faction too, so Empire can enjoy more seeing who the hackers, bums, and exploiters are on their faction as much as the oposing faction does pre-1.2.

Edited by Ewgal
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Say goodbye to "alright" looking PvP gear, and prepare for the new clown shoes armor!:



the Sith warrior looks ok, the IA one is ok, the Assassin one is awesome (yes, I like alien/predator). the most horrble ones are Jedi knight & consular. But lets be fair, the helmet Jedi knights now wear looks terribad too. Smuggler has a rakata formed head with that helmet on :). The Black hole armor however, is terrible for SI, really cool for warrior (I like horns). The trooper one is cool too, as well as the BH.

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