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LFG tool when? I'm tired of bribing 50s to run instances


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I'm level 38 grouped with two other players looking for a healer for Colicoild War Games.


For nearly an hour I spam fleet looking for a healer getting trolled by other bored people that are pissed I dare use General Chat to look for a healer.


I get tired of the wait and the constant trolling so start offering any level 50 player 100,000 credits to help us run this instance. I can not spend my whole allotted game time looking for 3 other player to run on instance.


My last character, the one I am currently working on, has run a total of one instances legitimately. That was Black Talon when I first got to fleet and ran into 2 other people that also wanted to run Black Talon. Every other time I have run instances I have had to give up after 30-60 minutes and just bribed level 50s to run me through.


When are we getting a LFG tool for instances. Is one in the works? If one is how long do we have to wait?

Edited by illgot
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The Who tab is your LFG tool, so you know. People would realize this, and use it more if they knew...its not hard to use.


1. Click on the Who tab.


2. Flag as LFG


3. ???


4. Profit


I don't see why this is so hard to use. Its really not the lack of a LFG tool because there is one in game. Its more the fact the players, don't wanna help other players even when they are just standing around doing NOTHING.


Even if they put a LFG tool in, what makes you think anyone would still group?....If people don't group now, why would they group later?....

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Most servers have started a universal lfg channel.

try "/cjoin lfg" and start asking in that channel, everyone who has joined that channel can see that chat regardless of what planet they're on. I understand it can be hard to get groups, but this is a problem with server populations numbers (which are low on most servers) and the way chat works with players on different planets.


Please do not add a cross server - stand around on fleet all day and instantly teleport to a FP where I do a dungeon with complete strangers who I either don't talk to at all or to who I am a complete douche to because I'm likely to never see them again as they are on a different server- LFG tool.

Edited by Rotny
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I would not expect a formalized tool until 1.3 at the earliest, though it might be something pushed live on its own if the developers manage to finalize it between patches. Until then, utilize the Who tab and find a guild of quality folks you can plan group content with ahead of time.
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Quite honestly, if you have to bribe level 50's to heal, the xp loss isn't worth it. I've found horrible xp when I even run FP or heroics with anyone who outgears the instance. Example, ran Red Reaper FP (at level 42, it's a 45 instance) with two level 50's, got little xp for kills and 6k xp for the quest, for about 45 minutes of work. Went to Belsavis, ran a two man heroic that took five minutes, got 14k xp for the quest and getting 2k xp for kills, versus 200 in FP.


But to your point, yes, I'd love to see a 'better' LFG tool for normal FP's while leveling.

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The Who tab is your LFG tool, so you know. People would realize this, and use it more if they knew...its not hard to use.


1. Click on the Who tab.


2. Flag as LFG


3. ???


4. Profit


I don't see why this is so hard to use. Its really not the lack of a LFG tool because there is one in game. Its more the fact the players, don't wanna help other players even when they are just standing around doing NOTHING.


Even if they put a LFG tool in, what makes you think anyone would still group?....If people don't group now, why would they group later?....


Because it doesn't work.

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Pretty sure it does, i've used it to get groups.


But again even if they add in another one, people already don't group even when players ask. So why would it change anything?


Because a LFG tool would be universal and seen by everyone on the server, and not just the people that are on the planet. So they can go out, quest.. and be locked into looking for a flashpoint at the same time, instead of sitting on the fleet for hours.


Currently, flagging yourself as "LFG" only shows up if someone actively goes to look, and even if 100 people are flagged as "LFG" - you still run into the issue (that is being addressed in 1.2) of only seeing part of what they're looking for.


That's how it would change things.

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LFG tools don't create healers and tanks.


This is true, a LFG tool wont help you if there aren't players that want to run an instance. Also, you shouldn't be spamming in fleet, you're going to find a lot more people on a planet of appropriate level. Worst case scenario? Go to /who and type in a level range like 30-40 and just ask people, that's how I did it in other games before a LFG tool was a gleam in a developer's eye.

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Hi, there!


We would like to share an answer from Daniel Erickson on this topic. The following is from one of our great Q&A Community Blogs


deusBAAL: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.


To continue discussion on this topic, we're going to ask that you join the following thread:


Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


We will be closing this thread to keep the forums organized and discussion on this topic consolidated. Thanks!

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