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is this right? QQ about sith operatives


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For what, 10 seconds? The cc breaker is on a 2 minute cooldown.


Not talking about CCs. I meant that when the operative vanishes (i.e. right before I kill him) combat is not broken for me, but it is for him.....thus I can not give proper chase.

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Uhm, i didn't know you could CC someone and still do damage to them?

Isn't CC = Crowd Control?


Crowd control is about controlling something without doing damage to them, whenever you do damage to them the CC will break.


Everytime i died during CC i thought it was because so many people used CC at the right time, not because CC doesn't break during combat?


CC should always break if doing damage to the target, lol, anyone knows that.

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Not talking about CCs. I meant that when the operative vanishes (i.e. right before I kill him) combat is not broken for me, but it is for him.....thus I can not give proper chase.


Right. There are more operatives that are bad than ones that are good at what they do. But, I guess that's like any class in the game.

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you must be new.


Operatives are not sith, they are imperial agents.

Operatives have 2 stuns. A 1.5s stun from stealth and the standard 4s stun that most classes have.


Their is no way a solo OP stunned you for 10s.


Use your escape then stun him back. Game over for operative unless this is sub 50 and you are like level 10.


Operatives have already been nerfed more then any other class and are getting nerfed again in 1.2..


I guess the exageratex crying wont stop till operatives and scoundrels are removed from the game.


:eek:Laughing on a true matter is not constructive! Operatives / scoundrels need HUGE fix, not nerfs. Their dmg is insane and must be cut to half from the start. I do WZ with a scoundrel healer. Not only he got 17k HP but zerg ppl in less then 10 sec. Why? Because those 6 sec stuns almost become 8 sec. Why? Because when scoundrel / operative put u down u need not 4 sec to recover but 6 ( 4+2, those 2 seconds are those used for animation-time for y character to realy stand up-specialy cause those stuns come from backsides and u need to stand up and face y oponent).

Only posibilities to kill them is to be a stelth class too and just wait and hunt them down.

Operatives are by far most OP class, the true rogues of this game. And many classes cant counter them, not all of them are marauders / sentinels to use guarded by the force every minutes (while JKG have 3 minutes CD on their lol survivability tools as tank - what tanks?).

Seriously, Devs, u dont know what u are doing. All this have become jokes and u can see the results in unsubscribers.


GL, HF! We got bored. :mad:

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That's relative.


The one and only class in the game that completely wipes me 1 on 1, 1 on 2, 1 on 3, 1 on 4 is a good operative. Unless I'm standing right next to someone an op opened up on, so I can join the fight instantly, that person is 9 times out of 10, dead and the op vanishes.


On every toon I play, shadow, gunslinger or guardian, if a good op gets the drop on me I get a couple of attacks off before I'm dead. No other class can do that kind of damage without fear of a fight.


Warzone after warzone, a good op can have 40+ kills and 0 deaths ... and those who play the class think it's fine and balanced ...


But yeah, there are bads that can't play operative the right way and they are the example used to say "we aren't over powered".

Look in the mirror before talking about bad Operatives.


Operatives pick and choose easy targets. Solution: Stop being an easy target.

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1. Pin Down

Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


2. Jarring Strike

Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


3. Sleep Dart

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


4. Flash Bang

Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


5. Debilitate

Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.


1. Root

2. Stun

3. Mez

4. Mez

5. Stun

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In full BM, vs another full BM there is only one class I low that can do 70% of my health in one go before I can even get a chance to spin around and react.


No class can wipe me out equal geared in one go, and whenever I see the said class about (well certain players who know what they are doing) I try not to be the first person they pop all cd's on and tend to kite them when on my sent.


Burst damage classes that are geared are just that, burst damage. They are useless in fights that they can't get the surprise on you and are only an annoyance, not a game breaker.


TL;DR Get better gear to survive longer and kill people back!

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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:eek:Laughing on a true matter is not constructive! Operatives / scoundrels need HUGE fix, not nerfs. Their dmg is insane and must be cut to half from the start. I do WZ with a scoundrel healer. Not only he got 17k HP but zerg ppl in less then 10 sec. Why? Because those 6 sec stuns almost become 8 sec. Why? Because when scoundrel / operative put u down u need not 4 sec to recover but 6 ( 4+2, those 2 seconds are those used for animation-time for y character to realy stand up-specialy cause those stuns come from backsides and u need to stand up and face y oponent).

Only posibilities to kill them is to be a stelth class too and just wait and hunt them down.

Operatives are by far most OP class, the true rogues of this game. And many classes cant counter them, not all of them are marauders / sentinels to use guarded by the force every minutes (while JKG have 3 minutes CD on their lol survivability tools as tank - what tanks?).

Seriously, Devs, u dont know what u are doing. All this have become jokes and u can see the results in unsubscribers.


GL, HF! We got bored. :mad:


Your post doesn't make much sense, if your scoundrel is heal specced then he only has 1 stun, the standard 4s stun.


The scrapper opener is a 1.5s stun with another 1-2s of animation root as you stand back up, protip: you can still use abilities you just cant move.


So your stun math seems to be 4+2=6+2=8? Your numbers are so wrong I cant even tell which stun you think is which.

Edited by Zepidel
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Look in the mirror before talking about bad Operatives.


Operatives pick and choose easy targets. Solution: Stop being an easy target.


I don't get what you're trying to say? I'm talking about classes and players playing those classes. Any class that has the potential to kill someone, purely through the mechanics of the class, not the skills of the players' in the fight, without the defender being able to attack back, is overpowered. No class besides operative and scoundrel offer that potential.


The defender doesn't matter. The skills of the defender don't matter. It's purely about the wrecking potential of the attacker.


Why do I need to look in the mirror for that?

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My question is if they're mirror classes why don't I ever group with smugglers that do half the damage or heal as well as ops :(


I play both an operative on empire side and scoundrel on republic side. I average 200k+ healing with both of them pretty easily, and 150k+ damage in the same games.

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I don't get what you're trying to say? I'm talking about classes and players playing those classes. Any class that has the potential to kill someone, purely through the mechanics of the class, not the skills of the players' in the fight, without the defender being able to attack back, is overpowered. No class besides operative and scoundrel offer that potential.


The defender doesn't matter. The skills of the defender don't matter. It's purely about the wrecking potential of the attacker.


Why do I need to look in the mirror for that?


Hi. In case you didn't know, you're bad. Bye.

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I don't get what you're trying to say? I'm talking about classes and players playing those classes. Any class that has the potential to kill someone, purely through the mechanics of the class, not the skills of the players' in the fight, without the defender being able to attack back, is overpowered. No class besides operative and scoundrel offer that potential.


The defender doesn't matter. The skills of the defender don't matter. It's purely about the wrecking potential of the attacker.


Why do I need to look in the mirror for that?

Good players get owned, learn from their mistakes and don't let it happen again.


Bad players get owned, then just QQ on the forums about the other class being overpowered.


Which one do you want to be?

Edited by hulkweazel
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That's very insightful. You should write a book.


Wittgenstein's tractatus was only 75 pages long. Yet it is probably the single most important philosophical text of the 20th century.


I don't need more than a sentence to tell you that you're bad and don't realise it.

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Good players get owned, learn from their mistakes and don't let it happen again.


Bad players get owned, then just QQ on the forums about the other class being overpowered.


Which one do you want to be?


It doesn't matter which I want to be. I'm just giving an opinion based on what I've seen through reaching mid 60s valor on 3 different toons. It's not just me who can get completely destroyed by a well played operative. I've seen it happen to plenty of, what most would consider, great pvp'ers. The only except are the healing classes. They can heal though what anyone, one on one, does to them.

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Wittgenstein's tractatus was only 75 pages long. Yet it is probably the single most important philosophical text of the 20th century.


I don't need more than a sentence to tell you that you're bad and don't realise it.


Some philosophy for you, then. Just because you say it, that doesn't make it true. You need to prove it. I'm happy to give you the opportunity.


And, unless your toon's name is Matron and you play on Jung Ma server, I think you haven't proven anything.

Edited by Vudu
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Some philosophy for you, then. Just because you say it, that doesn't make it true. You need to prove it. I'm happy to give you the opportunity.


You don't understand what is going on in PVP. If you're being killed by operatives with such ease, it's because you don't teamplay, which in a team PVP game, means you're bad.


Thanks for the opportunity.

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