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Trade Network EXTREMELY user unfriendly


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Agreed. ATM it's very hard to use and it dissuades people from auctioning off items.


The GTN needs the ability to auction off items, the GTN cut needs to be decreased, and there needs to be the ability to search the GTN by name without selecting any categories, like in WoW. Also, I'd like the ability to search items when I put something up for sale on the GTN, so I know what to sell stuff for.

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I was actually about to make a thread about this as well.


The entire AH system, right down to separating items into different quantity stacks is just terribly managed. I really don't know how a system this dense got through testing. I really tried to make it work for me but it fights me every step of the way.


Chances are, all the problems I could list (of which there is a lot, sadly) are probably items that Bioware is already well aware of (or at least I would hope). Chances are we aren't going to see any change in the system for sometime, and I damn well hope we do see some change, because the current system is about as user-friendly as a Lightsaber with no handle.

Edited by Arkimor
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yep. it's the one thing (i can think of atm anyway) that is shockingly underwhelming. i know this isn't the case, but it looks like it was an afterthought. like...they came to the table and said "we're done with swtor!" and then realized that they forgot to put AH system in...and then scurried to throw something together that day.


very clunky and very poorly-designed. it's especially bad since the rest of the game seems so amazing so far.

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Auction search actually takes up a lot of the server's resources. They *could* come up with bigger hardware, or they could spend that money on something else and restrict GTN. Personally I don't mind either way.
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