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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


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...Sentinels are not "squishy" by any means. In fact out of all dps builds/classes in this game they are the least squishy one...

I respectfully disagree. I've got a DPS Commando (Gunnery spec'd) and a Focus-spec'd Sentinel. My commando can wade thru the hutball acid bath and run thru fire, my Sentinel dies if someone nearby sneezes extra hard.


I love playing the Sentinel -- the leaps, the force chokes, etc. But despite the damage it can dish, it is really fragile.

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If people played their classes correctly, Sentinels would top the damage charts unconditionally.


But, you know. This isn't a perfect world. Some people aren't comfortable with hitting more than 4 button in any given fight.


You have no idea what kind of crying these forums would contain if even half the sentinels in this game knew how to play their class.


SOOO True!!! I had to level my wifes sentinel to catch her up to me, so I decided to do it in pvp since I enjoy it more than repeating world arcs (plus I had just finished the JK story on my guardian)...


Took me about a day to figure out a good rotation and get my reaction/reflexes correct but OMG...

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Absurd, keeping a marauder/sentinel alive is a great way to push through the doors on offense in voidstar and wiping the other team out so you can cap on Aldaraan. Marauders are always my second priority to guard behind healers and I will generally switch guard to whoever needs it most at the time. I don't care if the other team is stupid, I care about winning warzones.


Asking tanks and healers to be bad won't stop nerf calls anyway, people will always cry nerf in MMO's.

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So...let me get this straight, your logic is that because Sents/ Maras have more cooldowns, they have more survivability?


Yes. PvP is about burst - whether it's burst damage or burst survivability or burst heals. Marauders have more of burst damage and burst survivability over tank spec'd Juggs and DPS spec'd Juggs.

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If they have all their cool downs. Sure! Without cool downs, they are very squishy. Focus fire on that dual wielding Jedi/ Sith and watch how fast he/ she truly dies.


...then focus fire a sorc/sage without cool downs and compare the results.

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Sentinels- 1v1 they're the most OP class in the game, but in a group, they're the most OP class in the game.


You heard it hear first- OP claims the only way for him to be balanced with other classes is if you don't support him at all.


What I am stating is that with a good support group a Sent / Mara can appear OP.. BUT only then and that is the way it should be .


Im actually saying the opposite.. a sent needs a good team to achieve OP'ness. and when this happens people QQ about it blaming the sent as being the OP, ignoring the fact that the sent had help.

Edited by Meluna
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What I am stating is that with a good support group a Sent / Mara can appear OP.. BUT only then and that is the way it should be .


Im actually saying the opposite.. a sent needs a good team to achieve OP'ness. and when this happens people QQ about it blaming the sent as being the OP, ignoring the fact that the sent had help.


What spec do you play?

Edited by Meluna
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Wow still going with this ... Those are not as usefull in actuality ..

This thread is not about kicking a falsified dead horse.


The claims on those mitigation's are waaaay over exaggerated .. .. like its been stated b4 .. ROLE a sent, try those out..


I have rolled a Sentinel and all those abilities are insane if the player knows to use them correctly. Sentinels/Marauders have the best survivability of any dps class. I have ONE defensive CD on my Commando, its 25% damage reduction on a 2 minute cooldown. Rebuke is 20% on a 1 minute CD, and Guarded by the Force is a 90 second CD. That doesn't even include Saber Ward or Force Camouflage. Then you have Force Kick which interrupts casts and reduces incoming damage, as well as Force Stasis. Compare that to my Commando that gets 1 Defensive CD and no interrupt.


The bottom line is Sentinels are over powered and I'm looking forward to playing mine post 1.2. Your contention that Guard and Heals simply make you look overpowered speaks more to how broken Guard and Healing is in pvp than it does about the relative power of Sentinels.

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Yes. PvP is about burst - whether it's burst damage or burst survivability or burst heals. Marauders have more of burst damage and burst survivability over tank spec'd Juggs and DPS spec'd Juggs.



THIS is simply not true ..


as someone mentioned b4 GEAR has a large effect on mitigation .. Gear has no cool downs and is innate .. Sents have a crap for armor fyi..


I find some people get guardians and sents confused as one and the same sharing all ability's together.


Sents have no heals .. we cant get back our health on our own.. we have no decent CC's so when someones on us thats it thats all.


The mitigation's we do have are VERY short with very long cool downs.

ALL of our mitigation's are rendered useless with a simple CC, so easy its not even funny.


If I use guarded by the force im dead as soon as it expires .. UNLESS I have a good healer on me and some protection .. Which is the point of this thread to begin with..


SO in a nut shell you actually help prove my original point in an indirect manner.

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I have rolled a Sentinel and all those abilities are insane if the player knows to use them correctly. Sentinels/Marauders have the best survivability of any dps class. I have ONE defensive CD on my Commando, its 25% damage reduction on a 2 minute cooldown. Rebuke is 20% on a 1 minute CD, and Guarded by the Force is a 90 second CD. That doesn't even include Saber Ward or Force Camouflage. Then you have Force Kick which interrupts casts and reduces incoming damage, as well as Force Stasis. Compare that to my Commando that gets 1 Defensive CD and no interrupt.


The bottom line is Sentinels are over powered and I'm looking forward to playing mine post 1.2. Your contention that Guard and Heals simply make you look overpowered speaks more to how broken Guard and Healing is in pvp than it does about the relative power of Sentinels.


Do you know what Rebuke does? Do you know what the cost of Guarded by the Force is? Saber Ward is on a 3 minute cooldown. Force Camo lasts 4 whole seconds and requires 2 talent points to be considered "survivability"

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I have rolled a Sentinel and all those abilities are insane if the player knows to use them correctly. Sentinels/Marauders have the best survivability of any dps class. I have ONE defensive CD on my Commando, its 25% damage reduction on a 2 minute cooldown. Rebuke is 20% on a 1 minute CD, and Guarded by the Force is a 90 second CD. That doesn't even include Saber Ward or Force Camouflage. Then you have Force Kick which interrupts casts and reduces incoming damage, as well as Force Stasis. Compare that to my Commando that gets 1 Defensive CD and no interrupt.


The bottom line is Sentinels are over powered and I'm looking forward to playing mine post 1.2. Your contention that Guard and Heals simply make you look overpowered speaks more to how broken Guard and Healing is in pvp than it does about the relative power of Sentinels.



lmao umm First I call BS on you playing a sent ..

Your arguments are old and already dis proven.

Let not mention how you have heavy armor vs med.. << that makes a big diffrence

Edited by Meluna
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I have rolled a Sentinel and all those abilities are insane if the player knows to use them correctly. Sentinels/Marauders have the best survivability of any dps class. I have ONE defensive CD on my Commando, its 25% damage reduction on a 2 minute cooldown. Rebuke is 20% on a 1 minute CD, and Guarded by the Force is a 90 second CD. That doesn't even include Saber Ward or Force Camouflage. Then you have Force Kick which interrupts casts and reduces incoming damage, as well as Force Stasis. Compare that to my Commando that gets 1 Defensive CD and no interrupt.


The bottom line is Sentinels are over powered and I'm looking forward to playing mine post 1.2. Your contention that Guard and Heals simply make you look overpowered speaks more to how broken Guard and Healing is in pvp than it does about the relative power of Sentinels.



You compare a ranged class with a meele ?? Are you serious?


You have:


- dot dispell

- 1 knock back

- 2 knock backs when talented

- 1 x 30m stun

- 30m range on pretty much every dmg skill

- ranged class with HEAVY ARMOR

- 25% dmg reduction

- direct heal

Edited by Averran
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Infact just as a side note.. When im in a war zone I myself being a sent.. Tend to target maras because that who I get my 5k critz off of .. and they really pad my damage stats.


Plus I dont find many mara's playing the focus smash class because of the high level of skill required to play that spec. so they dont worry me much at all.


and Im least worried about maras as adversary then I am any other class special emphasis on snipes ( I hate them.. But I dont consider them op fyi)

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THIS is simply not true ..


as someone mentioned b4 GEAR has a large effect on mitigation .. Gear has no cool downs and is innate .. Sents have a crap for armor fyi..


Armor in this game is a joke, it mitigates almost nothing in PvP unless you're fighting a Sniper or Gunslinger.


I find some people get guardians and sents confused as one and the same sharing all ability's together.


I doubt that. Its hard to miss the dual wielding lightsaber killing machine. Not that Guardians can't pump out the DPS as well.


Sents have no heals .. we cant get back our health on our own.. we have no decent CC's so when someones on us thats it thats all.


I take it you've never played Watchmen spec, it heals quite a bit, especially when you pop Zen. I suppose Force Stasis and Awe aren't CC? Having that interrupt must be totally worthless as well I guess, and its not like you can't Force Camouflage and sneak off for a heal or fight reset.


The mitigation's we do have are VERY short with very long cool downs.

ALL of our mitigation's are rendered useless with a simple CC, so easy its not even funny.


1 minute on Rebuke is not a short CD considering it lasts for 30 seconds if you're in combat. It should be up for almost every fight in pvp. 90 seconds on Guarded by the Force is hardly a long CD either. Most classes have a minimum of 2 minutes on their defensive CD, yet Sentinels have 3 defensive CDs and only one has a long CD at 3 minutes (Saber Ward). Also, anyone's defensive CDs can be rendered null with CC, so that isn't unique to Sentinels, and with 3 different CDs its hardly the problem it is for a class that has 1 defensive CD.


If I use guarded by the force im dead as soon as it expires .. UNLESS I have a good healer on me and some protection .. Which is the point of this thread to begin with..


That's the whole point of Guarded by the Force. Pop it, try to live long enough to kill someone before you enemies finish you off. Again, whether you have a healer or not is irrelevant to the power of your class. Guarded by the Force is a very powerful CD on only a 90 second CD and it at least gives a healer the time to have a chance at getting to you to heal.

SO in a nut shell you actually help prove my original point in an indirect manner.


Either your original point changed or I misread because it seems to confirm the fact that with or without Guard or heals Sentinels are the single best pvp class in either a group or 1v1 situation.

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Infact just as a side note.. When im in a war zone I myself being a sent.. Tend to target maras because that who I get my 5k critz off of .. and they really pad my damage stats.


Plus I dont find many mara's playing the focus smash class because of the high level of skill required to play that spec. so they dont worry me much at all.


and Im least worried about maras as adversary then I am any other class special emphasis on snipes ( I hate them.. But I dont consider them op fyi)


Snipers and Ops tend to be my worst enemy on my Sent. But as frustrating as it can be, I look for ways around their strategies. I guess this is what separates the Gamers from the Whiners. :)

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Armor in this game is a joke, it mitigates almost nothing in PvP unless you're fighting a Sniper or Gunslinger.




I doubt that. Its hard to miss the dual wielding lightsaber killing machine. Not that Guardians can't pump out the DPS as well.




I take it you've never played Watchmen spec, it heals quite a bit, especially when you pop Zen. I suppose Force Stasis and Awe aren't CC? Having that interrupt must be totally worthless as well I guess, and its not like you can't Force Camouflage and sneak off for a heal or fight reset.




1 minute on Rebuke is not a short CD considering it lasts for 30 seconds if you're in combat. It should be up for almost every fight in pvp. 90 seconds on Guarded by the Force is hardly a long CD either. Most classes have a minimum of 2 minutes on their defensive CD, yet Sentinels have 3 defensive CDs and only one has a long CD at 3 minutes (Saber Ward). Also, anyone's defensive CDs can be rendered null with CC, so that isn't unique to Sentinels, and with 3 different CDs its hardly the problem it is for a class that has 1 defensive CD.




That's the whole point of Guarded by the Force. Pop it, try to live long enough to kill someone before you enemies finish you off. Again, whether you have a healer or not is irrelevant to the power of your class. Guarded by the Force is a very powerful CD on only a 90 second CD and it at least gives a healer the time to have a chance at getting to you to heal.



Either your original point changed or I misread because it seems to confirm the fact that with or without Guard or heals Sentinels are the single best pvp class in either a group or 1v1 situation.



As ive state b4 you obviously have not played a sent ..

What I do see is someone who does not know how to play a Jugg ..

Forget about playing sent for a bit ... learn how to play your own spec first..

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lmao umm First I call BS on you playing a sent ..

Your arguments are old and already dis proven.

Let not mention how you have heavy armor vs med.. << that makes a big diffrence


How are my arguments disproven? Armor is meaningless in this game because it only mitigates physical attacks, in which case it really only makes a difference against classes like Snipers/Gunslingers who do primarily physical damage. Otherwise the difference in armor class doesn't really have much impact in pvp. Please don't make blanket statements about game mechanics you clearly have no idea about how they work.

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Snipers and Ops tend to be my worst enemy on my Sent. But as frustrating as it can be, I look for ways around their strategies. I guess this is what separates the Gamers from the Whiners. :)



Amen to that .. you got my vote for post of the year !!

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