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you thought tank sins were op? you havn't seen operative hybrid in action


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Ok, so the goal is to NOT kill them...got it...seriously, just leave. Burst is king. Scratch that, good burst is king. Obviously, you have no idea what you're doing when it comes to damage, so you think burst is bad. Dropping a target and only having to interrupt 1 or 2 casts > having him spam heals/free cast because his health is static at 90%.


Thanks for amusing me. One last request, can you please come to my server and run Rateds with a team that has minimal burst? My guild's healers always love easy matches.


It's pointless to even have a discussion on competitive PvP with somebody like you. For you burst equals damage and anything that is not burst means having no damage. You have absolutely no idea about pressure damage, windows of opportunity and CC, which are key elements used in PvP.


You will never drop a guarded target with burst alone when you deal 29% of your maximum damage for 12+ seconds. Whatever your experience may be in this game, it's diluted by facing unorganized opposition that can be bursted down by 2 dps classes using 3 GCDs each.


When you have an answer as to why fights last longer in competitive game-play compared to PUG considering that "burst is king" and "targets die within 1 or 2 heals", let me know. Until then, you'll look like a newcomer to me.

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It's pointless to even have a discussion on competitive PvP with somebody like you. For you burst equals damage and anything that is not burst means having no damage. You have absolutely no idea about pressure damage, windows of opportunity and CC, which are key elements used in PvP.


You will never drop a guarded target with burst alone when you deal 29% of your maximum damage for 12+ seconds. Whatever your experience may be in this game, it's diluted by facing unorganized opposition that can be bursted down by 2 dps classes using 3 GCDs each.


When you have an answer as to why fights last longer in competitive game-play compared to PUG considering that "burst is king" and "targets die within 1 or 2 heals", let me know. Until then, you'll look like a newcomer to me.


Please roll on my server and do Rateds, my guild's healers love easy mode matches where they can almost AFK and pull good numbers, and I want to give them a nice present.

Edited by nschlan
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Please roll on my server and do Rateds, my guild's healers love easy mode matches where they can almost AFK and pull good numbers, and I want to give them a nice present.


Yes, I am going to roll on your server. No, thanks. It will be enough of a satisfaction for me to watch you fail from a distance, if we shouldn't have the pleasure to meet.


Also, I'd appreciate, if you stopped spamming the thread with useless drivel, if you don't want to respond to my points. The "lol my guild is awesome and we will roxx0r rated, because we burst everything down" theme isn't innovative nor remotely interesting, as it lacks substance at this point.

Edited by Payneintherear
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It's pointless to even have a discussion on competitive PvP with somebody like you. For you burst equals damage and anything that is not burst means having no damage. You have absolutely no idea about pressure damage, windows of opportunity and CC, which are key elements used in PvP.


You will never drop a guarded target with burst alone when you deal 29% of your maximum damage for 12+ seconds. Whatever your experience may be in this game, it's diluted by facing unorganized opposition that can be bursted down by 2 dps classes using 3 GCDs each.


When you have an answer as to why fights last longer in competitive game-play compared to PUG considering that "burst is king" and "targets die within 1 or 2 heals", let me know. Until then, you'll look like a newcomer to me.


You are wrong, plain and simple. Burst is more important than overall damage when it comes to killing players in pvp. The key is using it correctly. If you have done competitive pvp in an MMO (which doesn't seem like it) it would be easy to arrive at this conclusion.

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You are wrong, plain and simple. Burst is more important than overall damage when it comes to killing players in pvp. The key is using it correctly. If you have done competitive pvp in an MMO (which doesn't seem like it) it would be easy to arrive at this conclusion.


Sir, on behalf of competitive PvPers everywhere: thank you.

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LOL just about every post after JediDuckling's are funny as sh*.


I've been in a Voidstar match where just about every player was horrible, nobody could kill each other and there were tons of healing, my pyro merc was even getting 250K+ healing and lots of damage (I forget the exact number). Seriously, a non-healing spec class can still heal, you even see marauder and sentinals hit 75K or more healing, my madness spec sorc back then topped healing in a WZ a few times. Like I said in the last post, a 5/31/5 operative can stand back and heal just like a dedicated healer could.


With healing nerfs all around in the next patch, you're going to see lots of cross-healing in warzones, it's going to get carried out of control (it already is on republic side on my server).

Edited by Sookster
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Looks like I am getting outnumbered here and the "majority" values burst damage over everything else.


Now you know why the majority of players isn't succesful or competitive in any game.


Gladiator in 3v3 arena (wow), but I'm not successful.


Here's one tip since I don't feel like answering every single point you tried to bring up. Yeah you can't burst down a guarded target, so don't hit him, cc him and kill someone else who ISN'T guarded. You see most people go for the "KILL THE HEALA" strat in pug warzones, but if said healer is being guarded it's much easier to just cc him and kill someone else.


Gradual damage is easier to heal than spike damage, no matter how long the fight takes. That's the bottom line

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Thing is the good players will adapt and will be destroing you no matter how badly you cry to nerf the class. YOU casued those hybrids with your nerf cries. The first nerf may have been needed. The current one is simply unfair and I being a pyro myself hope the beddies will be destroyed bu scoundrels and operatives and cry for the complete removal of the class.
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you can watch this vid



this guy is soloing 2 shadow tanks while eating dinner.


Any class can solo 2 shadows(one with crapgear) if they play as bad as those 2 in the VS fight.


About the guy in the video he just seems like a good player no reason to yell nerfs for a spec because you lose to a certain person and really doubt he gets 300/300k every wz. ;)

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you can watch this vid



this guy is soloing 2 shadow tanks while eating dinner.

Lots of low-damage bads in that video. (The first song is also one of the most horrible things I've ever heard in my entire life - it's easily on the level of fingernails on a chalkboard or styrofoam squeaking)


The hybrid Scoundrel/Operative specs are all inferior to deep Scrapper or deep Sawbones, unless of course your primary goal is to look good on a scoreboard. Even then, good teams will put a damper on the scoreboard showboaters since the HOTs won't be rolling against terrible damage all game.

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You are wrong, plain and simple. Burst is more important than overall damage when it comes to killing players in pvp. The key is using it correctly. If you have done competitive pvp in an MMO (which doesn't seem like it) it would be easy to arrive at this conclusion.


Well you´re right and you´re wrong also this situation depends totally on the objective if it´s in SWtor in huttball the less you kill by pinning down healers and their tanks with good and consistent dps the better of you are Ie. killing the whole opposing team makes them spawn to your BC and most likely getting the BC killed but pinning them in the middle while your BC move the ball to their goalline makes it obstacle free.


Same goes for VS you kill the opposing team until you get break with the door then you bind their team in the first spawn zone and your guy/s can move freely to the datacore. Smart opponents would stop healing and die at this point but for some reason people are scared of dying in wzs.


ACW if you need to capture a turret then you love burst but again if you control 2 you bind their team or most of it to their remaining turret by not killing them but by keeping up dps pressure so they can´t leave but also don´t take the middle speeder and zerg your turrets.


Simply put keep your enemy where they don´t want to be but can´t leave or move because they will lose something.


Really think you´re mistaking team deathmatch to tactics based objective pvp

if your competitive pvp experience is arena in WoW i´m not suprised that you´d love burst more.

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Well you´re right and you´re wrong also this situation depends totally on the objective if it´s in SWtor in huttball the less you kill by pinning down healers and their tanks with good and consistent dps the better of you are Ie. killing the whole opposing team makes them spawn to your BC and most likely getting the BC killed but pinning them in the middle while your BC move the ball to their goalline makes it obstacle free.


Same goes for VS you kill the opposing team until you get break with the door then you bind their team in the first spawn zone and your guy/s can move freely to the datacore. Smart opponents would stop healing and die at this point but for some reason people are scared of dying in wzs.


ACW if you need to capture a turret then you love burst but again if you control 2 you bind their team or most of it to their remaining turret by not killing them but by keeping up dps pressure so they can´t leave but also don´t take the middle speeder and zerg your turrets.


Simply put keep your enemy where they don´t want to be but can´t leave or move because they will lose something.


Really think you´re mistaking team deathmatch to tactics based objective pvp

if your competitive pvp experience is arena in WoW i´m not suprised that you´d love burst more.

Your situations, though, don't have anything to do with sustained vs burst. Burst classes/specs can do that stuff just as easily. It's all about control, not damage. I can do all of that AND do burst. Burst classes are better in almost all situations, but those situations are not something you specifically need sustained damage for. I have mass burst on my Sent, but I can CC them for 6 seconds and spam my snare without doing damage. Same with a focus Guardian, 5k AoE crits AND AoE snare spam.


Simply put, burst classes don't HAVE to burst when the situation demands otherwise.

Edited by nschlan
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Looks like I am getting outnumbered here and the "majority" values burst damage over everything else.


Now you know why the majority of players isn't succesful or competitive in any game.


You've never pvped before have you? Killing someone is more valuable than tickling them for three minutes- and with the intense time restraints in VS and Alderaan due to respawn times- burst damage is artificially far more important in this game than it has ever been in any other in pvp.


They've essentially made a game that must rely on burst damage- which means that classes without burst are more useless than they should be. It also means that healing makes more of a difference short term than it should.

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another vid of the hybrid



you want to tell me this is normal that a player wins every 1v1 or 1v2 fight with 90%+ hp?


Not a very good example I'm afraid. That spec is designed to kill a limited niche of AC's and specs. I know quite number of people that would rip this clicker to shreds in Warzone, myself included.


Want go go half healing and half damage? Be my guest. Do you enjoy your 8 medals? That's great, I enjoyed winning the game. Did you feel special while you ran around poking people for negligible damage and spamming your probes for negligible healing? Excellent, because it only helped us win quicker.


Rateds are going to utterly destroy any attempts at these gimmicky hybrid specs. They won't survive outside of PUG Q'ing normal Warzones with people who lack the proper co-ordination to completely ruin people running them.

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The age of the operative healer is born, not your fault they had your class jacked to begin with. A year from now people are gonna be saying "remeber how OP dps Operatives were at launch, how come we dont se any of them anymore"
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operatives hybrid healer/dps are out of control now, every operative right now is playing some kind of hybrid spec that allows them to do 400k damage and 400k healing done in warzones.


this is getting ridiculous and they needs to be nerfed.




oh man, that got me real good.


You kidder you.

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You're an idiot.


Here's why:


Both teams scored 0 points.


0-0 is a tie game.


Do you know what happens in a tie voidstar game?




As for the video, the only thing remotely overpowered is sleep dart. Everything else was good play by the operative / bad play by the enemy and their gear. Hell, in one of those 2v1 fights the operative took like 3 swings from the assassin. That fight in particular almost looked staged.


I just laughed at this :)

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