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countering Mara combat teams in WZs?


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I'm a noob and my situational awareness has huge room for improvement, but I've noticed that in the lvl 50 WZs, Commandos on attack sometimes get gobbled up by a team of 3 Marauders. You can blow one off with a concussion charge but his buddy immediately jumps you. No way to run because you are snared or rooted. For that matter, a Marauder could out run you anyhow.


I've been getting my head handed to me, but I think that there is hope, because pulling 3 defenders away from the neighborhood of the asset has got to create a vulnerability.


It seems like a defense against the Mara teams would be to make a mini-phalanx of 2 or 3 troopers. If a Mara leaps on one of you, one of you pops a concussion charge. If another leaps, then another pops a concussion charge. Meanwhile you could keep focus fire on a healer or whatever, maybe even on the SOB that jumped you.


It would require noticing that your neighbor had been jumped, or otherwise had a melee enemy on top of him. Just being in a crowd of teammates won't help if you don't support each other.


Anyone else see the Mara teams? Anyone have success countering them? Any Maras have comments or suggestions that are not anatomically improbable? :D

Edited by SweetOldBob
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I'm a noob and my situational awareness has huge room for improvement, but I've noticed that in the lvl 50 WZs, Commandos on attack sometimes get gobbled up by a team of 3 Marauders. You can blow one off with a concussion charge but his buddy immediately jumps you. No way to run because you are snared or rooted. For that matter, a Marauder could out run you anyhow.


I've been getting my head handed to me, but I think that there is hope, because pulling 3 defenders away from the neighborhood of the asset has got to create a vulnerability.


It seems like a defense against the Mara teams would be to make a mini-phalanx of 2 or 3 troopers. If a Mara leaps on one of you, one of you pops a concussion charge. If another leaps, then another pops a concussion charge. Meanwhile you could keep focus fire on a healer or whatever, maybe even on the SOB that jumped you.


It would require noticing that your neighbor had been jumped, or otherwise had a melee enemy on top of him. Just being in a crowd of teammates won't help if you don't support each other.


Anyone else see the Mara teams? Anyone have success countering them? Any Maras have comments or suggestions that are not anatomically improbable? :D


I see them all the time, they are unbeatable, on our server their are a few premades that run 3 maras and a healer. Even if you can get to and kill the healer, they are still unbeatable, if the maras are even competent, if they are good you might has well just leave the WZ.


In a pug you have no chance against this setup. In a premade you could possibly stop them with good heals and a few shadows/smugglers..

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Why Marauders? If you get attack by 3 of any class you are dead. Ever had 3 burst operatives open on you simultaneously?


Sure, 3 on 1 is killer, but Maras can leap, can immobilize you, and have DPS up the kazoo, so you are dead in a hurry. Their leap makes them incredibly mobile and able to be on you "like white on rice" as soon as you open up.


And teams of Maras is what I've seen. When Inquisitors cooperate, most often it seems to be with a healer who is not in plain view.

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Sure, 3 on 1 is killer, but Maras can leap, can immobilize you, and have DPS up the kazoo, so you are dead in a hurry. Their leap makes them incredibly mobile and able to be on you "like white on rice" as soon as you open up.


And teams of Maras is what I've seen. When Inquisitors cooperate, most often it seems to be with a healer who is not in plain view.



Commando's don't have to leap, they would just shoot you from a distance. You wouldn't even know 3 are attacking you until you take the first volley of Grav Round for ~10k damage.


Same with snipers.


Ops/Sins would just open on you from stealth.


Juggs would leap to you and 3xSmash you.


3 of anything, coordinated, is going to kill you. Why worry that it's marauders?

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Actually, 3v1, healers would kill you just as easily.


Of course 3v1. The op is not talking about 3v1. A premade of all maras/sent is almost unbeatable, especially for a pug. Even a premade that does not stack mara/sent will have a near impossible time stopping them.

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Commando's don't have to leap, they would just shoot you from a distance. You wouldn't even know 3 are attacking you until you take the first volley of Grav Round for ~10k damage.


Same with snipers.


Ops/Sins would just open on you from stealth.


Juggs would leap to you and 3xSmash you.


3 of anything, coordinated, is going to kill you. Why worry that it's marauders?


Cause this is just a poorly disguised and executed "nerf marauders" thread.

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This is a great topic, Maras/Sents are great when stacked few other classes have the tools that they have.


Stacked Maras can out dps most other classes while preventing escape.


I have struggled with this same thing if anyone has any ideas how to solve it?


Also similar case with multiple ops.




The other day I ran into a post mentioning that wz were going to become 2 classes




Mara support.


If this post does not have an answer then it appears so.



I will throw out a first idea.

1 sage (slows and cc), commando heal (heals), 2 vanguards for shield (dps) could this take out 3 maras and a healer of their choice?

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Of course 3v1. The op is not talking about 3v1. A premade of all maras/sent is almost unbeatable, especially for a pug. Even a premade that does not stack mara/sent will have a near impossible time stopping them.


He specifically mentions 3v1 multiple times....


Don't see how you can read it any other way.

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How about an aoe taunt off a tank who is guarding a healer with two burst powertechs? I'd bet on that group of 4 against a group of 3 marauders and a healer. Marauders have no taunt, no pull/push, no guard.


I think you might have something there, the healer without a guard is weak and could go down quickly.


I included the sage in the 4v4 above to slow the maras somewhat with cc to allow the dps to eat the heal.

Edited by Soultyr
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Commando's don't have to leap, they would just shoot you from a distance. You wouldn't even know 3 are attacking you until you take the first volley of Grav Round for ~10k damage.


Same with snipers.


Ops/Sins would just open on you from stealth.


Juggs would leap to you and 3xSmash you.


3 of anything, coordinated, is going to kill you. Why worry that it's marauders?


Commandoes can be interupted and killed easily even 3 of them. maras are almost completely instant abilities. Maras can easily dominate an entire wz, they are very hard to kite and have a huge amount of burst damage.

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best counter to melee train is to have a tank that can taunt and aoe slow them (warrior/sin with weather) and ask others to aoe them down.





all the ranged dps cry that a melee dps train kills them... you don't say?


get a tank in the mix and it's an entirely different animal





guess they are just used to face tanking melee for some reason. obviously a l2p issue

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I'm a noob and my situational awareness has huge room for improvement, but I've noticed that in the lvl 50 WZs, Commandos on attack sometimes get gobbled up by a team of 3 Marauders. You can blow one off with a concussion charge but his buddy immediately jumps you. No way to run because you are snared or rooted. For that matter, a Marauder could out run you anyhow.


I've been getting my head handed to me, but I think that there is hope, because pulling 3 defenders away from the neighborhood of the asset has got to create a vulnerability.


It seems like a defense against the Mara teams would be to make a mini-phalanx of 2 or 3 troopers. If a Mara leaps on one of you, one of you pops a concussion charge. If another leaps, then another pops a concussion charge. Meanwhile you could keep focus fire on a healer or whatever, maybe even on the SOB that jumped you.


It would require noticing that your neighbor had been jumped, or otherwise had a melee enemy on top of him. Just being in a crowd of teammates won't help if you don't support each other.


Anyone else see the Mara teams? Anyone have success countering them? Any Maras have comments or suggestions that are not anatomically improbable? :D


No! I have not seen hords of Maras in PvP, but i have seen 5-6 troopers or sages in WZ premades so just use the same technic you use against 5 troopers or 6 sages.

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3+healer vs 1 you die but it means there are other 7 of ur team around with only 4 other person fighting them


plus honestly just slow them down and ignore them Shadow has a nice AOE that reduce the damage of enemy that is not beating on them is AOE!!!!! and i bet he is not the only one


in that casre just sacrify urself keep them busy as long as you can slow them down and let the rest of your team to take care of the objective and such


problem most probably is that your team is wasting time trying to kill them instead of slow them and ignore them


that's why there are objective in game so you can come up with a strategy that overcome the brute force.

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Of course 3v1. The op is not talking about 3v1. A premade of all maras/sent is almost unbeatable, especially for a pug. Even a premade that does not stack mara/sent will have a near impossible time stopping them.


A premade of anything is almost unbeatable, especially for a pug. I have yet to see any team running a premade of marauders, I have however seen several premades consisting solely of sages and troopers. Guess what, they are almost unbeatable, especially against pugs.....go figure huh.

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I'm a noob and my situational awareness has huge room for improvement, but I've noticed that in the lvl 50 WZs, Commandos on attack sometimes get gobbled up by a team of 3 Marauders. You can blow one off with a concussion charge but his buddy immediately jumps you. No way to run because you are snared or rooted. For that matter, a Marauder could out run you anyhow.


I've been getting my head handed to me, but I think that there is hope, because pulling 3 defenders away from the neighborhood of the asset has got to create a vulnerability.


It seems like a defense against the Mara teams would be to make a mini-phalanx of 2 or 3 troopers. If a Mara leaps on one of you, one of you pops a concussion charge. If another leaps, then another pops a concussion charge. Meanwhile you could keep focus fire on a healer or whatever, maybe even on the SOB that jumped you.


It would require noticing that your neighbor had been jumped, or otherwise had a melee enemy on top of him. Just being in a crowd of teammates won't help if you don't support each other.


Anyone else see the Mara teams? Anyone have success countering them? Any Maras have comments or suggestions that are not anatomically improbable? :D


maurauders hit freaking hard lol

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