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why do people get so angry with each other in warzones?


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It is odd, and it has happened to me as well, but we get frustrated when we die in the game. Especially against a real world opponent. It is the competition, the drive to be successful, and to win the match.


I learned this long ago when I would get mad at the person who killed me, but then I started to use what I did wrong, or what they did right, to learn from it. Eventually I would laugh it off if I got killed.


I also laugh at those in OPS who like to talk crap to others who might not be doing as well as they are, or as well as they would like. Not everyone knows how to play the matches or their professions, but people forget and just like to talk trash.


You can be a good leader and advise the better ways, or you can be the ***** hat and demand your way.


Some pull off being very direct, but still mature in how they talk to others, but that is a difficult skill in todays world.


Just keep playing and doing your best. If you are in there to have fun and you are trying to learn how to play better, who cares what some Ethug is screaming. lol

Edited by Cynomen
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lol..welcome to MMOs. The sore loosers are bad, especially when they are on your team blaming everyone else (because they are so perfect and could not make any mistakes:rolleyes:) but the worse the sore winners**cough**imps***cough***, at least on my server. I think it is due to some being part of the "False entitlement" generation and not wanting to work hard for it and believing they SHOULD win EVERY match (which we all know happens:rolleyes:) Do i rage, complain, rant, and vent when i am getting my *** handed to me, wheather due to my own short comings, or being left to the wolves? yes. do i take the time to post it in general chat in the WZ? no, i am too busy trying to do my best and not give up (which is a different issue all together). When someone is acting like that, just do what i do.../ignore.
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Same reason raid bosses flip out when they wipe. Same reason people go nuts when someone steals their quest object and they have to wait a whopping 30 seconds for it to spawn again. Same reason guildies have raging arguments with one another over useless, meaningless crap.


Most players are quite invested in their pixels, and come from an entitled yet competitive culture. Many are young and don't know how to control themselves, because in the moment, the game is all that matters, and everyone who made them lose can kiss their arse.


Sorry, I meant to post something funny, but then this serious **** somehow appeared on the screen.

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This happens all too much. Just last night I was playing and I was the only person on Defense at the middle turret and I got killed by a group of enemies and then all the other guys on my team were like "***!? Why didn't you do anything!?"


all i could do was facepalm.

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This happens all too much. Just last night I was playing and I was the only person on Defense at the middle turret and I got killed by a group of enemies and then all the other guys on my team were like "***!? Why didn't you do anything!?"


all i could do was facepalm.


you get that too huh?:)

Edited by Angel_of_Cain
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Because everything is always someones fault, someone other than you to be precise and no one else knows how to play the warzone, ever. Additionally, healers never heal anyone and if they knew how to play, the 2 healers would constantly be within range of everyone, everywhere. True facts.
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Getting angry at a day 1 new player, testing out PVP at L10... whatever, not his fault at all.


Getting angry at a moderate player that doesn't really know what to do in a WZ, uncalled and people should just teach him.


Getting angry at a level 50 rank 50+ because he's not doing what he should be doing. Well, seriously, that player deserve the hate. You're telling me that from L1 to L50 and from Rank 0 to Rank 50, the guy/girl didn't learn the basics of 3 WZ? I'll never go soft on them.


I'm running around Civil War, defending two points at a time. I politely ask someone to stay at a turret for a moment and get a reply: "I'm a DPS, I don't do defense" - Funny thing, I only got into one major battle this round and out DPS him by nearly 150K...


Sorry that guy received a huge load of hate from me and I kept giving him crap for at least 4 WZ that he was in with me. The guy was completely full Battlemaster geared and nearly 15 ranks above me. Yet, his DPS was at most, 5 times lower than me, his kills nearly nothing, he was never in the right place at the right time, in huttball, he ran in the wrong direction with the ball, kept dying in acide and fire by simply walking in it.... How can I not be angry against such incompetence?


Republic players are more PVE oriented, I get it. Still, there comes a time where you're better off 6 versus 8 than having two clowns that are completely ruining the match for you. In Civil War and Voidstar, meh but on Huttball, it takes only one really awful member and you're screwed.



Mistakes can happen and that's fine! An off day occurs or a bad match... It's easy to see when the person is just not feeling well or something. At least, the basics will be applied to his gameplay. Do I actually scream at them... rarely unless they deserve it.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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I agree that people should relax a bit more in WZ's, but think of it as a mini raid. You wouldn't take bad or under-geared players to a raid and you'd probably quit a PUG that wiped on trash constantly, so try and understand that, despite a WZ taking a lot less time than a raid, people still ARE investing their time. Everyone makes mistakes, but to lose because of several obvious ones is frustrating. Everyone has to learn, there is a curve to any game or game-type and that is natural. My suggestion is to make as many skilled PvP friends as you can, learn the strategies and focus on objectives.


If you find yourself on a losing team, try and figure out what you can do to turn the tide, this may mean run the ball if your teammates are not, even if you are squishy. Better to have a few focused on objectives than none. Also, a premade making things rough? If you can, que later when friends are on or the premade has run its course. another suggestion, put people that are constantly rude on ignore, I do it even if the chatter isn't aimed at me. Try and have fun and consider you are not the only one paying to have said fun.

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I dont know, this happened to me one night in huttball. I had injested enough vodka that I didnt grab the ball when it hit middle, I waited for my bf to grab it. My teamate went off and called me an idiot. I just apologized and brushed it off. Im certain he would have been way more peeved had i picked up the ball. I am still learning to pass (why is that so hard?) and as inebriated as I was, passing would have definitely been a fail situation. We still won the match as my guildie teamates hold their liquor better. :)


My fave is those people who rage quit in 45 seconds or less if the WZ starts out rough. Hello, in a pug group in takes a few to get people on the same page. I always consiuder sending them a message when we end up winning the match they stormed out of but ehhh, not worth the time.

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calling each other names etc when the game doesnt go their way....


Probably immaturity (as is most often seen amongst amateur PvPers). Could also be the fact that they are WoW vets. Who knows?


My advice to any PvPers: Go play EVE Online for a few months. You will learn:


A. Tactical control.

B. Temper control.

C. Respect and sportsmanship.

D. How NOT to fall for an obvious trap. (situational awareness)

E. How to have fun in it, even if you lose.

F. How to take suggestions to make your fits better. (builds in other mmos).

G. Ruthless efficiency.



There are multiple forms of PvP in EVE. You have high security warfare and duelling. Miner ganking. Suicide ganking. Low sec roams. Null sec roams, and large scale warfare. Wormhole ops. POS busting. etc. Also, in high sec space, you have mission bait PvP/ganking. Nearly killed a couple ninja looters with my Noctis once. Mitigating factor: Noctis was fitted with Smartbombs across the high slots. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Yes I know floks are going to loose their temper, and the occasional utterance is one thing, but spewing it all over because you lost a few points in a vid game...:eek:


I tell anyone who thinks someone DESERVES the hate, to put your self in check for one sec.....You got no clue who is behind the keyboard, could be someone who cant play any better for one reason or another and are just trying to have fun.


And before you think those people shouldnt get in your way for what ever reason, or should devote hours of gameplay so they can be better for YOUR sake....isnt it you thats acting incorrectly?

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It's pvp... what do you expect? I think trash talking almost always goes hand in hand with pvp. That said, it depends on the situation honestly. Sometimes the anger is understandable (people chasing off nodes, people not killing healers despite being asked/told to even when the healers marked, etc) and other times its not (like level 10s yelling at other people - seriously? you queued before you even have sprint and you're yelling at others? or people who talk big and you watch them do nothing the whole match, etc). Sometimes people just have a bad day, perhaps they lost their previous 5 wz's and are at their snapping points.. who knows. For me, it only gets tense in close matches, otherwise I don't bother getting mad at people because its a game and its not ranked, I just requeue and hope for a more organized team.
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Yes I know floks are going to loose their temper, and the occasional utterance is one thing, but spewing it all over because you lost a few points in a vid game...:eek:


I tell anyone who thinks someone DESERVES the hate, to put your self in check for one sec.....You got no clue who is behind the keyboard, could be someone who cant play any better for one reason or another and are just trying to have fun.


And before you think those people shouldnt get in your way for what ever reason, or should devote hours of gameplay so they can be better for YOUR sake....isnt it you thats acting incorrectly?


So because he is TRYING to have fun other 7 or X players should ''suffer'' a loss?


Gz on logic...


When you play in a team towards OBJECTIVE you SHOULD favor TEAMWORK > your fun


If you cannot SUBMIT to TEAMWORK you should not play TEAM BASED GAMES!

Edited by Alcarinn
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I mostly keep a cool head. But nobody I think is imune to an ocasional outburst. Had an episode once (yes I call it an episode) where my emotions got the best of me. After a bad day loozing most wz I was killed in voidstar respawned and was running back to action when I see a smugler planting a bomb and walk away and ignoring the sith nearby who went to disarm it... The feeling of being too far away to do anything in time to prevent it. I lost it at that time wrote ffs in chat and left. Took me about 5 seconds to realize what kind of stu... Thing I did and how it must have looked lol but ya it happened and there was no way to fix it so ya... Never did anything like that again just for the record. Kk rant over
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Sportsmanship and teamwork are slowly eroding in society. It's especially obvious in online gaming where people are not playing face to face with each other, but you see it even in many professional sports. People just forget that competing against other people in a game is supposed to be about fun first. Sure, losing is not fun, but it's supposed to spur you on to improve and get better. What's worse is that there is nothing in an online game like this one that has such an effect on real life that people need to get so emotionally invested in winning or losing they freak out on other people.
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