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Same faction Novare coast doesn't make sense!


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Here's an idea






If your really worried about breaking lore, there is all sorts of factionalism in the Empire, just in the story alone, the empire divides into two sides whith Malgus. Infighting is actually encouraged by the emperor as a way to maintain his control and not have them overthrow him. Each of the councilors are backed by their own imperial forces, and in the story even moffs throw themselves behind one lord or another.


This being the case, there is all sorts of reasons one lord could want to take over a planet laden with resources and materials in the event of a power grab.


I know I may not be making a good case for myself, but its just something to consider


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This entire argument about lore is silly. Dozens of people kill the same bosses over and over again every day. Does that fit in with lore? No, no it does not. Neither does both factions having access to most of the flashpoints. I could list dozens more examples. Gameplay > lore, every time.
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This is not about RP... its about logic and common sense


When you go to pvp, the main reason you do it is purely for player vs player interaction. The animation of their abilities, or graphics of armor is moot.


I'm suddenly wondering why Luigi and Mario duked it out in Mario kart. Oh right, its a game. Just like this game.


If same faction fights bug you, just pretend they are light side imperials, or dark side republics, just like you pretend to be the person in the center of your screen.


Key words being "pretend". that's all games are anyway.


Play the game for the sake of playing.


There's your logic and common sense.

Edited by Arumat
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I'm suddenly wondering why Luigi and Mario duked it out in Mario kart. Oh right, its a game. Just like this game.


This is not Mario kart and just because its a game does not make it the same, it's like saying all food tastes the same, when clearly it does not. Go back to the drawing board with your shallow theorys.

Edited by System_TOR
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I'm suddenly wondering why Luigi and Mario duked it out in Mario kart. Oh right, its a game. Just like this game.


Brilliant way to describe it.


but also... Imps fight Imps - Pubs fight Pubs - all the time, in the "lore" of Star Wars.

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This is not Mario kart and just because its a game does not make it the same, it's like saying all food tastes the same, when clearly it does not. Go back to the drawing board with your shallow theorys.


There have been numerous explanations about WHY this makes perfect sense, you just refuse to listen to them, which is no one's fault but your own, so before you simply discount an explanation out of hand, you might do well to explain WHY YOU believe it doesn't make sense, anything else is shallow and dishonest.

Edited by Durasturan
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How can republic fight rep and emp fight emp? Its a planet full of resources and both the rep and the emp want to get their hands on those resources.


Same faction battles don't make sense unless its huttball but that is more of a sport and makes sense.


What are your thoughts on this? To me its kinda lorebreaking and immersion breaking.


well actually empire vs empire KINDA makes sense as in rival sith forces attacking each other,but not really for reps and actually i'd prefer to sit in que then to have something stupid like this happen. Frankly should have a switch to turn off same faction pvp in general...

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I dont think any warzones should be same vs same... it reaches a point where faction is just marginalized. long que times is simply the price paid for being on the bigger team.


call it a "simulation", but you arent awarded "simulation tokens" for finishing them..its pvp and 3 out 4 warzones are now smae ve same while open world pvp is minimized. there is effectivly no longer factions for pvp purposes.

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But Alderaan and Novare Coast same faction are training simulations!


Voidstar I think is the only one not getting carried over.


you are right about the training simulation theme. Alderaan is the only WZ thats not same faction.

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I may be wrong, but I think the same faction WZs are 1) just"pratice", like military wargames. 2) temporary until the cross-server queing comes along. Number 1 is a fact, it's number 2 I am not 100% sure about.


Also...give BW time to figure out the best way to implement any merges/transfers. I would rather they spend four months to get it right then two weeks and screw everything up. I saw how SOE handled transfers the first time around in SWG. The top two servers became very OVER populated, with the top server, Starsider, being the most populated. Transfers/merges may not be the total solution to faction imbalance either due to the side people prefer to play. That's a factor no developer has control over.


They are all practice. Anything save open world PvP planets is just a simulation. What? You think Alderaan has a bagillion identical planetary cannon sites? That there are trillions of Voidstars out there?

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My lord, whatever you do, don't address the actual issues of low pop servers and population imbalance. Just make same faction warzones and all is well.


Knee-jerk short-term crappy solution.


War games, that's good stuff. I guess it's a nice rationalization to be honest.


It would be nice if PvP mattered at all other than just to be a grind for gear.

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My lord, whatever you do, don't address the actual issues of low pop servers and population imbalance. Just make same faction warzones and all is well.


Knee-jerk short-term crappy solution.


War games, that's good stuff. I guess it's a nice rationalization to be honest.


It would be nice if PvP mattered at all other than just to be a grind for gear.

The whole purpose of this thread was to ask how same faction war zones align with Star Wars lore, that's why the responses are all "war games" and don't address the population of servers. Respond to the question, there is no need to trash talk the game.


To the OP: with same faction war zones, most of the responses here cover how they aren't lore breaking. For the Empire specifically, fighting within the Sith was common, and for both factions, war games are the official explanation.


It can provide great training against the real enemy, and the rewards are incentives: a little something to motivate everyone even though it is just practice.

Edited by mschmity
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TLDR : Same faction WZ will be treated as a training simulation with appropriate cutscene describing it as such..


Why try to justify it? In pvp aspect even if they tried to follow lore, pvp wouldn't make sense anyway period.


Look at civil war. Our dropships aren't taking evasive maneuvers why? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt in lore aspect to pull away to a safer distance or wiggle a bit.


Taking the voidstar more than once wouldn't make sense either.


We fight the same faction because we can to make it quicker. This is just so were not stuck with huttball most of the time.


In a game lore is a guideline, not a rule.

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How can republic fight rep and emp fight emp? Its a planet full of resources and both the rep and the emp want to get their hands on those resources.


Same faction battles don't make sense unless its huttball but that is more of a sport and makes sense.


What are your thoughts on this? To me its kinda lorebreaking and immersion breaking.


Your serious playing against the same faction is game breaking? Thats like picking a character and your opponent picks the same character and you say you cant play cause now the game is broken.....

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stopgap until cross server Qs come along. Seriously, everyone's sick of Huttball. 1.2 rolls out, everyone will want to play the new map. People will get on the Q and play... huttball. And be unhappy.



So glad they did it this way for now.

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