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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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low server populations is most likely due to over compensation by the dev's when the game went live a Q times were nuts. as a reaction they over compensated by adding a ton of new servers, kinda like why your Dad drives a big car.
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I didn't read every post on all 16 pages, but how would they handle "duplicate player names"?


So if you merge 3 servers together, but each one has a "Bob", which "Bob" loses his name?


I know to some people it doesn't mater, but to a lot of folks name is a big deal.


Normally, the person on the server where everyone is getting transferred to keeps it. For example, Server B and Server C are being merged/moved to Server A, so Bob on Server A keeps it.

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They're definitely waiting too long to merge servers or let people transfer. The max I have seen is 1 or 2 full servers, a handful of heavy, like 5 or less, and a lot of light servers. I'm personally (being on a role play server makes it especially hard) on a rp server and considering quitting JUST because there's nobody to role play with, much less do heroics etc. The first problem was opening too many servers at launch, the second was keeping them open this long after the lookie seers left... It's not a sign of weakness that so many people checked it out and went on their merry way, it IS a sign of weakness that they're permitting server populations to be so low the multiplayer aspect is almost gone on a lot of servers after those people left.

Combining that with insanely long loading times and other issues they don't address while fixing other problems.... It's a recipe for disaster. Personally if I was leading the development team (which would never happen, because on the technical side I have no idea, my experience is leading a team to work effectively in a non tech field) I wouldn't have released the game till 1.2 was out, and the initial load screen and lag issues were addressed. Or at least would have been in open beta till that was addressed. That might have lessened the player drop off. Limited end game content was a mistake to release with too, unless they were able to keep pace with players.

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I am sorry, but it is a sign of weakness. BW has had the chance to compete with WoW, the time was right. People are bored with WoW, they wanted to test something new, SW had the potential of being that "something new" and they blew it.


What I've watched in the past couple of months is an utter failure to commit quality gameplay. And what I've also seen is one of the most ridiculous cover-ups in MMO history, that I have seen for myself. I've heard about Aion and other games, however this is the first time I witness first-hand how developers blindly ignore just how much their game sucks.


But then, I shouldn't be surprised. With ME3 BW has proven they are not the same company anymore that released things like BG2, KotOR, Jade Empire and other jewels of RPG games. I've been such a blind supporter of BW, I would almost have bought anything just because it has Bioware labelled onto it.


Not anymore. I am going with my smarter decision and avoid Bioware games, since they have the EA label on them. Apparently EA still has the talent to turn anything into crap they can get their dirty little fingers on. :p

Edited by Slant_DK
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Props to the man who noticed the continued falsehood concerning World PVP in this game.

I am so angry about the engine's inability to handle large scale pvp and the complete lack of pvp while leveling.... so angy.


I will spare you all the caps nerd rage rant <insert here>.


Game was fun for an RPG.... but it is so easy to put RPG's down once the story is done.

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lol.. yeah.. maybe if its ever released. Today on my fleet at 12pm there were 6 people on my fleet.
that's such a bad metric.

seriously, just use /who for ~30 seconds and post the full server numbers...


/who 1-20

/who 21-40

/who 41-49

/who 50


that gives a much better picture than just the number of people in fleet.


two very different situations:

  • 6 people in fleet, 40 level 50s in EV, 32 level 50s doing flashpoints, 16 level 50s in pvp matches
  • 6 people in fleet, 0 level 50s in EV, 4 level 50s doing flashpoints, no level 50s in pvp matches.

Edited by ferroz
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Normally, the person on the server where everyone is getting transferred to keeps it. For example, Server B and Server C are being merged/moved to Server A, so Bob on Server A keeps it.

Wow! So you have to completely rename your character before logging in? I guess this must be one of the obstacles when merging.


Now lets talk Legacy!! If they are pushing the Legacy System, that will be another problem. You have to rename your entire legacy!!

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Wow! So you have to completely rename your character before logging in? I guess this must be one of the obstacles when merging.


Now lets talk Legacy!! If they are pushing the Legacy System, that will be another problem. You have to rename your entire legacy!!


And that would actually be a real problem, as it is something that should be taken into consideration (because AFAIK there is NOTHING stopping the same legacy name being used across servers!)


Infact, i would put Legacy and Character name on the same standing of "must be resolved first" because there are people who are bothered by losing their character name.


Been there, done that, didn't stay long enough to get the T-Shirt.

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easy answer: your server population dwindled, and instead of rerolling another character on a more populated server, you people scream "MERGE" cause your too lazy to reroll, fyi it isnt going to happen for a while if at all so heres a easy answer:




I have four level 50s, multiple 30s. I have millions spread across my characters and I already bought up speeders and crystals that are going to be patched out in 1.2.


I am legacy 30 and saved up enough space comms to buy the main part of my black Imperial Space Suit once I figure out what Bioware is doing with Social Gear.


So I have to give all that up just to play the game? No, I am going to quit and never look back.


My friends are all planning to move to Fatman or another server. Once that happens I'll just cancel my TOR sub instead of moving.


As a side note to names, this can easily be fixed by adding invisible Server Names to anyone transferred. Give everyone a "Server" title which they can actually use on their name.


Darth Vader of "Kaas City"

Edited by illgot
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that's such a bad metric.

seriously, just use /who for ~30 seconds and post the full server numbers...


/who 1-20

/who 21-40

/who 41-49

/who 50


that gives a much better picture than just the number of people in fleet.


two very different situations:

  • 6 people in fleet, 40 level 50s in EV, 32 level 50s doing flashpoints, 16 level 50s in pvp matches
  • 6 people in fleet, 0 level 50s in EV, 4 level 50s doing flashpoints, no level 50s in pvp matches.



Hahaha, there are 400 people on my "Standard" server, both factions combined. What a goddamn joke.

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Infact, i would put Legacy and Character name on the same standing of "must be resolved first" because there are people who are bothered by losing their character name.


Been there, done that, didn't stay long enough to get the T-Shirt.

I know a lot of people don't care. They roll alts and make FOTM almost, well, monthly. But for me, part of the RPG in (MMORPG) is to have my character look a certain way and have a certain name. Technically it's "robbing your identity". I purposely got in "early activation" for precisely that reason.


I won't say "that would make me unsubscribe", but it feels like a pretty big violation, to take your character (especially a lvl 50) and strip it's name. And now possibly the legacy name.


As far as "technical" issues, I'd say they can have a "hidden" name so lets say I was "Bob" now there are 4 "Bob"s it should be "Bob" <oldservername>. The display name would be just "Bob" but if I wanted to "whisper" Bob, I'd go: /whisper Bob Fatman...


Just an idea..

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I know a lot of people don't care. They roll alts and make FOTM almost, well, monthly. But for me, part of the RPG in (MMORPG) is to have my character look a certain way and have a certain name. Technically it's "robbing your identity". I purposely got in "early activation" for precisely that reason.


I won't say "that would make me unsubscribe", but it feels like a pretty big violation, to take your character (especially a lvl 50) and strip it's name. And now possibly the legacy name.


As far as "technical" issues, I'd say they can have a "hidden" name so lets say I was "Bob" now there are 4 "Bob"s it should be "Bob" <oldservername>. The display name would be just "Bob" but if I wanted to "whisper" Bob, I'd go: /whisper Bob Fatman...


Just an idea..


And how would you know what server they were on previously? It would require you to already know the person.


And if both are online at the same time, and you see in chat "Bob", then you would assume that just messaging "Bob" would take you to them.


Infact, it would make more sense in this case to make the "hidden" name VISIBLE, just to avoid this situation.


Also when it comes to petitions about people... if the "hidden" part is well... hidden, it makes it easier for a case of mistaken identity to arise. (Yeah, i just petitioned Bob, because i didn't know their "hidden" name, and I was meant to have petitioned "bob fatman".


That is something else to consider.


Now for cross server LFG, i can understand the appending of a server name to their actual name when grouped up with them, but that is just for cross server occurances (Rift does this when you end up grouping with someone off a different server for dungeons).


TBH, i would love it if "cross server chat channels" came at the same time (as far as i know, even custom chat channels are just server only, please correct me if i am wrong) and we could pick a global name... that would resolve the "tell issue". Hell, you could also more easily identify people as well.




Everyone has their own opinion of what is the "best" solution. IMHO there isnt a best solution for when there are separate servers at the start (Champions online avoided this because they started off with a single game server (lots of shards to it though), and the xxxxX@global name setup)... and although the global part was possible for the *user* to disable, others could still view it easily if they chose to).


The easiest solution would be to "force rename" all the affected characters (and let the legacy be non unique as it actually doesnt have *ANY* messaging possibilities so far... unless they decide to make THAT the "global identifier".... still problems can arise when they clash in this case).




Those are just a few ramblings from my viewpoint.

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Did a /who search on my server Jung Ma right now. It's labeled as standard.


Around 500 imps total and 450 pubs. I rounded the value up. Under 1k players online.


thas alot! i did the same search and came up with 83 imps and 121 republic...just over 200 on the whole server is very very sad.

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The easiest solution would be to "force rename" all the affected characters (and let the legacy be non unique as it actually doesnt have *ANY* messaging possibilities so far... unless they decide to make THAT the "global identifier".... still problems can arise when they clash in this case).

If internally the system can tell the difference from the legacy name from player to player it would be fine.


I agree the most fair thing to do is let ALL the players with duplicate names effected know, and tell them when/where they can do the rename. Then it will be "first come first serve". You never know, maybe the guy with your name was one of the folks that quit playing in the first place (which ironically is the reason they are consolidating the servers in the first place). So if he unsubed, or just doesn't play, then too bad for him, you get the name.

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