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most overpowered pvp class


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I've never seen a game of Alderran where the enemy got to our natural turret or the middle turret and capped it before we got there. If it's really that powerful you'd think it has to have happened at some point. Now they can probably use it on their natural turret but it's pretty trivial to hold your natural turret even if the enemy got there first because it's much further away for them as long as it's not capped.


For Huttball getting the ball first is meaningless unless you've someone above to pass it to, though your own ranged DPS should be kiling/knocking that guy off no matter how quickly he got there. If your ranged DPS can't do it, then that implies the enemy could control the middle and you're going to have a rough time already.

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Really lame post, posts like this get classes nerfed because of cry babies who cant pvp. I know players of any class that can kill just about anyone. Its not the class that makes you op its the players skill. Edited by Fallensouls
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Sentinel speed buff will reliably allow you to cap a turret in Alderaan before the other team can get there, or get to the ball first in Huttball.


No, you don't need 30 stacks of Centering, you have a cooldown that gives you 30 stacks, so you can use it right out of the spawn (like you should be doing).


It is a game-changer.


You just don't know what you have, maybe.


oh i see 1 situational advantage over 3 warzone in which u burn 2 of ur strongest cooldown is what makes us OP...


I know how you think now you just trying to find the exception and prove the rule with the exception


So we can cap left faster then the other group cool that's really what i was looking for to give a reason to my Sentinel (when usually IS ENOUGH A SHADOW with sprint that start right when the bike pop) at worst you can send 2 people one stopping the incoming... because if the enemy send 4 left a marauder alone go there and cap but wont resist long


And if u send more then one it's like sending a Shadow with sprint and someone else to stop people incoming same resul NO WASTE OF 2 SPECIAL COOLDOWN ABILITIES


I still dont see your point.

Edited by Pekish
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to sum up last weeks topics in the pvp forum: all classes are overpowered, all classes are underpowered, all classes need a buff and all classes need a nerf. oh i almost forgot someone won an alderaan warzone 600 to 0!!


edit: dont misunderstand me, some people might have some valid points on class balance, but theres really not any issue the whole community can agree on, that tells me class balance seems to be pretty good. and its not just trolls denying the obvious.

Edited by swooshien
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oh i see 1 situational advantage over 3 warzone in which u burn 2 of ur strongest cooldown is what makes us OP...


I know how you think now you just trying to find the exception and prove the rule with the exception


So we can cap left faster then the other group cool that's really what i was looking for to give a reason to my Sentinel (when usually IS ENOUGH A SHADOW with sprint that start right when the bike pop) at worst you can send 2 people one stopping the incoming... because if the enemy send 4 left a marauder alone go there and cap but wont resist long


And if u send more then one it's like sending a Shadow with sprint and someone else to stop people incoming same resul NO WASTE OF 2 SPECIAL COOLDOWN ABILITIES


I still dont see your point.


I would waste a 3 minute cd to guarantee an early lead in 2 warzones.


That is a much better use of 2 abilities than pretty much any other possible situation that you could use them in.


Like I said, you obviously don't realize what you have. That's fine.

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No OP classes in PVP, just great, average and bad players.


My definition of OP is a class that can make even the worst of players look good. Sorcs/sages have been blamed for being easy to handle but they are nowhere near as easy to top dps charts with as the mercs. Just to make sure that it wasnt in my head I actually rolled a merc in the purpose of establishing how OP/noob friendly the class is. From my first pvp (bolster but with hardly any abilities) game I've been able to consistently top the dps chart but for a few times when I've been beaten by other mercs. How is it not OP that I'm able to take down anyone who even tries to get near the ball spawn, and all by using three abilities in contrast to the 18 or so I use on my sorc?

Edited by MidichIorian
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The fact that the OP and the majority of the posters on this thread did not state their Level, Valor Rank, and Gear makes this thread a complete waste of space.


It suggests that people think PVP should be balanced across all levels and gear, and not just at level 50 with full BM gear. PvP balance at just one level/gear is already a near impossible task, to ask for anything more just mean you don't appreciate the complexity involve.


It makes me laugh that noobs thinks their opinion on PvP balance matters just because they play the game.

Edited by Vinxius
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It makes me laugh that noobs thinks their opinion on PvP balance matters just because they play the game.


Oh the narcissistic elitism runs oh so rampant in every thread made around here. It's almost impressive in it's disturbing nature.

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Powertech here, Valor 59 champ and columi geared Pyro Spec. I think alot of you are combining our trees. Here's my breakdown.


Pyro X-X-31


Excellent burst w/ relic, pvp stim, explosive fuel (2 min CD) and lucky with railshot procs

Thermal Det can hit hard

Good burst if unlucky

Good sustained damage

Ok CC with 2 stuns


Good team guard (does not mitigate for me) mitigation with one area missile debuff and one single target missile debuff

Good area attack (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Squishy, gives up a ton of survivability when in combustible gas cylinder.

No heal (worthless health regen skill)

1 damage mitigation bubble.

Heat builds fast when railshot doesn't proc.

Most effective at melee range where people tend to focus

Easy to CC

Gimped if in Ion Gas Cylinder trying to guard...Dies too quick and cuts DPS substantially.


To kill this guy (me) focus on me, I'm going after your healers to kill or keep them from healing you.I will die very very fast without help....guaranteed..CC me, I have one escape.


Advanced Prototype X-31-X


OK burst DPS

Great against stationary morons

Decent sustained DPS

Grapples 15 secs earlier than other specs

Best heat management

Same missile debuffs

Good area attack (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Flame thrower...Have to stand still to use it, target has to basically stand still as well

Rocket punch and retractable blade need a buff

Same garbage heal capabilities

Same weak bubble

31 point talent Immolate is lackluster

Easy to CC


To kill this guy stay mobile and burn him down, its going to take him a bit to kill you unless you are asleep.


Shield Tech 31-X-X


Can soak up damage

Jet charge and grapple

Missile debuffs

One extra melee range debuff

Guard is amazing when used properly

Good area (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Is not going to kill you, railshot hits for ok damage but easily healed. 31 point talent Heat Blast is a joke, worthless in PvP.


Easy to CC


Bring a friend, burn him down, not gonna hurt you. Just don't let this guy hang around guarding a healer.


Carolina Parakeet 21-2-18


Good damage

Can guard

Takes a decent amount of damage

Good to great burst depending on railshot procs

Same missile debuffs


Grapple and jet charge

Good area (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Has to get very lucky with procs for your mouth to drop

Not great at tanking, not great at DPS

Same garbage heal capabilities

Same weak bubble


When played right this is the one people have alot of problems with, can hurt you and can take what you throw. I didn't care for this spec. They can guard but not near as well as a tank. They can DPS but not near as well as a pyro. A good DPS class will drop a parakeet pretty quickly.


To sum up:

Don't let Pyro's run around shooting your healers.

Don't stand still next to a AP

Don't let a shield spec guard a healer unnoticed

Just kill the parakeet, whatever your DPS spec, you can get him.


Pyro Railshots can get out of hand every now and then, getting fixed. FYI every time I back to back to back railshots there were five times when I got one Railshot out of five flame bursts.


Parakeets will no longer exist.


Tanks will be the same.


AP's will still have to stand still


Stop nerfing and play your class the best you can, it can be fun.

Edited by Grab
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I wont say any are op, but imo the most effective classes in primarily pvp scenarios shape up like so:


1. Operative/Scoundrel, most effective stunlocks, best burst damage, stealth, great solo heals

2. Marauder/Sentinel, great leaps, dots, insane burst damage, Lol Tryndamere-style survival

3. Shadow/Assassin, good dps, great utility abilities, stealth, pull, sprint, tankey

4. Sage/Consular, good damage, dots, best heals, bubble, sprint

5. Vanguard/Powertech, pull, tankey as hell, good damage with dps gear

6. Juggernaut/Guardian, faceroll huttball with leaps, tankey, damage ok to great, really varies

7. Commando/Mercenary, good to great damage, good heals, some utility, work much better in groups than solo

8. Sniper/Gunslinger, great damage, nice range, immovable in cover

Edited by RioNHale
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Powertech here, Valor 59 champ and columi geared Pyro Spec. I think alot of you are combining our trees. Here's my breakdown.


Pyro X-X-31


Excellent burst w/ relic, pvp stim, explosive fuel (2 min CD) and lucky with railshot procs

Thermal Det can hit hard

Good burst if unlucky

Good sustained damage

Ok CC with 2 stuns


Good team guard (does not mitigate for me) mitigation with one area missile debuff and one single target missile debuff

Good area attack (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Squishy, gives up a ton of survivability when in combustible gas cylinder.

No heal (worthless health regen skill)

1 damage mitigation bubble.

Heat builds fast when railshot doesn't proc.

Most effective at melee range where people tend to focus

Easy to CC

Gimped if in Ion Gas Cylinder trying to guard...Dies too quick and cuts DPS substantially.


To kill this guy (me) focus on me, I'm going after your healers to kill or keep them from healing you.I will die very very fast without help....guaranteed..CC me, I have one escape.


Advanced Prototype X-31-X


OK burst DPS

Great against stationary morons

Decent sustained DPS

Grapples 15 secs earlier than other specs

Best heat management

Same missile debuffs

Good area attack (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Flame thrower...Have to stand still to use it, target has to basically stand still as well

Rocket punch and retractable blade need a buff

Same garbage heal capabilities

Same weak bubble

31 point talent Immolate is lackluster

Easy to CC


To kill this guy stay mobile and burn him down, its going to take him a bit to kill you unless you are asleep.


Shield Tech 31-X-X


Can soak up damage

Jet charge and grapple

Missile debuffs

One extra melee range debuff

Guard is amazing when used properly

Good area (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Is not going to kill you, railshot hits for ok damage but easily healed. 31 point talent Heat Blast is a joke, worthless in PvP.


Easy to CC


Bring a friend, burn him down, not gonna hurt you. Just don't let this guy hang around guarding a healer.


Carolina Parakeet 21-2-18


Good damage

Can guard

Takes a decent amount of damage

Good to great burst depending on railshot procs

Same missile debuffs


Grapple and jet charge

Good area (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Has to get very lucky with procs for your mouth to drop

Not great at tanking, not great at DPS

Same garbage heal capabilities

Same weak bubble


When played right this is the one people have alot of problems with, can hurt you and can take what you throw. I didn't care for this spec. They can guard but not near as well as a tank. They can DPS but not near as well as a pyro. A good DPS class will drop a parakeet pretty quickly.


To sum up:

Don't let Pyro's run around shooting your healers.

Don't stand still next to a AP

Don't let a shield spec guard a healer unnoticed

Just kill the parakeet, whatever your DPS spec, you can get him.


Pyro Railshots can get out of hand every now and then, getting fixed. FYI every time I back to back to back railshots there were five times when I got one Railshot out of five flame bursts.


Parakeets will no longer exist.


Tanks will be the same.


AP's will still have to stand still


Stop nerfing and play your class the best you can, it can be fun.


Way WAY too much logic here. I play a Pyro Merc. Are you implying that if I do infact see another Bounty Hunter he isn't a Tracer Spamming person that's able to 2 shot me? I am shocked sir.

Edited by Ortof
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The most op'd class in the game.. well it's not really a class.. it's the ability "guard" imo. Give the nature of how it's used... having no cd.... and it being able to be kept on someone permanently < well until they die >, it's the root of all evil when it comes to the healing nerfs.

A tank with all his cd's up and guard on a healer.. may as well walk away unless you have some incredible burst on your side.


I think if anything it needs to be looked at and changed. Stick it on a 2 min cd, have it last 15-20 secs when used.. talent it for say a 30 sec reduction. In lieu of it tanks would need to be given some other sort of bread and butter I suppose. With rated on the horizons, the teams that will be unbeatable will be those with multiple tanks/healers. Already a proven fact from multiple other posts showing teams that have never been beaten running this combo due to it being impossible to kill anyone.

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I know right? It's a shame most bounty hunter specs get pigeon holed into some tracer spamming super tank. All of our specs have at least one glaring weakness. In my pyro pt spec I'd give my left one for a knockback or a root that isn't affected by resolve.

The biggest is the tank misconception, most of our specs are squishy with limited to no mitigation talents. All that said I love my spec, kill fast die fast, never a dull moment.

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Powertech here, Valor 59 champ and columi geared Pyro Spec. I think alot of you are combining our trees. Here's my breakdown.


Pyro X-X-31


Excellent burst w/ relic, pvp stim, explosive fuel (2 min CD) and lucky with railshot procs

Thermal Det can hit hard

Good burst if unlucky

Good sustained damage

Ok CC with 2 stuns


Good team guard (does not mitigate for me) mitigation with one area missile debuff and one single target missile debuff

Good area attack (area getting reduced to 5m from 8)



Squishy, gives up a ton of survivability when in combustible gas cylinder.

No heal (worthless health regen skill)

1 damage mitigation bubble.

Heat builds fast when railshot doesn't proc.

Most effective at melee range where people tend to focus

Easy to CC

Gimped if in Ion Gas Cylinder trying to guard...Dies too quick and cuts DPS substantially.


To kill this guy (me) focus on me, I'm going after your healers to kill or keep them from healing you.I will die very very fast without help....guaranteed..CC me, I have one escape.



Powertech is mobile in an assault spec? Really? You didn't mention that it is reliant on having dots/stun. Powertech is nothing if you have smart healers who WILL take dots off people, by the time that happens, you have full heat and will not be a threat. Well, maybe not powertech, since they get 8-10% better heat control compared to vanguard's ammo.

Edited by Jarfunkz
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The most op'd class in the game.. well it's not really a class.. it's the ability "guard" imo. Give the nature of how it's used... having no cd.... and it being able to be kept on someone permanently < well until they die >, it's the root of all evil when it comes to the healing nerfs.

A tank with all his cd's up and guard on a healer.. may as well walk away unless you have some incredible burst on your side.


I think if anything it needs to be looked at and changed. Stick it on a 2 min cd, have it last 15-20 secs when used.. talent it for say a 30 sec reduction. In lieu of it tanks would need to be given some other sort of bread and butter I suppose. With rated on the horizons, the teams that will be unbeatable will be those with multiple tanks/healers. Already a proven fact from multiple other posts showing teams that have never been beaten running this combo due to it being impossible to kill anyone.


Powertechs have to stay within 15 meters of their guarded buddy for it to work, easily countered. Cannot speak of guard for any class but powertech.

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I wont say any are op, but imo the most effective classes in primarily pvp scenarios shape up like so:


1. Operative/Scoundrel, most effective stunlocks, best burst damage, stealth, great solo heals

2. Marauder/Sentinel, great leaps, dots, insane burst damage, Lol Tryndamere-style survival

3. Shadow/Assassin, good dps, great utility abilities, stealth, pull, sprint, tankey

4. Sage/Consular, good damage, dots, best heals, bubble, sprint

5. Vanguard/Powertech, pull, tankey as hell, good damage with dps gear

6. Juggernaut/Guardian, faceroll huttball with leaps, tankey, damage ok to great, really varies

7. Commando/Mercenary, good to great damage, good heals, some utility, work much better in groups than solo

8. Sniper/Gunslinger, great damage, stealth, nice range, immovable in cover


gunslingers/snipers get no stealth. We dont get heals either. great damage and range is not as great as you think.. no different then any other ranged shooter. and very immovable class... our damage comes from kneeling(cover).


P.S. in fact.. PULL has a longer range then our firing range which is BS


just about every class of the 4 have an overpoweredness to it. what we should look at more is what trees that are totally useless and underpowered.

Edited by Safgril
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Powertech is mobile in an assault spec? Really? You didn't mention that it is reliant on having dots/stun. Powertech is nothing if you have smart healers who WILL take dots off people, by the time that happens, you have full heat and will not be a threat. Well, maybe not powertech, since they get 8-10% better heat control compared to vanguard's ammo.

Very good point on the dots, totally dependent.

Pyros are completely mobile, main abilities are flame burst, thermal det, rocket punch, and rail shot, all can done on the move. We are not very good at all outside of 10m (FB range).

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In my opinion (no order):

Assassin/Shadow (hybrid spec)

Juggernaut/Guardian (lol 7k smash, rage spec)

Merc/Commando (heal spec with a guard on them)


Everything else is manageable. This is based on my experience from playing on a 50: Merc, Sorc, Powertech and Marauder.

Edited by ILonestarI
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Very good point on the dots, totally dependent.

Pyros are completely mobile, main abilities are flame burst, thermal det, rocket punch, and rail shot, all can done on the move. We are not very good at all outside of 10m (FB range).


ok mobile damage. I thought you were speaking of the classes mobility which is right there with sniper at being the worst.

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