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The PVP is better at 1-49...


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I agree with the OP that 50s pvp is more competitive.


A cent geared person vs. a BM geared person is more competitive than a 49 vs. a 10. There's no way in hell a 49 would ever lose to a 10, but a cent geared person take out bm geared person.


Anyone who thinks 10-49 pvp is more "skilled based", "competitive", "better teamwork" is fooling themselves.


True, maybe a lvl 10 can't beat a lvl 49 in a 1v1, but how long is that lvl 10 going to stay lvl 10? An hour maybe? And I guarantee you that you can destroy lvl 49s at lvl 20 (which can be done in the fraction amount of time it takes to gear up), and that is w/o any special gear to use as a crutch either.

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Granted I had a ton of fun on my main in the lowbie bracket.


Wow, you are confused.


The skill is horrible. The ignorance is horrible. The lack on pvp knowledge is horrible.


I still love pvp, so I have fun. I never said I had a "ton of fun". Stop misquoting me.


It is not that hard. I did not contradict myself.



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You do realize you really can't "stay at 49", right? The funny thing is, the lvl 49 person has a higher chance of being destroyed in a WZ by a lowbie than a BM geared 50 does to a fresh 50. We all know that expertise (lol I still get a kick out BW calling the extra stat that) gear isn't the factor in 10-49 bracket, so is *gasp* skill that allows the lowbie to destroy the lvl 49? BTW, here is the definition of expertise. See the irony?



Not true. A lvl 40 with the lvl 40 PvP gear set or a 49 twink with 49 purple mods has a much bigger advantage over a lvl 20 with quest gear than a BM has over a player with centurion gear.

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I agree with the OP that 50s pvp is more competitive.


A cent geared person vs. a BM geared person is more competitive than a 49 vs. a 10. There's no way in hell a 49 would ever lose to a 10, but a cent geared person take out bm geared person.


Anyone who thinks 10-49 pvp is more "skilled based", "competitive", "better teamwork" is fooling themselves.


This. Want to have a real laugh? Take any dps class of your choice and level them to 49. Then, put epic level 49 mods/enhancements/armorings and weapon mods in every slot. It'll cost you a lot of dough, but holy cow, will you be laughing until you ding 50.


Did this with a Marauder once, but only got about 5 pieces full decked in 49 epics. I was killing Sages in 4 globals, through their bubbles. Even lower level ones who had higher mitigations than they should have due to bolsters.


Edit:After 3 capping in Civil War, it took a wave of 5 enemies after 3 consecutive 2v1's with no time to regain health to kill me. It's a joke.


If someone doesn't believe me, I beg you to try it on your alt. It will make you laugh at every "Please let us stop exp gain from wz's" post, and every "1-49 isn't about gear, but 50 is 100% gear based" thread.

Edited by Rheeling
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You do realize you really can't "stay at 49", right? The funny thing is, the lvl 49 person has a higher chance of being destroyed in a WZ by a lowbie than a BM geared 50 does to a fresh 50. We all know that expertise (lol I still get a kick out BW calling the extra stat that) gear isn't the factor in 10-49 bracket, so is *gasp* skill that allows the lowbie to destroy the lvl 49? BTW, here is the definition of expertise. See the irony?


You can stay 49. And people do.

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To the op:

Maybe you do not understand this but I will make it easy for you.

With no cross realm the people u play at 50 are the same u play 10-49. I hope this short explanation helps you in the future.


That just isn't the case. New people buy this game every day. Some people play alt after alt and take 6 months to get a 50. Some only PvE at 50 but participate in pvp while leveling for gear upgrades or a little change of pace. They are not all the same people.. not even close.


True, maybe a lvl 10 can't beat a lvl 49 in a 1v1, but how long is that lvl 10 going to stay lvl 10? An hour maybe? And I guarantee you that you can destroy lvl 49s at lvl 20 (which can be done in the fraction amount of time it takes to gear up), and that is w/o any special gear to use as a crutch either.


You're looking at it from the wrong angle. Don't look at it from the level 10's point of view. Yes, he can level up. I still say a level 20 has way less of a chance than a fresh 50, maybe once you get around level 30 it equals out.


Look at it from the level 49's point of view. There is a new level 10 to take that level 20's spot every day. So the 49 is still just beating on lowbies FOREVER. Where as at 50, there are much less fresh 50's than lowbies in the 49 bracket. That is because the normal person levels and hits 50, whereas the sissies stay at 49.


Yeah the 10-49 bracket is more fun because anyone with any amount of pvp experience can roflstomp just about anyone else.


Ya it is fun.


The difference is the people who "twink" and stay at 49. Those people do exist. Those are the people that are pathetic.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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I have found PVP 10-30= bad but 30-49 is a bit better due the fact u have a few more skills at your disposal but my point is u dont have to pvp till 50 there are enuff missions provided to get you to 50. nothing better then gear rewards for completeing a mission.


these players that u speak of are they NEW players that need help to understand the object of the WZ!!!!!!


any way play YOUR game YOUR way.



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You can stay 49. And people do.


Do we have an XP NPC that turns off XP or are lvl 49s just hanging around the WZ till nearly the END and leaving WZ with a grin and no debuff for WZ leaver..


(if thats the case these players are just losers and really need a life)


back to the WZ Leaver debuff..


round and round we go



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True, maybe a lvl 10 can't beat a lvl 49 in a 1v1, but how long is that lvl 10 going to stay lvl 10? An hour maybe? And I guarantee you that you can destroy lvl 49s at lvl 20 (which can be done in the fraction amount of time it takes to gear up), and that is w/o any special gear to use as a crutch either.


It's incredibly easy to get geared up once you hit 50. You can be in full cent/champ within a week. It takes longer to level to 40+. You can also just straight up buy epic gear the moment you hit 50 (money is super easy to get), or do a few HMs and get epics that way.

Edited by Smashbrother
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. .









The pvp is freakin horrible at low levels. Granted I had a ton of fun on my main in the lowbie bracket. I still have fun on my alt cause I love pvp, but the skill / awareness is absolutely pathetic.


There are 5 times as many people at this bracket that have absolutely no idea how to play this game. I don't know how many times in the last hour I've watched people fail miserably at interrupting bomb plants or CC'ing opponents.


Anyone who tries to stay in this bracket is pathetic. Grow a pair of balls and come play with the big boys.


It's not much different most times in the 50's bracket. Just think that all these new people will soon be in the 50's bracket as well. 95% of the BMs running around these days are just as bad as the people in the pre 50 brackets. That being said, the only difference in the lower brackets in comparison to the 50's bracket is a level 10 can kill a level 49. A brand new 50 doesn't stand a chance against a full bm'd person unless that person's skill level is 1/10th that of someone in the lower brackets.


I do whole hearitly agree though. Lower brackets is extremely ammusing seeing all these new re-rolls who can barely keyboard turn let alone hit off two consecutive abilities in under 10 seconds.

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I hate the people that run around thinking theyre so good bec theyre killing people but theyre doing in the middle of effin nowhere and have no idea that pvp is objective based


while im jumping uncontrollably on the top rafters yelling to pass the ball and they just keep a walking, then when you finally get the tards attention they say "uh i was stun locked" b.s *****hole noone likes the tuna here!






That is not always as clear cut as you may assume.


Maybe it would be a little more helpful if you were to advise your "tards" on how to effectively pass the huttball. I cant stand the click and decide where to throw crap (like mortar volley, suppression fire, kolto bomb, or death from above). Personally, I think "Throw the Huttball" should be a single target AoE instead of ground-targeted where you dont have to hesitate for 2-3 seconds finding someone to pass to and actually getting it to activate.


Common occurance: I have my sniper dropping 1-49 bracket ball carriers like flies (because, let's get real, literally 5/7 WZs are huttball for me unfortunately), someone tosses the sniper the ball (no clue why since we have really crappy damage mitigation, ESPECIALLY on the move...). Ok, so now I have roughly 8 seconds to get rid of the thing before I am minced chiss... click skill, move mouse around to someone with high health, and...... CLICK... **** I got stunned, ok so do this again.... click ... wait where's my target cursor..??? **** it didnt activate... Screw it, the receiver wont stay still anyway, ill just die!


If there is a more efficient method to actually pass the **** ball I'd like to know how and would highly recommend that when it is a problem in your play... that you teach others how to successfully pass rather than demoralizing the player.





ALL that being said... my focus is NOT to get the ball and score, but to KILL and do damage to get medals on my sniper FOR COMMENDATIONS, not to just win. On my guardian it is NOT to kill, it is to guard (aka protect) the ball handler or healers to get medals and do what I am spec'd to do. As my healer, well, I play a 50 healing commando and I have resigned from any pvp since I am forced into the 50 bracket and a green heal beam is instadeath and 1.2 doesn't appear to be providing any help whatsoever (healing medals in 50s are impossible as a commando on my server's 50 bracket, so I don't attempt it anymore).

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Why? B/c people can queue 10-49 & be somewhat competitive regardless of whether they queue solo/premade, min/max, & regardless of gear disparity.

Not even that true. If you're leveling and aren't on top of your gear and mods, your stats will sometimes be considerably lower. I saw times where I would level and lose ~100 to my main stat, and HP would fluctuate from 13k to 11.6k and so forth.


Gear still matters in 10-49. Maybe not as much as wearing blues versus a BM, but to say it's equal playing field isn't true at all. The only reason people blindly say this is because you won't find anyone on the forums complaining about low level PVP because they only care to hit 50.

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Not even that true. If you're leveling and aren't on top of your gear and mods, your stats will sometimes be considerably lower. I saw times where I would level and lose ~100 to my main stat, and HP would fluctuate from 13k to 11.6k and so forth.


Gear still matters in 10-49. Maybe not as much as wearing blues versus a BM, but to say it's equal playing field isn't true at all. The only reason people blindly say this is because you won't find anyone on the forums complaining about low level PVP because they only care to hit 50.


I didn't say it was an equal playing field. I said you can be somewhat competitive. Word comprehension ftw.

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I didn't say it was an equal playing field. I said you can be somewhat competitive. Word comprehension ftw.


It's easy to be competitive when half of every team has no idea what they're doing, and even those that do don't have access to half of their skillset, meaning they can't possibly counter you even if they know how to.

Edited by Varicite
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It's incredibly easy to get geared up once you hit 50. You can be in full cent/champ within a week. It takes longer to level to 40+. You can also just straight up buy epic gear the moment you hit 50 (money is super easy to get), or do a few HMs and get epics that way.


Or do the daily quests that open up at level 47, while leveling to 50, and step into a full set of epic gear the moment you hit level 49. (The 300k a day from dalies will allow you to buy crit-crafted six-stat implants and ear pieces, about 100k on the GTN)


My alt already has an entire set of rating 124 purple gear ready for her to hit 50 - and she's 22 (as i have been farming the daily quests that give mods/enhancements on my main, and using the daily comms to buy the rating 126 armorings)

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The transition from being a new 50 with no gear though is no fun though. I almost feel guilty for queuing up with my guild.


Ever since they changed champ bags to give 15 cent comms and 7 champ comms, it's incredibly easy to gear up for PvP. If you bank 1000/1000 merc/wz comms and buy 1 champ bag pre-50, with your initial dailies and weeklies immediately after hitting 50, you can have a full set of cent/champ gear in about 3 days. That will get you in the range of 400 expertise. 500 is what most people consider the soft cap anyways. So yeah, 3 days to gear up to be reasonable is not bad at all. Getting full champ and then BM will take longer, of course, but you're still competitive in cent/champ gear.

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Ever since they changed champ bags to give 15 cent comms and 7 champ comms, it's incredibly easy to gear up for PvP. If you bank 1000/1000 merc/wz comms and buy 1 champ bag pre-50, with your initial dailies and weeklies immediately after hitting 50, you can have a full set of cent/champ gear in about 3 days. That will get you in the range of 400 expertise. 500 is what most people consider the soft cap anyways. So yeah, 3 days to gear up to be reasonable is not bad at all. Getting full champ and then BM will take longer, of course, but you're still competitive in cent/champ gear.



I think you need to re-phrase your first sentence to a full set of cent gear maybe. The odds of getting a piece of champ gear in these bags is like 1-100. The cent stuff yes, you could have a full set of cent gear in a few days. Sadly the cent gear is miles behind the champ gear in over-all stats and a lot of the sets have beyond terrible itemization. Just looking at the merc eliminator cent set, nothing but accuracy/power. Most people I see that hit BM now since the champ changes went into effect a month or so back might have a few pieces of champ and the rest is pve gear with the odd assortment of cent if they choose to re-mod it.

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