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Meetra Surik(The Exile) Cooler than revan IMO


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Just because your a best selling author doesn't mean your good...... Write a book with a massive fanbase already and your going to sell.

Also, there was a thread a few months back where we re-wrote chapters from the book, same info, just written better, and i have to admit, most of ours were better than Drews.


Certainly not a biased opinion......

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Who exactly dislikes The Exile?


I personally didn't enjoy KotORII as much as KotORI; it had a weaker story, borrowed heavily in content, and seemed to be incomplete (obvious to me it was rushed). However, it would be sort of be bizarre not to like a character you name, design, and play throughout the game!


Regarding the character's background and what happens to her afterwards, I am satisfied with this. Definitely a character with a bit more substance than Darth Revan, but there was something satisfying with the simplicity of the Revan story (fit perfectly within the Star Wars universe).


- Arcada

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Who exactly dislikes The Exile?


I personally didn't enjoy KotORII as much as KotORI; it had a weaker story, borrowed heavily in content, and seemed to be incomplete (obvious to me it was rushed). However, it would be sort of be bizarre not to like a character you name, design, and play throughout the game!


Regarding the character's background and what happens to her afterwards, I am satisfied with this. Definitely a character with a bit more substance than Darth Revan, but there was something satisfying with the simplicity of the Revan story (fit perfectly within the Star Wars universe).


- Arcada

Just FYI, Lucas made them release it before Christmas...

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LucasArts made them release it seven months in actually.


Oops, for some reason my entire post didnt get posted?

It was meant to be

"Lucas made them release it before christmas. He wanted to make money from the Holiday, even if the game wasnt finished..."

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LucasArts made them release it seven months in actually.


Oops, for some reason my entire post didnt get posted?

It was meant to be

"Lucas made them release it before christmas. He wanted to make money from the Holiday, even if the game wasnt finished..."

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Who exactly dislikes The Exile?


I personally didn't enjoy KotORII as much as KotORI; it had a weaker story, borrowed heavily in content, and seemed to be incomplete (obvious to me it was rushed). However, it would be sort of be bizarre not to like a character you name, design, and play throughout the game!


Regarding the character's background and what happens to her afterwards, I am satisfied with this. Definitely a character with a bit more substance than Darth Revan, but there was something satisfying with the simplicity of the Revan story (fit perfectly within the Star Wars universe).


- Arcada

I imagine people would dislike The Exile for the same reasons people dislike Revan. Overratedness? It seem's the Revanites on the forums were replaced by fans of The Exile. Or maybe they are just louder.


Or people just like one game over the other.

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I imagine people would dislike The Exile for the same reasons people dislike Revan. Overratedness? It seem's the Revanites on the forums were replaced by fans of The Exile. Or maybe they are just louder.


Or people just like one game over the other.


Most of the Exile fans are placing canon facts. The Fanbase is growing because allot of people see that.



Revan is Overrated. You cant be serious if you dont believe that.

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Most of the Exile fans are placing canon facts. The Fanbase is growing because allot of people see that.



Revan is Overrated. You cant be serious if you dont believe that.


So is the Exile. In my opinion.


Did I ever say that Revan wasn't overrated?

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The Whole Story of KOTOR 1 is cleaning up the Main Characters Mess!


In KOTOR 2, the exile was exiled, hence the name, by the Jedi Order because of her power and was pretty much stripped away of her abilites. She had to regain abilities because she was the only who could stop the Sith Triumvirate. No lie, she literally was the ONLY one because of her resistance to Sever Force and her ability to Sever Force she was the only one in the galaxy to take on Nihilus.


She was a fallen Soldier who was like the only one to return to the council to face her "consequences" instead of falling to the dakrness with the rest.


Unlike the story of Revan where he made his apprentice, Darth Malak a near equal to him and was betrayed by him after wreaking havoc on the entire Galaxy as a Sith Lord. And then he got his memory wiped, cliche much, and was the only to reverse his own mess.


Well technically, Darth Nihilus was created when the exile and revan destroyed Malachor V so Nihilus is her mess too.

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Opinion is all well good, but do you have any actual reason to believe that? I have never seen an Exile argument that was just blatant conjecture like most pro-Revan arguments.


I guess it depends on what you think makes a character overrated.

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Opinion is all well good, but do you have any actual reason to believe that? I have never seen an Exile argument that was just blatant conjecture like most pro-Revan arguments.


actually i have seen several. in fact, the main reason i used to be one of the revan fanboys was because most of the things exile fans put up for her were more made up than things revan fans were using. then you came along and i realised that those were just idjuts. but still, the majority of both fanbases i would say tend to over play their power levels.


i still think that bioware/obsidian always wanted revan to be thought of as more powerful(drew who had bioware and lucas arts backing certainly did), but meetras story is much more mature, if perhaps a little less classical star wars, and the hardships shes overcame and knowledge of the lightside puts em at about equal in power in my eyes now.

im trying to convince myself to do a canon playthrough of kotor 2 without using save editor or mods other than changing one of the portraits hair styles to brown instead of blond and skipping peragus. i hate peragus with a passion. always felt like kind of a waste of game to me. i seriously doubt i will be able to do that, but maybe i can do it with only boosting my stats to 18 or so and giving me a lightsaber and maybe a half decent robe to start with.



hmm...i got rather of topic there didnt i? i think ill just go back and put that part in spoiler tags or something.

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actually i have seen several. in fact, the main reason i used to be one of the revan fanboys was because most of the things exile fans put up for her were more made up than things revan fans were using. then you came along and i realised that those were just idjuts. but still, the majority of both fanbases i would say tend to over play their power levels.


i still think that bioware/obsidian always wanted revan to be thought of as more powerful(drew who had bioware and lucas arts backing certainly did), but meetras story is much more mature, if perhaps a little less classical star wars, and the hardships shes overcame and knowledge of the lightside puts em at about equal in power in my eyes now.

im trying to convince myself to do a canon playthrough of kotor 2 without using save editor or mods other than changing one of the portraits hair styles to brown instead of blond and skipping peragus. i hate peragus with a passion. always felt like kind of a waste of game to me. i seriously doubt i will be able to do that, but maybe i can do it with only boosting my stats to 18 or so and giving me a lightsaber and maybe a half decent robe to start with.



hmm...i got rather of topic there didnt i? i think ill just go back and put that part in spoiler tags or something.


Very good points there, however I do see some hidden things in there, that when combined with Raylas comment on Surik fans not overrating her, makes us see the big picture.


I believe what you say is true, and that Suriks story is more mature, the hardships, betrayal, and suffering she was put through is a much more mature and compelling story than tbe bang bang pew pew vhoom vhoom LIGHTNING story of Revan... Hence surik fans are generally more mature than revans fans, this might explain why they dont overrate her as much....

Think about it, and let me know :)

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Very good points there, however I do see some hidden things in there, that when combined with Raylas comment on Surik fans not overrating her, makes us see the big picture.


I believe what you say is true, and that Suriks story is more mature, the hardships, betrayal, and suffering she was put through is a much more mature and compelling story than tbe bang bang pew pew vhoom vhoom LIGHTNING story of Revan... Hence surik fans are generally more mature than revans fans, this might explain why they dont overrate her as much....

Think about it, and let me know :)


well i see your point, and while unfortunately it is more true than not, the same could be said to compare star wars fans to trekkies...


though that does explain some things. revans story is more tradition star wars, "this is the good guy this is the bad guy go kill the bad guy". where as meetras is more subtle, and less obvious though quite possibly more significant.

Edited by Jedikillar
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I'm confused by people saying the exile was an over powered character, in that she could take away force powers etc. As if getting shot were not a perfectly effective way to get one's self killed.


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


I think most people on the exile side of the opinion-based argument are just upset that an interesting character was canonized down to something less than the original idea she was based upon.


I can't really speak for the Revan side of things since I never found him that interesting. (doesn't make him bad... just boring imo)

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Though I respect the Book from Drew, I didn't like how they got rid of certain people, like the generel( the exile), or t3, ect. The general was a very powerful jedi, and if she was going to be killed off she should have been given a better death a jedi should be given.


Yes, T3's death almost made me cry because he was just the coolest little guy ever :(

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Yes, T3's death almost made me cry because he was just the coolest little guy ever :(


yes t3s death upset me more than meetras tbh. it also upset me that they made revan fall to the darkside on his own again in swtor(say whatever you want, trying to kill 97% of the imperial population is darkside. and it was something hk-47 agreed with so its obviously darkside cus of that too).

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yes t3s death upset me more than meetras tbh. it also upset me that they made revan fall to the darkside on his own again in swtor(say whatever you want, trying to kill 97% of the imperial population is darkside. and it was something hk-47 agreed with so its obviously darkside cus of that too).


Not to mention he gained "Darkside Empowerment".

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