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You're not allowed to complain if you're on Fatman! :p Just kidding ofc,


Truth is due to all the separate planets, and big areas - you don't run into loads of people all the time unless your on fleet or Old Ilum. That's just how it is.

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Amazing that so many that pre-occupy themselves with wanting to have loads of other players around them in a game.. choose to sit in a bedroom most likely on their own... for like hours and hours on end. Personally I like to game to get away from people. And I find that 1 to 50 in this game is a pain if there is even one other player doing what I am doing. So I thank the creator that the areas are structured with as few players as possible... Anyway gotta go... real people need me.
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Amazing that so many that pre-occupy themselves with wanting to have loads of other players around them in a game.. choose to sit in a bedroom most likely on their own... for like hours and hours on end. Personally I like to game to get away from people.


MMORPG stands "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game." By your post, I'm not quite sure you know what that means.

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Amazing that so many that pre-occupy themselves with wanting to have loads of other players around them in a game.. choose to sit in a bedroom most likely on their own... for like hours and hours on end. Personally I like to game to get away from people. And I find that 1 to 50 in this game is a pain if there is even one other player doing what I am doing. So I thank the creator that the areas are structured with as few players as possible... Anyway gotta go... real people need me.




You should try out some FPS's on the 360 I hear they have a few fun ones... sounds to me you either play at work... or at starbucks if you play this game with loads of people around you..

Edited by Braaaiins
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It's always like that once your out of the starting zones. In wow since I only play blood elves on horde side, you start not see people after ghost lands, it's the second zone. The same applies to humans, dwarfs, and gnomes. You can expect to not see any one until you reach max lvl. However, the lfg system helps this a little in that you get put in a group if you queue for a dungeon, but these vary in their social interaction. There are lfg groups that have no social interaction and it's just a race to finish the instance, then you have other that you chat all way until the end.


If BW added a lfg system like wow for flash points, it would alleviate some of the loneliness by putting people in groups for flash points.

Edited by Knockerz
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Why do I feel so alone when i'm playing this game.. I'm on The Fatman, but no matter what I do I still feel like i'm alone, and I think its due to the fact that everything is story or red/green wall oriented.
What about your guild? And the chat channels.


For what it's worth, that sense of being alone in the big world is largely intended. Throughout your story you are the lone hero braving the dangers on hostile and far-flung worlds, wading into the conflicts of warring armies, or challenging the supremacy of underworld kingpins. You have your trusty crew at your side, but otherwise we're supposed to be accomplishing these things in relative solitude.

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If BW added a lfg system like wow for flash points, it would alleviate some of the loneliness by putting people in groups for flash points.


No, it would be a band-aid for much bigger issues that would/could be addressed if people would stop suggesting that this like it is some miraculous cure for all that is cancerous in the game. I mean no disrespect, but really stop and think about all the problems that LFG is a supposed solution for. It isn't really a solution at all. It would only serve to mask a bigger problem and provide temporary relief. For example, your suggest of adding LFG to alleviate player loneliness suggests that if players could run Flashpoints together with ease they would not feel lonely. This accounts for a small percentage of your leveling time and, unless you are doing back-to-back Flashpoints at max level, it represents only part of your end-game experience. How does LFG help this player with Heroics? Exploring? Datacron hunting? PVP? RP? Or any other form of socialization available in this game?


My suggestion to this player is to find a leveling buddy or buddies. A few of my friends and I have characters that we only level together when we're all on. If you like social interactions in your game, this could be what you're looking for. Getting to roll for conversation choices and see other players choices is always interesting, to me, and it is nice to be able to tackle some (or, in some of my leveling groups, all) of the Heroic content or challenging encounters with others.

Edited by Dolcia
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No, it would be a band-aid for much bigger issues that would/could be addressed if people would stop suggesting that this like it is some miraculous cure for all that is cancerous in the game. I mean no disrespect, but really stop and think about all the problems that LFG is a supposed solution for. It isn't really a solution at all. It would only serve to mask a bigger problem and provide temporary relief. For example, your suggest of adding LFG to alleviate player loneliness suggests that if players could run Flashpoints together with ease they would not feel lonely. This accounts for a small percentage of your leveling time and, unless you are doing back-to-back Flashpoints at max level, it represents only part of your end-game experience. How does LFG help this player with Heroics? Exploring? Datacron hunting? PVP? RP? Or any other form of socialization available in this game?


My suggestion to this player is to find a leveling buddy or buddies. A few of my friends and I have characters that we only level together when we're all on. If you like social interactions in your game, this could be what you're looking for. Getting to roll for conversation choices and see other players choices is always interesting, to me, and it is nice to be able to tackle some (or, in some of my leveling groups, all) of the Heroic content or challenging encounters with others.



A LFG group tab does not limit itself to just flashpoints, you should be able to post that you want to do any heroic or flashpoint. Also with a comment section in the lfg panel you should be able to post info like "datacron hunting hoth" or PVP or RP or anything else you could think of.


LFG tool is not meant just for flashpoints, but a lot of former WoW players (no clue if you are or not) think the LFG has to be a random matchmaking system for flashpoints only. Thats not what I support, nor have I supported since beta when I first started posting for an LFG panel/tool.


However, back on topic. If you are feeling burnt out by level 20 or 30 op, then MMO's might not be you're cup of tea. As others have said maybe find some good fps games or action games that you enjoy.

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A LFG group tab does not limit itself to just flashpoints, you should be able to post that you want to do any heroic or flashpoint. Also with a comment section in the lfg panel you should be able to post info like "datacron hunting hoth" or PVP or RP or anything else you could think of.


LFG tool is not meant just for flashpoints, but a lot of former WoW players (no clue if you are or not) think the LFG has to be a random matchmaking system for flashpoints only. Thats not what I support, nor have I supported since beta when I first started posting for an LFG panel/tool.


I'll grant you that, Brool. I am not opposed to single-server LFGs. I am opposed to cross-server LFGs. I suppose Knockerz did not specify (he/she mentioned WoW though so I made the cross-server correlation) and neither did I. But, you're right, that is a different discussion for a different thread.

Edited by Dolcia
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I'll grant you that, Brool. I am not opposed to single-server LFGs. I am opposed to cross-server LFGs. I suppose Knockerz did not specify (he/she mentioned WoW though so I made the cross-server correlation) and neither did I. But, you're right, that is a different discussion for a different thread.


Aye, same boat as you. :D


Sorry, i've been fighting this fight for a detailed single server LFG panel that allows for non random grouping since beta. :D

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