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Refuse Huttball


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However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Huttball.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Huttball, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Huttball.




OMG a objective BG/WZ that requires SKILL.....


EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think Huttball is the G.O.A.T. (gREATEST OF ALL TIME) AND don't understand why it wasn't thought of before!


Nice job BW!

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Huttball is one of my favorite WZs, but I can certainly understand why people would not like it - my main is a Gunslinger, and I didn't enjoy it as much with him, but then I rolled a Guardian and the gameplay dynamics are so vastly different. I love Huttball on my Guardian - I also have a Commando and a Vanguard, and again the gameplay is vastly different with them, namely the lack of mobility the Guardian has. You just have to know your role and play it. Classes like Consulars and Jedi Knights really shine in Huttball, and the rest are primarily support


Of course you love it on a guardian....you've got about 8 different skills for cc and movement control and half of them operate outside resolve >.> The winner in huttball is always the team with the most pulls + roots, there's no real skill to it. It's just frustrating.

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Of course you love it on a guardian....you've got about 8 different skills for cc and movement control and half of them operate outside resolve >.> The winner in huttball is always the team with the most pulls + roots, there's no real skill to it. It's just frustrating.


That was sort of my point - that for the classes that shine there (JKs, and Consular), it is probably more fun. Still, if you get placed with a team that knows what they are doing, then you will have fun no matter what class you are. When everyone on the team is focused on scoring and not dueling in the pits on the opposite side, then it can be an exhilarating match - the most fun I have had in game was in a Huttball match where both teams were VERY good and skilled. Ended up 6-5, and it was an absolute blast ...

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You are ALWAYS at the mercy of your teammates, but the problem is that the vast majority of Huttball haters don't bother to learn how to play the warzone.


This is total and utter nonsense. When all you huttball lovers learn and accept that not everyone has the same taste as you. Just because we do not like Huttball does not mean that we suck at it, or that we refuse to learn how it works. Most of the people that hate Huttball are actually very successfull at it.


The assumption that this warzone is some kind of reference to a player's skill or learning ability is ridiculous.


I hate it because.


1. The color scheme is horrible and annoying.

2. The announcer is annoying.

3. If I want to enjoy some warzones I am forced to play it over and over and over just because I play empire. Faction population balance should be BWs concearn, not mine.

4. If you que solo and have a bad team, you are screwed. At least in alderaan and void I can stealth ahead and ninja objectives.

5. There are way too many ledges/pits/lvls. Some find this amazing, I find it annoying.

6. This just seems like BWs way to say "hey you guys have tons of cc/snares/knockbacks, we are gonna give you a wz where you can spam them all and succeed.


Those are just a few reasons why I myself cannot stand Huttball.

It is a personal preference.

Stop it with the nonsense that if you don't like Huttball, it's because you suck.

Edited by Alphashado
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Only classes that HB is made for like it. The HB hero classes rarely even play the other WZ's, and when they do they normally just stick on one node because they are butthurt HB didn't pop again.


I'm sorry but your comment made me laugh.


Let's clarify something shall we. I play a hybrid Jugg (not 14/27) and I love Huttball. I have utility and cc and jumps and leaps. It is, however, not my favorite map. That distinction belongs to Civil War. Now, why do I sometimes sit on a node in Civil War? Because I can defend that node until people come to help me. Not because I am "butthurt" that I didn't get to run the ball. I prefer to be in the thick of things, protecting healers, harassing their healers, doing damage (I average between 100K and 200K thousand damage a warzone in Civil War and over 60K protection, not astronomical numbers but still significant). Why, if I prefer to be in the middle of things do I sit on a node? Because it's a team event and if I'm needed to protect a node so others can fight I do my job.


Honestly, so many people are upset that just because they can't go and kill whoever whenever they want it's not PVP. Welcome to objective based PVP.


Edit: The guy who posted above me is not one to whom this post of mine was directed. He does have some valid points and I always laugh when the game buggs out and the announcer is mute all match. Yes, I understand some people don't like for many reason, but the majority of people I see complaining about it just want to kill others.

Edited by Dar-Ell
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I'm playing it almost single-player - when I hit 50 that'll be the end of the game for me.


Considering you were afking in warzones constantly yesterday and when challenged responded that you were only levelling the character to sell the account, I find your comments a little amusing. And yeah, it's fairly obvious you are a single player, based on your remarks ingame.


Players who join warzones then AFK, bait the team with abusive remarks, or quit early on leaving the team unbalanced, are doing damage to other people's game. Not Bioware. If you don't like the game, quit on formup, not once it starts. No need to sit there poisoning it for everyone else.


No gaming company will cave in to demands made by muppets who rabble rouse incoherently on the forums. Put a solid argument togther, gain wider support, and it's a different story. You're not achieving that here. But I suspect the people advocating rage quitting warzones as a solution are lacking the reasoning to follow through on a coherent proposal.

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Huttball is brilliant and I cant think of a single class that doesn't have a huge amount to bring to any match of Hutball. Would I rather have 3 Sorcs/Sins/Jugs on my team than 3 snipers? Probably, but that doesn't mean Snipers/Bodyguards can't shine here. So the argument that its only fun on certain classes just doesn't fly for me. Is it easier for certain classes? Definitely but same goes for all warzones.


Huttball is vastly more tactical and enjoyable than the other two in my opinion. Civil War is flawed for obvious reasons and I find Voidstar immensely frustrating. You dont see me making threads bashing a very well-designed and extremely fun warzone.

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Huttball is the only WZ currently, where one single really awesome player can single handedly win the match for their team. The other two WZs require most if not all of your team to not be complete failures. But in huttball, a really good shadow, guardian, vanguard can shine and score by themselves and winning the game.


That is why I love huttball. I get to be a superstar. Yes I play a guardian. On my commando I'm less superstar, and more 6th man of the year, but it's still my fav.

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That is why I love huttball. I get to be a superstar. Yes I play a guardian. On my commando I'm less superstar, and more 6th man of the year, but it's still my fav.


And one of the prime reasons people hate it. Some classes get to be superstars in that one WZ< they generally suck in the others, and quit the other WZ's as fast as possible because they might miss a HB que.


There are a lot of unintended consequences with a WZ that favors certain classes.

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Ive been doing this for some time now. When I queue solo, the moment the queue pops and I see that it is Huttball, I exit the warzone.


There was another thread a few days ago about Huttball and in that one, much like this one, I am amazed at the number of responses of people who like Huttball. Of the 6-7 friends/guildies I run warzones with at any given time, none of them like Huttball. Often we will leave en masse when it pops (assuming we don't need a single win or less than 3 armaments for a daily completion).

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HB is the best wz by a long long way IMHO. Amazed people don't like it.


I have played 4 different classes now (Sniper, Sage, Sentinel, Commando). A fairly good mix if you ask me. The first few matches for each were tough (all warzones, all characters), but once you find your niche in the map and how to best use your class you will realise that Hutball is the best.


If you have friends to play with (with vent), it is almost always too easy. You win 6 - 0 and feel sorry for the other team, but the average pub game of HB I play is leagues better than Civil War or Voidstar.


Civil War - Very team/communication dependent at the start, and once a team gains a foothold it becomes exceptionally difficult for the other team to get back into the game.


Voidstar - Fun for getting high numbers across the board, but the major con is if the opposition has a big headstart in terms of DPS or Heals or Tanking they can burst through the first door and beat you to the end.


Hutball - Yes a venting premade can smash your team, but as an individual you should always be able to find a way to contribute to the contest and at the least cause a 0 - 0, down to the wire finish.


Without simply saying Learn 2 Play, I recommend anyone who doesn't like HB (aside from getting beaten by premades, we all hate that) to adopt a more defensive mindset. Don't engage mindlessly. Learn the map, learn your role and start of by reacting to the enemy and your teammates. You will learn to love it.

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Considering you were afking in warzones constantly yesterday and when challenged responded that you were only levelling the character to sell the account, I find your comments a little amusing. And yeah, it's fairly obvious you are a single player, based on your remarks ingame.

Ok, that's what I wrote here too - I just AFK in HB. It's 50/50 whether I'm on your team or the opponents, so why do you care? I contribute well (I believe) in the other WZ's, as there's a point to them and some strategy involved. HB is just a zergfest, and I find it boring. I'd rather watch a video or make a coffee... or watch paint dry ;-)

Players who join warzones then AFK, bait the team with abusive remarks, or quit early on leaving the team unbalanced, are doing damage to other people's game. Not Bioware. If you don't like the game, quit on formup, not once it starts. No need to sit there poisoning it for everyone else.


No gaming company will cave in to demands made by muppets who rabble rouse incoherently on the forums. Put a solid argument togther, gain wider support, and it's a different story. You're not achieving that here. But I suspect the people advocating rage quitting warzones as a solution are lacking the reasoning to follow through on a coherent proposal.


I believe I made my argument. HB is dull, and extremely biased in favour of ranged classes due to the design of the levels. I have no interest in playing it at all any longer, and just leach the XP. I don't care who knows this - I'll have hit 50, and be finished with the game soon anyway and onto something else. As I say, I consider SWTOR a single player game with an MMO attached to it, rather badly. BW are great at making single player games - they should stick with that.

Edited by Scerion
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