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Refuse Huttball


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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Huttball.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Huttball, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Huttball.


Huttball is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Huttball shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Huttball is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.

Edited by DarthUlquiorra
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Huttball is my fav warzone even if I play as a bodyguard merc. Sometimes I get screwed and get not balanced team(half team composed from bounty hunters and half agents), but hell it's still fun to play with all the traps, ledges and jumps. Scoring with 1% life left is freaking amusing too.

Learn to screw people with abilities you have. Learn where to stand to not get focused down. Try to hide from enemy fire if it gets to intense etc. Learn where to go when you have the ball. Put throw the huttball skill on quickslot bard where it's easy to reach. When you are ready to pass LOOK AROUND. You usually have few sec left to look around and choose your pass target well ^^ Huttball is not only about killing stuff.


I guess you don't play sorc/sage or jug/guard? :D

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Unbalanced teams happen in every WZ. But, in my experience it has been the case that the closest matches have been Huttball matches. How often do you win Civil War or Voidstar in the final seconds? Very rarely, I'd imagine. But it happens all the time in Huttball.


Also, I disagree that it doesn't matter how good you are. There are a few people on my server who can just dominate a Huttball match, and it's not really because they have good gear or do a lot of damage. It's because they know how to play. It is true that they're mostly powertechs, assassins, and sorcs, but it's not like those classes are not regularly represented on both teams.

Edited by roysterer
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haha yeah right. if we ever get a choice i'll pretty much only play huttball.


looking forward to new huttball warzones in the future and what new dangerous elements are created. maybe a trap door that sends you down into the ocean to drown or a pit of those worm beast sarlaac things.

Edited by teambff
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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Voidstar.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Voidstar, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Voidstar.


Voidstar is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Voidstar shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Voidstar is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.


Fixed for my eyes.

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Actually I am with the OP on this one, the Alderaan civil war game is my favourite Warzone, has been right from the first day I played it. Huttball, is not a warzone technically, its a participation sport. Should have its own cue, if people want to play that, its cool with me, just do so, and not drag me into your huttball game. I really can't stand Huttball, I don't care that Hutts don't have feet !, if I wanted to play a ball game, I would go and buy one from my local store.


Put people wanting to play Huttball in their own cue. Let them choose to play Huttball, don't force this on us.



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Huttball is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that.


There's nothing you can do if the other 7 don't care about the doors in voidstar, or defense in alderaan. Your point being?

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U mean shadowball.


Hutball can as many ppl have pointed out be one of the most fun and competitive WZ out of the three.


The prob however it suffers the most from class balance.


Shadows/assasins and Powertechs/vangaurds are gods in the warzone.

Sages and Sorcs are also very powerful also.


Unfortunately in hutball "Specific" class balance often trumps skillful play.


Obviously class balance is important for all org aniseed pvp but not on the level of hutball b/c the hazards favor classes that can exploit them with pulls and grabs.

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U mean shadowball.


Hutball can as many ppl have pointed out be one of the most fun and competitive WZ out of the three.


The prob however it suffers the most from class balance.


Shadows/assasins and Powertechs/vangaurds are gods in the warzone.

Sages and Sorcs are also very powerful also.


Unfortunately in hutball "Specific" class balance often trumps skillful play.


Obviously class balance is important for all org aniseed pvp but not on the level of hutball b/c the hazards favor classes that can exploit them with pulls and grabs.


If you're going to point out class imbalances in Huttball, you really should have Juggernauts at the top of that list. Their ability to jump to either an enemy or a teammate means that if one has the ball, you can't stand near your endzone, but you also have to keep all of his teammates out of your endzone as well.


Back to the topic at hand though, I love me some Huttball.

Edited by Numerii
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Huttball is fun. Sometimes...


I agree,


Huttball is fine occasionally.


The problem is that it's by far the most frequently played warzone, which really pisses people off.


I'm fine with 30% of my games being Huttball. I'm not cool with 60% of my warzones being Huttball.



If you're going to point out class imbalances in Huttball, you really should have Juggernauts at the top of that list. Their ability to jump to either an enemy or a teammate means that if one has the ball, you can't stand near your endzone, but you also have to keep all of his teammates out of your endzone as well.


The thing with Juggernauts is though, that they need targets to leap toward. Unlike Assassins, they can't just Sprint through fire and pull people out of nowhere.


As OP as Juggers may seem at times, you can control their movement. With Assassins, you cannot.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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The reason there are so many huttball games is because currently it is the only game that allows same faction matches. In 1.2 they are adding more WZ's that will allow same faction matches so you should see more of a variety of games. But ya I get sick of hutball after like the 5th one in a row.
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I find it interesting that a typical response to "I don't like Huttball" is "learn to play Huttball".


I know how to play Huttball. I don't like Huttball. I can't wait for 1.2 when I can toggle off Huttball and never play it again. Has nothing to do with not knowing how to play it, I just find it to be a weak game from a PvP perspective.


For those that want to keep pressing the lever to get their sugar treat, fine by me, but I'll be glad not to have to play it anymore.

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I find it interesting that a typical response to "I don't like Huttball" is "learn to play Huttball".


I know how to play Huttball. I don't like Huttball. I can't wait for 1.2 when I can toggle off Huttball and never play it again. Has nothing to do with not knowing how to play it, I just find it to be a weak game from a PvP perspective.


For those that want to keep pressing the lever to get their sugar treat, fine by me, but I'll be glad not to have to play it anymore.


prepare to be disappointed


The lack of huttball is why I don't pvp with my pub toons.

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U mean shadowball.


Hutball can as many ppl have pointed out be one of the most fun and competitive WZ out of the three.


The prob however it suffers the most from class balance.


Shadows/assasins and Powertechs/vangaurds are gods in the warzone.

Sages and Sorcs are also very powerful also.


Unfortunately in hutball "Specific" class balance often trumps skillful play.


Obviously class balance is important for all org aniseed pvp but not on the level of hutball b/c the hazards favor classes that can exploit them with pulls and grabs.


I heard a rumor that everyone can throw the huttball... which achieves the exact same result as jumping/pulling/running.


Just a rumor though, I never actually look at my abilities on my bar because that's for noobs.

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I cannot stand Huttball. And I hate to break it to the masses, but I am good at it. On my Sin I am constantly positioning myself in mid to grab the ball the instant someone scores. As I am doing this, I am scanning the ramps and catwalks for someone to pass it to the instant I get it. If someone else has the ball on our team, I either Guard them and assist, or guard them and try to stealth ahead to be in position to recieve a pass.


I score.




And I cannot stand it.


We shall see what becomes of this issue in 1.2

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If you think WoW is dead...then SWTOR is nothing but dust and ashes, lol. WoW's PvP is better than SWTOR's in EVERY WAY except for Huttball.


Strand of the Ancients > Voidstar

Arathi Basin / Gilneas > Alderaan Civil War


Plus you can queue for specific battlegrounds in WoW instead of posting threads complaining about SWTOR's one unique aspect.


Seems like you should be playing WoW.

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