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Snipe Should Be Interruptable


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haha, I get crit constantly for 4k as a jugg. I love it when snipers claim their damage sucks and is so punished by armor.


Snipers are extremely powerful in the hands of a skilled player. They are not overpowered and don't need to be changed in anyway.


They're annoying as hell though. :D


What you're talking about isn't even game mechanically possible unless they are in full, fully-remodded Battlemaster gear and you are in ZERO expertise dps gear as a DPS spec.


That and the OP's "Snipe hits for 2.5k all the time!" - Again - only if you're in zero expertise and your opponent is fully built. Snipe is garbage for damage. It is used only to proc Followthrough and only when Ambush is still on cooldown.


seriously. I NEED to get that Ascii guy doing the facepalm.

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Snipe IS technically interpretable

(only if the sniper is not in cover, which is only possible through calculated pursuit which is a worthless ability anyways)


Cover, however, is not... And thank god for that.

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Thread title.


After some horrendous experiences today in Huttball against a team with 4 snipers, I have some to the conclusion that snipe should possibly be interruptable. The fact that I cant stop a channeled ability that regularly hits for 2.5K and higher AND can hit me from across the catwalks (one side to the other), I feel it only fair that it be interruptable...I mean hell, from the perspective of a Sith Warrior, I'm already screwed enough as is by the cover mechanic preventing charge, and having a snare that is applied when they shoot you...It's rough.




My thoughts is you using toilet paper to rub your butt, after that put some baby powder on it that way the beating you took will feel less painful next time. Then we can only hope you won't post a plea on how a class needs to be nerfed because you got beat up.


These are my thoughts, good day to you.

Edited by Caeliux
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What you're talking about isn't even game mechanically possible unless they are in full, fully-remodded Battlemaster gear and you are in ZERO expertise dps gear as a DPS spec.


That and the OP's "Snipe hits for 2.5k all the time!" - Again - only if you're in zero expertise and your opponent is fully built. Snipe is garbage for damage. It is used only to proc Followthrough and only when Ambush is still on cooldown.


QFT. Snipe is pretty worthless. Not a high DPS/energy ability. Especially against tanks, It takes forever for me to kill tanks, and that is if they are focused on somebody else.

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lol Lethality snipers burn through everyone... why? because all their damage abilities are internal and ignore armor completely, if you are a marksman sniper in PvP U R doin it wrong my friend, try lethality out and watch heavy armor guys go splat all over the place.
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QFT. Snipe is pretty worthless. Not a high DPS/energy ability. Especially against tanks, It takes forever for me to kill tanks, and that is if they are focused on somebody else.




That is a major problem if you are trying to snipe a class that has massive damage reduction, lots of HP, and is laughing at you.


I am going to give you a hint what build you should be trying to snipe 100% of the time, if not then weak dps..




*I keep people alive with buttons, and if I don't die everyone stays alive longer*


Lets see if you can answer the riddle..

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That is a major problem if you are trying to snipe a class that has massive damage reduction, lots of HP, and is laughing at you.


I am going to give you a hint what build you should be trying to snipe 100% of the time, if not then weak dps..




*I keep people alive with buttons, and if I don't die everyone stays alive longer*


Lets see if you can answer the riddle..


Poor troll attempt take it somewhere else.

I was stating fact not complaining. If you read my earlier post I am well aware of the rock paper scissor effect in PVP. I know that snipe is not a good ability, but if I come across a 1v1 situation and my ally is fighting a tank, I have to shoot the tank and that takes a while.

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What you're talking about isn't even game mechanically possible unless they are in full, fully-remodded Battlemaster gear and you are in ZERO expertise dps gear as a DPS spec.


That and the OP's "Snipe hits for 2.5k all the time!" - Again - only if you're in zero expertise and your opponent is fully built. Snipe is garbage for damage. It is used only to proc Followthrough and only when Ambush is still on cooldown.


seriously. I NEED to get that Ascii guy doing the facepalm.


Whatever you say man.

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I agree that when played correctly, snipers are super powerful. With all the CC tools, push backs stuns and interrupts they are very deadly. Problem is, there are not enough people that understand how the class works, hence the many many QQ'ers
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A nerf snipers thread. I almost feel like a real class now.



lol Lethality snipers burn through everyone... why? because all their damage abilities are internal and ignore armor completely, if you are a marksman sniper in PvP U R doin it wrong my friend, try lethality out and watch heavy armor guys go splat all over the place.


*dots cleansed by cheap, 4.5 sec cd skill*




Edited by durvas
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A nerf snipers thread. I almost feel like a real class now.





*dots cleansed by cheap, 4.5 sec cd skill*





SHHHHHH most healers don't even have cleanse on their bar.... you will ruin my fun! YOU DELETE THAT POST RIGHT NOW! ;)

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SHHHHHH most healers don't even have cleanse on their bar.... you will ruin my fun! YOU DELETE THAT POST RIGHT NOW! ;)


I actually send tells to healers telling them to cleanse my dots so I feel like it's a challenge to kill some of these people.




























I miss arena =(

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Also you blow your inturrupt on snipe, that leaves you screwed for when he winds up ambush. If you dont like snipe, trust me, ambush hurts more and has a 10m knockback with a root.




It's an ability called Heavy Shot, located on tier 2 of the Marksmanship spec. 'Whenever a targets gets within 10m when you use Ambush, it gets pushed back several meters.' No root, that's Cover Pulse.


Anyways. Oh wow a nerf Sniper thread, less obvious and maybe somewhat more polite, but still a nerf Sniper thread! Well, I saw it coming to be honest:


QQ'er 1: Hey, letz' make 'nother thread to nerf Sorc, I mean, last WZ one did a Shield or summin', and he like...apsorpt me dps... Lez' make a thread to nerf diz'!


QQ'er 2: Meh... I no know...iz getting bit old...


QQ'er 1: Daz' tru! Yu know, how about we make thread to nerf Sniperz! In other WZ, a Sniperz was pew pewing me from far, and me found diz' kool ability, it like interupt casting timez'! But... It no work on hiz cast, 'Snipe'! Lez' make thread to nerf daz'!


QQ'er 2: Daz' gud idea! Very original, me no tink anyone tougt 'bout daz'! We so clever!


But no seriously, go back to Sorcs and Tracer Missile. Sniper is probaly one of the only classes that doesn't need tweaking at all. A good player can and will faceroll anyone who doesn't know how to deal with it and a bad player...well... How about cannon fodder?

Edited by Mormoz
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But no seriously, go back to Sorcs and Tracer Missile. Sniper is probaly one of the only classes that doesn't need tweaking at all. A good player can and will faceroll anyone who doesn't know how to deal with it and a bad player...well... How about cannon fodder?


The sniper is as advertised. DE said before the game released, if a sniper is set up in a defensive position and you try to charge them, you will end up dead and I will just be mildly annoyed. I am in love with my sniper right now, got a damage score of 350K (I know nobody has any reason to trust this number but I don't care) in a pre-50 warzone the other day and was soooo excited about it.

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The sniper is as advertised. DE said before the game released, if a sniper is set up in a defensive position and you try to charge them, you will end up dead and I will just be mildly annoyed. I am in love with my sniper right now, got a damage score of 350K (I know nobody has any reason to trust this number but I don't care) in a pre-50 warzone the other day and was soooo excited about it.




On a (personal) side note: Sniper is fun, and it's even more fun if you know how to play it. Once you reach 50 and got your gear, start experimenting with your trees a bit (Assuming you're currently using Marksmanship, as most Snipers, including myself, used when levelling) and you'll get thát and higher numbers in 50 Warzones.

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I can jump on my Sentinel and do the same amount of damage or more. Plus have mobility and heals.


And my sniper can ruin your sent's day.


*edit* sorry not trying to call you out, just trying to validate the usefulness of my class. :D

Edited by Wolfgang
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And my sniper can ruin your sent's day.


*edit* sorry not trying to call you out, just trying to validate the usefulness of my class. :D


At the end of the day all you can do is dps. Then you have other classes that can do the same amount of dps and other duties on top of it.


Useless class. Which is why you won't see that many in ranked wz.

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At the end of the day all you can do is dps. Then you have other classes that can do the same amount of dps and other duties on top of it.


Useless class. Which is why you won't see that many in ranked wz.


Well I'll be there lol. Guess we will wait and see.

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Snipe IS interuptable if you use the correct skill. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it (I play a commando, we don't interupt) but one of my alts (sorc I believe) has an instant cast spell that interupts a spell and locks it out for 4 seconds. It gets cast on my Grav Round a lot. It should work on their snipe as well.


Nope, snipers get a buff called Unshakable whilst in cover (Bosses have it too), making them immune to interupts. Of course this is ONLY for snipers, and ONLY in cover. Engineer snipers can get snipes out of cover (Changed in 1.2), and operatives can use it, and won't have a shield. So if there's no shield around the person, interrupt it.'



EDIT: Snipers are NOT a "useless" class. They're the only ones who can defend the huttball line FROM THE HUTTBALL LINE! Oh and of course CC immunity on demand - low cd root - oh and they're squishy burners. And since the qq threads always say they get 9 [sic] sorcs on their team, that means we have lots of glowstick wielding bath robe wearers to burn down!

Edited by Zunayson
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