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When the Aussies get to transfer and we don't, what will your reaction be?


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It's longer then that for some. Seriously.


Which doesn't mean there's anything inherently wrong with the travel system. Seriously.


WoW also has cross server LFG for all levels.


WoW also has very little to no world group content anymore, either, so I really don't believe it's even comparable.


Doesn't matter how or why. Its still an issue that hinders grouping


It does matter, a lot.




You didn't know that?


That doesn't change the fact that there aren't enough players to complete most group content at lower levels


That's not a fact, that's your opinion.


and that being able to solo them means you have less of a need for other players, which discourages grouping.


Do try to not put unrelated points together.


Single server LFG won't solve anything on the servers with lower population, which is at least half and probably most of them.


It's still conjecture.


"Yo, you wanna do a HM FP?"

"Don't you think if i did I would have answered your LFG spam if I wanted to?"


I've always had favorable results. Guess mileage may vary depending on how you ask.

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First i'll slap another shrimp on the barbie, and then signal ma shiela on the didgeridoo, telling her about the pommie screws.


I'll probably then take a chicker brenk down to Ramsey Street to bang on at the billabong about the bloody barbie.


Gotcha cobba?

Hehe . . . pop a frosty fer me mate. Better diving, sailing, surfing & football anyway. Footy rocks - go Pies!

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm just curious here of what the overall community reactions is going to be when the Australians and everyone else that qualifies gets to transfer over to the oceanic servers, but the rest of us don't get to transfer off low pop servers.


I for one will be a bit annoyed by it, even given I left my low pop server to come over to The Harbringer to play with my wow guildies, but really want my lvl 50 smuggler over here now. So gang what's your reaction going to be?


(Edited title, happy now?)


My feelings will be there are more important things to worry about in life.


Life will go on for me like it always has.

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People aren't transferring because of server population, they transfer because of server LOCATION.


People that don't require such a location transfers (US on US server, Euro on Euro server) got no real right to complain.

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Lol 3 hours? You must be doing something wrong. It never takes me more than 10 minutes to get something going.


Taking their hyperbole seriously for a moment, if they spend 3 hours everyday leveling up a new alt on a populated server instead of "spamming for LFG and announcing it on the forums", they would have a new level 50 with a lot of credits, ready for a new beginning.

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People aren't transferring because of server population, they transfer because of server LOCATION.


People that don't require such a location transfers (US on US server, Euro on Euro server) got no real right to complain.


I'd say that technically they do have a right to complain. The game wasn't released in Oceania. Servers weren't created in Oceania until the launch in Oceania. Anyone in Oceania that bought the game prior to the Oceanic release has no "right" to transfers to the new servers. I see no real reason for those individuals to be supported for their personal choice to import the game. I'd further argue that any player that wants to transfer to an Oceanic server should be allowed to do so.

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im an aussie an i waited for the home servers to come out

as for the low pop servers transfers aint the answer unless they restrict where u can go on a player to player bacis for reson like u all will try to go to mostpop server in your area wich u all wont be able to do

as for some of u not being able to find people to do content with resons r this

1= u have been ignored buy most people cos all u have ever done is spam wc with your insistiant message of help me

2=u never joind a gulid and delvolped freinds that play the game and want to play the fp ect with u

3 u play 2 hours a day and expect that as soon as u arrive having no gulid or freinds bace that u should be able to get a bunch of people who do to help you because u think that the way games work


i could do many others but u get the idea also low pop server most probly still have players loging in to check new content ect still this means long term thos servers fill again some have valued resons for complaints most r just complaining i started on a low and i mean lowwwwwwwwwww pop server to see whats its like i still find people who will do stuff with me but then again i dont just stand in one place like a ******* idiot saying lfg

do a quest and wait somone is gana do what i just said and wile your doing other crap u gaining exp credits ect

but thats just my thoughts and my bad spelling

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I'd say that technically they do have a right to complain. The game wasn't released in Oceania. Servers weren't created in Oceania until the launch in Oceania. Anyone in Oceania that bought the game prior to the Oceanic release has no "right" to transfers to the new servers. I see no real reason for those individuals to be supported for their personal choice to import the game. I'd further argue that any player that wants to transfer to an Oceanic server should be allowed to do so.


without the ausies and pinoy ect your servers would have never got even close to where they where u sound like an old man b/w and ea had no problem with us buying the game and at the start said they would do this for the players that decided to import the game your problem is they had cristmass rush many KIDS didnt like that game and decided not to play i could go on but no point u have never played mmo with 180 ping and being told u suck at pvp cos of connection speed come to our servers ill rip u in two lmao


plus we r being used a the trile for transfers so crap will go wrong and aussies will most probly have to deall with all the bugs YOU WONT

tuffen up u sound like a kid that didnt get somthing his mate got

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without the ausies and pinoy ect your servers would have never got even close to where they where u sound like an old man b/w and ea had no problem with us buying the game and at the start said they would do this for the players that decided to import the game your problem is they had cristmass rush many KIDS didnt like that game and decided not to play i could go on but no point u have never played mmo with 180 ping and being told u suck at pvp cos of connection speed come to our servers ill rip u in two lmao


plus we r being used a the trile for transfers so crap will go wrong and aussies will most probly have to deall with all the bugs YOU WONT

tuffen up u sound like a kid that didnt get somthing his mate got


Your ridiculous accusations, assumptions, misspellings, and horrifying lack of punctuation made me laugh.

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without the ausies and pinoy ect your servers would have never got even close to where they where u sound like an old man b/w and ea had no problem with us buying the game and at the start said they would do this for the players that decided to import the game your problem is they had cristmass rush many KIDS didnt like that game and decided not to play i could go on but no point u have never played mmo with 180 ping and being told u suck at pvp cos of connection speed come to our servers ill rip u in two lmao


plus we r being used a the trile for transfers so crap will go wrong and aussies will most probly have to deall with all the bugs YOU WONT

tuffen up u sound like a kid that didnt get somthing his mate got


Your grammar, spelling and punctuation make me weep to be a fellow Australian. You sir just left English in the gutter with a sucking chest wound.


I do not pretend to be perfect, however, a little editing and forethought do go a long way in stringing together a cohesive argument.

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You are failing to take into account here that a fair portion of the people playing the game who could care less about PvE content. Your also forgetting about the population at 50 who is raiding and could care less about flashpoints. Now your back down to a group of what, 30 people? 40? Out of 75? Not to mention that you still need to account for these other factors including but not limited to # of tanks, healers, people who run with their guild/friends, people who just don't want to do it that night....the list goes on.


At best, (absolutely best case scenario, perfect ratio of tanks/healers/dps who all are on at the same exact time and all want to do a FP) a single server LFG tool is going to get a half dozen to a dozen runs per night during prime-time and maybe 1-2 off peak on a large number of servers, and I still feel like that is generous. At worst, we're talking 1-3 groups a day max. The reality? I suspect 5-7 groups nightly, which would be up from the 1-3 we see now from people spamming LFG.



This is why it is not going to work. Cross server solves the problem of being limited to your ****** server to get basic content done. Yea, WoW sucks, I get it, but one of the great things about that game is I can log into their servers at any time in the day/night and get a BG/H Dungeon in.





"Yo, you wanna do a HM FP?"

"Don't you think if i did I would have answered your LFG spam if I wanted to?"



I'm sorry but it seems like all your problems could be solved by a decent friends list and a good guild on an active server. Seems like somebody might have mentioned this to you before.


Look I'm not even denying you are right about any of that novella you posted but I still find it hard to feel bad for people who find it easier to screw around on a dead server and then complain on the forums there's nobody to play with.


There is only one person who can solve that problem for you at this moment and that is you. If you are on an active server, you have no excuse other than an inability to socialize and Bioware can't help you with that and if you are on a low pop server you have the option to move to said high pop server.


We can argue about how fair that is or how terrible Bioware is etc. but it won't change the facts.


So, to review our options.


Friends list.


Active server.


If you have taken all of the steps to secure those 3 things then and only then do you have a legitimate complaint. Until then you aren't doing everything on your part to solve your own problem.


If you don't care enough about your own fun to take matters into your own hands, then you can wait for Bioware to do it for you. They will, transfers will come but I wouldn't hold my breath on a timeline. Just don't be angry when people suggest you do it for yourself.


As for the conjecture about a single server lfg. I don't know if you are right about that or not. I personally feel like your assessment is a "glass half empty" assessment and I tend to shy away from giving any credibility to any idea that involves numbers that a person pulls from thin air but here is the beauty part of the whole thing.


Even if you are 100% spot on about single server lfg it won't affect you either way if you have the golden 3 things we talked about before.


Friends list.


Active Server.


Fix it yourself or wait for Bioware to do it. That's your two options. They know about the issue, they are working on it. Complaining at this point is redundant and isn't going to solve anything for you, it's just time you wasted that could have went toward re-rolling on an active server to fix your own problem.

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I'm just curious here of what the overall community reactions is going to be when the Australians and everyone else that qualifies gets to transfer over to the oceanic servers, but the rest of us don't get to transfer off low pop servers.


I for one will be a bit annoyed by it, even given I left my low pop server to come over to The Harbringer to play with my wow guildies, but really want my lvl 50 smuggler over here now. So gang what's your reaction going to be?


(Edited title, happy now?)


I can describe my reaction in sharp detail.


The first thing that will occur to me is: "Hey this is exactly what they announced several months back. So it makes sense that this would happen this way."


The second thing that will occur to me is: "Boy am I glad I decided to stop waiting and switched servers back when they announced this rollout plan without waiting for a server transfer."


The third thing that will occur to me is: "Okay, back to playing this awesome game on my well-populated server."

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