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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just a simple list pros / cons Player City / Housing


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This is probably one of the 1000st threads about it but I couldn't find one to add this up so fast.






1. New features to do for many (80% - 90% maybe is there poll going on?) players (not if its not your cup of tea) such as





New proffesions

Crafthalls which could give you some crafting buffs for random exceptional stats.



2. Lively up the planets with people traveling from and to cities looking for a cheap bargain or just for some action Open World PVP and Guildwars. I have and many with me seen this work in SWG. So get those people out of their save instanced places into the WORLD!


Empty world will loose you subs its a fact.




1. Can pollute a planet so maybe some restrictions are needed. Make guilds choose from some standard deployment plans A, B, C, D, E and F.


2. Planets need a fix to make this possible


3. A House is not your ship for many its their main home but not many will ever view your ship / decorations except for a few friends. This doesnt help the community as a whole because it makes planets empty.


Anyways give the community more reasons to visit planets and travel around with more chance for some world pvp action.


English is not my native tongue so forgive me for my errors.

Edited by Hewbaka
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Why not any idea is good but planets feel empty and its killing.


I want to run into more people especially the other faction to have some action.


I dont have the answers but there must be a reason to get out of those safe spots and see the world.


My question to you sir do you feel what I mean ?

Edited by Hewbaka
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Well first off the planets aren't big enough or have enough empty room to actually support player housing it seems to me, except maybe for Hoth and parts of Tatooine.


I like the player housing idea but I think the entire area should be instanced somehow or make a separate planet for each faction with housing available. Unless you do something like an apartment complex on Nar Shaddaa which would work quite well.

Edited by Xeres-
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How about you could do this on space stations instead of planets



Actually this is a good idea. Apartments on space stations... or on a place like Nar Shaddaa... would give people the chance to have a home that is permanent and decorated, without the devs having to do a bunch of retro-fitting of the worlds.

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Great Ideas but what I really ment is that empty planets are part of the problem servers having low populations.


The WOW approach to instance everything is bad. We need to be able to run into other people. More community driven less dependence on what Bioware will offer. Player driven action will last longer and in the meantime Bioware can offer us new content.


And player cities may help in solving the problem. Player Cities in SWG offered some extra action because people tend to move around because of these cities.


Voss 5 people

Taris 10 people

Ilum 7 people

Imp fleet 24 people


No enemies .....


Everyone is in an instance.


This is what its like today and tbh from the start.


General chats are seperated so if you find rebels / imps somewhere on a planet you can't spread the word (only guildchat) for some possible action.


In SWG if we found an enemy guild raiding our town we could raise the alarm and most people on the server joined the fight. Or we went out to raid theirs. This should be part of SWTOR as well.


Can't there be an and / and situation. Player cities and Instances and Space stations ?

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Actually this is a good idea. Apartments on space stations... or on a place like Nar Shaddaa... would give people the chance to have a home that is permanent and decorated, without the devs having to do a bunch of retro-fitting of the worlds.


Yeah, when I saw how the planets were built I knew we'd never see player housing without a total overhaul, but his would be a decent compromise. I really like the idea of a space station with apartments though.

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Based on how the game is laid out, I just don't see this happening. I enjoyed housing in SWG and somewhat the cities but I just can't see it implemented in SWTOR unless it was a designated empty player city planet. SWG had alot more open space than SWTOR which was a good/bad thing.


Don't get me wrong, I would love to have some sort of player vendor system and trade forums like SWG had but I just don't see a path towards practical application here other than a specific player planet or station.

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I think player housing should be done the way it was in EQ2 (at least when I was playing), and not like it was in SWG.


You should basically get an instanced apartment in one of the main cities. Then, they could either set it up as only grouped members could enter your room, or make it where anyone on your friend list, or in your guild, could enter.


The sea of houses that SWG produced on the various landscapes was often an eyesore, so I'd rather not see that again.

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"Homes" were never a big part of the Star Wars story. Ships were.


We have ships. Those are our de-facto homes.


It would certainly be nice to have some of the features you listed for our ships. It would be really nice to have a couple different ship models to choose from. Defender, I'm looking at you. Cross-eyed.

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"Homes" were never a big part of the Star Wars story. Ships were.


We have ships. Those are our de-facto homes.


It would certainly be nice to have some of the features you listed for our ships. It would be really nice to have a couple different ship models to choose from. Defender, I'm looking at you. Cross-eyed.


Yeah, whether it be your ship or a home on a planet somewhere, we really just need some interior customization options. Interior design was the thing that SWG got right (for the most part). As a BH Merc, I've collected quite a few nice looking blasters, that I no longer use. I would love to be able to display them on a wall somewhere. Same with various pieces of armor I no longer wear.

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Well first off the planets aren't big enough or have enough empty room to actually support player housing it seems to me, except maybe for Hoth and parts of Tatooine.......


Because of This^


.......Apartments on space stations... or on a place like Nar Shaddaa....


This^ will most likely be the easiest to implement.

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As a 7 year vet of SWG, I would love player housing/cities.


Sadly TOR is barley a "MM"O, let alone a sandbox'ish MMO. I doubt it will ever happen.


Even if it was considered, there are too many SWG haters who cant look past the CU/NGE to remember how cool player housing/cities were in their prime and they would rage against it.

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How did I know the OP was a SWG vet? :rolleyes:



If SWG had never had player cities, people wouldn't be asking for it in SWTOR. I've rarely seen the request (if at all) for any other MMO I've played. Not for EQ, nor for LOTRO, nor for DDO...the list goes on...


But now, since Star Wars is somehow inextricably tied to SWG, some people want player cities in any Star Wars MMO?

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Instanced areas on certain planets would probably be the best route for housing, or space stations as mentioned, but that doesn't feel as home-ish as planet would, imo.


DAOC had a pretty good housing system, it was just a huge instanced area with houses only and I think people were pretty happy with that. I could see a few of the current planets (Tatooine, hoth, voss and Corellia) each having their own instanced housing areas, giving the players a choice of which planet type they'd like to live on.

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As a 7 year vet of SWG, I would love player housing/cities.


Sadly TOR is barley a "MM"O, let alone a sandbox'ish MMO. I doubt it will ever happen.


Even if it was considered, there are too many SWG haters who cant look past the CU/NGE to remember how cool player housing/cities were in their prime and they would rage against it.


First of all, I played SWG since launch until about a year ago and I don't think that player cities are at all good idea. Housing and a player vendor system sure but not cities. The cities in SWG were like 3 good cities and 500 crappy/empty ones.


Secondly, to say SWTOR is barely a MMO is somewhat idiotic. It is a theme park based MMO so it may not be the sandbox that you want (though you should have know that it wasn't going to be since it was stated multiple times in the last 2 years) but that does not make it not a MMO.


The things that some people want will be the things that other people do not and vice versa.


SWG was a fun game but it was not the end all be all of MMOs. From a depth, story, leveling experience and combat experience SWTOR blows SWG out of the water. SWG did the secondary stuff nicely like an awesome crafting system and housing but it failed on many of the key gaming characteristics.

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LotRO had a decent system for this. You had instanced neighborhoods with 20 odd houses in each one, then every time one of those filled up they'd spawn a new one. Each neighborhood had a vendor and other perks you couldn't only access if you owned a house in that neighborhood.


However it suffered pretty much the same problem every other MMO does with player housing.


Next to no one actually ever uses them for anything other then more bank space. The neighborhoods in LotRO were for the most part dead and you rarely saw anyone wandering around them.


CoH had superbase housing which served two purposes, a method of quick travel via teleporters and a crafting location. But again few people ever used them for social activities.


SWTOR would be much the same. The concept of some sort of social gathering hub is a good idea, but no MMO has actually had this happen that I know of. Even SWG didn't do much with their system once the shine wore off.


So you end up with a huge drain on resources and real content being pushed back for a system that is very popular for about a week or so, then everyone forgets about. Other then the whining on the boards about how expensive it is...

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Houses not a part of Star Wars ? I think the majority in Star Wars doesn't own a ship. Let allone a ship you can call your home.


Ok forget the housing..... but discus a solution for those empty planets where you hardly come across someone ....... let allone to fight open pvp with. Space is not the sollution you are in your home ship I can't see you or interact with you are in your little world. Making the game empty.


After doing some class quests and random q theres no reason to stay on a planet they feel empty. Unless you talk with the other side to fight around a certain spot or spaceport.


In SWG it worked for creating places to go and to fight around. Raid a town and you had a fight. At least on LOWCA.

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LotRO had a decent system for this. You had instanced neighborhoods with 20 odd houses in each one, then every time one of those filled up they'd spawn a new one. Each neighborhood had a vendor and other perks you couldn't only access if you owned a house in that neighborhood.


However it suffered pretty much the same problem every other MMO does with player housing.


Next to no one actually ever uses them for anything other then more bank space. The neighborhoods in LotRO were for the most part dead and you rarely saw anyone wandering around them.


CoH had superbase housing which served two purposes, a method of quick travel via teleporters and a crafting location. But again few people ever used them for social activities.


SWTOR would be much the same. The concept of some sort of social gathering hub is a good idea, but no MMO has actually had this happen that I know of. Even SWG didn't do much with their system once the shine wore off.


So you end up with a huge drain on resources and real content being pushed back for a system that is very popular for about a week or so, then everyone forgets about. Other then the whining on the boards about how expensive it is...


Yep...as with many things in MMOs, players think something will be a good idea, but in practice, ends up being not so good. I remember with LOTRO too that testers (myself included) were railing against the 'hook' system for decorating. Nobody wanted it. From this feedback, Turbine assured us they'd implement something more free-form. Never happened. Turbine had it's marketing selling point "Decorate your house!", and that was enough.


So not only do you have player limited vision, but you also have some developers who don't have a grasp on what people really want, or their engine is limited in what they can do.

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"Homes" were never a big part of the Star Wars story.


Actually alot of big moments go down at people's homes in Star Wars.

  • Luke meeting the droids and discovering Leia's plight in his own home.
  • Luke finding out about his past and getting his first saber in Obi Wan's hut.
  • Luke being trained a a jedi at Yoda's home
  • Anakin siding with his Sith master over the Jedi in Palpatine's apartment.
  • Some big showdowns in what seem to be the homes of Gen. Grievous and Count Dooku.

That's leaving out a number of throne room scenes which you could argue are the homes of some of the characters. Pretty much anytime both sides of the struggle aren't in transit, there ends up being an important scene in someone's crib. Some of this is done by the director as the players would, in order to help define their character.

Edited by Matte_Black
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This isn't a sandbox game. This game engine is no where near capable of player cities.


And player cities are a horrible idea. All they did in SWG was turn the real cities into ghost towns. New players would log on and wonder if they were on an empty server.


Apartments in existing cities might be plausible.

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