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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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Buying, upgrading, customizing and painting your own ship from a large list of possibilities has always been a love of mine. Games like Wing Commander privateer 1 and 2 are in my "most adored games of all times" list.
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Couldn't care less about any of those things, selected 3d space battles just to pick the lesser evil.


What they need to focus on is make the current game work. It's really silly and arrogant to even think about adding, let alone new content like they're doing, but new gameplay aspects to the game when users aren't even provided with the tools to properly enjoy what's currently in game.


You shouldn't even remotely think about adding new content to the game until things like cross server warzones, cross server fp and ops finder, dual spec, ac switching, improved traveling, just to name a few, are implemented.


My account will probably expire before 1.2 and i don't think i'll bother to resub until a patch with actual useful improvements is released. As far as i'm concerned the only good things about 1.2 are animation fixes and the ui changes, the rest, especially the whole legacy stuff is a huge waste of time, time they could and should have spent working on quality of life / functionality features implementation.

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Later, when the gunships came in, the y-8 became obsolete. Now, those gunships were cool.
While I loved the Y-8 for the most part, it was inferior as a POB ship compared to the other four (Decimator, Nova, and both YT's). As a mining ship, it was horrible, especially after they "fixed" it so you couldn't solo mine in it. If SOE had completely reconfigured it to be more practical (or even allowed it gunship parts), it could have lasted beyond the novelty stage, IMHO. YMMV.
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Couldn't care less about any of those things, selected 3d space battles just to pick the lesser evil.


What they need to focus on is make the current game work. It's really silly and arrogant to even think about adding, let alone new content like they're doing, but new gameplay aspects to the game when users aren't even provided with the tools to properly enjoy what's currently in game.


They just think that adding something will make the game look like successful in some way.


You shouldn't even remotely think about adding new content to the game until things like cross server warzones, cross server fp and ops finder, dual spec, ac switching, improved traveling, just to name a few, are implemented.


My account will probably expire before 1.2 and i don't think i'll bother to resub until a patch with actual useful improvements is released. As far as i'm concerned the only good things about 1.2 are animation fixes and the ui changes, the rest, especially the whole legacy stuff is a huge waste of time, time they could and should have spent working on quality of life / functionality features implementation.


Feel you there, man.


When i showed the game to my kids, i can´t describe their faces. They wen´t like: "you serious, dad? Why we would play THIS game if there is game A, or game B, or game C?"


They´re SW fans, but that can only tie someone to a game for so long.


And yes, BW should probably fix the issues the game currently have, before adding anything else. For the sake of being short, i will only list the 3 i think are the most urgent:


1- Server population. Servers look empty, thats a fact.

2- Singleplayer feel. Story is good, but this is a MMO after all.

3- Graphic engine. If you´re gonna deliver ****** graphics, at least make them run smooth.


I didn´t list the bugs cause they´re, err... kinda obvious.

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1. Capital ship battles would be extremely epic. You could tie all the stories into it:


Jedi Knight/Consular would become Jedi Generals as a story. The trooper could be a Republic General. Smuggler could be asked to lead the fleet to help out his Republic allies.


2. Vehicles could be used in new WZ. Such as to bring down an objective barrier or something. One team has to destroy incoming vehicles, and players - while the offensive team has to protect their vehicles so they can advance.


3. Capital ship battles during WZ. WUT?

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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is on the hunt for direct feedback once again. This week, he's asking for feedback on a general topic that I think you'll all have an opinion on!


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too - as well as your votes on a poll.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles?

You can vote in the attached poll. Obviously each of these fantasies are big, enormous ideas, so we're sure you'll have plenty of feedback to give!


You can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.


You will get more responses if you give a 1.2 release date. People have quit in masses due to the delay and refusal to answer a simple question. Gamers arent as patient now days after years of mistreatment....


An answer will gain some respect back.


If EA is holding your tounges....do what Mythic never did with warhammer and ignore them, and concentrate on whats most important...keeping customers happy and paying.

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If EA is holding your tounges....do what Mythic never did with warhammer and ignore them, and concentrate on whats most important...keeping customers happy and paying.


This is a bit off-topic but I have to voice my opinion. EA should stick to paying people to make games and leave the rest to the actual developers. Treating players as "clients" to be herder like sheep and considering yourself as "the company" with strict rules of engagement and only releasing press releases and calling it "talking to the community" is idiotic.


I know you want to avoid bad press, *****torms and wild rumors but the reason you get those is precisely because you're so tight-lipped and secretive about everything. Let the community speculate, the only reason everyone clings to every tidbit and argues about it is because that's all they get, press releases that tell them "you guys are idiots but here is another lollipop to suck on".


It's the same gripe I have with politics. I don't know who said this, but it's so true it hurts:


"You are so focused on doing nothing wrong that you forgot to do anything right".


Yes, this is a rant. It's just disappointing when people who claim to be gamers treat gamers like complete idiots.

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Fully fledged space battles from a cockpit point of view. Definately.


It's one of the things SWG more or less got right (eventually), allowing you to not only PvE, but PvP, resource gather and explore.


The current batch of ships we have would need toning down with their handling and probably the cockpit views / turret hardpoints would need tweaking etc and maybe a few fighter class ships adding, but by no means would a full flight sim be needed.


The space portion of SWG was what made me come back years after the CU / NGE and kept me there right up until the end ;)

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I find all these options to be intriguing. I went with vehicle combat first, though, because I love the AT-AT. I also think it would be one of the easier ones to implement.


A podracing mini-game would not be too difficult either, I would expect and also a lot of fun.


Capital Ship battles would be awesome if they were between guild capital ships and you could fight for control of unique items.


Space combat would be a great feature as well, but would require a total overhaul of the current space combat system, I would think. So, that would seem to be something further down the line.


Keep up the great ideas though! I hope these can all come to fruition eventually.

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I would like to see both 3-D space combat and capital ship battles. I would like to see full fledged sandbox type space content. I want to be able to own multiple ships and be able to fly any one of them from the cockpit or choose to man a gunnery turret. I want to have my friends and NPC companions be able to control my gunnery turrets.


See my sig for more details.

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I think I speak for the point of the thread when I state, stop listing things that are not on the poll, or at the very least things that James Ohlen isn't even responsible for.


The Poll has four answers, pick one or leave, stop with the pointless comments.

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Would love to see all of these, but I'm a fighter jock at heart so my vote is for full 3D space battles. Been waiting for a new Star Wars fighter sim since the X-Wing series ended, and while SWG's Jump to Lightspeed was great for a while, after beating it three times and with no endgame content to speak of, it left me very much wanting more. Then I saw the Raven fighter in the old tiny space station back in beta. Mine mine mine gimme gimme gimme pleaaasssseeeee? :D
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Some class quests should include flight parts - if you go for imperial /republic pilot

Could be reminiscent of classic Star Wars story parts


Story could unfold like this:


1. You´re on Tattooine and get a holocall for an urgent mission on.. let´s say Dagobah.

It´s an exploration mission where you have to find.. someone and investigate what happened.


2. You run to a space station


3. You enter the hangar and your ship


4. Take the pilot´s seat and get out of the hangar manually


5. Leave the planet flying through the atmosphere


6. You are in planet´s orbit and set course for Dagobah System on your star system


7. Jump to Dagobah-System, set course for Dagobah planet and fly there manually


8. Enter atmosphere


--- cutscene----- 9. Something goes wrong with your engines


10. You loose partial control over your ship, ship computer marks landing spot on planets surface


11. You manage to steer to that area and crash land.. in a swamp of course


12. Get out and investigate several different clues and trails until you find Yoda´s Grampa


--- cutscene----- 13. Cutscene/Story unfolds


14. Do some stuff for Grampa Yoda on Dagobah


15. At the end you learn a new skill... USE THE FORCE to get your massive spaceship out of the swamp


16. Fly home

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Some class quests should include flight parts - if you go for imperial /republic pilot

Could be reminiscent of classic Star Wars story parts


Story could unfold like this:


1. You´re on Tattooine and get a holocall for an urgent mission on.. let´s say Dagobah.

It´s an exploration mission where you have to find.. someone and investigate what happened.


2. You run to a space station


3. You enter the hangar and your ship


4. Take the pilot´s seat and get out of the hangar manually


5. Leave the planet flying through the atmosphere


6. You are in planet´s orbit and set course for Dagobah System on your star system


7. Jump to Dagobah-System, set course for Dagobah planet and fly there manually


8. Enter atmosphere


--- cutscene----- 9. Something goes wrong with your engines


10. You loose partial control over your ship, ship computer marks landing spot on planets surface


11. You manage to steer to that area and crash land.. in a swamp of course


12. Get out and investigate several different clues and trails until you find Yoda´s Grampa...




Glad you are not a designer.


So very glad.


Oh and Suggestions is ----->

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