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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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How about "All the above" option?


I want to see a multi-staged Operation that includes majority of the poll options.


Stage 1: Penetrate Capital Republic Capital Ship & Steal Starship to Reach Planet Base (from Empire perspective)


Similar to how the Republic forces penetrate the ship in Black Talon players would start off by penetrating the Republic ship and must fight their way to the main control room. Boss fight 1 - Kill the Captain.


After killing the first boss the group heads to the docking bay to steal 8 individual ships. Boos fight 2 - Kill the Security Droid guarding the Docking Bay exit.


Stage 2: Dog-fight Through Planetary Defenses


It would be ideal to have multiplayer space combat for this scenario, but it could ultimately be done with current space combat setup. If you had multiplayer space combat you could have the roles of tank, healer and dps with a grand space battle at the end. Otherwise it would need to be a single player fight through the defenses similar to the Infernal Council fight (one on one).


Boss fight 3 - Destroy Orbital Command Center


Stage 3: Penetrating Ground Based Defenses


The entrance to the Ground Base requires two keys to be executed simultaneously. Split the raid into 2 to battle down each path and destroy the boss at the end to obtain the keys.


Boos fight 4 - Destroy two bosses (similar setup to Jarg & Sorno) - must be killed at the same time.


Once defeated it opens the door to enter the main area with the final boss. Spawn chest in front of the door for the loot for this encounter.


Stage 3: Taking Control of Ground Based Defenses


Another two boss fight with an Admiral and Captain. Boss fight 5


This is where you can invoke some nifty mechanics and options for raids who want a further challenge.


You can either:


A. Critically injure the Captain and the Admiral escapes and you meet him outside for the final act.

B. Critically injure the Admiral and the Captain escapes and you meet him outside for the final act.


Note: Each one has different abilities so depending on the raids composition and tank setup it may be more worth while to do one versus the other.


By "critically injure" means that you have x seconds to kill the other one before they escape. If both escape then...


C. Both Admiral and Captain escape and you meet them outside for the final act.


Stage 4: Taking Control of Ground Based Defenses


This stage involves either the Captain or Admiral OR BOTH escaping into a vehicle (AT-ST equivalent) and doing battle within them.


The raid group has access to Turrets and Shield Generators, but must also have a group that will run around to disable the various shield generators that the Captain/Admiral are using (think Fabricator with weakening them and the Turrets doing more damage). So again it is a split scenario with 1 group doing turrets and shield gens (for healing turrets) and the other running around disabling shield generators protecting the bosses.


If you chose the route of A or B then you would be awarded accordingly. If you chose the route of C then you would receive additional rewards whether it be additional loot drops and/or increased chances at rare loot drops.




I know this is a very vague design, but this is what would keep Operations interesting much longer than the current iterations.

Edited by Evel
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What I want to know is why we have to fight and argue for what was in SWG JTL.


We should be building on the franchise not shrinking it.


I feel like Swtor came out and it was like...


Hey there fans of chess! Get ready for... Chess 2! Its like chess but without knight. What? You guys want knights? Well... We added a my little pony minigame where you can pet a plastic figurine. There you go. All better? WHHAAAT? Your not happy? Jeez... Weirdos. I guess... maybe if there's enough support for it... we might add in knights.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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I voted Pod Racing for the sole reason that it would force Bioware to optimize their net code.




(also yes, "All of the above" is the best answer. SWTOR should have all of that)

Edited by -Kraxis-
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What you think i thought they are possibly adding 3D programing to what is probably the simplist thing to enhance with 3D in swtor, who could possibly think that aye.


Let me put it this way, Term one, Hi all we are converting all of swtor to 3D, Term 2, Hi all we are converting space into a free flight model so all of swtor will be playable within your own controls and not on rails.


Which term isnt ambiguous ? 3D or free flight


You are funny.


Maybe Bioware is going to add a red and blue spectrum to the game and send everyone a pair of old school 3d glasses!


In the context of the choices, having a solely visual change mixed in with the three other clearly new gamemode oriented choices would not make sense.


Making the game into a current 3D tech visual would be disaster, as limited people have the monitor to support full 3D.


Although I appreciate your cynicism, I believe you are being a bit paranoid.

Edited by Insomnio
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You are funny.


Maybe Bioware is going to ad a red and blue spectrum to the game and send everyone a pair of old school 3d glasses!


In the context of the choices, having a visual change mixed in with the three other clearly gameplay oriented choices would not make sense.


Making the game into a current 3D tech visual would be disaster, as limited people have the monitor to support full 3D.


You do realise what native support is dont you ?


PS you think the game only runs in the green spectrum :eek:

Edited by Shingara
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I actually like the idea of a fully immersed space battle. Two capital ships blasting each other with support ships and dogfights all around. Maybe even a boarding action too. I really liked these levels in SW: Battlefront II.


Also since this is the Old Republic I kind of miss the Speeder Races from KotOR. It was a quick and fun mini game with the added fun of being able to see your speeder in your cargo bay and say "Yeah, that's mine."

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You do realise what native support is dont you ?


PS you think the game only runs in the green spectrum :eek:


I never bothered learning the terms for the very old simulated 3D that used red and blue optics to induce a pseudo 3d experience.


When im on Taris it sometimes seems like the game only runs in the green spectrum though :o

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I never bothered learning the terms for the very old simulated 3D that used red and blue optics to induce a pseudo 3d experience.


When im on Taris it sometimes seems like the game only runs in the green spectrum though :o


:D well in terms of geometry and coding going into space for 3d enviroments under native support i could see alot of people actualy wanting that, if its nativly supported and coded into the game its alot easier for machines to pull off for alot better results, if they were todo this for space there is a very good chance that they would also do this for ground under native support.


This is why saying 3D space is ambiguous.

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I listed SWTOR as a quality game. Why? Because in my decade-long MMOing experience, it's the best MMO at 3 months old than any other MMO was.


Even RIFT.


Quality can only be measured against peers.


I agree with you, and I think this game has exceptional potential. Granted, bioware really did screw up some of the mmo aspects, (It's kinda like an rpg with multiplayer at the moment) they are fixing them. They really don't seem to get a few things though, such as the need to immediately fix certain bugs (the animation fixes for abilities should already be put into live for example) and the need for character customization (a high priority for a number of people - and an area which is severely lacking). However, they are doing a good job to fix things. I like large game updates, but bits and pieces should already be deployed to fix some bugs. Some of the bugs are inexcusable really, but having stayed with my previous mmo through bad update after bad update for years with horrible customer support among other issues, I can wait a little bit longer for them to get fixed.

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My guild members and I keep discussing how much we really did miss a lot of the aspects of SWG. I think the two most missed aspects were the amount of customization (houses, clothes, etc) and the space battles.


With that being said, I think it's important to note that there hasn't been a good Space Combat Sim in ages. The last good one was Free Space 2, and that was almost a decade ago. This genre has been forgotten and can be capitalized on, if done right. The fighter controls in JTLS in SWG were too sluggish. The throttled pitching was a problem. But if you make the controls responsive, as in Wing Commander or Free Space, and not so much like the X Series, it will catch on very quickly and you will have a devoted player base. I can almost guarantee you that.


What's more, it would be cool to mix in capital ship missions too. Similar to JTLS, where players could mount turrets, but on a larger scale. It would be cool to have a full scale space battle where you have fighters, capital ships, and even frigates. Potentially, PVP could be epic. I think in this case, it would be very important to do cross-server space battles because of the lack of population on some servers. Or the imbalance of Republic vs Imperial.


Even the thought of this addition excites me more than you could possibly imagine.

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My guild members and I keep discussing how much we really did miss a lot of the aspects of SWG. I think the two most missed aspects were the amount of customization (houses, clothes, etc) and the space battles.


With that being said, I think it's important to note that there hasn't been a good Space Combat Sim in ages. The last good one was Free Space 2, and that was almost a decade ago. This genre has been forgotten and can be capitalized on, if done right. The fighter controls in JTLS in SWG were too sluggish. The throttled pitching was a problem. But if you make the controls responsive, as in Wing Commander or Free Space, and not so much like the X Series, it will catch on very quickly and you will have a devoted player base. I can almost guarantee you that.


What's more, it would be cool to mix in capital ship missions too. Similar to JTLS, where players could mount turrets, but on a larger scale. It would be cool to have a full scale space battle where you have fighters, capital ships, and even frigates. Potentially, PVP could be epic. I think in this case, it would be very important to do cross-server space battles because of the lack of population on some servers. Or the imbalance of Republic vs Imperial.


Even the thought of this addition excites me more than you could possibly imagine.


If they are doing the full free flight space then i think they could learn alot from jtl, I played swg pre cu and jtl was the only thing that kept me in swg for a few months after. I was lucky enough to be one of the few to actualy get the Y-8 mining ship and that setup would be a perfect example of what a guild capital ship could and should be like.

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A feature that's in active development for a future Game Update.


'None of the above' isn't an option on the poll, as you may have noticed. Please keep your feedback restricted to the question and options above.


I know it's a tough choice. :)


It's not a tough choice at all. "none of the above" SHOULD have been an option. It would tell you how many people don't want you to waste your time on any of these at all because the ground game still needs way more attention.

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It's not a tough choice at all. "none of the above" SHOULD have been an option. It would tell you how many people don't want you to waste your time on any of these at all because the ground game still needs way more attention.


Raids can get cleared, unless gated, in a week or 2 and can take months to make.


Due to the fact they are scripted they lack significant replay value.


People have been doing WSG for almost 6 years (not 7, it wasn't in when the game launched) because it is dynamic.


So the main thing that can keep people sticking around in the 2 months between when they finish content and when new content comes out? Pvp.


However, not everyone likes mmo pvp. Some people find it highly imbalanced. This just comes with the territory. It will never be balanced.


So another option, develop other ways to play to consume time between patches.


A few space WZs and a space elo/rank system would go far in improving retention between patches.


A space raid would be a good idea too. Probably pretty simple to design, less world to build, most the assets can be reused.


If you want swtor to have the cash to hire people to pump out PVE content? You need something to keep people around between patches.

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It's not a tough choice at all. "none of the above" SHOULD have been an option. It would tell you how many people don't want you to waste your time on any of these at all because the ground game still needs way more attention.


How can they "waste time" on it when they don't have to take time or resources away from other teams that are giving attention to everything else?

Edited by Sireene
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Why choose???? I want them all, and then some ... :D


Capitol Ship Battles is priority nr.1 out of those, if you can make it big enough ;) with alot of guilds fighting eachother in space PvP, in a WZish kind of thing ... or just PvE, that can be cool too ...

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Why choose???? I want them all, and then some ... :D


Capitol Ship Battles is priority nr.1 out of those, if you can make it big enough ;) with alot of guilds fighting eachother in space PvP, in a WZish kind of thing ... or just PvE, that can be cool too ...


Dont you see? without 3d space flight the ship battles would be turret defense vs bombing runs.


You need 3d space flight for it to be awesome first.

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It's not a tough choice at all. "none of the above" SHOULD have been an option. It would tell you how many people don't want you to waste your time on any of these at all because the ground game still needs way more attention.


This. Make another option of less linear leveling path or the legacy system unlocking things that are genuinely NEW races/powers, things that people have actually asked for, not come up with something you feel like making and ask if people do want it.

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This. Make another option of less linear leveling path or the legacy system unlocking things that are genuinely NEW races/powers, things that people have actually asked for, not come up with something you feel like making and ask if people do want it.


I agree. If a " none of the above" option was available I would picked that one.

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This. Make another option of less linear leveling path or the legacy system unlocking things that are genuinely NEW races/powers, things that people have actually asked for, not come up with something you feel like making and ask if people do want it.


Redoing the leveling path would be almost impossible at this point.


They would be better off making leveling in the expansion less linear.


As for the new races? People have been pretty unhappy with the thought of having to unlock a race to play it. The idea that they would have to level a character to play the character they want to play is pretty not great.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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