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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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Capital ship battles that is between guilds.

Guild Battles.

cross server.


guilds would have to divide their forces to attackers and defenders

space battles offense defense


boarding parties defenders.


rewards warzone comms/ 24 hour buffs/ etc.

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Ranking them from Favorite idea to least favorite idea.


1. 3d Space Battles would be the most well received. I would love anything resembling Battlefront 2 or the Rogue Squadron series.


2. Vehicle Combat could be another nice addition, but its too vague of a catagory. If it would again be something along the line of the battlefront series, then sure I would welcome this game addition.


3. Pod Racing. It could be enjoyable. The first thing that popped into my mind was that the "on rails" space combat could be converted to pod racing and probably work well enough. Keep the barrel rolls just for giggles ;) A feature with pod racing that could work is having multiple arenas on different planets, and there could be "in game events" like annual races or special series races.


4. I have no idea what capital ship battles means, so it places last.

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I'd like to see more space battles (with and/or against capital ships).


I love the tunnel space combat but I also really liked Shadows of the Empire / Rogue Squadron / Battle for Naboo's space combat engine and I think that should be the next evolution.


Also I think Clone Wars Adventures' tunnel space combat maps were very innovative and amusing and wish some of those (or all of them) could be adopted to SW:TOR.


I think full free roam causes me more headaches (literally and figuratively) than it is worth. If you keep it in a tight space as the above n64 titles did, I think it could work as it has in the past.


I think once the updated engine is done, vehicle combat could easily be worked in also, just as it was in 'Naboo. It's just the space combat engine with a ground on it.. :D Yeah and some clipping work I guess.


Hope this helps.

Edited by siegeshot
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Sounds like someone needs to get a girlfriend... And move out of there parents basement...



Lol funny you mentioned Rift.


I played SWTOR for like 2 months, leveled 2 toons to 50, geared them, did pretty much everything the game has to offer (for those 2 classes. i didn´t feel like playing like 5 alts over and over).


After those 2 months, guess what? I still have gametime left on SWTOR, but resubbed to Rift.


Oh how i regret the fact that i left Rift for SWTOR. Even funnier, there are entire guilds there that have left SWTOR and went back to Rift.


Check the Rift forums if you don´t believe me.


Don´t get me wrong, i like most of the games you mentioned. BW have some good games on their list. But this one unfortunatelly is not one of them.


I hope people have fun playing it, i really do. I myself had a good time playing it, but a MMO has to offer something to its players that keeps them interested in the game.


As it is, this game is just a singleplayer experience with a MMO twist. Thats not good enough for most people.


Oh, and btw, i have TWO "decades-long" of "gamming experience".

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Pod racing yes plis. Your great hope with this game is fast and awesome minigames.

Games one can bet on. Games you see in the cantina in episode II.


Plis BioWare dont do space combat. Will not work.

It will be non responsive and to slow as your space combat now shows.

And as long as space combat can not be first person view from the cockpit

like swg there is no point. Just sitting in the chair on the trooper ship show

one cannot even see out the window and the view is bad.


If you make space combat you can use capitol ships with turrets players can control

and players can board ships and fight guards and ship boss to take em over to gain

control over turrets and landing area. Must be a huge space map with base ship and

lots of ships between one can take over and control. In this there should also be fighter combat.Also a astroid field above a planet for pure fighter space combat could really work.

Dynamic fast and intense.


But to be very honest i dont think you guys can pull it off ...


You think the current space combat is unresponsive and slow? Must be your computer. As much as parts of the rest of the game are unresponsive and slow, space combat is certainly not one of them in my experience, regardless of the things i dont currently like about it, its still a very crisp experience.

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1. Star Warsish looking gear http://i.imgur.com/lAf6Y.jpg

2. Epic pvp battles with sieges etc.

3. No pointless empty corridors on space stations

4. Server transfers

5. Moar mmo-feel, things like sitting on chairs, emote animations etc.

6. LFG tool

7. 3rd floor on fleets - dueling area, other players can spectate and place bets

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I know Battlefront 2 is way more fun to play than this game.


Whatever money was sunk into this, it was just a waste.


You've quit the game, you stated that your going to rift and not coming back. Why are you still here? Only the most pathetic vile internet trolls stick around in the forums of a game they have ALREADY QUIT, to argue and bicker with people who are currently playing and enjoying the game , and try to convince them otherwise (or whatever your motive/ reasoning is for sticking around in the forums of a game that you have quit) I just dont understand why you're still here. Go bother people in the rift forums or something. Its not like any of you're feedback is contructive anyways.

Edited by Samborino
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To me, the X-wing series was the ultimate Star Wars fantasy. TIE Fighter in particular was likely my favorite, as I felt that the missions had by far the best story, variety, etc... Edited by Alaron
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(3D Space Battles) This really is a must for any immersive star wars game. If you guys do this i would like to see smaller fighter ships that are usable within these areas. Ships that can be done in first or third person modes.


(Personal Space Port Overhaul) We need a spaceport when we zone into our area that can at least house a few smaller ships used for space combat and dog fighting. Have a console that we can access that allows us to view our acquired ships.


(Personal Story Ships) These ships should also be usable in space combat but you guys need to add certain functionality like the ability to send a companion or group member to turrets within the ships.


(Story Ships vs. Dog Fighters) Story ships should be stronger, with heavy fire power, but a lot slower than the dog fighting ships as well as less maneuverable.


The point here is if your going to do this do it right, we need large areas above each of the contested planets that have zones within them for pvp and pve, each zone should also house orbital stations with the ability to acquire missions for both the pve and pvp aspects of space combat.


These should be open style concepts that have real objectives like taking down capital ships.


1. PvE = Destroying the outer defenses and shields with your guild or group depending on the area and then entering the ship to finish off some boss, rewards should be given upon successful extraction of these areas. Rewards like upgrades for your ship or even schematics for new smaller fighter ships., We could see 4-man, 8-man, and even 16-man versions.


2. PvP = I would like to see some of the above except with players manning the turrets and essential systems, as well as fighting the opposite faction in ships. Once a faction boards a vessel the vessel should lose the ability to deploy any more dog fighters, until they repel the opposite faction and repair the ships vital systems. If the boarding team manages to kill the captain the area should become controlled by the winning faction, with resources and possibly special ship buffs as incentives, also giving the winning faction players who are on the planet, buffs would be nice as well like exp buffs, run speed buffs, and possibly power buffs. These should have a re-spawn time between 2-4 hours, to ensure that other space battles above other planets are also being participated in. Some sort of tracking system would be nice as well viewable on each factions main fleet, like a war board this could track data like controlled areas, battles being waged, and battles about to ensue.


If a faction controls an area that doesn't mean that fighting stops players can still deploy in an open world style concept, just the main system battle would end for a period of time.


Ships should also not be tied into someones character role, so that if you want a tank type ship you can make one, or a dps type ship you can have that, or even a ship that deploys repair probes to keep your allies up longer. These roles can be simple and readily changeable, and the majority of the ships power should come through ship parts.


Obviously i'm not a developer but i really think you guys should take all the time you need on something like this, do it right. You don't need to get rid of the rail mini game they are kind of fun, just create an addition not a replacement.

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I think that these types of battles should be more instanced like war-zones, that guilds can go head to head in, using some of the ideas from my above post but more directed toward guild v guild skirmishes. These capital ships should also have a lot of customization and be a place that guild members can go to meet, even have "Zoo" type areas where we can bring guild achievements and place them in view for our guild to see and reminisce about.


The idea can be simple, use the technology you guys use for our class quests, we see a guild ship area on our map that are only accessible by our guild. When two guilds go head to head and schedule a fight you enter said fight from your ships terminal once you have your group put together similar to how we join war-zones as a group.

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You guys have done pod racing before in kotor, the mini game was great, just expand on it. Most planets could have a "Hutt-Owned" track area added. Players should be able to race against not only npc's but each other in bracketed matches. These matches should also be viewable from some sort of "sim-terminal" where players can watch other players during races.


The pods also need to be workable allow us to customize these pods. Assign the pod a 100 point value system where players can put those points in different areas like handling, speed, power, speed boost, durability, stability, dirty tricks, and maybe a few other areas. Each area should have a maximum number of points allowed say 30-50. This will result in people tweaking there pods and coming up with a truly customized performance vehicle that can tailor to their play style.


There should be ways to earn different types of pods, and maybe even take different parts to create unique pods, allow for some type of color schemes and decals and you will have a very cool, variety driven system where no two racers would look or run the same.


I just implore you to do these things right we want these systems but they wont be well received if you guys don't use your knowledge and creativity to make them immersive. The greatest appeal of pod racing for example is the ability to create a unique pod that you work on yourself and no one has one that's like yours. Its not just the racing we want its the ability to customize something that shows off our personality and skill.

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Nothing would make me happier to re-enact the battle of hoth, with AT'AT's attacking an objective while mini flyer's were trying to take them down with tow cables. But you guys have got to make sure we have the ability to recreate the epicness of these battles, if i see a smuggler shoot a giant AT'AT and kill it then its really not worth even using one. If your going to have Vehicle combat, make sure that only other vehicles or turrets are taking them down not some Jedi LOS'ing the legs and whacking it till the health bar drops. This doesn't mean you should not have some sort of munitions that the ground units can use to help destroy them.


Give the areas ground objectives, and vehicle objectives this way we have a nice vehicle battle ensuing but the area is not winnable without a solid ground force. This adds a new dimension of tactic to the area, you don't want to get destroyed by a walker so you need backup to ensure you can capture the ground points.

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I voted for pod/speeder racing,


BUT, there are more important things we need !


Flashpoint/Heroic quest group finder,

DPS Meter,

Dynamic events at every planet,

Faster speeders,

Real Hard modes for flashpoints, not just hp and dmg increased mobs and bosses.



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All of the above would be amazing!

I think the capitol ship battles would be the hardest to make, and probably the most complicated with many people having to control the ship, but I am sure it would be simply THE BEST way of having guild or faction fights ever invented!

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