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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

40k Credits in 9 - 11 minutes


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So I dont know if this is well known or not, but it seems lots of people have problems coming up with cash, so try this, it cant be easier. At lvl 50, you can farm the Boarding Party. The flashpoint has 6 chests not including the 3 boss drops. The flashpoint allows you to mount up, so you can skip 95% of the trash. I've done it several times, it takes about 9 to 11 minutes and when you sell all the oranges greens and junk you come out with anywhere between 32 and 45 thousand credits.


Happy hunting!


As pointed out by Notebene this site gives a walkthrough of the run I eluded to above.



Edited by AGSThomas
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Doing mundane stuff like this for a few thousand credits is /fail.


But... if it makes you happy... as eariler stated. Grats. :p


The 2 above posters amaze me. It's like reading comprehension isnt your thing. People on these forums complain about not having credits. I am offering a suggestion for people to make credits. Currently, what do people do to make credits? They farm daily quests or gathering professions. How is this any less mundane then running a flashpoint in half the time for more credits? But grats on failing to read!

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The 2 above posters amaze me. It's like reading comprehension isnt your thing. People on these forums complain about not having credits. I am offering a suggestion for people to make credits. Currently, what do people do to make credits? They farm daily quests or gathering professions. How is this any less mundane then running a flashpoint in half the time for more credits? But grats on failing to read!


Agreed. It astounds me how all the interweb warriors state they are so uber and know how to do all things but don't share how to do it ( becasue they really DON'T know ).


I found your post most helpful. Its really nice to see someone willing to share something that worked for them and risk the "flames of the swtor forums" to bring them to all.


Suggestion: Perhpas repost in the New Player help forums.


Thanks OP. :)

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Try to use your companions.

It requires you to log in for 4 minutes.


After 2 weeks you have a few Million



Or you can do about 50 quick runs through Boarding Party and make a few million (9-11 minute runs) in 9 hours.


Or you can do both, and make double the cash as they aren't mutually exclusive. Either way, the QQs about this astound me since it's a viable enough way to make quick cash.

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Try to use your companions.

It requires you to log in for 4 minutes.


After 2 weeks you have a few Million


This post is completely useless. Why don't you explain how you get this money or your process instead of just saying you did it.


I found the OP useful and when I hit 50 I'll be sure to do it for some creds when I need them.

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Doing mundane stuff like this for a few thousand credits is /fail.


But... if it makes you happy... as eariler stated. Grats. :p


What gives? the OP is only helping out other players, He gave some advise on how to get quick credits in game.


You trolls do make me laugh

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Or you could grind dailies, like most other people.


Doing a "round" in Northern Belsavis (about 5 quests) will take about 15 minutes and net you 60.000 Credits cash + a few green items.


It also gives you daily commendations you can actually use.

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Try not to pay attention to the whiners and the elitest who think doing hardmodes 24/7 makes them special.


They are just mad because they are playing by the rules and when someone finds a way thats better than theirs, they feel the need to knock it off as a newb tactic to make themselves feel better. It's just an ego thing. Ignore the whiners.

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So I dont know if this is well known or not, but it seems lots of people have problems coming up with cash, so try this, it cant be easier. At lvl 50, you can farm the Boarding Party. The flashpoint has 6 chests not including the 3 boss drops. The flashpoint allows you to mount up, so you can skip 95% of the trash. I've done it several times, it takes about 9 to 11 minutes and when you sell all the oranges greens and junk you come out with anywhere between 32 and 45 thousand credits.


Happy hunting!


There are 8 chests ;)


10 total chests if you include the 2 boss chests

Edited by Rotterdam
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Flashpoints and Operations




Boarding Party

  • Corrected an issue that awarded credits, chests and loot during the flashpoint.


:rolleyes: fix'd



(This is a joke, btw--not actually in any patch notes.)

Edited by Thourton
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Cool, I mean I like doing the dailies as they give about 100k per planet as well as commendations and pet gear but Ill probably do Boarding Party/Maelstorm when/if im full on all the end game goodies you get from the usual dailies.


It would leave more time for alts.

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I run dailies not for credits but for the actual commendations. It's tedious and extremely eye gouging if you do them every day.


Takes about 1.5 hrs to finish Belsavis and Ilum solo. Only going to get worse with Corellia :(


But the OP is right. Quick way to make credits. Trolls be trollin.

Edited by Tormentist
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This post is completely useless. Why don't you explain how you get this money or your process instead of just saying you did it.


I found the OP useful and when I hit 50 I'll be sure to do it for some creds when I need them.


he did. use your companions. Crew skills are easy money when used correctly.

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Flashpoints and Operations




Boarding Party

  • Corrected an issue that awarded credits, chests and loot during the flashpoint.


:rolleyes: fix'd



(This is a joke, btw--not actually in any patch notes.)


(Does boarding party before this actually happens)

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Thanks for the information! It sure beats farming the Hoth Area 4 elites and grinding Ilum.


lol, i remember farming that jedi area (beyond the ship graveyard). that one drops some nice cash, and mobs respawn so fast that you can keep killing the same 3 or 4 ones over and over.....:rolleyes:

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