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A Quick Look at UI Customization


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Why do people keep bringing up the "Should have been in at launch" thing? Many things should have, they weren't. What are you gonna do? We are getting them now, so be happy about that. Or show your displeasure and quit. its not like they can build you a time machine to go back to launch with it.


Same thing is gonna happen when we get a real LFG tool too huh? Instead of just enjoying it, people will cry about something that cannot be changed anymore. Guess people just like to be negative even if it leads nowhere.

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Still I have to admit I have never been in the situation where I (or anyone I know) ever wanted to download some else's UI layout. Even in WoW with its myriads of addons, in the end people I know picked the addons of their choice and configured them to their liking.


Maybe sharing UI layouts is indeed commonplace. *shrug* I have just not yet experienced or observed it myself.


Well yeah, because it's not been possible previously. But I know there's been a lot of "share your UI" threads on MMO forums, and I'm sure people have tried to copy those. This will be a much easier way to do that.


Of course, there won't be nearly the range of UI configs without addons.

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Sorry, but you won't be able to change the radio station because we were too busy trying to create a unique and amazing color of paint...


This flies in the fact of real logic, also known as the "apples-to-oranges" syndrome.


A more likely comparison would be "You have a choice: you can take this car home right now or wait 4 months for us to make sure the cigarette lighter works. Oh, you don't smoke? Well, you should probably take it now."


I never liked car comparisons, anyway. How can you compare a $20,000+ vehicle with a $50 video game. One is a practical necessity, the other is frivolous fun.

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With the scaling and everything I'll be able to manage a nicely centralised UI. I'm VERY excited.


There's a link earlier where you can see what people have done with the UI and DL some XML files. The customisation is very, very good and the video really doesn't do it justice when you see what people have already come up with.

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Wow. I think the teleprompter crited for 10,000.


Seriously. Next time they should get the ship droid to narrate. :)


Still, this is a super awesome update, and I'm really looking forward to it. I 1000% agree with others, though, that 4 bars is just not enough. My bars are already completely full, and they are adding even more abilities we have to find a home for, with the legacy unlocks. I already have issues with mis-clicking e.g. herioc moment when I meant to hit a medpack, because everything is so crammed together to get it all to fit. Having more bars, so we can spread everything out a bit more into smaller bars, would really be a big usability win.

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Wow man, I don't know anyone who would use this stuff. I don't think your ideas are bad ones, I just think you're representing a small minority of the population.


Think of it this way, what you want would require at least 10x the development time that the current UI changes required. However, only maybe 5% (being generous with that number) of the population would really use or appreciate the changes, with many actually being put off with the complexity of it.


Putting it in that light, I'd say your idea isn't a great one.


I specifically used those examples as edge case anomalies that can be very important to the people who need them, unimportant to everyone and so aren't worth development time on BioWares end.


As I specifically said, this was in no way a feature request. It was to be illustrative of the problems people have with the game that aren't going to be solved by moving UI elements around (with red and green boxes? How does something like that even get past a designer who is awake, if one of my students pulled that garbage they'd be down a letter grade for being stupid, yes, I teach this stuff).


My advocacy is for a LUA API or similar so that people who have specific needs can get those met. Which is the essence of user -centred design and HCI (human computer interaction) in general. When you realize just how vastly different the UI needs are between players you realize that you aren't going to get there with the UI design team they have, or could ever realistically afford.

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Still I have to admit I have never been in the situation where I (or anyone I know) ever wanted to download some else's UI layout. Even in WoW with its myriads of addons, in the end people I know picked the addons of their choice and configured them to their liking.


Maybe sharing UI layouts is indeed commonplace. *shrug* I have just not yet experienced or observed it myself.


It does mean you can move it between computers, or can configure the UI for someone else who doesn't really understand, or, for example, who is colour blind and won't be able to tell the difference between the red and green boxes.


You can also make general 'templates' that will be similar to various UI options and put them up for download and so on, so people can experiment with different things without going to the trouble of moving the boxes around themselves. It seems like it solves a more general and complex problem than the junk they're giving us warrants, which is a good sign (meaning they probably have something worthwhile down the pipeline that they're thinking about).

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I specifically used those examples as edge case anomalies that can be very important to the people who need them, unimportant to everyone and so aren't worth development time on BioWares end.


As I specifically said, this was in no way a feature request. It was to be illustrative of the problems people have with the game that aren't going to be solved by moving UI elements around (with red and green boxes? How does something like that even get past a designer who is awake, if one of my students pulled that garbage they'd be down a letter grade for being stupid, yes, I teach this stuff).


My advocacy is for a LUA API or similar so that people who have specific needs can get those met. Which is the essence of user -centred design and HCI (human computer interaction) in general. When you realize just how vastly different the UI needs are between players you realize that you aren't going to get there with the UI design team they have, or could ever realistically afford.


Ah OK, I see where you are coming from on this. I'd say it's a scientific/academic critique mostly. Not that I'm saying I disagree with you.

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can i make only a buffs/debuffs bigger?
pretty please! This is crucial i dont want to lose my eyesight sir!



Currently no, only by increasing your Characters portrate size can this happen, as doing so increases all attached buffs and de-buffs.

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If I'm not mistaken downloading mods for a program that you didn't develop is a breach in user agreement and you can be banned from use or sued all together.


Even these people that are using third party programs to speed hack in huttball or any other WZ is just that, breach in user agreement, no one except Bioware, Lucasarts, and EA has that right. but hey people do illigel things all the time and when they get jailed or sued say "HEY, ***?"

Edited by Hellrazer
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(with red and green boxes? How does something like that even get past a designer who is awake, if one of my students pulled that garbage they'd be down a letter grade for being stupid, yes, I teach this stuff)


Okay, if you teach this stuff, please teach us what is wrong with red and green boxes? I found looked it perfectly adequate, functional yet not ugly. How would you have colored them (or distinguished by other means)?

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