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Luke Skywalker vs Superman. Who wins?


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For one Luke Skywalker lacks the will to harm anyone unless they are evil or trying to harm him or someone else. Same think for superman.... However face superman against a Sith now you have another story. Force crush, force lighting, Force drain, force mind control, force choke. You say superman has super speed? A sign of force sensitivity is heightened reaction speed, in most novels the speed at which a Jedi/Sith swing their blades is seen in a blur of movement to none force sensitive beings. Not to add that Jedi/Sith tend to react as if they knew something was about to happen.


Had superman had the force he would stand a chance but DC comics doesn't have the force only in Star Wars heck in some cases a Sith Lord used the force to create life, you don't see superman doing that. The Force in Star Wars isn't this little trick where a person can move one little thing and swing a laser sword, no there is much more to it than that.

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All I have to say is





Non-canon "What If?" story. The Post-apocalyptic Elseworlds have been done to death already. That video was just a cheap knock-off for a garbage game. Besides, it's narrated by Lex Luthor. That guy lies more than a Sith. :p


I honestly really wanted to like DCU, since I'm a huge DC Comics fan. They even took the fun out of fighting alongside Batman, though.... :mad:

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However face superman against a Sith now you have another story. Force crush, force lighting, Force drain, force mind control, force choke.


And those Force abilities would do nothing to Superman. Try reading the thread before you post. Jedi and Sith have absolutely no chance against Superman.



You say superman has super speed? A sign of force sensitivity is heightened reaction speed, in most novels the speed at which a Jedi/Sith swing their blades is seen in a blur of movement to none force sensitive beings. Not to add that Jedi/Sith tend to react as if they knew something was about to happen.


Ok. Blurs....so what?

Superman can run over 2000 MILES A SECOND with his super speed. He can fly FASTER THAN LIGHT. Superman could obliterate the Sith before the Sith even had time to react with his Force powers.



Had superman had the force he would stand a chance but DC comics doesn't have the force only in Star Wars heck in some cases a Sith Lord used the force to create life, you don't see superman doing that. The Force in Star Wars isn't this little trick where a person can move one little thing and swing a laser sword, no there is much more to it than that.


Nope. Superman doesn't need the Force to win. He is FAR more powerful than any Sith or Jedi. Again, read the thread.

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Honestly, the only villain that could actually kill Superman if he really wanted to in a 1v1 fight is Black Adam. Read the Countdown World War III series and you will see exactly what I mean. He's a freakin' MONSTER! His entire nature is magic. Superman would get lolpwned. Fortunately for Superman, Adam considers him a friend.


Why is Black Adam more capable of killing Superman than Captain Marvel?

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Why is Black Adam more capable of killing Superman than Captain Marvel?


I didn't say HERO, there. I said VILLAIN. Last I checked, Captain Marvel wasn't a villain. He was ONLY a villain in Kingdom Come because that universe's Lex Luthor had brainwashed him, btw. :p

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Actually, the Green Lantern Corps rings are not magical.


No I know they're not, but my point is if we get to say Maybe X is magic, then there's no limit to what may or may not be magic.


If we declare the force to be magic, then what else can we say is magic? That was really my point. You get to the whole "any sufficiently advanced tech is magic" endless loop.


That's always been one of the issues with Superman, he's vulnerable to magic... But what exactly is magic?

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The fight could go either way, but I would think a lightsaber to the neck would work even better than kryptonite.


The best thing Supe has going is laser eyes, but Luke can absorb that with his saber.


Advantage, Jedi.


Wow.. what an astonishing lack of understanding of supermans capabilities


The lightsaber would not harm superman in the least. Superman can fly into the middle of the sun and be fine.


Luke could not harm superman in any way other then mental tricks, though that is certainly not enough to defeat him.


Superman obviously would win, and he would beat most every other character in any story as well, hes kind of cheating.


Anyone who thinks differently does not know what they are talking about.

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That's always been one of the issues with Superman, he's vulnerable to magic...


Not entirely correct. It's always been an issue with the Modern incarnations of Superman since Crisis on Infinite Earths. Before that, only Kryptonite could harm the Golden and Silver age versions.


The differences between them are pretty huge, actually. In an effort to make him more "human" and relatable, the writers at DC have, for lack of a better word, nerfed Superman. He is no longer the strongest or fastest out there. They have, however, made him more intelligent. Intelligent enough that Batman can actually stand talking with him now, anyway. lol

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Before that, only Kryptonite could harm the Golden and Silver age versions.


I thought that was a sliver age thing. I remember reading Superman comics back in the early 80's and Mr Mxyzptik could do things to him because he used magic and superman was vulnerable to magic.


Looking up the wiki because I had no real chance on spelling Mxyzptik right... I found this.


It was explained in the Silver Age Superman comics that the reason that Mr. Mxyzptlk could affect Superman is because Superman is susceptible to magic.
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Not entirely correct. It's always been an issue with the Modern incarnations of Superman since Crisis on Infinite Earths. Before that, only Kryptonite could harm the Golden and Silver age versions.


The differences between them are pretty huge, actually. In an effort to make him more "human" and relatable, the writers at DC have, for lack of a better word, nerfed Superman. He is no longer the strongest or fastest out there. They have, however, made him more intelligent. Intelligent enough that Batman can actually stand talking with him now, anyway. lol


Yeah Superman used to be unstoppable, but now he seems to be a bit more human. Maybe spending so much time on Earth has humanized him.

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I thought that was a sliver age thing. I remember reading Superman comics back in the early 80's and Mr Mxyzptik could do things to him because he used magic and superman was vulnerable to magic.


Looking up the wiki because I had no real chance on spelling Mxyzptik right... I found this.


Ah, ok. I stand corrected. I had forgotten that the Silver Age and Modern are very similar. It's the Golden Age Superman (formerly of Earth 2) that was a complete BAMF and immune to magic and mind control. He was beaten to death by a brat kid on Mogo at the end of Infinite Crisis. Mitigating factor: Mogo had moved himself into Krypton's old orbit, so the Supermen were pretty much drained right away by the red sun. Superboy Prime, on the other hand, had some serious Plot Armor going on. :p

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And those Force abilities would do nothing to Superman. Try reading the thread before you post. Jedi and Sith have absolutely no chance against Superman..



So you are trying to say, Force Drain a Dark Side ability to drain the life from any being wouldn't have any effect on Superman who in his original description only was faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings with a single bound and run faster then a speeding train. A Master force user can do all of the above and more.



Ok. Blurs....so what?

Superman can run over 2000 MILES A SECOND with his super speed. He can fly FASTER THAN LIGHT. Superman could obliterate the Sith before the Sith even had time to react with his Force powers. .



all of what you stated is how superman is now, not how he was when he first came out



Nope. Superman doesn't need the Force to win. He is FAR more powerful than any Sith or Jedi. Again, read the thread.


and besides this is all I could careless about superman, I grew out him when I was 8

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So you are trying to say, Force Drain a Dark Side ability to drain the life from any being wouldn't have any effect on Superman who in his original description only was faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings with a single bound and run faster then a speeding train. A Master force user can do all of the above and more.


And Sidious who in his "original description" doesnt have force drain or any of the abilities from the EU(since Sidious was originally from the movies) got defeated by being thrown down the shaft by a crippled old man :rolleyes:

Edited by Girdeux
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  • 11 months later...
Very far far away ? In a far far away galaxy ? Then Luke cetainly has some kriptonite lightsaber.


Agreed. Under normal conditions Superman would best Skywalker any day. However, Luke could use a kryptonite focusing crystal in his lightsaber and defeat Superman. Given the advanced technology present in SW, Luke could create a synthetic kryptonite crystal for his lightsaber or even for a blaster.

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Jedi Mind Trick would end Superman.


"I'm not the Jedi you're looking for."


"OH, ok... have you seen him?"


"Yes, he's inside that Kryptonite mine."


Just using Force Stealth, Illusions, and Mind Trick, Luke could easily get the drop on Superman and wreck him with either a kryptonite crystal in a lightsaber, or just a synthesized kryptonite knife. Or Force Choke him to death, no matter how strong he is, he couldn't resist the spasming of the lungs caused by Force Choke.

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No I know they're not, but my point is if we get to say Maybe X is magic, then there's no limit to what may or may not be magic.


If we declare the force to be magic, then what else can we say is magic? That was really my point. You get to the whole "any sufficiently advanced tech is magic" endless loop.


That's always been one of the issues with Superman, he's vulnerable to magic... But what exactly is magic?


Actually there are several star wars quotes to say that the force is Magic the best come from the movies themselves both yoda and ben told you exactly what the force was "a mystical energy field that surounds penetrates and binds the galaxy together" the key word here is mystical anything mystical in DC is Magic of one form or another thus the force is magic.


That beind said all those that keep saying mind trick. No that won't work Post-crisis supes was trained in 2 kryptonian martial arts torquasm-ro and torquasm-vo the first alows him to enter the theta state (its a real life phenomenon in which your body becomes more receptive to your surroundings and act more on insictive allowing him have much faster then average reaction time) the second is a mental martial arts that allows him resist illusions and even fight off mental attacks he is not 100% immune to mental attacks as some one who is massively better then him in mental abilities could still get through but he has some of the strongest mental blocks of the DC Universe so a simple mind trick would do absolutely nothing to him.


This being said I actually dont know how this would go I dont know enough about Luke's force powers to be really able to say if he has anything that can really hurt supes (he is vunerable to magic not weak to the point of it being kryptonite it just means it moves passed his bio-electrical aura which is where most of his invunerablitiy comes from)

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Despite the fact, they wouldn't possibly have reason to fight, force choke on a groin, and even superman would squick like a little girl... and since it's Luke we'r talking about, even 'groin from steel' wouldn't be enouth... Edited by Atramar
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Despite the fact, they wouldn't possibly have reason to fight, force choke on a groin, and even superman would squick like a little girl... and since it's Luke we'r talking about, even 'groin from steel' wouldn't be enouth...


Excuse me, but won't let this go down like this, like said before:


Luke has to see Superman coming (Won't happen)

Luke has to see Superman groin to be able to "force choke it" (Think you meant Force crush, u can't choke a groin)


So yeah it won't work.


Third, Superman can fry luke from orbit, that and his sheer capcity to resist mind control, only maybe Sideous could mind control him but doubt it, Superman is able of just using his sight to anihilate Luke to basic particules.

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Jedi Mind Trick would end Superman.


"I'm not the Jedi you're looking for."


"OH, ok... have you seen him?"


"Yes, he's inside that Kryptonite mine."


Just using Force Stealth, Illusions, and Mind Trick, Luke could easily get the drop on Superman and wreck him with either a kryptonite crystal in a lightsaber, or just a synthesized kryptonite knife. Or Force Choke him to death, no matter how strong he is, he couldn't resist the spasming of the lungs caused by Force Choke.


Supes has trained his mind to resist mental attacks/influences, he's faced many foes who have mind screwing powers, and can even mentally fight back so that may backfire on Luke. And yeah kryptonite.. because no one has thought of using that on him before, he totally won't see it coming. :rolleyes:

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You know, all Luke has to do to win this fight, is go Dark Side, and then proceed to drain Superman of his life force itself. Might take a while and a bit of effort, but it is technically something that the Dark Side can do seeing as how the force is the life energy of all things.


Superman can't be hurt by anything but kryptonite, am I right? and hasn't he done the most ridiculous things you can bring up for a superhero? yeh I think Skywalker, despite his OPness in Star Wars would be just another bad guy of the week situation.


Actually, that isn't true. All Luke has to do is fire the Sun Crusher at our Sun and Superman would be S.O.L. due to all of his super powers being based on the Solar Energy of a Yellow Star. Superman may be able to breathe in space, but he can't travel by himself over interstellar distances, unlike the Green Lanterns.


Also, as a side note, Batman can take down the modern Superman fairly quickly.


Simply because Batman is smart enough to carry Kryptonite around everywhere he goes in a radiation proof compartment in his utility belt, just in case.


Superman hands down. It wouldn't even be a contest. Luke wouldn't even see it coming. Superman could just use heat vision from orbit. No lightsaber, no force powers. I could see it being a little bit of a cat and mouse game with Luke having superlative Jedi reflexes and senses but I think thats about as much as you'd get.


SWTOR proved that Luke doesn't even need his Lightsaber out in order to deflect Laser Beams or Lightsaber Blades. He can just use the force to put an anti-energy shield around his hand or body as the case may be, and protect himself from the weapon being used. The fact that Superman is still subject to the force, means that Luke would sense the Laser Beams coming a mile away and have plenty of time to erect a suitable defense.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, the first example of someone negating a blaster bolt or lightsaber blade in the Star Wars universe with nothing but their bare hand, was actually Darth Vader deflecting Han Solo's blaster bolts in the Empire Strikes Back.


Not much of an argument against Superman, I mean getting defeated by Batman, what did you expect???


Now if Batman fought Luke it wouldn't be fair to Luke, he'd get owned just as hard as Superman did.


Only because Batman would either dues ex machina his way into gaining force sensitivity, or negating Luke's force sensitivity... against all logic that says otherwise.


This is a stomp. Superman could just disintegrate Luke with a simple FTL attack. Luke would be nothing more than a slight annoyance to the Man of Steel.


The Sun Crusher is something that exists in the Star Wars universe, and it can fire it's missile from outside the solar system and have it arrive at the target before anyone is aware of the fact that it is even there in the first place. While Superman may be able to shrug off Nuclear explosions, I don't think he can shrug off a Super Nova as easily, especially since the Sun Crusher would force the sun to become a Red Giant before it explodes which would strip Superman of his powers.


Trying to hit Superman with a lightsaber is like trying to hit a normal person with a wet noodle...


Wet noodles hurt alot. I should know, I have been hit by one at least a dozen times. So, assuming Luke could hit Superman with his lightsaber, by your logic, it would kill Superman.


Light-saber crystals are not kryptonite.


Actually, technically speaking, it should theoretically be possible to make a Kryptonite Lightsaber Crystal. Afterall Kryptonite is just a crystal, and thats all that the Jedi use for their Lightsaber Crystals. Heck, the Sith have used stranger stuff.


Well that really depends on the nature of saber-crystals doesn't it? I don't know much besides that lightsabers use "special" focusing crystals. The crystals may need to be exposed to the force before they could be used in lightsabers. Also is kryptonite really a crystal? How do we know it doesn't behave like less precious stone?


Quartz is a crystal. And it is also one of the most common rocks on the planet. In fact Amethyst (the Crystal used in Mace Windu's Lightsaber) is in fact a type of Quartz if my memory serves me correctly. So unless you are saying that Quartz Crystal cannot be used as a Lightsaber Crystal, then I imagine Kryptonite could be used as a Lightsaber Crystal.


If you could provide evidence to the fact of Luke's lightsaber being kryptonite that would be wonderful, but I don't see how that is possible.


If Superman and Luke Skywalker were to exist within the same universe (even if they were in different galaxies) then it is logical to assume that the elements and conditions that created the Kryptonite on earth, could likewise occur in the Star Wars Galaxy. Which would in turn allow Luke Skywalker to come across Kryptonite. The chances of him finding such crystals would be minute at best though.


No I know they're not, but my point is if we get to say Maybe X is magic, then there's no limit to what may or may not be magic.


If we declare the force to be magic, then what else can we say is magic? That was really my point. You get to the whole "any sufficiently advanced tech is magic" endless loop.


That's always been one of the issues with Superman, he's vulnerable to magic... But what exactly is magic?


Except I believe that the Force, by definition, is in fact Magic. The whole "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" line does not work in the case of the Force because it is not Technology to begin with. It works in the case of the Lantern Rings because those apparently are technology. But the Force is an energy field composed of the life essences of all living creatures in the Star Wars Universe. It is through the Midichlorians in the bodies of Jedi and Sith that they are able to manipulate that Energy Field.


The exception to this general rule with regards to the Force, is in the case of Rakata technology. Rakata Technology blended Technology with the Force enabling them to create marvels of technology that would go unequaled for all time.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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So Luke can make a kryptonite lightsaber and carve the man of steel into a lawn ornament. Or he can absorb/deflect his laser eyebeams and use it to generate power for Force Choke (spasm Supe's lungs, just for the LOLs before he eviscerates him).


Superman can fly away really fast... but Luke could just Force Pull him back. Or use telekinesis to throw kryptonite daggers at his face.


Superman can punch Luke really hard... but Luke has ESP/Jedi Reflexes and can just avoid his attacks the same way he can deflect blaster bolts. And then retaliate with his kryptonite lightsaber.


Or he could talk Superman to death.


Just deliver a biting "The Reason You Suck" speech to him, berating him for being a useless, overpowered jerk who continually fails to achieve anything meaningful or lasting, allowing villain after villain to rise up and kill countless innocents. Berate him for being "Superman" but still screwing up so often that he might as well quit his job.


After a few minutes of verbal abuse, Superman will be in tears. He'll probably kill himself with kryptonite, or just blubber incoherently until Luke cuts his head off, Jango Fett-style.

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So Luke can make a kryptonite lightsaber and carve the man of steel into a lawn ornament. Or he can absorb/deflect his laser eyebeams and use it to generate power for Force Choke (spasm Supe's lungs, just for the LOLs before he eviscerates him).


Where the heck is Luke going to get kryptonite anyway?? You talk as if the stuff is just laying all over the place and Luke just has to pick it up and throw it at him.


Superman can fly away really fast... but Luke could just Force Pull him back. Or use telekinesis to throw kryptonite daggers at his face.


Supes can fly at the speed of light, Luke wouldn't even have time to react to him flying away or towards him to do anything. Again with the kryptonite. :rolleyes:


Superman can punch Luke really hard... but Luke has ESP/Jedi Reflexes and can just avoid his attacks the same way he can deflect blaster bolts. And then retaliate with his kryptonite lightsaber.


Not sure how fast Luke can move but I doubt he can reach the speed of light so it wouldn't matter if he could sense a fist to the face, doesn't mean he's going to avoid it. Would a kryptonite saber even work??


Or he could talk Superman to death.


Just deliver a biting "The Reason You Suck" speech to him, berating him for being a useless, overpowered jerk who continually fails to achieve anything meaningful or lasting, allowing villain after villain to rise up and kill countless innocents. Berate him for being "Superman" but still screwing up so often that he might as well quit his job.


After a few minutes of verbal abuse, Superman will be in tears. He'll probably kill himself with kryptonite, or just blubber incoherently until Luke cuts his head off, Jango Fett-style.


Supes could in turn deliver an awesome "World of Cardboard" speech right back to him.


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So Luke can make a kryptonite lightsaber and carve the man of steel into a lawn ornament. Or he can absorb/deflect his laser eyebeams and use it to generate power for Force Choke (spasm Supe's lungs, just for the LOLs before he eviscerates him).


Superman can fly away really fast... but Luke could just Force Pull him back. Or use telekinesis to throw kryptonite daggers at his face.


Superman can punch Luke really hard... but Luke has ESP/Jedi Reflexes and can just avoid his attacks the same way he can deflect blaster bolts. And then retaliate with his kryptonite lightsaber.


Or he could talk Superman to death.


Just deliver a biting "The Reason You Suck" speech to him, berating him for being a useless, overpowered jerk who continually fails to achieve anything meaningful or lasting, allowing villain after villain to rise up and kill countless innocents. Berate him for being "Superman" but still screwing up so often that he might as well quit his job.


After a few minutes of verbal abuse, Superman will be in tears. He'll probably kill himself with kryptonite, or just blubber incoherently until Luke cuts his head off, Jango Fett-style.


Ok now Im pissed, it has been said earlier the force is NOT MAGIC, so the only thing Luke can use via the force is sense superman and use his precog abilities, can he evade superman forever, hardly because superman can time travel so he can (incapacitate Luke with 1 blow) because superman doesn't kill.

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