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I really hate waiting for elevators.


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the worst elevator is the one in black talon.


You all should know which one I'm talking about. You click the button and it transports you to the next map. You start moving, BUT the game decides it needs to load the transitional black screen of elevators... so after leaving the elevator, you're waiting for the game to catch up.

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OP... I have just two words for you, if you don't want to wait. "Just Jump" take that chance that you might die.


Back in the day of Everquest I remember boat times being up to 20 min. and if you fell off the boat due to some bug, it then left you in the middle of the ocean while you was afk because of the wait. You would come back to the computer to find yourself dead then you would have to get back to your body and have no clue where it was... Lets not forget that in EQ there wasn't running back to your body in ghost form, no markers on map where your body was located... Nope you had to make your way back to your corpse with nothing because all your gear was on the dead corpse. Man those was the good old days.


Hey I played FFXI and waiting was similar in that game and so were the penalties.


I'm just saying why put up with unneeded machanics that are only a hassle and don't add any value to gameplay? Can you give me a reason why the elevator delay is needed?

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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


I enjoy BEING in those long elevators. Why?




It's worth the wait.

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Elevators take time, all of the running around takes time, many quests have you running around for the sake of it, taking time.


Back to elevators, u get in, wait for the clickable button to appear, click then see the new level...THEN the elevator moves .... all more time.


Taxi routes often don't join up, so u take a taxi, run to the next one and move on, it takes time. Pointless time spending actions .....


So yes, I hear and understand why folks complain about it, and I too hate people wasting my time. In fact, now that I really think about it, perhaps SWTOR is wasting my time ...


I really need some motivation to log back in ..... perhaps I am just having a bad day...


Did I mention FPs and waiting on group to complete dialogue ...... more time wasting....

Edited by Bleadz
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Elevators take time, all of the running around takes time, many quests have you running around for the sake of it, taking time.


Back to elevators, u get in, wait for the clickable button to appear, click then see the new level...THEN the elevator moves .... all more time.


Taxi routes often don't join up, so u take a taxi, run to the next one and move on, it takes time. Pointless time spending actions .....


So yes, I hear and understand why folks complain about it, and I too hate people wasting my time. In fact, not that I really think about it, perhaps SWTOR is wasting my time ...


I really need some motivation to log back in ..... perhaps I am just having a bad day...


Did I mention FPs and waiting on group to complete dialogue ...... more time wasting....


You should play Angry Birds in Space. No time wasting there. Just fling the little birdies.


Hands down, best sequel ever.

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In massively multiplayer online role-playing games, time sinks are a method of increasing the time needed by players to do certain tasks, hopefully causing them to subscribe for longer periods of time. Players may use the term disparagingly to describe a simplistic and time-consuming aspect of gameplay, possibly designed to keep players playing longer without significant benefit.
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OP... I have just two words for you, if you don't want to wait. "Just Jump" take that chance that you might die.


Back in the day of Everquest I remember boat times being up to 20 min. and if you fell off the boat due to some bug, it then left you in the middle of the ocean while you was afk because of the wait. You would come back to the computer to find yourself dead then you would have to get back to your body and have no clue where it was... Lets not forget that in EQ there wasn't running back to your body in ghost form, no markers on map where your body was located... Nope you had to make your way back to your corpse with nothing because all your gear was on the dead corpse. Man those was the good old days.


Not speaking from experience of course...:p

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I'm just saying why put up with unneeded machanics that are only a hassle and don't add any value to gameplay? Can you give me a reason why the elevator delay is needed?


because the clicky elevators are actually clever (or not so clever) transitions to a separate instance. Whereas the ride-able elevators actually transport you between two points within the same instance. The elevator functions like the familiar U-shaped entry ways on many buildings -- it's a LOD mechanic. While you're riding the elevator (or rounding the corner in a building entry) the game is loading the art assets and drawing the room you're about to enter.

Edited by Cerion
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In massively multiplayer online role-playing games, time sinks are a method of increasing the time needed by players to do certain tasks, hopefully causing them to subscribe for longer periods of time. Players may use the term disparagingly to describe a simplistic and time-consuming aspect of gameplay, possibly designed to keep players playing longer without significant benefit.


This made me lol!


So you're saying that BW put elevators in the game as time sinks, possibly with the design goal of keeping people subbed for longer so that these here elevators will increase revenue for them?


Bwahahaha! that's brilliant! :D


@OP right here's the answer to your question about necessary elevator game design ^^^

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Honestly it annoys me because it is an artificial wait. If you notice you can run around and you see w/e you're loading into before the black screen. I'm guessing they put it in to stop people from running past mobs before they load.
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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


I've started playing elevator roulette because it makes the game less predictable.

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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


It's an MMORPG. It brings an aspect of reality into the game. In SWTOR it seems anything like this is pretty few and far between. Saying you hate waiting for elevators, but if there are some that seem to take too long, that's a different matter.

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