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I really hate waiting for elevators.


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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?

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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


Serious? Just calm down and wait an extra few seconds...

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Serious? Just calm down and wait an extra few seconds...


It doesn't bother me too much really. Just thought I would make my point known by posting this.


I hardly see it as needed at all. Just give us the push button elevators.

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It doesn't bother me too much really. Just thought I would make my point known by posting this.


I hardly see it as needed at all. Just give us the push button elevators.


I disagree. A lot.



But they could make some of them a bit faster.

Edited by terminova
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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that?


The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis.


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


I find this is the ultimate defeat for an MMO player. No matter how fast you run. . .if the lift starts going up before you can jump on it(resulting in you having to wait) you're stuck waiting XD

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What I find hilarious is one day you will get people crying about their Sandbox and how much they want it back and the next complain about having to wait for something trivial or having to walk a bit in a station.


It just goes to show you that MMO players are the most Schizophrenic people out there.

Edited by faymar
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Seriously?! People still do not understand the elevator system in game? Let me spell it out for you folks...again.



The elevators in game have specific purposes, you will notice three differing types, those that move slow, those that move fast, and those that are broken and stuck midway.


The fast elevators are for hardcore players, those people that feel the need to see what everyone else is doing, speed through the game as fast as possible, and ensure no one gets something faster than they do, raiders use fast elevators primarily.


Slow elevators, these are for the casual players, those folks that like to hang out and chill with friends, who arent worried about progression and really do not care what the person next to them is doing.


Broken elevators, these are for solo players exclusively, made for people that like challenges and dislike being shoved through content in groups or having their hands held in dungeons, the people take leaps of faith and seek adrenalin rushes by diving over the side of cliffs trying for the broken elevator, usually missing and having to heal, realizing they might have waited for one of the other two working elevators, still, bailing over the side of a cliff is such a rush.....the air time....the air time.....


Do not make me explain this mechanic again......

Edited by Chal
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Seriously?! People still do not understand the elevator system in game? Let me spell it out for you folks...again.



The elevators in game have specific purposes, you will notice three differing types, those that move slow, those that move fast, and those that are broken and stuck midway.


The fast elevators are for hardcore players, those people that feel the need to see what everyone else is doing, speed through the game as fast as possible, and ensure no one gets something faster than they do, raiders use fast elevators primarily.


Slow elevators, these are for the casual players, those folks that like to hang out and chill with friends, who arent worried about progression and really do not care what the person next to them is doing.


Broken elevators, these are for solo players exclusively, made for people that like challenges and dislike being shoved through content in groups or having their hands held in dungeons, the people take leaps of faith and seek adrenalin rushes by diving over the side of cliffs trying for the broken elevator, usually missing and having to heal, realizing they might have waited for one of the other two working elevators, still, bailing over the side of a cliff is such a rush.....the air time....the air time.....


Do not make me explain this mechanic again......


How does that work again?

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Stuff like this makes me think back to the SWG days. I remember the often 5 minute wait times for shuttles. The long sloop rides out to a mission objective or to one of your player houses way out in the wastelands of tat. The frustration of putting your sloop on auto for a ten minute ride through the impossible terrain of Dathomir while taking a bathroom break, only to come back and find that you've been stuck on some tree log.


Man I miss that MMO sometimes. :)

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Honestly I don't think there are enough.


All of these instant ones really take away from the feel of the world. I'll take the few seconds. Why travel to a destination when you can push a button to go there?


This game's world is static enough as it is.

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Really? You don't have your priorities straight in my opinion if that's your thinking.


I'd say it's pretty spot on. Some people think that PvP balance is an issue, some even say that it's a real pain to get a group without an LFG tool, and others are disappointed at the lack of progress in patch 1.2. You on the other hand, hate the elevators in the game. Either you're a pretty dramatic person, or you just don't realize what that word really means.

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OP... I have just two words for you, if you don't want to wait. "Just Jump" take that chance that you might die.


Back in the day of Everquest I remember boat times being up to 20 min. and if you fell off the boat due to some bug, it then left you in the middle of the ocean while you was afk because of the wait. You would come back to the computer to find yourself dead then you would have to get back to your body and have no clue where it was... Lets not forget that in EQ there wasn't running back to your body in ghost form, no markers on map where your body was located... Nope you had to make your way back to your corpse with nothing because all your gear was on the dead corpse. Man those was the good old days.

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I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design?


Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?


Take your ADHD meds, youngun, and you'll be able to tolerate 30 seconds waits better.


Just sayin'.




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