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Can we PLEASE have the ability to keybind marks and NOT have them persist through death? I would like to see people be able to use marks to focus targets, and make locating healers a little less mindless. I think this would improve pvp overall. Edited by DarthxRage
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What they should do, is remove raid markings from warzones all together.


That would actually encourage the use of the Republic/Imperial Targeting Devices which are easily purchased with Social Rank 1 at the home-planet social vendors.


The marks aren't super neon signs by any means, but they're there. And it would give purpose to the item existing at least. Oh, and the mark doesn't persist through death. And must be reapplied if the person who did the targeting dies too.

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What they should do, is remove raid markings from warzones all together.


That would actually encourage the use of the Republic/Imperial Targeting Devices which are easily purchased with Social Rank 1 at the home-planet social vendors.


The marks aren't super neon signs by any means, but they're there. And it would give purpose to the item existing at least. Oh, and the mark doesn't persist through death. And must be reapplied if the person who did the targeting dies too.


This marking the healer is a BS tactic tht needs to be fixed, I quit playing my sage as a healer because of this.

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I'd be happy with them getting rid of marks alltogether except it makes it tougher for pugs to coordinate, although the social items do provide a solution. I just wish their mark was as large as the non-item marks. Personally, I'm almost always running with 3 people in my mumble, but I know there are a lot of people who like to solo que and I thought this was at least a more reasonable solution. If you play with castbars on, it's easy to find the healers AND it's impossible for offheals to fool you into marking them.


I think we can agree on the following:


Marking via right-click is very cumbersome. I should not have to stop what I am doing in a raid/flashpoint/warzone to mark targets. That's just dumb.


Marks should not persist through death. We don't need e-z healer-killing mode. Once the 1.2 changes take effect, healing will be much more balanced. Marks should be about which target to focus in that moment if they are used at all in pvp.

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That would actually encourage the use of the Republic/Imperial Targeting Devices which are easily purchased with Social Rank 1 at the home-planet social vendors.


The marks aren't super neon signs by any means, but they're there. And it would give purpose to the item existing at least. Oh, and the mark doesn't persist through death. And must be reapplied if the person who did the targeting dies too.


Man, I can't tell you how disappointing that thing was.


In WoW, I had a macro I could hit that would dynamically place the "Skull" mark over any mob's head. I never had to mark multiple targets or describe a kill order to pugs. All I had to do was tell them to follow the skull, which I could change with one key press as combat progressed.


The SWTOR Targeting Device is nearly useless by comparison. It's small and translucent, and half covered by nameplates.


More on topic: I agree that raid markers should be disallowed during warzones.

Edited by Dayfax
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I'd be happy with them getting rid of marks alltogether except it makes it tougher for pugs to coordinate, although the social items do provide a solution. I just wish their mark was as large as the non-item marks. Personally, I'm almost always running with 3 people in my mumble, but I know there are a lot of people who like to solo que and I thought this was at least a more reasonable solution. If you play with castbars on, it's easy to find the healers AND it's impossible for offheals to fool you into marking them.


I think we can agree on the following:


Marking via right-click is very cumbersome. I should not have to stop what I am doing in a raid/flashpoint/warzone to mark targets. That's just dumb.


Marks should not persist through death. We don't need e-z healer-killing mode. Once the 1.2 changes take effect, healing will be much more balanced. Marks should be about which target to focus in that moment if they are used at all in pvp.


Even when marked pugs cant find the healers. It does not matter. lol

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Guys, I know it's a far-fetched dream, but maybe just maybe we could get pugs to stop breaking cc if we could mark our targets. I know it's crazy! But perhaps at least some of them can be trained!


They are untrainable, I learned this a long time ago. They solo queue for a reason -- no one will let them in thier premades.

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Pugs are a pain in the *** and most of them are stupid, but they are not all untrainable. I know because I do it all the time. I have a great guild of pvpers and a lot of people on my friends list, but I can't have them all in a wz with me (yet) and even when I can, they're not all online when I am 100% of the time. I know I'm not the only one who solo ques when he doesn't have ppl to que up with. I am asking for a change that allows easier coordination and makes things a little more fair for the healers.
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I'd rather they leave it in so healers get completly destroyed in 1.2 between the nerfs and the sneak 15-20% endurance/alacrity nerfs on sets. Only then will people rage quit and I can smile saying I was right all along. :D


I'm petty and self absorbed like that.


In all seriousness it's neccesary to somewhat bridge the gap between players on voice comm and players playing solo.

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How do you know you're marked even? I've marked healers plenty of times and everyone still continues to ignore them, so i don't think it means anything.


Occasionally I'll have multiple people chase after me, but I'm DPS so if only healers get marked I'm obviously not going to be marked. If it's a premade they won't use marking at all most of the time and will just use vent or mumble.


And as long as the team is not stupid, everyone focus fires anyway, since that's the most effective technique in this game.

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Guys, I know it's a far-fetched dream, but maybe just maybe we could get pugs to stop breaking cc if we could mark our targets. I know it's crazy! But perhaps at least some of them can be trained!


It's just a pipe dream, sorry bro. Pugs can't even be trained to focus fire marked target, which by the way makes me wonder why folks QQ about markings so much - premades will just call targets on voice comms and pugs don't pay any attention to markings anyway.

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My premades would use marks with our CC if we could bind it and once again, I realize the majority of pugs won't do it, but some do. The ones who fail at it are hopeless, but there are some pugs out there that are trainable, they just need to run with people who know what they are doing. I want to reach out to each and every person in the latter category to make our pvp community as rich and fun as possible.
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My premades would use marks with our CC if we could bind it and once again, I realize the majority of pugs won't do it, but some do. The ones who fail at it are hopeless, but there are some pugs out there that are trainable, they just need to run with people who know what they are doing. I want to reach out to each and every person in the latter category to make our pvp community as rich and fun as possible.


I hear what you are saying, but it gets old. You try and try and try and no one listens. After a while you just give up. I would love it if there were more trainable people in WZ's but after so many MMO's where you run into the same problem you start to realize there is very little hope for PuG's. It's gonna get even worse when we get battlegroups. Then you will rarly see the same people twice and it is all out mania.

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And as long as the team is not stupid, everyone focus fires anyway, since that's the most effective technique in this game.


therein lies the problem sir.


Not all pugs are worthless. my biggest complaint in WZ (other than the WZ starting as a 6 v 8) is when a plan is called out before the start and only a few people listen. Example: Alderaan: (simple 2 left, rest mid tactic). 2 players have volunteered to go left. we start. 3 goes left and then 2 others go right, leaving 3 to take mid (and thats if we started with 8). teamwork and communication will win most WZ's (even though there is a thread against premades and using skill and coordination to surpass gear, it's quit funny)


IMO: Should targeting be in WZ? yes. Should you be able to keybind them? yes. Should the target remain after death? no Should they keep targeting in WZ if they ever add an ingame voice chat function**hint, hint devs**? no.

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In my experience as an ops leader (nearly every warzone i join), it does not matter who you mark, pugs will attack whoever is closest to them. Honestly I have tested this and even tried reverse phychology by marking tanks.


Try it yourself in a pug. Mark a tank and nobody will attack it lol. Reverse psychology works wonders! So next warzone you're an ops leader just mark all the people you DONT want to be attacked and watch as all the pugs destroy the unmarked healers!

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