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The Reason of Padme's Death is Stupid


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Yep. Killing her off because she "lost the will" is just stupid and lame. It's also pretty stupid that the advanced medical science and tech couldn't save her.

"Lost the will to live" was the medical droid's diagnosis? Give me a break.

Edited by billyboyjennings
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I think the stress of birthing plus the pressure of the Force choke from Vader just caused her to give up.


How about adding that Padme having just had her world and love crushed by the one person she actually loved? Padme just gave up (understandably) after seing no reason to go on.

Edited by evilharb
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As posters here have said sometimes even in r/l people lose the one they love and they just don't want to go on anymore.


Happen with my grandfather. My grandmother died at Christmas one year and 2 months later my grandfather was gone. No health problems, no heart disease nothing medically wrong. He just didn't want to go on without his wife and best friend.


So not so hard fetched or "lame".

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That Anakin's "connection" with her drained her of life force as he himself was saved by the cyborg implants, with the subtle impression that Palpatine was helping it along slightly. It was only her that kept him alive when he was crispified and that the whole effort of him staying alive was too much for her.


That's what I'm sticking to, anyway.

Edited by MyopicAardvark
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Anytime you have to look outside of a movie for possible reasons why somthing occured then it was not written very well.


IMO she should have died in a different manner but the last 30 mins or so of episode 3 felt pretty rushed.


I think the overall feel by fans is the episode 1 could have been scrapped or maybe broken down to encompass the begining only with some time change during the movie. Either way episode 1 should have ended with the clone wars and much old anakin.


episode 2 should deal more with the change of anakin to the darkside and by the end of episdoe 2 he is darth vader. Maybe the jedi could have done something that resulted in padme getting killed by the CIS and Anakin goes nuts and is obsessed with ending the war.


episode 3 should have been the conclusion of the clonewars and the extermination of the jedi.


Wasn't the Whole Clone wars cartoon series made to explain him turning to the dark side? i personally haven't watched it but thats what i though the whole purpose of it was, to show him becoming better friends with palpatine and turning a lot darker, but i still don't totally agree with that story line, i personally found episode 1 to be the best out of the three. and with padme's death, i don't think it's stupid, it's quite logical as other people have proved h.

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How about adding that Padme having just had her world and love crushed by the one person she actually loved? Padme just gave up (understandably) after seing no reason to go on.


Yea...having 2 new, desperately in need of you babies is no reason at all....

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She died because she wasn't in Episode IV, V, or VI. Its like George thought: "ah I should have Anakin become Vader and Force choke her to death." *After writing scene* "Oh **** I forgot to have her give birth, what to do, what to do... oh wait, I know!"


Looks about right.

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My great grandmother died 2 days after my great grandfather died of cancer. She was 100% healthy just 61 years old, never had a condition in her life. She simply said she didnt want to live without him and died in her sleep that night.


For all our science and technology sometimes theres things that they just cant explain or fix.


except your grandmother didn't die minutes after losing the love of her life.

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except your grandmother didn't die minutes after losing the love of her life.


Also, Padme wasn't a distressed old person dying alone. Padme was not only a heathly young woman, she also had access to highly advanced medical science & tech. It's ridiculous that her body just decides to shut down for no real reason. It's even more ridiculous that the advanced medical droids can't save her and pretty much shrug and say, "Don't know, must be magic!!"

Edited by billyboyjennings
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Also, Padme wasn't a distressed old person dying alone. Padme was not only a heathly young woman, she also had access to highly advanced medical science & tech. It's ridiculous that her body just decides to shut down for no real reason. It's even more ridiculous that the advanced medical droids can't save her and pretty much shrug and say, "Don't know, must be magic!!"



The Catalyst did it.


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Also, Padme wasn't a distressed old person dying alone. Padme was not only a heathly young woman, she also had access to highly advanced medical science & tech. It's ridiculous that her body just decides to shut down for no real reason. It's even more ridiculous that the advanced medical droids can't save her and pretty much shrug and say, "Don't know, must be magic!!"


How do you save someone with mental injures?...Theres no cure for certain types of things.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Also, Padme wasn't a distressed old person dying alone. Padme was not only a heathly young woman, she also had access to highly advanced medical science & tech. It's ridiculous that her body just decides to shut down for no real reason. It's even more ridiculous that the advanced medical droids can't save her and pretty much shrug and say, "Don't know, must be magic!!"


Sometimes when people lose someone they love they see no reason to go on. Age doesn't really matter in some cases. There have been instances where "young" people lose someone they love and they see no reason to go on and especially in instances when the one you love actually tries to kill you.


Unless you been in that situation you can't judge why someone would want to give up after someone they love tried to kill them. They may feel like they have no one to turn to and in Padme's case she may have felt she had no one to turn to considering they kept their marriage a secret.


For you it may seem lame or ridiculous but for others they might feel there's nothing left for them.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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A clear reason to go on was her two newborn children which she took the time to name before "losing the will". It also bothers me that no one close to her bothered to try to talk to her and ask her to stick around. Just one of many things in the prequels that don't feel right.
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"Medically, she's fine. The model of perfect health. Her throat is perfectly condensed, not like that open pipe most humans are forced to deal with, that forces air into her lungs to make them expand. But since her brainwaves show signs of sadness, that must be what's killing her."


Idiot droids.


I would buy death-by-broken-heart if she had lived with Anakin for MANY more years, and hadn't just given birth to two healthy children.

Edited by Darth_Vicente
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How do you save someone with mental injures?...Theres no cure for certain types of things.


Medication, therapy, counseling, etc. etc.


I'm sure a galaxy spanning society, one that is thousands of years more advanced than we are, has countless different treatments for people with emotional problems.

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Medication, therapy, counseling, etc. etc.


I'm sure a galaxy spanning society, one that is thousands of years more advanced than we are, has countless different treatments for people with emotional problems.


Even if they saved her....how would they know she wouldn't kill herself or die afterwards anyway?

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'will to live' is well and good, but ***, she just had 2 babies. Virtually every mother regards their child > themself. If they have to suffer so their child can have it better, then that's what's gonna happen.



I mean raising twins by yourself... yep how horrible... unless you're wealthy royalty and have your own planet basically... what a witch.

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Even if they saved her....how would they know she wouldn't kill herself or die afterwards anyway?


They wouldn't know for sure I guess.

It would actually make sense for her to die some time later. Deep depression and seclusion on Alderaan, which ultimately leads to her suicide. That is what happens when someone loses their will to live.

It would also explain how Leia had a few childhood memories of her mother.

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The argument of Leia talking about her mother in RotJ is not valid. No one really knows which mother she is really talking about - Padme Amidala or Breha Antilles-Organa

Wrong. The ENTIRE POINT of that exchange in Return of the Jedi is that Luke is asking Leia about THEIR mother. He never knew her, so he wants to know what Leia remembers about her. This assumes some facts not in evidence, like the fact that Leia being adopted was known by others as well as Leia, or at least by Luke (and one would assume Han), as well as the fact that Leia knew her mother for a time. Luke just had no real interest in learning about her mother before he found out they were related. Luke, Leia, and Han are all orphans, they didn't really know their parents (granted, Han's orphan status is only really dealt with in EU), but it could be a brief topic of conversation between them over the years since they met.


But those facts MUST be true even if not in evidence, because otherwise there's no reason for Luke to ask about her mom, and further specify her REAL mom. He wants to know about Padme, about his mother. If she's talking about Breha, the conversation is pointless.


That's the reason Padme's death is stupid: there was no need for it. A bit of rewriting and removing ONE scene in favor of an expanded version of another scene, and there wouldn't be a plot-hole there. Injured by Anakin, she could've been spirited away to the royal palace of Alderaan, disguised as a nursemaid or handmaiden to the Queen (she spent TWO FILMS disguising herself as someone of a lesser station... then it's just dropped completely for the finale? That's like showing a gun in Act I AND Act II and then the gun's just gone in Act III instead of being fired like it should be), and be able to be with her daughter all the while mourning all the things she lost: the Republic, her husband, her son. She could've died to 'broken heart syndrome' but done it in a more believable fashion, over years.


Her surviving in the Organa household wouldn't change Vader's reaction to Sidious telling Vader she was dead by his hand... all it'd do is substitute the Naboo funeral with that necklace Kid Ani gave her with a different Alderaanian scene where you see Bail deliver Leia to Breha, with handmaidens standing by in Alderaanian handmaiden garb, and you push in close and see that one is wearing that necklace, and it's Padme, and she's smiling at her daughter but gets a distant look and the smile fades and you think "Okay, she's alive, but she's crushed by all this grief". And that's that.

Edited by Toonimator
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My Mom committed suicide when I was nine. It wasn't that she didn't love me, it was just that she couldn't go on anymore. Hate to break it to you, but sometimes kids aren't the driving force they should be.


Anyway at some point in the EU it is explained that Leia had conjured up memories of her mother, or perhaps mis-attributed real memories to her. This happens all the time, it's like source amnesia. You forget the origin of a memory or an idea.


The reason Padme needed to die at the end of RotS was obviously because Lucas was hoping to create an irony effect. Anakin had the visions of her dying in childbirth so he turned to the Darkside and thus ended up killing her himself. Classic selling your soul for power that blows up in your face. Besides, his vision of Padme had to come true. It was only in the EU that visions didn't always come true. The movies were all about Destiny and future.

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