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The Reason of Padme's Death is Stupid


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She wasn't so badly injured, especially in SW universe they got much more advanced medical technology. How come she lost the will to live? She got 2 newborn children to take care of! The love of children is probably the strongest emotion of woman.


I understand that she must die because it's settled in the Original Trilogy, but simply let Vader's fury kill her or let Palpatine use the force would be a better way. Or let Obi Wan do it?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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She died because she wasn't in Episode IV, V, or VI. Its like George thought: "ah I should have Anakin become Vader and Force choke her to death." *After writing scene* "Oh **** I forgot to have her give birth, what to do, what to do... oh wait, I know!" Edited by Tuscad
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Plus I don't think going into labor helped much.


This. Also if it wasn't clear enough in the movie, the novel explains pretty well (and logically) that medical technology way out in Polis Massa was hardly comparable to what a pre-Imperial era Republic senator would have gotten on Coruscant.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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She died because she wasn't in Episode IV, V, or VI. Its like George thought: "ah I should have Anakin become Vader and Force choke her to death." *After writing scene* "Oh **** I forgot to have her give birth, what to do, what to do... oh wait, I know!"


This^ I do believe he wrote himself into a corner on that one and did the "died of a broken heart" cliche` because he couldn't think of anything better. lol

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This^ I do believe he wrote himself into a corner on that one and did the "died of a broken heart" cliche` because he couldn't think of anything better. lol


I would have liked that if this was a poem but alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.

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Its tacky, its stupid, I don't care if there is actually a basis in science for this, it was just annoying how they said "She's lost the will to live...".


Why? Weak heart? No Im guessing they meant because Annakin has lost it. So she's in such grief that she basically decides to let herself die at the very moment she gives birth to children that desperately need a parent... hmm.


Just kill the woman please, that'd be better. Make Annakin throw her into a wall or something, she's hurt badly, emergency Jedi baby delivery, lightsaber C Section, Obi Wan MD, super neato.


Whatever, I don't know why I bother writing anything in these threads. I always get trolled by the true believers in the end anyway.

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Plus I don't think going into labor helped much.


problem is that takes a long time to kill someone and it is treatable.



More notably when that happens there is something physically wrong with you. The medical droid said there is nothing wrong with her.



Plus it doesn't fit her character. For all three of the movies George Lucas made her out to be a very indipendant and strong female character. Then all of a sudden in the last 5 mins she can't live with out her man.


It's on the level of making Captain Jack Sparrow able to talk normal and not be able to live with out Will Turner. Yes I said Will Turner.



Plus then you get into the fact that there was NO REASON to really kill her. She could have just as easily changed her name to Organa and lived in hiding on Alderan.

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because it was written by Lucas who hwas thinking of the 4 year olds watching the movie and how they wouldn't understand a detailed reason.


I say 4 because my 5 year old nephew saw it and said "those robots are stupid. she is obviously mentally traumatized but she can get better with time." he watches a lot of TV.



I just told him, 'space magic, buddy.'

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It is because Padme, in the end, was selfish. She couldn't have her man and kids be darned if she didn't get to keep her man then she would rather be dead. Who cares what happened to her kids. She wanted her Jedi.


At least, that was what I took from it lol.

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My great grandmother died 2 days after my great grandfather died of cancer. She was 100% healthy just 61 years old, never had a condition in her life. She simply said she didnt want to live without him and died in her sleep that night.


For all our science and technology sometimes theres things that they just cant explain or fix.

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The problem with the whole PT is that certain things HAD TO HAPPEN because if they did not then the "history" of the OT would be broken.


Padme had to be out of the picture in order for Luke and Leia to be sent to their foster/adoptive parents. Having Padme live (in exile or whatever) was not an option again because of OT and EU "history". So she died of a broken heart. Not the best writing but I can accept it.


Like the poster above me, my grandmother died of Alzheimers and my grandfather died a reasonably healthy man shortly thereafter because he did not feel like living anymore.

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The problem with the whole PT is that certain things HAD TO HAPPEN because if they did not then the "history" of the OT would be broken.


Padme had to be out of the picture in order for Luke and Leia to be sent to their foster/adoptive parents. Having Padme live (in exile or whatever) was not an option again because of OT and EU "history". So she died of a broken heart. Not the best writing but I can accept it.


Except that is wrong. In the OT, Leia lived with her real mother when she was very young. There is a WHOLE SCENE about it in RotJ. So the whole 'Padme dying of a broken heart right after giving birth' thing already breaks continuity.

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Anytime you have to look outside of a movie for possible reasons why somthing occured then it was not written very well.


IMO she should have died in a different manner but the last 30 mins or so of episode 3 felt pretty rushed.


I think the overall feel by fans is the episode 1 could have been scrapped or maybe broken down to encompass the begining only with some time change during the movie. Either way episode 1 should have ended with the clone wars and much old anakin.


episode 2 should deal more with the change of anakin to the darkside and by the end of episdoe 2 he is darth vader. Maybe the jedi could have done something that resulted in padme getting killed by the CIS and Anakin goes nuts and is obsessed with ending the war.


episode 3 should have been the conclusion of the clonewars and the extermination of the jedi.

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Anytime you have to look outside of a movie for possible reasons why somthing occured then it was not written very well.


IMO she should have died in a different manner but the last 30 mins or so of episode 3 felt pretty rushed.


I think the overall feel by fans is the episode 1 could have been scrapped or maybe broken down to encompass the begining only with some time change during the movie. Either way episode 1 should have ended with the clone wars and much old anakin.


episode 2 should deal more with the change of anakin to the darkside and by the end of episdoe 2 he is darth vader. Maybe the jedi could have done something that resulted in padme getting killed by the CIS and Anakin goes nuts and is obsessed with ending the war.


episode 3 should have been the conclusion of the clonewars and the extermination of the jedi.


Your ideas of the timeline is much better then the mess we got from Lucas.

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The argument of Leia talking about her mother in RotJ is not valid. No one really knows which mother she is really talking about - Padme Amidala or Breha Antilles-Organa


The whole who Leia was raised by is a huge mess. No writers can patch up that plot hole Lucas dug himself in.

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She wasn't so badly injured, especially in SW universe they got much more advanced medical technology. How come she lost the will to live? She got 2 newborn children to take care of! The love of children is probably the strongest emotion of woman.


I understand that she must die because it's settled in the Original Trilogy, but simply let Vader's fury kill her or let Palpatine use the force would be a better way. Or let Obi Wan do it?


Yeah, I think GL adding in the line about dying of a broken heart was among the worst things in the prequel trilogy. But I could see how the injury from being force choked then the stress of giving birth to twins, especially if there were complications from being choked then thrown to the ground, could be fatal to the mother. My biggest issue though is that her death during childbirth contradicts what Leia says in RotJ when she mentions remembering her mother. I guess she could be (or is) talking about her foster mother but that too I think just reinforces the idea that GL blew the scene.

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Yeah, I think GL adding in the line about dying of a broken heart was among the worst things in the prequel trilogy. But I could see how the injury from being force choked then the stress of giving birth to twins, especially if there were complications from being choked then thrown to the ground, could be fatal to the mother. My biggest issue though is that her death during childbirth contradicts what Leia says in RotJ when she mentions remembering her mother. I guess she could be (or is) talking about her foster mother but that too I think just reinforces the idea that GL blew the scene.


It will definitely be entertaining to find out how they fill in this plot hole. :)


Breha's death has always been ambiguous. Most believe she died with Alderaan.


Padme died in childbirth, as we now know. No way Leia could have a memory of her.


Now, I believe that even though it's never been confirmed, Breha died shortly after they adopted Leia. Maybe about 4 or 5 years when Leia's memory would still be vague enough to remember her, but not very well. It would make sense, and it would also make sense that Leia would remember her as her real mother. Now, if Bail remarried after her death, then Leia would have seen his new wife as her step-mother.


Ah, crap. I just did George's job for him. You're welcome, George! :p

Edited by Captain_Zone
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It will definitely be entertaining to find out how they fill in this plot hole. :)


Breha's death has always been ambiguous. Most believe she died with Alderaan.


Padme died in childbirth, as we now know. No way Leia could have a memory of her.


Now, I believe that even though it's never been confirmed, Breha died shortly after they adopted Leia. Maybe about 4 or 5 years when Leia's memory would still be vague enough to remember her, but not very well. It would make sense, and it would also make sense that Leia would remember her as her real mother. Now, if Bail remarried after her death, then Leia would have seen his new wife as her step-mother.


Ah, crap. I just did George's job for him. You're welcome, George! :p


Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turned out GL was really one of the users on the forum?

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My great grandmother died 2 days after my great grandfather died of cancer. She was 100% healthy just 61 years old, never had a condition in her life. She simply said she didnt want to live without him and died in her sleep that night.


For all our science and technology sometimes theres things that they just cant explain or fix.








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