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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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lol be careful... i got a warning for calling someone a troll once. i swear BW's priorities are astounding lol


Then perhaps you shouldn't call people names and should read the rules of conduct of the forum?


Given that your bog-standard forum moderator is just that, a forum moderator and not a dev, what should the forum mods be spending their time on which is more important than moderating the forum?

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We've gone against each other 4man premades and sometimes if someone needs a quick win to finish daily, we'll throw the match. Otherwise it's smack talking each other all in good fun.


If your guildies can't take it, tell em to grow a thicker skin. It is just a game. I love in faction pvp.

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Then perhaps you shouldn't call people names and should read the rules of conduct of the forum?


Given that your bog-standard forum moderator is just that, a forum moderator and not a dev, what should the forum mods be spending their time on which is more important than moderating the forum?


i was talking about in terms of moderation. perhaps censoring TROLOLOLOLOLOL should not be as big a priority as it is.

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i was talking about in terms of moderation. perhaps censoring TROLOLOLOLOLOL should not be as big a priority as it is.


Again, what is higher priority for a forum mod (who is not a dev and doesn't work on the game at all) than moderating the forums according to the forum rules?


If you have a valid point I'll concede it, but you haven't provided one yet.

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If I could vote, it would be NO more same faction maps, and NO cross server queuing


Is there really that many people that would rather fight their own faction to get their dailies done, Im on the Republic side I never get my dailies done cause we lose all the time, so i don't want to hear a bunch of imps QQ'ing they're not getting theirs. I don't want to fight my own faction. Its lore breaking, I don't care what kind of lame story the want to use to justify it. Lucas made some stupid errors in his movies, but you never saw a bunch of jedis on both sides killing each other playing huttball. its getting to where seeing someone with a lightsaber is the only thing that reminds you that you're playing a Star Wars game


Cross Server Queuing is just going to make the imbalance even worse. I stuck it out on a overpopulated server and endured the hour long queues just to get in, so I wouldn't have to wait forever to pvp, and so i would have a bunch of Reps to play with. And now I got to divide up my queue times, my Republic buddies, lose my community, and let the empire heavy servers have them. No thanks


Ilum is dead on my server, because of all the "Im not getting my daily done" QQ'ing. Lets go ahead and F'up the rest of it for the low pop servers. I can already hear it Bioware "why are all the high pop servers going dead now?"

Edited by -Ransome-
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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


On our server, we have a lot, although it is Empire vs Empire.


I have seen other guilds on our server deal with the problem by having one group click "leave warzone" and wait, then re-queue.


My guild like yours, but smaller. We VERY RARELY have more than 4 people queueing, but it happens. Our guys react differently than yours, however. We stay in Mumble, in the same channel, and laugh and laugh as we try to kill each other. Objectives go out the window. These games are a lot of fun for us. But hey, to each his own.

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Same faction PvP is good for SWTOR PvP. However it is where you find out who the truly great PvPers are for your faction. That knowledge can have a devastating impact upon a guildie. Edited by Ewgal
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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


You are pissing in the wind. Scott Hartsman is the "genius" that went full-bore on this in Rift - you not only have same-faction but you can end up on the other faction's team as well.


If that comes here, I'm gone. And no amount of arm-chair psycho analysis by my "betters" is going to convince me otherwise. Fun is not quantifiable. To many, fun means short queues. To others, fun is a bit more complicated.

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We've gone against each other 4man premades and sometimes if someone needs a quick win to finish daily, we'll throw the match. Otherwise it's smack talking each other all in good fun.


this kind of behaviour is an acceptable reason for why mixed faction warzones arent a great idea. the OPs isnt.


throwing matches to help guildies on the other team should result in a ban for both the players that threw the match and those of the same guild that benefited from it.

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