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Favorite planet/Storyline?


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Curious about player's favorite storylines and why... (planetary, not CLASS quest...)


SPOILER FREE but I tend to love playing the Sith/Belsavis storyline (main one, dread masters...etc) over each planet storyline in the game so far....


I have to say however, I've leveled four 50s through the Sith side, and am currently working on 4 Republics that have yet to see Belsavis. so I don't have a frame of reference on the 'Pub side.


What are some of yours?

Edited by StoneGaijin
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Haven't done enough stories to really reply on that. I have enjoyed the Bounty Hunter and Jedi Consular stories so far. They are very different though.


As for planets:


I like almost all of them. I particularly like Voss, but I think it just seems slightly different to me than the others.


The one I don't care for is Taris. It is probably one that others would love, but it is just not my cup of tea.

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Imperial Agent storyline

Why? Because I'm into that kind of thing. Has a lot of twists and espionage.


Planet so far - Dromund Kaas

Probably because it has the dark, bleak, and high-tech look that you would expect from the Empire.

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Imperial Agent storyline

Why? Because I'm into that kind of thing. Has a lot of twists and espionage.


Planet so far - Dromund Kaas

Probably because it has the dark, bleak, and high-tech look that you would expect from the Empire.


Oh, and Alderaan comes in a close second... It's a very beautiful planet :)

.....minus all the giant bugs walking around...

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I liked Balmorra, actually. Because the war seems very REAL on that planet. Loads of Soldiers there, doing Soldier stuff. I was able to relate to it, how and why it was laid out the way it was, and what the objectives really were. It was fun. I'll admit, though, I didn't like all the lifts on Balmorra.


I liked Taris on the Republic side but hated it on the Imperial side. Couldn't stand Thana Vesh and the multitude of Imperial characters who did truly atrocious things. I know the Imps were there to demoralize and otherwise ruin the Republic's efforts, but it seemed like every Imperial scientist and/or soldier there was a friggin' loon.


Belsavis on the Imperial side is pure awesomeness, with the Dread Master story line. Watching them turn around and kill the natives trying to use their power was just ... awesome. Liked it best on my BH, I think. She smart-talked them and got force-choked for it, only to be told she'd impressed them. The dialogue was just epic. The planet wasn't so good for my Republic smuggler, was just long.


Correllia was great, too, for both my Imp and Pub characters. I just enjoyed the entire story line, there. The class stories were a wonderful compliment to the planet stories, even. Just flowed really really well.


Note: that's just me and my opinion.

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I liked Balmorra, actually. Because the war seems very REAL on that planet. Loads of Soldiers there, doing Soldier stuff. I was able to relate to it, how and why it was laid out the way it was, and what the objectives really were. It was fun. I'll admit, though, I didn't like all the lifts on Balmorra.


I liked Taris on the Republic side but hated it on the Imperial side. Couldn't stand Thana Vesh and the multitude of Imperial characters who did truly atrocious things. I know the Imps were there to demoralize and otherwise ruin the Republic's efforts, but it seemed like every Imperial scientist and/or soldier there was a friggin' loon.


Belsavis on the Imperial side is pure awesomeness, with the Dread Master story line. Watching them turn around and kill the natives trying to use their power was just ... awesome. Liked it best on my BH, I think. She smart-talked them and got force-choked for it, only to be told she'd impressed them. The dialogue was just epic. The planet wasn't so good for my Republic smuggler, was just long.


Correllia was great, too, for both my Imp and Pub characters. I just enjoyed the entire story line, there. The class stories were a wonderful compliment to the planet stories, even. Just flowed really really well.


Note: that's just me and my opinion.



awesome reply, thank you... yeah, these are the opinions I was asking for.

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I'm just going to comment on the Planets, as this is the only part of the game where I've "seen it all".



So as far as the planets go - scenery is a VERY important aspect for me.


If the planet doesn't look convincing, hard to get into the story/quests...


With that said, it is BLATENTLY obvious that planets had their own dev team (some made by the same dev team) as some were very well made and convincing and realistic looking, where others looked like carved out mazes.


Best planet scenery - Hoth, hands down.

Worst - Balmorra, hands down. The rock columns just looked like play-doh or something.


As for which was the most fum to play? I'd have to say Corellia.

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Class Stories... I have yet to play one I have not really enjoyed, so I cant say, because I have enjoyed every single one I have played so far


Planet Alderaan, there was something about playing that on the Republic side that I got into, the houses, the conflicts the intrigue


very well done

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Bounty Hunter (Whole thing!)- Tatooine class story and end of chptr 2 storyline were th ehighlights for me.


Trooper - End of Chptr 3 story line + all Jaxo parts



Republic Tatooine planet Quest (Czerka)


Corriellia (both factions) would be my 2nd choice.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't really have a favorite but i do have a least favorite which is :mad:Coruscant:mad: although all of the quest are alright all of its ares seem to be to enclosed like there is just one way to go and nothing to explore plus having to take the taxi every where is ridiculous.
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