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Valdis?? How the hell do I beat him? (not a spoiler)


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Use call on the force and some med-packs. I was a Gaurdian around your level and found the hardest part being keeping his attention on me. I ended up kitting him around the ship by pulling agro and running away while Kira force leapt and battered him into submission. If you don't have the health use some abilities that pull agro between part members and use the force kick(?) ability that interrupts his channeled attacks.


PS this guys a push over compared to Angral, you'll need force stasis, force push, and kick just to have a chance.

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Took me a couple of tries, but only because the first two tries I attempted him I had major lag spikes right at the start which screwed me over. I was level 27 though and even then, I barely killed him. You have to use both your interupt and Stasis as a second interupt, then just outlast him. I didn't use any medkits or anything like that though. Good luck!
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.....I read this thread before I got to Valis and thought that Jedi Knights would suck. I also thought they sucked due to PvPing with them and not knowing what to do until I read a few other threads.


You guys are bad, seriously, I downed him on my first try using basic rotations and timing the damage reduction CDs with Force Statis. It really wasn't that bad. Gotta stop reading forums. I nearly rerolled reading these threads.

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.....I read this thread before I got to Valis and thought that Jedi Knights would suck. I also thought they sucked due to PvPing with them and not knowing what to do until I read a few other threads.


You guys are bad, seriously, I downed him on my first try using basic rotations and timing the damage reduction CDs with Force Statis. It really wasn't that bad. Gotta stop reading forums. I nearly rerolled reading these threads.


Fact: on MMO forums bad players are nothing but doomsayers they QQ constantly how everything is broken, yet in reality they just are bad and seem to think because they are full of fail that everyone else is a bad as they are.

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The simple fact is that you need to learn from your mistakes. You need to learn to utilize interrupts to stop enemy inductions, you need to learn to upgrade your gear as best you're able (all the time, it's a treadmill), you need to learn to purchase the best possible consumables... and you need to learn how to put your skills together in a significantly beneficial rotation.


For those looking for some inspiration, this video helps (was mentioned before):


Watch this video closely during the fight (last three minutes, roughly).




First thing to notice is to watch Valis' life bar. Note when the Blue bar begins to progress below it: that's him using a channeled skill that you can interrupt.


Second thing you'll notice is that Force Stasis was never used.


There are several mistakes that the player actually makes, yet still succeeds at level 24:


No Stim, Endurance or otherwise, is applied during the entire time. This is certainly simple to change -- stab yourself with a needle of any description and you're already money ahead.


The entire battle, you'll notice, lasts only 60 seconds. Saber Ward should have been popped with the initial aggro, followed immediately by Call on the Force which would have set up a Heal over Time for the entire duration of the fight on both the player and Kira, not to mention reset Saber Ward instantly for another use.


When Kira had reached roughly 30% of her health, the player should have Taunted Valis back onto the player character. Yes, you'll be taking damage instead of Kira, but Kira constitutes a very large portion of your total DPS output as a Team -- Keeping her up allows you to put more damage onto Valis. This is a DPS race, more or less... and keeping Kira alive and swinging is important.


The choice of stance (Shii-cho) is questionable. At level 24 a Guardian would have access to Soresu since forever, and even Shien if they were 11 points into the Vigilance tree. A Sentinel would have the option of either Juyo or possibly even Ataru.


The player seems to insist on doing their AOE Sweep when a more damaging single-target skill is available and off cooldown. One could chalk this up to the stress of the situation. However, if you're playing this particular battle, please do remember that he's a single target.


They did, however, do a wonderful job of using Interrupts (both from Force Kick and from Force Leap) and used a top-of-the-line healing consumable.




TLDR; Go back and read.


Further, when you fail, stop and think about what ELSE you could try, rather than continuing to run full-bore into a brick wall and wonder why it continues to fail.


Hopefully this helps and somehow avoids the bruised egos of some rather tender-skinned individuals that have posted earlier.

Edited by Thandellon
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This thread is actully making me want to play a JK more :D.

Love that there is some challangeing stuff in the game, i mean making everything easy so everyone can beat it without a problem is just making players worse.. look at WoW now, or some new single player RPGs/puzzle games and then compare it to some old games pre "Spoon fed gamer era" Where you actully had to think and maybe use some trial and error.


*Glares @you Ozma from ffix*

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Valis really ticked me off. The way to beat him is to interrupt his "Energy Blast" ability before he force waves you a mile away. Since I have a 3 year old notebook I was getting 3 second lag. So this took me 5 times before I was able to interrupt one of his energy blasts praying that I used my interrupt at the right time. Thankfully, I did and was able to defeat him barely with 8% health left. But if you don't have lag like me you have about a 1.5 - 2 second window to interrupt before it's too late.
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On all these "hard bosses" that ARE suppossed to give us a challenge, (whats the point otherwise?) and all other elites, im doing it like this on every elite and boss i try solo:


1 - Send in first the companion to take the hit/aggro.


2 - pop call to arms (or w8 untill you taunt him off of your companion) and jump in the fight.


3 - cancel its abilities when they are channeling them, usually 3-4 skills that can do that.


4 - taunt the boss off of your companion when he/she has like 30% left and get ur

defensive shields/skills up. (ull need the extra dmg output from ur companion so dont let it die)


5 - use best hp stim you have at about 50%hp - you never know what hits you.


6 - Not dead yet? Do it again - Do it right!!


ps: try being 1 or 2 levels higher, it helps.. or just BAF!!!! (Bring A Friend)

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I don't know what specs you guys use but I am specced full vigilance with DPS Stance and use Kira.

Met this guy at 25 and beat him on the first try.


Have a medpack ready and leap in. Gives you 4 seconds of immunity to CC and 20% defense bonus. After 4 seconds, put saber ward up (I get the talent that makes the first 2 seconds 100% defense rating) and right after that, pop Call on the force to get the regen bonus and reset your CD on Saber Ward.

Make sure you stand somewhere where you can be pushed away a fair but, so when he does, you can pop Force Leap again for the bonus defense.

Use Med Pack and Saber Ward when needed and done.


On my try, Kira died and I had well over half my HP left.


To be honest. I have met quest elites and strong mobs that are a lot harder to beat than this guy.

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For my part, I was level 27 and took two tries to beat him. The first, I was completely not thinking about the fight, merely the storyline and then "wow, that force push is kind of nasty". I think my next thought was, "Oh, this is the guy the forums said was a pain in the *****". So because my mind wasn't on the fight, I lost it.


On the second try, sending in Kira first and then managing my interrupts and the like, I think I beat him inside of a minute, or maybe just over. I have found that to be the case with most bosses; it all comes down to management and paying attention.

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Make sure you are decently geared prior to fighting him. People keep saying interrupt his channels, but he has so many the only one to worry about is the one that pushes ya back and does massive damage. Took 2 or 3 tries for me, but Im at my inlaws using my wifes HP laptop. Getting 8-12 fps so slow motion fights are kinda becoming my thing.
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I've died 20 times on this guy and I'm level 26.


The teenaged boys in this thread (I don't know if it's trolling or some kind of hormonal brain cyst) are some of the worst humanity the Internet has to offer. If later bosses are "much" harder than this guy, this will be the most difficult RPG I've ever played, MMO or not. Nothing was this difficult in any Bioware game ever, Fallout, Skyrim or anything.


It's kind of cool it's a difficult game--I'm not necessarily saying it's horrible design, except insofar as it necessitates doing every side quest before this point to level up, which is actually terrible game design. Except it's irrelevant for me, since I've done almost every sidequest and piece of heroic content, and flashpoint (all of which gave me less trouble.) I still can't beat the guy.


The most useful advice in this thread I've found is "stand in front of the boxes," which sounds like an exploit, more or less, not a tactic.


I have a hard time interrupting anything because he forcepushes me and hurls me across the room. I'm lucky if I can get off a few attacks, much less coordinated interrupts. I'm not in the habit of "sending Kira in first" (I don't control my companions much) but I'll try that, apparently some people aren't having too much trouble with this.


I'd team up, but this boss is so far out of the way, it's not casually viable.

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I'm not in the habit of "sending Kira in first" (I don't control my companions much) but I'll try that, apparently some people aren't having too much trouble with this.


This helps a lot actually, as she draws that nasty attention that is not letting you interrupt him. Force Push & Force Kick are your friends in this fight. Just time them right and it is easier than it looks. Send in Kira, Force Leep in, Saber Ward, Call on the Force and then interrupts and the like. Once Kira is at about 50% health, that's when I taunt him to get his attention so she doesn't drop.

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If you're having trouble with any encounter that you should be able to beat (read: class story bosses that should be solo-able), here are a few tips that have worked well for me so far.


1. Use medpacs and stims. If a fight is close, a medpac saves your life and you win. A stim to boost your health or damage is not insignificant.


2. Let your companion take a good chunk of damage before jumping in. Have your companion attack first and do as much damage as possible, then when they're a bit low on health, jump in, taunt and grab aggro. You'll basically have a head start on the fight. It also allows them to "suck up" the initial hit or two of the boss' specials such as knockbacks or stuns.


3. Use your defensive skills. Use Saber Ward, use Call on the Force, then use Saber Ward again. No reason not to blow cooldowns every time they're up when you're trying to beat a tough story boss.


4. Interrupt! Save your force kick, force stasis, force push, anything that stuns or stops casting (assuming the target is not immune to the particular skill). If the boss has a big skill with a cast time, watch for that cast bar and break it as much as possible.


5. Use different companions (if available). Honestly I've had the easiest time just using my highest DPS companions since I'm pure defense spec and I can take the hits / need the extra damage, but every spec is going to require some different help depending on the encounter.


6. If all else fails... level up. Seriously, even 1 more level can sometimes make the difference. I've gotten ahead of myself on class quests a few times now.


I beat this boss on my second attempt at level 24. I didn't use any of the "stand in front of the box" tricks or anything, just straight up fighting. When you get knocked back, leap immediately back in as soon as you can. I'm not saying this to imply that you suck if you can't do it, just to illustrate that it's doable.


I also realize that some of these are very obvious tips, but not everybody uses them. I hope it helps somebody.

Edited by vindianajones
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Thanks for the tips.


I haven't died 20 times on anything, in any game like this, in years (and this is a bottleneck moment, blocking the progression of your character and more game content.) I started playing as a Sith Inquisitor, and now I'm enjoying that more.


Forget nerfing. I know they want the stories to have climactic moments and battles, and a boss should be hard, but I can definitely say a boss like this should not be "bottlenecking," and all the truly hard bosses I've faced are bottlenecking. I.E., I'd go to Tatooine but all the quests are blocked until I beat this fellow.


Why can't I take non-main-story related sidequests on Tatooine?


According to this thread, there's people 1/1ing this boss, though, and I've never played a hotkey-style MMO, so maybe I suck. Additional caveat: I was so incompetent for most of my boss fights with this guy, I had several skills not-unlocked (though they're not skills particularly useful to him, and I was definitely attempting to interrupt with force kick and stasis, and still dying reliably.)

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Just another in a long line of r e t a r d e d l y difficult boss "fights".


It just seems (this as well as others) unnecessarly difficult. I am playing the game to enjoy it, not come to the forums to read up on how to beat a particular encounter.


Honestly, this is the worst kind of attitude. Not only does it show you are lazy, but that you are unappreciative of bioware making an MMO that isn't completely faceroll. I hope everyone ignores this kind of whining, and that these boss encounters whip you up into a better player.

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I've died 20 times on this guy and I'm level 26.


The teenaged boys in this thread (I don't know if it's trolling or some kind of hormonal brain cyst) are some of the worst humanity the Internet has to offer. If later bosses are "much" harder than this guy, this will be the most difficult RPG I've ever played, MMO or not. Nothing was this difficult in any Bioware game ever, Fallout, Skyrim or anything.


It's kind of cool it's a difficult game--I'm not necessarily saying it's horrible design, except insofar as it necessitates doing every side quest before this point to level up, which is actually terrible game design. Except it's irrelevant for me, since I've done almost every sidequest and piece of heroic content, and flashpoint (all of which gave me less trouble.) I still can't beat the guy.


The most useful advice in this thread I've found is "stand in front of the boxes," which sounds like an exploit, more or less, not a tactic.


I have a hard time interrupting anything because he forcepushes me and hurls me across the room. I'm lucky if I can get off a few attacks, much less coordinated interrupts. I'm not in the habit of "sending Kira in first" (I don't control my companions much) but I'll try that, apparently some people aren't having too much trouble with this.


I'd team up, but this boss is so far out of the way, it's not casually viable.


I would love to address this painfully ignorant post. First, accusing people that aren't having your difficulty as a teenage troll with a brain cyst is dumb, offensive, and lazy. Just because you're terrible doesn't mean we're all trolls. Or have brain cysts. Leave the attitude at home.


If you're level 26 and can't beat this boss, you should be happy that Bioware has created a game that tests your limit as a gamer.


Standing in front of the boxes is not an exploit. I didn't need to utilize this tactic to beat Valdis, but I really doubt this is an exploit. Why would mitigating the distance of his force push be an abuse of game mechanics?


Finally, I just don't believe you've done every heroic, side quest, and other game paths- only to fail on this guy. Clearly you haven't because I can tell you, there are much harder bosses between Taris and Valdis.


Stop being needlessly insulting and learn to play the game.

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Make sure all of your equipment is up to date. Mods should be at least lvl 16-20.


Also helps to have kira updated too. any items that are not current level, purchase from the exchange.


If nothing else, make sure your saber hilt/hilts are the best level you can get.


I had just updated all of my equipment as a level 25 and the fight was trivial.

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if you died to this boss don't fret. Simply make sure that all your cool downs are available and apply an endurance stim. If you don't have one, buy one from the medical droid in the next room. Then go back to the boss room and run around his ship and make sure you don't aggro him. You will now be on his right side by a bunch of boxes and what not. Force leap to pull him and then put your back to the crate. The boss will not be able to knock you back and after every knock back make sure to interrupt his huge attack with force kick. Pop your saberward shortly into the fight and then pop your call on the force. Then you want to pop saberward once the initial one has dropped off. Then just whittle him down and you will be good to go. If you find yourself low on health then use a health pack. I wish you guys luck.


worked for me thank u so much!!!!

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I would love to address this painfully ignorant post. First, accusing people that aren't having your difficulty as a teenage troll with a brain cyst is dumb, offensive, and lazy. Just because you're terrible doesn't mean we're all trolls. Or have brain cysts. Leave the attitude at home.


If you're level 26 and can't beat this boss, you should be happy that Bioware has created a game that tests your limit as a gamer.


Standing in front of the boxes is not an exploit. I didn't need to utilize this tactic to beat Valdis, but I really doubt this is an exploit. Why would mitigating the distance of his force push be an abuse of game mechanics?


Finally, I just don't believe you've done every heroic, side quest, and other game paths- only to fail on this guy. Clearly you haven't because I can tell you, there are much harder bosses between Taris and Valdis.


Stop being needlessly insulting and learn to play the game.



This is probably the best post in this tread.


it's people like the guy you quoted that get games destroyed. "This is too hard, this is impossible, this is dumb, should be easier"


So in support of Negotiate: If you see how many people replied that they killed the boss, some even mention easy and up to 2 levels lower than you were, the problem clearly isn't game design.

I'll let you guess where the problem really lies instead.

Edited by stevesetoe
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