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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many people are waiting on 1.2 to return to this game?


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Impatient and overeact much? Funny how you go from playing 24/7 to not playing at all.


You subscribe if you want to play, you dont if you dont. Its not a tool to blackmail the developer. They arent going to change the game at the tune of your sub.


What about at the tune of several hundred subs resonating at the same frequency?

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I'm disappointed that SWTOR has borrowed so much from WoW as I find WoW to be the special olympics of gaming experiences.


I also dislike gear rating as it excludes me from joining the hard Mode flash-points. It would be nice if we could solo flash-points but I understand that this is a MMO not single player.


I agree with a lot of what you mentioned but the fact is that a raider in WoW can pretty much Raid anywhere else but not vice-versa because to raid in WoW you really have to be sharp and know what you are doing. In SWTOR raids are laughable compared to WoW, you can tell a bad player in WoW but they blend in in SWTOR.

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I was waiting, until I saw the Legacy system was terrible. So now I'm waiting for April 10th to throw money at ArenaNet.


I'm afraid Guild Wars 2 definitly wont be coming on april 10 and most probably wont come out until the summer or fall.


We all know how much people QQ wether this game is alot or not enough like WoW. The game proved itself, and its here to stay for a very long time.

It is the most fun MMO in the market and everyone will realise that with time. Even the haters.

Edited by Nemmar
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I called it the golden patch because BW is selling it that way. I also said I love the game and want it to succeed, but my server is slow. Sometimes even what I'd call dead. As in there is no pvp or FPs runs to participate in.


It doesn't matter how much someone enjoys the game, an MMO without people isn't worth playing. Im hoping 1.2 brings the people back.


Show me the link where Bioware called this the golden patch. Yeah, there isn't one. Players are hyping the patch up; those doing so are only going to disappoint themselves again.


Bioware has only ever explained how the things they are adding/fixing are going to work; this is not hype, it's information.

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Set what up correctly? :confused:


As for WoW being a better game ... to each their own. TOR isnt perfect but I for one cannot stand to play that game for more than 10 minutes anymore.


Just pay no attention to him. His pet class got a nerf and it hurt his feelings.

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I also dislike gear rating as it excludes me from joining the hard Mode flash-points. It would be nice if we could solo flash-points but I understand that this is a MMO not single player.


Dude, it seriously takes ONE "normal" mode Operation to gear up. ONE! If you can't find the time or people to do ONE normal mode, why would you think you could attempt hard?! It doesn't "exclude" you...you've just not taken the initiative to get your gear.

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Dude, it seriously takes ONE "normal" mode Operation to gear up. ONE! If you can't find the time or people to do ONE normal mode, why would you think you could attempt hard?! It doesn't "exclude" you...you've just not taken the initiative to get your gear.


Not in my experience, I've been kicked from several Hard-mode because I don't have full column or rakata gear. It's a bit disconcerting.


I know the obvious solution is to join a guild, however I'm a casual player, guilds really aren't my thing. I like to play at my leisure.


And being excluded from hard-mode for not having gear is still exclusion. I just assume Hard-mode has to do more with player ability and team strategy than it does armor rating. I played WoW for a month so I'm not sure how gear dependent WoWclones are.

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I've been subbed since launch, and have played all kinds of mmos, from eq all the way to ff11 wow,sto, and free to play in between. BW did a great job on the game, and its still in its infancy. I will continue to sub and throw money at them to keep the game going. I'm a star wars fan, so what ever. When I started the game and knew from playing previous mmos that leveling to cap with in the first year is crazy,, new mmos need time to grow and adjust to the player base, I play super casual, which I think any new game is really meant to played.


Sure they jumped the gun a tad with the added servers, but people were waiting to get in, and they wanted to keep paying customers happy, so they could log in. Now that its died back down, they will merge sometime.


The fps issue needs fixed, alot of my friends have this problem also. I can run anything, and still some issues.


The quest system needs adjusted, They need more weapons and weapon types. All these things take time.


Star Wars fans will keep this game up, just like Star Trek fans kept STO alive, and its free now, but doing really well.


Just takes time

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Not in my experience, I've been kicked from several Hard-mode because I don't have full column or rakata gear. It's a bit disconcerting.


I know the obvious solution is to join a guild, however I'm a casual player, guilds really aren't my thing. I like to play at my leisure.


And being excluded from hard-mode for not having gear is still exclusion. I just assume Hard-mode has to do more with player ability and team strategy than it does armor rating. I played WoW for a month so I'm not sure how gear dependent WoWclones are.


...and you would be wrong. In SWTOR your gear has a tremendous effect on your performance, like it or not.

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Yes, as many people have said, Cross-Realm Queuing on all aspects is the only thing that will save this game, but others have just as much importance;


* The servers are too small. $15 x 1mill a month, and you can't upgrade hardware? Go talk to CCP that run ONE server for their entire gaming population. You don't have to go that far, but anything is better than what you have. 1 day after the asia-pacific launch, and your servers were red. So how are you going to attract new customers who can't even login?

I remember playing the trial version of WoW, back in the day when they had the same servers you do now. Trial accounts would go into a queue, but constantly get bumped down the time-line by paying players. Real dumb way to attract new clients, don't you think?


* Cross-realm interaction is a must. You are going to kill this game putting this subject on the second shelf. It should be the priority above anything else. FFS, if you don't know how to do it, go spend a day down at Blizzards office, and ask. I'm sure they'll do it for a large fee. If that doesn't work, just bribe one of their under-paid staff to spill the beans. Go one step further with this one and introduce cross-realm GTN too. You can do it!


*The content is too easy. But, what choice did you have without the former statement being true? With no players to group with, of course you had to make 90% of the content solo-able. Otherwise the battle would have been lost ages ago.


*And you should have choices in the pvp, and if it was cross-realm, you wouldn't have to squash all the levels together just to fill the rooms. That stupid buff you got is a joke. Where's my ability to twink? You're not stealing, no-one can copyright the reading of a book.


*Take a look at the game Allods. End-game there, building a ship with your guild mates, taking off into the unknown with random Allods to explore and get gear from. So let guilds build their own ship.(make this hard to achieve) and go into the unknown to encounter random planets that spawn each week. Make them work for it, these planets will have unknown schematics and use never seen before materials to craft them with. Certain types of spawn drop different materials. Use some imagination FFS, you're text-booking at the moment, and it's making me sick.


*Space sux at the moment, you could borrow so much out of EVE it's not funny. Building your own space station would be cool. Capital ships would be cool. Dominating sections of space..also cool. Eve is the only game I know that has the unique ability to destroy months or even years of work in one night. Give people the option to live in this dangerous environment, they won't be able to log off.


Just off the top of my head. You want gaming addiction, come see me. Get your wallet ready though.

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I got 14 days of game time remaining, haven't been online in over a week.

1.2 is too little, too late for me. Two operations, three warzones and dailies gets old real fast. One operation, more dailies and another warzone isn't enough.


Ilum was horrible and got stale extremely fast and now it's dead on my server, except for a few skirmishes over the boxes in the center. World PVP is pretty much non-existent because of how they designed the planets, even on Belsavis you rarely encounter anyone except for through the corridors to the Tomb. Even the quest hubs there are mostly separated, which makes even PVP servers extremely dull.


Voss was fun for a few days, but it died down extremely fast, I met a lot of Republics when I leveled my Powertech at launch, but I only saw a few Imperials when I did my Vanguard some weeks later. Even though there's quite a few more Imperials than Vanguards on my server. It's not even a small server either. It's pretty much always standard and it goes heavy during the peek hours.


I had fun while it lasted though. Loved doing the class quests, but the game is too static and unimaginative for me to make another character. I've already gotten two to level 50, one on the Empire and one in the Republic.

Edited by VidarUlv
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So I played a smuggler to level 38 or something. Finished Act I. Stopped playing some time around the start of Feb or so... eventually I came back, today actually. I made a new char, played it for about an hour, logged for dinner, and I'm not exactly in a hurry to get back in game....


Its funny, all this reading of forums, thinking "do I actually want to play this game?" and know what I suddenly feel like doing? Playing KOTOR. I want to go get all the old mods, get it just how I like it, and play that again cause for some reason on the 10th play through THAT is more fun than a lot of what TOR is. I don't know why, but KOTOR is more fun than this, and somehow that minuscule amount of content relative to this is so much more fun... I dunno.


Whats up eh? Even ME3 is pissing people off with those endings.


BW isn't impressing me like they used to.

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So I played a smuggler to level 38 or something. Finished Act I. Stopped playing some time around the start of Feb or so... eventually I came back, today actually. I made a new char, played it for about an hour, logged for dinner, and I'm not exactly in a hurry to get back in game....


Its funny, all this reading of forums, thinking "do I actually want to play this game?" and know what I suddenly feel like doing? Playing KOTOR. I want to go get all the old mods, get it just how I like it, and play that again cause for some reason on the 10th play through THAT is more fun than a lot of what TOR is. I don't know why, but KOTOR is more fun than this, and somehow that minuscule amount of content relative to this is so much more fun... I dunno.


Whats up eh? Even ME3 is pissing people off with those endings.


BW isn't impressing me like they used to.


You have to learn how to make your own mind and stop going with whatever the internet is saying.


Its a real problem to many people. They dont know what they want.

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I'm desperately waiting for 1.2.... but still playing.......


Think there may have one or two days I have not loged on since the Early access in December...... Mass Effect 3 distracted me, lol


Now I can't say that I'm as excited to play day after day right now..... but I do log in for a couple hours each day even if it's just to check the GTM and do my space missions

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I play two hours a week. One hour for KP and one hour for EV.


Not sure why I'm still subscribed... Will 1.2 make me play more? From the sounds of it probably not. To be honest the endgame is just bad, and I refuse to do those horrible dailies they have in place now. The game needs to be fun on some level, and so far the only 'fun' available to me is playing with my friends and clearing the raids for gear.


Full Rakata - LVL50 SORC Healer

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This game has a lot of promise but I'm not 100% confident in it. It may just be a slightly above average game when I was expecting a better experience, I dunno. Adding better grouping features would definately keep me around. Edited by Touchbass
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Content patch 1.2 is make or break for me. nothing earth shattering in there so I'm most likely gone from MMOs until The Secret World comes out.


good, no one is going to miss you, or your doomsaying friends.

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I never left, and I'm still having a blast, but i am not sure how much longer i can take playing on planets with a total of 8 people at any given time. Every single server has gone from heavy/full to light/standard.


I have gone too far to change servers, and i don't want to think up new names for all the ones that are taken on a new server. Something need to be done to pack players in a bit tighter.

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